229 research outputs found

    Improving scenario methods in infrastructure planning: a case study of long distance travel and mobility in the uk under extreme weather uncertainty and a changing climate

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    This paper develops a mixed method approach to infrastructure planning through a United Kingdom (UK) case study examining the impact of a changing climate on long distance travel and mobility between London and Glasgow. A novel combination of a qualitative method - Systematic Qualitative Foresight (SQF) - and quantitative simulation using discrete choice stated preference methods is applied. The main dataset is a travel behaviour survey of over 2,000 residents of London and Glasgow. Three illustrative SQF-based scenarios are developed incorporating society, technology and climate dimensions. For each scenario, the choice of long-distance travel mode by two groups of respondents generated by cluster analysis is simulated using stated preference survey data to describe the choices likely to be made by actors within each scenario. We demonstrate the importance of considering a wide range of variables when creating instruments for infrastructure planning decisions. Our results show that weather-related disruption has consequences for travel behaviour, with a considerable number of travellers deciding not to travel despite the importance of their trip. However, the vast majority of travellers would still travel. This should be considered by policy makers, and those responsible for transport infrastructure, in order to increase its resilience to extreme weather and demand, and better devise contingencies plans to contain, and minimise, the effect of the disruptions on the users. The method described has wider implications for infrastructure planning, particularly in its ability to engage a broader range of stakeholders and to avoid linear models of prediction. By emphasising the creation of a plausible decision space, it offers the possibility of increased robustness and resilience in infrastructure planning

    Recovery from social isolation in Drosophila: The role of dopamine and the autism-related gene nlg3.

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    Within a group, individuals establish their preferred distance from each other, or social space, a form of social behaviour. The resulting distance depends on the exchange of social cues from others that needs to be perceived and integrated within the organism’s neural circuitry. In humans, social spacing can be impaired in neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia. When organisms are subject to social isolation, profound changes in social behaviour are observed in a variety of species from insects to mammals, including social space. However, the genetic and molecular mechanisms modulating a behavioural response to isolation and possible recovery remain to be elucidated. I first investigated the effects of social isolation and recovery on social space of Drosophila melanogaster. Then I studied the role of two potential modulators of social space in response to isolation: neuroligin3, an ortholog of the autism-relatedneuroligin genes, and dopamine, a neuromodulator. Manipulations of both neuroligin3 and dopamine affect social behaviour in many organisms, making them prime candidates to study their involvement in isolation and the recovery from isolation. Using a loss of function mutant, I determined that the neuroligin3 gene is required for a typical response to isolation, but protein levels remained unchanged after isolation. Using the fly Gal4-UAS system, I expressed RNAi against tyrosine hydroxylase in dopaminergic neurons to reduce dopamine levels. I found that dopamine was required for a response to isolation in a sex-specific manner and that dopamine levels decrease in males, but not females after isolation. To determine if neuroligin3 and dopamine are working together in modulating social space, I first assessed dopamine levels and found that they are reduced in the neuroligin3 mutant and without neuroligin3, dopamine levels did not change in response to social experience. Lastly, I conducted a small targeted genetic screen using RNAi against post-synaptic proteins at the synapse to begin identifying other candidates required for a response to isolation. This research identified neuroligin3 and dopamine in the modulation of Drosophila social space after isolation and recovery, and that role could potentially be conserved, as other basic molecular mechanisms first discovered in flies

    Synergistic Positive Feedback Mechanisms Underlying Seizure Initiation

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    Investigations into seizure initiation, in recent years, have focused almost entirely upon alterations of interneuronal function, chloride homeostasis, and extracellular potassium levels. In contrast, little attention has been directed toward a possible role of dendritic plateau potentials in the actual ictogenic transition, despite a substantial literature dating back 40 years regarding its importance generally in epilepsy. Here, we argue that an increase in dendritic excitability, coordinated across the population of pyramidal cells, is a key stage in ictogenesis

