1,971 research outputs found

    Enemigos por accidente, neutrales de rebote: diversidad y contingencia en el nacimiento del humanitarismo de guerra, 1862-1864

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    The historiography of the origin and early years of the movement of societies of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent is, in general, highly pervaded by a narrative whose main architect was Henry Dunant himself. So much so, in fact, that there is no satisfactory explanation as to how the attempt to develop medical a technology ended up involving the implementation of a legal technology, namely, Humanitarian Law. In an attempt to critically revise this narrative, a description is made here of that journey, providing evidence on the way in which a technology, even one as highly regarded as the 1864 Geneva Convention, may arise contingently without being intended, not even imagined, within the circles in which it emerged, through diversity interplaying as a collective action, with no need to resort to any explanatory artifice that might demand that the outcomes should actually be the result of any successful intentional route.La historiografía sobre el origen y los primeros años del movimiento de sociedades de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja está, en general, muy contaminado por un relato cuyo principal artífice fue el propio Henry Dunant. Tanto, que no encuentra el modo de dar una explicación satisfactoria a cómo el intento de apuesta por una tecnología sanitaria acaba convertido en la constitución de una tecnología jurídica como es el Derecho Humanitario. Intentando evitar esa contaminación, se ofrece una descripción de ese recorrido dando evidencias de cómo una tecnología, incluso una tan respetada como la Convención de Ginebra de 1864, puede producirse contingentemente sin ser buscada, ni siquiera imaginada en los círculos en los que se produce, por la interacción de la diversidad como acción colectiva, sin tener que acudir al artificio de explicaciones que exigen que los resultados lo sean de recorridos intencionales exitosos

    Las preocupaciones por la desigualdad en salud, educación e ingresos predicen con- juntamente las acciones colectivas

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    The first author is beneficiary of a grant (FPU19/04227) from the FPU Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Universities. Complementary, this research is part of the research project PID2019.105643GB.I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Introduction: Income inequality is often tolerated and justified, but when it brings about disparities in other domains of life (e.g., health or education), it may be seen with di-fferent eyes. In this research, we aimed to explore concerns regarding economic inequality in health, education, and income, and its relationship to supporting collective actions to reduce inequality. Method: We used survey data (N = 20,204, 18 countries) from the Latinobarometer 2020. We conducted descriptive analyses, latent class analyses, and analyses of multilevel linear regression to test our hypothesis. Results: We found that people were more concerned about health access and education opportunities than income inequality. We also identified two classes of people: one class concerned about education and health and the other uncon-cerned about inequality in any domain. In addition, results showed that all concerns and class membership predicted greater support of collective actions to reduce inequality. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest that concerns about education and health disparities may serve to increase awareness of overall inequality and mobilise the public.& COPY; 2023 Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Introducción: La desigualdad de ingresos a menudo se tolera y justifica, pero cuando esta conlleva desigualdades en otros ámbitos de la vida (e.g., salud o educación), puede que se vea con ojos diferentes. En este artículo tratamos de explorar la preocupación por la desigualdad económica en salud, educación e ingresos, así como su relación con el apoyo a acciones colectivas para reducir la desigualdad. Método: Usamos datos secundarios (N = 20 204, 18 países) del Latinobarómetro 2020. Llevamos a cabo análisis descriptivos, análisis de clases latentes y análisis de regresión multinivel. Resultados: Encontramos que la gente estaba más preocupada por el acceso a la salud y las oportunidades en educación que por la desigualdad en el ingreso. También identificamos dos perfiles de personas: unas preocupadas por la educación y la salud, y otras poco preocupadas por la desigualdad en ninguno de los ámbitos. Además, los resultados mostraron que todas las preocupaciones y los distintos perfiles predecían un mayor apoyo a las acciones colectivas para reducir la desigualdad. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos preliminares sugieren que la preocupación por las desigualdades en salud y educación podrían servir para aumentar la conciencia sobre la desigualdad general y movilizar al público.FPU Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Universities. Complementary FPU19/04227MCIN/AEI PID2019.105643GB.I0

