20 research outputs found
Ansiokas tutkimus siirtomaa-ajan Afrikan terveyskulttuurista
Arvosteltu teos: Medicine, mobility and the empire: Nyasaland networks, 1859-1960 / Markku Hokkanen. Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2017
Bilder i bruk Samuli Paulaharjus fotografier i dokumentasjonens og illustrasjonens tjeneste
This article is part of Lena Aarekol's doctoral thesis. Available in Munin at http://hdl.handle.net/10037/2596Since the late 1970s, Norwegian historians have debated the standing of photographs in historical research. Efforts have been made to establish photographs as sources, not merely illustrations in historical narratives. The present article discusses the use of photographs taken in Northern Norway in the 1920s and 1930s by the Finnish author Samuli Paulaharju, best known for his research on Finnish folk culture. Paulaharju’s photographs have been, and still are, used to tell many different stories. While Paulaharju himself used these photographs in his books to illustrate Finnish culture and history as it manifested itself among the Finnish-speaking minority on the shores of Arctic Ocean, in Norway his photographs have been used to illustrate and partly also document Northern Norwegian cultural and social history and Kven history. The analysis also shows that the photographs are widely used in a positivistic manner: they are seen as representing historical reality, whereas in practice the meaning ascribed to the photographs is contingent on the context of
their deployment. In a consequence, we argue that the position of photographs as a source must be reinforced, and that the usual rules of source criticism must also be applied to photographs
Hovedtendenser i norsk historievitenskap 1969–2015 belyst gjennom doktoravhandlinger
An analysis of 361 doctoral dissertations in history, accepted at the universities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Tromsø in the years 1969–2015, shows that the discipline of history has become increasingly diverse. This is particularly evident regarding what from the past is studied, and the theoretical perspectives applied to the study of the past. Historians have also become much more reflected regarding theories and methods, and national history is less dominant than one might expect. However, when it comes to the periods historians prefer to study, and the historian’s gender, the diversity is considerably narrower: Most historians – the majority of whom are male – prefer to study modern history.publishedVersio
Is research welcomed in museums? Museum policy and obstacles to research.
The Norwegian museum policy states that research is an important part of museum activities. Numerous structural and more employee-directed measures have been implemented, nationally and locally in the museums, to further and encourage research activity in the sector. Based on a survey among museum employees who have participated in continuing education courses in research and research publication at the University of Bergen, we argue that structural measures – such as research leadership systems and formal research plans – at individual museums are important, but not sufficient to further research. Individual adaptation of the working environment, where research projects are prioritised by the institution leadership and given time, is crucial for furthering of research in museums.publishedVersio
Digitaalisen markkinoinnin rooli pienissä suomalaisissa B2B-yrityksissä
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mikä on digitaalisen markkinoinnin rooli pienissä suomalaisissa B2B-yrityksissä. Selvityksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella, miten pienet suomalaiset B2B-yritykset hyödyntävät digitaalista markkinointia ja miten henkilökohtainen myyntityö on muuttunut digitalisaation myötä.
Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys koottiin digitaalisen markkinoinnin ja B2B:n ammattikirjallisuudesta sekä sähköisissä välineissä julkaistujen selvitysten ja kirjoitusten pohjalta. Teoriaosuudessa muodostettiin käsitys siitä, mitä erilaisia digitaalisen markkinoinnin kanavia on ja miksi yritysten tulisi ottaa niitä käyttöön. Lisäksi teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tarkasteltiin lyhyesti myös digitalisaatioon liittyvää tekoälyä ja koneoppimista.
Opinnäytetyö tehtiin laadullisena selvityksenä syyskuussa 2018. Kuusi pientä suomalaista B2B-yritystä osallistui selvitykseen. Kaikille yrityksille lähetettiin kyselylomake valmiiksi. Selvitysaineisto kerättiin yrityksiltä kahden puhelinhaastattelun, kolmen sähköpostitse lähetetyn täytetyn kyselylomakkeen ja yhden henkilökohtaisen haastattelun avulla.
Selvityksen tulokset osoittivat, että kaikki yritykset käyttivät digitaalisen markkinoinnin kanavia ja henkilökohtainen myyntityö on edelleen tärkeässä asemassa yritysten liiketoiminnan kannalta. Tulosten mukaan digitaalisen markkinoinnin ja myynnin kanavat sekä keinot ovat myös pienten yritysten saatavilla ja yritykset voivat valita liiketoiminnan luonteen ja koon mukaan soveltuvat digitaalisen markkinoinnin kanavat. Tekoälyn ja koneoppimisen kehittymiseen suhtauduttiin optimistisesti. Haastatellut olivat nuoria yrityksiä, jotka ovat olleet toiminnassa kahdesta viiteen vuotta. Tällä seikalla saattoi olla vaikutusta yritysten digitaalisen markkinoinnin käyttöasteeseen.The purpose of this thesis was to examine the role of digital marketing in small Finnish B2B companies. The main goal was to find out, how much small Finnish B2B companies benefit digital marketing in their businesses and trades as well as to discuss if the role of personal sales work has changed because of digitalization.
The theoretical framework of the study has been collected from digital marketing and B2B literature as well as writings published on the Internet. The comprehension about what channels there are for digital marketing and why companies use them, is built up in the theoretical framework. In addition, the thesis contains also some analysis about artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The thesis was carried out as a qualitative survey in September 2018. Six small Finnish B2B companies participated in the research. The research material was collected from the companies by sending them a questionnaire by email. Two of the companies gave a phone interview, three of them sent answers by email and one of them gave a personal interview.
In coclusion the survey showed that the companies which participated in to survey used at least to some extent the channels of digital marketing and that the personal sales work still has a very important role in their businesses. According to results, the channels of digital marketing are available for the companies and the companies are able to choose the channels and means that fit best for their business activities. The companies viewed the artificial intelligence and machine learning as a positive issue. The companies which participated in the research are relatively young, they have been operating from two to five years, and therefore these factors may have affected the results