    Printable Flexible Robots for Remote Learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of digital fabrication to enable online learning, which remains a challenge for robotics courses. We introduce a teaching methodology that allows students to participate remotely in a hands-on robotics course involving the design and fabrication of robots. Our methodology employs 3D printing techniques with flexible filaments to create innovative soft robots; robots are made from flexible, as opposed to rigid, materials. Students design flexible robotic components such as actuators, sensors, and controllers using CAD software, upload their designs to a remote 3D printing station, monitor the print with a web camera, and inspect the components with lab staff before being mailed for testing and assembly. At the end of the course, students will have iterated through several designs and created fluidically-driven soft robots. Our remote teaching methodology enables educators to utilize 3D printing resources to teach soft robotics and cultivate creativity among students to design novel and innovative robots. Our methodology seeks to democratize robotics engineering by decoupling hands-on learning experiences from expensive equipment in the learning environment.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, peer reviewed and presented paper at American Society of Engineering Education, April 22-23rd, 2022 - Wentworth Institute of Technolog

    The HAT TRICK programme for improving physical activity, healthy eating and connectedness among overweight, inactive men: Study protocol of a pragmatic feasibility trial

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    Introduction  Physical activity, healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight are associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer and with improved mental health. Despite these benefits, many men do not meet recommended physical activity guidelines and have poor eating behaviours. Many health promotion programmes hold little appeal to men and consequently fail to influence men's health practices. HAT TRICK was designed as a 12-week face-to-face, gender-sensitised intervention for overweight and inactive men focusing on physical activity, healthy eating and social connectedness and was delivered in collaboration with a major junior Canadian ice hockey team (age range 16-20 years). The programme was implemented and evaluated to assess its feasibility. This article describes the intervention design and study protocol of HAT TRICK.  Methods and analysis  HAT TRICK participants (n=60) were men age 35 years, residing in the Okanagan Region of British Columbia, who accumulate 150 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity a week, with a body mass index of >25 kg/m 2 and a pant waist size of >38'. Each 90 min weekly session included targeted health education and theory-guided behavioural change techniques, as well as a progressive (ie, an increase in duration and intensity) group physical activity component. Outcome measures were collected at baseline, 12 weeks and 9 months and included the following: objectively measured anthropometrics, blood pressure, heart rate, physical activity and sedentary behaviour, as well as self-reported physical activity, sedentary behaviour, diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, sleep habits, risk of depression, health-related quality of life and social connectedness. Programme feasibility data (eg, recruitment, satisfaction, adherence, content delivery) were assessed at 12 weeks via interviews and self-report.  Ethics and dissemination  Ethical approval was obtained from the University of British Columbia Okanagan Behavioural Research Ethics Board (reference no H1600736). Study findings will be disseminated through academic meetings, peer-reviewed publication, web-based podcasts, social media, plain language summaries and co-delivered community presentations.  Trial registration number  ISRCTN43361357,Pre results

    Abnormal social interactions in a Drosophila mutant of an autism candidate gene: Neuroligin 3

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    Social interactions are typically impaired in neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, for which the genetic underpinnings are very complex. Social interactions can be modeled by analysis of behaviors, including social spacing, sociability, and aggression, in simpler organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we examined the effects of mutants of the autism-related gene neuroligin 3 (nlg3) on fly social and non-social behaviors. Startled-induced negative geotaxis is affected by a loss of function nlg3 mutation. Social space and aggression are also altered in a sex-and social-experience-specific manner in nlg3 mutant flies. In light of the conserved roles that neuroligins play in social behavior, our results offer insight into the regulation of social behavior in other organisms, including humans

    Assessment of the Degree of Willingness to Change from Motorized Travel Modes to Walking or Cycling

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    This paper presents an analysis of the degree of willingness to change from motorized travel modes to walking or cycling. The aim of the analysis is to reduce uncertainty between stated willingness to change and real shifts from car or transit to nonmotorized transportation modes. Data were collected in the city of Valencia, Spain, through a novel data collection effort based on multiple survey methods. Respondents traveling by car or transit were asked about their willingness to change to walking or cycling under the implementation of improvement measures to be selected. Then a hypothetical scenario was presented to respondents who stated a willingness to change; in the scenario, the previously selected measures were implemented and respondents were supposed to be cycling or walking. In addition, the costs of their usual travel mode were gradually reduced until they gave up cycling or walking. Those who decided to keep on walking or cycling were assumed to have a strong willingness to change. A statistical analysis performed with Heckman's sample selection model permitted identification of demographic, socioeconomic, and travel-related factors influencing the degree of willingness to change. Results revealed that car users presented a stronger willingness to switch to walking or cycling than transit users. In addition, older respondents showed a stronger willingness to change to both walking and cycling. Work- and school-related journeys were less associated with walking than noncommuting journeys, but they were more related to cycling. Policy implications of the results are highlighted.Ferrer, S.; Ruiz Sánchez, T. (2013). Assessment of the Degree of Willingness to Change from Motorized Travel Modes to Walking or Cycling. Transportation Research Record. (2382):112-120. doi:10.3141/2382-13S112120238

