18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the residual nitrite concentrations of locally produced and imported meat products in Kosovo

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    The use of food additive nitrite as curing agents is common in meat products, but their concentration in these products has raised the interest of researchers, because of the possible toxicity to humans.  The aim of this study is to assess the nitrite concentration in meat products, which are highly used by all population groups in Kosovo. A total of 44 different meat products samples available on sale to the population, were assessed for residual nitrite using the spectrophotometric method that uses absorption in visible part of spectra. The amount of residual nitrites was detected in 19 (43%) of the samples, which included beef and chicken sausages, chicken & beef salami as well as beef prosciutto samples. The nitrite residue ranged between 0.1 and 11.5 mg/kg and was below the limits on the concentration of nitrites in meat products established by EU regulation 601/2014.  Although these findings show that, the nitrite residue in the analyzed meat products is within the permitted limits, the highest presence of residual nitrite in industrial and low-cost meat products indicates a need for further assessments of nitrite exposure among consumers

    Senzorska svojstva i kemijski sastav Šarskog sira s Kosova

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    Food sensory properties, analyses and chemical composition are very important because they provide information about product quality and end-user acceptance or preferences. An assessment of sensory characteristics and chemical composition of mountain sheep and cow’s-milk cheese from shepherd’s huts and industrial manufacturers in Kosovo was carried out. Consumer-oriented tests using a 9 point hedonic scale were conducted in order to determine Sharri cheese acceptability. Chemical parameters (fat content, fat content of dry matter, acidity, protein, dry matter, mineral and water content and sodium chloride content) of 45-day brine cheese samples were also analyzed. Chemical and sensory assessment demonstrated large property differences. A recommendation stems from the results showing that the standardization of both artisanal and industrial production of Sharri cheese is required.Senzorska svojstva i kemijski sastav hrane vrlo su značajni jer pružaju informaciju o kvaliteti proizvoda te o njegovoj prihvatljivosti za krajnjeg korisnika. Provedena je procjena senzorskih karakteristika i kemijskog sastava planinskog sira od ovčjeg i kravljeg mlijeka pastirskih gospodarstava i od industrijskih proizvođača s Kosova. Testiranje potrošača provedeno je hedonističkom ljestvicom s 9 bodova kako bi se utvrdila prihvatljivost Šarskog sira. Također su analizirani kemijski pokazatelji (udio masti, udio masnoća u suhoj tvari, kiselost, proteini, mineralne tvari, te količina vode i natrija) u uzorcima sira u salamuri, pohranjenog 45 dana. Kemijska analiza i senzorska procjena pokazale su velike razlike u svojstvima, što ukazuje na potrebu da se standardizira proizvodnja Šarskog sira, kako u zanatskim tako i u industrijskim uvjetima

    Effects of cold-stratification, gibberellic acid and potassium nitrate on seed germination of yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea L.)

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    The purpose of this study was to show the effect of cold-stratification, gibberellic acid and potassium nitrate on seed germination of yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea L.). The seeds of natural yellow gentian populations of the Albanian Alps (Kosovo) were collected in September 2010. Seeds placed in filter paper (plastic bag) and in mixture of sand-soil were cold-stratified (2±1°C) for 72 days. The effect of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (250, 500 and 1000 ppm GA3) and potassium nitrate (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% KNO3) in final germination percentage (FGP), mean germination time (MGT) and germination index (GI) in non-stratified and stratified seeds were examined. Seeds stratified in filter paper and treated with 1000 ppm GA3 and 0.1% KNO3 showed significantly higher percentage of germination (FGP and GI), while seeds stratified in mixture of sand-soil showed the highest values of FGP and GI in treatments with 500 ppm GA3 and different concentrations of KNO3. The cold-stratification and GA3 treatments of yellow gentian seeds are suitable for the higher percentage of germinations.Key words: Gentiana lutea L., cold-stratification, seeds, germination, gibberellic acid (GA3), potassium nitrate (KNO3)

    Nutritional status of preschool children attending kindergartens in Kosovo

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    Background: There is very limited data on malnutrition of preschool children in Kosovo. The main objective of the study is to provide a nutritional status profile of preschool children attending kindergartens in Kosovo. Methods: Cross-sectional study of children aged 12\u201359 months (n = 352 children) and children aged 60\u201383 months (n = 134) enrolled in public and private kindergartens of Kosovo. Anthropometric measurements used for this study are weight and height of the preschoolers (12\u201383 months). A measuring board was used for measuring the length/height of children younger than 2 years, while digital weight and height scale Seca 763 was used for measuring of preschool children taller than 110 and Seca 213 was used for measuring the height for children who were shorter than 110 cm. Statistical analyses of underweight and overweight trends across sex and age groups as well as between children from public and private kindergartens were carried out. Qualitative variables were tested with a chi-square test. The differences between groups were assessed with a Student t test for normally distributed variables and a Mann-Whitney test for abnormally distributed numerical variables. Results: The mean z-scores for weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height, and BMI-for-age largely fell within 0.0 and 1.0. The percentage of stunted children is 3%, whereas child wasting is 1.9%. The overall percentage of obese children is 2.3%; furthermore, 8.9% are overweight and 27.3% have a possible risk of being overweight. Conclusions: The incidence of children underweight is slightly decreasing. The prevalence of overweight and obese children in sample chosen is evident

