56 research outputs found

    A dosimetric comparison of real-time adaptive and non-adaptive radiotherapy: A multi-institutional study encompassing robotic, gimbaled, multileaf collimator and couch tracking

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    AbstractPurposeA study of real-time adaptive radiotherapy systems was performed to test the hypothesis that, across delivery systems and institutions, the dosimetric accuracy is improved with adaptive treatments over non-adaptive radiotherapy in the presence of patient-measured tumor motion.Methods and materialsTen institutions with robotic(2), gimbaled(2), MLC(4) or couch tracking(2) used common materials including CT and structure sets, motion traces and planning protocols to create a lung and a prostate plan. For each motion trace, the plan was delivered twice to a moving dosimeter; with and without real-time adaptation. Each measurement was compared to a static measurement and the percentage of failed points for Îł-tests recorded.ResultsFor all lung traces all measurement sets show improved dose accuracy with a mean 2%/2mm Îł-fail rate of 1.6% with adaptation and 15.2% without adaptation (p<0.001). For all prostate the mean 2%/2mm Îł-fail rate was 1.4% with adaptation and 17.3% without adaptation (p<0.001). The difference between the four systems was small with an average 2%/2mm Îł-fail rate of <3% for all systems with adaptation for lung and prostate.ConclusionsThe investigated systems all accounted for realistic tumor motion accurately and performed to a similar high standard, with real-time adaptation significantly outperforming non-adaptive delivery methods

    A robust deconvolution method to disentangle multiple water pools in diffusion MRI

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    The diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) signal measured in vivo arises from multiple diffusion domains, including hindered and restricted water pools, free water and blood pseudo-diffusion. Not accounting for the correct number of components can bias metrics obtained from model fitting because of partial volume effects that are present in, for instance, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI). Approaches that aim to overcome this shortcoming generally make assumptions about the number of considered components, which are not likely to hold for all voxels. The spectral analysis of the dMRI signal has been proposed to relax assumptions on the number of components. However, it currently requires a clinically challenging signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and accounts only for two diffusion processes defined by hard thresholds. In this work, we developed a method to automatically identify the number of components in the spectral analysis, and enforced its robustness to noise, including outlier rejection and a data-driven regularization term. Furthermore, we showed how this method can be used to take into account partial volume effects in DTI and DKI fitting. The proof of concept and performance of the method were evaluated through numerical simulations and in vivo MRI data acquired at 3 T. With simulations our method reliably decomposed three diffusion components from SNR = 30. Biases in metrics derived from DTI and DKI were considerably reduced when components beyond hindered diffusion were taken into account. With the in vivo data our method determined three macro-compartments, which were consistent with hindered diffusion, free water and pseudo-diffusion. Taking free water and pseudo-diffusion into account in DKI resulted in lower mean diffusivity and higher fractional anisotropy values in both gray and white matter. In conclusion, the proposed method allows one to determine co-existing diffusion compartments without prior assumptions on their number, and to account for undesired signal contaminations within clinically achievable SNR levels

    Long term safety and visibility of a novel liquid ïŹducial marker foruse in image guided radiotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer

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    Safety and clinical feasibility of injecting a novel liquid fiducial marker for use in image guided radiotherapy in 15 patients with non-small cell lung cancer are reported. No major safety or toxicity issues were encountered. Markers present at start of radiotherapy remained visible in cone beam computed tomography and fluoroscopy images throughout the treatment course and on computed tomography images during follow-up (0–38 months). Marker volume reduction was seen until 9 months after treatment, after which no further marker breakdown was found. No post-treatment migration or marker related complications were found. Keywords: Liquid fiducial marker, Image-guided radiotherapy, NSCLC, Endoscopic ultrasound, EBU

    Circle-time in Kindergarten : about Leadership and Child influence.

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    Samlingen Àr en integrerad del av den svenska förskolan och den cirkulÀra samlingen hÀrstammar ur Fröbelpedagogiken. VÄr studie handlar om pedagogers syn pÄ samlingen samt hur de införlivar demokratin i samlingen. Under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen har vi sett olika tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt i samlingen som pedagogerna anvÀnt sig av.Vi har anvÀnt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi dÀr vi anvÀnt oss av intervjuer för insamlandet av data. Intervjuerna har genomförts med tio ordinarie pedagoger pÄ fyra avdelningar i en kommun i södra Sverige.Genom individuella intervjuer vill vi belysa pedagogers syn pÄ den cirkulÀra samlingen som verktyg i den pedagogiska verksamheten. Vi vill undersöka hur pedagogerna beskriver organisation och sitt ledarskap för att frÀmja barnens delaktighet och in flytande.Pedagogerna i intervjuerna Àr överens om att barn ska ha inflytande i samlingen samt att barns intresse och behov ska styra samlingens form. Det rÄder Àven en konsensus om att samling inte passar alla barn. DÄ mÄste pedagoger bemöta de barn som inte vill eller klarar av en samling dÀr hela gruppen Àr nÀrvarande. PÄ flera avdelningar vÀljer pedagogerna att dela upp barngruppen i mindre grupper för att kunna ge alla barn tal-utrymme