    Coordination of microtubule and microfilament dynamics by Drosophila Rho1, Spire, and Cappuccino

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    The actin nucleation factors Spire and Cappuccino regulate the onset of ooplasmic streaming in Drosophila1-5. Although this streaming event is microtubule-based, actin assembly is required for its timing. It is not understood how the interaction of microtubules and microfilaments is mediated in this context. Here we demonstrate that Cappuccino and Spire have microtubule and microfilament crosslinking activity. The spire locus encodes several distinct protein isoforms (SpireA, SpireC, and SpireD). SpireD was recently shown to nucleate actin, but the activity of the other isoforms has not been addressed. We find that SpireD does not have crosslinking activity, while SpireC is a potent crosslinker. We show that SpireD binds to Cappuccino and inhibits Factin/ microtubule crosslinking, and activated Rho1 abolishes this inhibition, establishing a mechanistic basis for the regulation of Capu and Spire activity. We propose that Rho1, cappuccino and spire are elements of a conserved developmental cassette that is capable of directly mediating crosstalk between microtubules and microfilaments

    Dynamic Modelling under Uncertainty: The Case of Trypanosoma brucei Energy Metabolism

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    Kinetic models of metabolism require detailed knowledge of kinetic parameters. However, due to measurement errors or lack of data this knowledge is often uncertain. The model of glycolysis in the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei is a particularly well analysed example of a quantitative metabolic model, but so far it has been studied with a fixed set of parameters only. Here we evaluate the effect of parameter uncertainty. In order to define probability distributions for each parameter, information about the experimental sources and confidence intervals for all parameters were collected. We created a wiki-based website dedicated to the detailed documentation of this information: the SilicoTryp wiki (http://silicotryp.ibls.gla.ac.uk/wiki/Glycolysis). Using information collected in the wiki, we then assigned probability distributions to all parameters of the model. This allowed us to sample sets of alternative models, accurately representing our degree of uncertainty. Some properties of the model, such as the repartition of the glycolytic flux between the glycerol and pyruvate producing branches, are robust to these uncertainties. However, our analysis also allowed us to identify fragilities of the model leading to the accumulation of 3-phosphoglycerate and/or pyruvate. The analysis of the control coefficients revealed the importance of taking into account the uncertainties about the parameters, as the ranking of the reactions can be greatly affected. This work will now form the basis for a comprehensive Bayesian analysis and extension of the model considering alternative topologies

    Adolescents’ beverage choice at school and the impact on sugar intake

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    Background/Objectives: To examine students’ beverage choice in school, with reference to its contribution to students’ intake of non-milk extrinsic (NME) sugars. Subjects/Methods: Beverage and food selection data for students aged 11–18 years (n=2461) were collected from two large secondary schools in England, for a continuous period of 145 (school A) and 125 (school B) school days. Descriptive analysis followed by cluster analysis of the beverage data were performed separately for each school. Results: More than a third of all items selected by students were beverages, and juice-based beverages were students’ most popular choice (school A, 38.6%; school B, 35.2%). Mean NME sugars derived from beverages alone was high (school A, 16.7 g/student-day; school B, 12.9 g/student-day). Based on beverage purchases, six clusters of students were identified at each school (school A: ‘juice-based’, ‘assorted’, ‘water’, ‘cartoned flavoured milk’, ‘bottled flavoured milk’, ‘high volume juice-based’; school B: ‘assorted’, ‘water with juice-based’, ‘sparkling juice/juice-based’, ‘water’, ‘high volume water’, ‘high volume juice-based’). Both schools included ‘high volume juice-based’ clusters with the highest NME sugar means from beverages (school A, 28.6 g/student-day; school B, 24.4 g/student-day), and ‘water’ clusters with the lowest. A hierarchy in NME sugars was found according to cluster; students in the ‘high volume juice-based’ cluster returned significantly higher levels of NME sugars than students in other clusters. Conclusions: This study reveals the contribution that school beverages combined with students’ beverage choice behaviour is making to students’ NME sugar intake. These findings inform school food initiatives, and more generally public health policy around adolescents’ dietary intake
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