    Nutrition in Kindergartens of Kosovo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan bernyanyi pada anak usia 4-5 tahun di Taman Kanak-kanak Kelurahan Magersari. Kemampuan bernyanyi yang diteliti merupakan aspek kepekaan musikal pada anak meliputi (1) anak mampu bernyanyi sesuai nada; dan (2) anak mampu bernyanyi sesuai ritme. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi dengan alat bantu checklist. Populasi penelitian adalah anak-anak berusia 4-5 tahun di Kelurahan Magersari. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 88 anak yang diambil dari empat Taman Kanak-kanak di Kelurahan Magersari yaitu RA Masyithoh 2, TK Pertiwi Tejosari, TK Aisyiyah 5, dan TK Siwi Peni 6. Data hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, dianalisis dengan menggunakan skor persentase rerata yang kemudian dikategorikanberdasarkan tingkat kriteria penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kemampuan bernyanyi sesuai nada anak usia 4-5 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kelurahan Magersari berada pada tingkat cukup baik. Anak-anak mampu bernyanyi dengan baik bila mereka bernyanyi bersama-sama guru. Pada kemampuan bernyanyi sesuai ritme anak usia 4-5 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kelurahan Magersari berada pada tingkat cukup baik. Anak mampu bernyanyi tepat ritme dengan bantuan guru.Tingkat kemampuan bernyanyi anak usia 4-5 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kelurahan Magersari adalah cukup baik. Anak-anak mampu bernyanyi tepat nada dan tepat ritme dengan bantuan guru. Kata kunci: kemampuan bernyanyi, anak usia din

    Microbiological quality of sharri cheese

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    Prema statističkim podacima različitih zemalja svijeta, sirevi koji su proizvodeni iz sirovog mlijeka mogu predstavljati opasnost za potrosače budući da se pri proizvodnji ne provodi postupak pasterizacije sa ciljem uklanjanja patogenih mikroorganizama. Svrha ovog rada bila je odrediti mikrobiološku ispravnost šarskog sira koji se proizvodi na Kosovu. Istraživanje ispravnosti je obuhvatilo sve faze proizvodnje od mlijeka kao osnovne sirovine do konačnog proizvoda, u razdoblju od srpnja do listopada godine 2007. Uzorkovanje je obavljeno četiri puta na četiri lokacije Prizrenske regije. Istraživanje prisutnosti patogenih bakterija provedeno je u nepasteriziranom ovčjem mlijeku i siru te u pasteriziranom kravljem mlijeku i siru. Osim mikrobiološkog istraživanja, određivala se i mikrobiološka kakvoća vode za piće te analiza fizikalnih i kemijskih parametara uključujući senzorske analize gotovog proizvoda primjenom hedonističke skale. Istraživanje se provodilo prema EU propisu 853/2004, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 i Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2074/2005. 77% uzoraka sirovog mlijeka nije zadovoljilo standarde propisane Europskim propisom 853/2004 (poglavlje III, čl.3.b) o sirovom mlijeku namijenjenom za preradu mliječnih proizvoda. 77% uzoraka koaguluma/gruša nije zadovoljilo standarde propisane Europskim propisom 2073/2005. 100% uzoraka sira poslije perioda zrenja 8-10 dana nije zadovoljilo standarde propisane Europskim propisom 2073/2005. 100% uzoraka sira poslije 45 dana u rasolu nije zadovoljilo standarde propisane Europskim propisom 2073/2005. Mikrobiološka neispravnost šarskog sira pokazala je da je potrebno poduzeti radikalne mjere u cilju poboljšanja proizvođačke infrastrukture, nadzirati zdravstveno stanja ovaca i krava, te da je potrebno za primjenu dobre proizvođačke prakse poboljšati higijenske uvjete i osobnu higijenu osoblja.According to the statistical data of different countries of the world, cheeses that are produced from raw milk can represent a danger for consumers since the production does not include the pasteurization process which aims to eliminate pathogenic micro-organisms. The aim of this work was to determine the microbiological quality of Sharri cheese that is produced in Kosovo. The research covered all production phases starting from raw milk up to the final product in the period of time from July 2007 to October 2007. Sampling was carried out four times over four locations of the Prizren Region. Investigation for the presence of pathogenic bacteria was conducted in unpasteurized sheep milk and cheese and in pasteurized cows’ milk and cheese. In addition to this microbiological research the study investigated the microbiological quality of drinking water and analysed the chemical and physical parameters, including sensory testing, of the final product using the Hedonistic scale. The investigation was carried out according to EU directive 853/2004, Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2074/2005. Seventy seven per cent of samples did not fulfill standards as regulated by EU regulation 853/2004 (chapter III, article.3.b) on raw milk intended for processing of milk products. 77% of coagulum samples did not fulfill the standards regulated by EU regulation 2073/2005. 100% of cheese samples matured for a period of 8-10 days did not fulfill the standards regulated by EU regulation 2073/2005. 100% of cheese samples after 45 days in brine did not fulfill the standards regulated by EU regulation 2073/2005. Microbiological irregularities of Sharri cheese showed the need for taking radical measures with the intention to improve the processing infrastructure, the surveillance of the health status of sheep and cows and for the implementation of good production practices. There is also a need for improvement in the hygienic conditions and the personal hygiene of the staff