    “Los esbirros no han logrado / apagar la luz de la luna”: Rayen Kvyeh

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    La primera parte del artículo es una breve introducción al imaginario poético de Rayen Kvyeh, Flor de luna (en mapudungun), en sus tres libros: Wvne Coyvn Ñi Kvyeh (Luna de los primeros brotes 1996), donde propone una versión personal de la historia colonial chilena; Luna de cenizas (2011), su testimonio sobre la dictadura chilena; y Pu coyvn apoy kvyeh mew (Brotes de luna llena 2012), una apuesta desde el viaje y el erotismo. La segunda parte se ocupa del análisis de estos últimos temas en su obra. La tercera parte propone un diálogo acerca de la identidad, la diferencia cultural y el territorio, desde la perspectiva de los estudios culturales y las discusiones propuestas desde la teoría social y el modo como aborda la naturaleza en su obra poética. Este ensayo se inspiró en una entrevista con la autora, durante la primavera del 2012, en Temuko (Ngulumapu, Chile)

    “Recordar los Andes en territorio cheroqui”. Apuntes trasandinos

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    Letras del sur

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    Niños, jóvenes, adultos, viejos, la imaginación a todos los cuelga del ventilador y los pone a girar hasta que el cuarto despega intempestivamente como si los ventiladores fueran hélices o escobas de bruja. Así es la imaginación, así nos nombra a todos por igual, nos hace zancadilla en la tarde y nos pone a soñar por la ventana. Si bien es difícil conjurarla, de tanto pronunciar sus rezos a veces se hace viento y nos hace soñar por las narices. Todo es posible en su morada, su única certeza es el viaje, el viaje de rodillas, el viaje de puntillas, con la princesa o sin la princesa, pero el viaje siempre

    Shielding effect of power transformers tanks in the ultra-high-frequency detection of partial discharges

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    Partial discharges (PD) measurement is a well-known technique for judgment of the condition of power transformer offline. Phase-resolved PD measurement is a normalized technique for PD tests, but noise, especially by PD-measurements onsite is sometimes difficult to reject, and a post-processing of a pattern is necessary to separate different sources. Higher-frequency-detection devices and processing strategies are useful for PD classification and identification. Recently, ultra-high-frequency (UHF) detection by means of antennas has been shown to be a promising detection system for both offline and online PD-measurements. However, it is necessary to assess whether PD source separation and classification is possible by means of pulse analysis because some additional UHF noise sources are coupled to the detected signals, and it is not clear whether different sources produce different pulses. In this study, the attenuation effect of the metallic tank of a power transformer on the inner PD activity when measured outside the tank was studied. Additionally, experiments were conducted to detect and characterize two different PD sources (internal and external discharges) using two antennas measuring the same phenomenon inside and outside of a transformer. It will also be shown that broadband UHF signals are useful for PD recognition and that a deep study of frequencies below 500 MHz can separate PD occurring inside from those occurring outside when measured with an antenna outside the tank.This research has been supported by the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry under contract DPI 2009-14628- C03-02 and by the Madrid Regional Government and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid under contract CCG10- UC3M/DPI-4627. Tests have been made in the High Voltage Research and Tests Laboratory of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (LINEALT).Publicad

    Phenolic Compounds Recovery from Grape Fruit and By- Products: An Overview of Extraction Methods

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    Phenolic compounds are considered as bioactive compounds having beneficial effects on human health. Because of their biological properties, they have wide applications on pharmaceutical and food industries, and for this reason, it is important to identify most appropriate procedures, which permits the standardization for recovery of these compounds from several plant materials including grapes. Grape fruit and by-products are excellent sources of bioactive compounds such as pigments, organic acids, and phenolic compounds. Several convectional and emerging technologies have been evaluated in order to recover phenolic compounds from grape fruits and wastes such as chemical, physical, and biotechnological techniques, which offer different advantages related to economic, environmental, time-saving, and yield aspects. Nowadays, there is no updated information, which provides an overview about the techniques applied of these bioactive compound recovery in order to obtain high-quality and high-activity extracts rich in phenolic compounds from grape fruit and by-products. This chapter offers relevant aspects related to the techniques employed during the last five years by researches for phenolic compound recovery from grapes