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    Pandemik COVID-19 sudah melanda Indonesia sejak bulan Maret 2020. PT. X adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang catering dan facility management dan memiliki projek di site Y yang bergerak di sektor Minyak dan Gas. Selama masa pandemik COVID-19 ini, angka kecelakaan kerja yang ada di PT. X, site Y mengalami kenaikan dari tahun 2019 menuju tahun 2020. Salah satu kejadian yang terjadi di site Y pada tahun 2020 adalah terjadinya pengurangan People on Board (POB) di site Y hingga 50% dan penutupan jalur penerbangan akibat pandemik COVID-19. Data yang digunakan berasal dari data sekunder dari PT. X, Site Y yang merupakan kumpulan hasil investigasi kecelakaan kerja yang ada di PT. X, site Y dari tahun 2020-2021. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan studi prevalensi yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan kondisi faktor atau dampak apa saja, dilihat dari akar masalah kecelakaan kerja, yang mempengaruhi kecelakaan kerja yang ada di PT. X, site Y. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah jumlah tertinggi jenis kelamin yang mengalami kecelakaan kerja terdapat pada laki-laki (82,4%). Jumlah tertinggi terjadinya kecelakaan kerja terdapat pada Dampak Psikososial (51,8 %). Jumlah tertinggi terjadinya kecelakaan kerja karena akar masalah berdasarkan Systematic Cause Analysis Technique (SCAT) adalah kategori kepemimpinan/supervisi yang tidak memadai (28,6 %). Dari penelitian ini ditemukan dampak Psikososial pada pekerja selama era Pandemik COVID-19 memiliki hasil tertinggi sebagai akar masalah pada kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi di PT. X, Site Y. Dampak psikososial yang terlihat menurut kategori penyebab dasar sesuai dengan Teknik Analisis Penyebab Sistematis (SCAT) adalah  kepemimpinan/supervisi yang tidak memadai, dan didukung dengan adanya penyebab lain seperti mental atau psikologis distres, penyalahgunaan dan kurangnya pengetahuan

    Evaluating the Physicochemical Properties of Some Kosovo’s and Imported Honey Samples

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    This study evaluated the physicochemical properties (moisture, pH, electrical conductivity, free acidity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), proteins, insoluble solids, and ash) of 45 Kosovo’s and imported honey samples, using methods provided by national and international standards. The moisture values of all honey samples analyzed were below 20%. The free acidity was above 50.0 meq kg−1 in 14 out of 33 samples (42%) collected in Kosovo, while 2 out of 12 imported honey samples (16.7%) showed higher values than 50 meq kg−1. In this study, 7 out of 33 honey samples (21%) from Kosovo and one out of 12 honey samples from imports had soluble solids content below 80 °Brix. In terms of HMF, 5 out of 33 Kosovo honey samples (15%) and 4 out of 12 imported honey samples (33%) exceeded 40 mg/kg, which is the maximum content of HMF set in standards. The values of some physicochemical parameters (free acidity, HMF, and soluble solids) of local and imported honey samples are not within the quality limits set in legislation. Further studies are needed to evaluate the properties of fresh honey produced in Kosovo and the stability of honey during prolonged storage

    Nutritional status of preschool children attending kindergartens in Kosovo

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    Abstract Background There is very limited data on malnutrition of preschool children in Kosovo. The main objective of the study is to provide a nutritional status profile of preschool children attending kindergartens in Kosovo. Methods Cross-sectional study of children aged 12–59 months (n = 352 children) and children aged 60–83 months (n = 134) enrolled in public and private kindergartens of Kosovo. Anthropometric measurements used for this study are weight and height of the preschoolers (12–83 months). A measuring board was used for measuring the length/height of children younger than 2 years, while digital weight and height scale Seca 763 was used for measuring of preschool children taller than 110 and Seca 213 was used for measuring the height for children who were shorter than 110 cm. Statistical analyses of underweight and overweight trends across sex and age groups as well as between children from public and private kindergartens were carried out. Qualitative variables were tested with a chi-square test. The differences between groups were assessed with a Student t test for normally distributed variables and a Mann-Whitney test for abnormally distributed numerical variables. Results The mean z-scores for weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height, and BMI-for-age largely fell within 0.0 and 1.0. The percentage of stunted children is 3%, whereas child wasting is 1.9%. The overall percentage of obese children is 2.3%; furthermore, 8.9% are overweight and 27.3% have a possible risk of being overweight. Conclusions The incidence of children underweight is slightly decreasing. The prevalence of overweight and obese children in sample chosen is evident