    Diffusion-encoded MRI for assessment of structure and microcirculation : Aspects of q-space imaging and improved IVIM modelling

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    Diffusion and perfusion MRI are valuable methods for investigating the microstructure and viability of tissue. One pure diffusion study was included in this thesis, with the purpose of studying microstructure and carrying out size estimations with the q-space diffusion imaging method. This is a method that has predominantly been explored with NMR spectrometers. In our study, a biological phantom consisting of asparagus stems was investigated using a clinical MRI unit to gain further knowledge about the q-space methodology in a setting where gradient performance is limited. Even though the q-space method showed limited possibilities, retrieval of some structural information was shown to be feasible.In the remaining three doctoral thesis projects, the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging concept was explored, allowing for extraction of combined diffusion and perfusion information from a given dataset. IVIM imaging is a non-invasive technique for acquiring diffusivity as well as microvascular and perfusion-related parameters using a diffusion-weighted pulse sequence. The model used in this technique is often limited because no relaxation properties are incorporated, and also because the signal component from blood is contaminated by cerebrospinal fluid/free water.One study was dedicated to exploring the IVIM parameters at different field strengths and the influence of relaxation and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was observed. Although the repeatability was generally better at higher magnetic field strength, it was shown that the relaxation properties and an unexpectedly low SNR at high field strengths resulted in erroneous blood volume estimates. The model commonly used for IVIM data analysis was then modified to compensate for relaxation effects, based on literature values. When this correction was performed, results from the lower field strengths showed lower discrepancy from expected values, while the results from higher field strength were still erroneous, likely due to physiological noise.In a following project, relaxation times were actually measured during the data collection, and incorporated to compensate for relaxation and improve the fitting procedure. The model was also upgraded to a three-compartment model to better describe the underlying tissue by including the cerebrospinal fluid component. Compared to a non-relaxation-compensated model, the three-compartment model with relaxation-compensated data modified the obtained results and reduced the CSF contamination.The last IVIM project also included a three-compartment model, but in this case the purpose of the third compartment was to improve the quantification of the fraction of free water. The free water fraction has been established as a source of clinically useful image contrast, pointing at pathologies that affect the extracellular space, for example, atrophy and neuroinflammation. With our model, the bias from microcirculation was reduced in the free water estimate. A model where extracellular and microvascular effects can be separated might enable new diagnostic possibilities

    "Mobilen - En extra kompis" : En kvalitativ studie av mobilanvÀndning bland högstadieelever

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    Denna uppsats syfte har varit att undersöka vilken roll mobilen spelar i en grupp ungdomars liv och dĂ„ framförallt i skolan. Vi har intervjuat Ă„tta elever pĂ„ en högstadieskola samt utfört observationer för att fĂ„ en sĂ„ klar bild som möjligt av deras förhĂ„llande till mobilanvĂ€ndning. Tidigare forskning har visat att mobilens roll har kommit att bli större och viktigare och den sociala interaktionen som tidigare i större utstrĂ€ckning skett ansikte mot ansikte Ă€r nu mer benĂ€gen att ske genom mobilen. Mobilens inverkan pĂ„ individ och samhĂ€llet har bĂ„de positiva och negativa effekter, vilket undersöks i uppsatsen. De frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som behandlas rör hur eleverna upplever dagens mobilanvĂ€ndning, hur de anvĂ€nder sina mobiler och hur detta pĂ„verkar den sociala interaktionen. Även huruvida eleverna har ett behov av att vara antrĂ€ffbara samt hur de kĂ€nner av mobilens pĂ„verkan? Uppsatsens sociologiska analys görs med hjĂ€lp av teman som behandlar konsumtion, modernitet, tid och rum, social interaktion genom mobilen och nĂ€tverkssamhĂ€llet. Resultatet visar att mobilen spelar en stor roll i ungdomarnas liv och att den sociala interaktionen till viss del begrĂ€nsas av mobilen. Eleverna upplever att de stĂ€ndigt mĂ„ste kunna vara antrĂ€ffbara och uppdaterade och kan kĂ€nna sig illa till mods nĂ€r mobilen inte finns tillgĂ€nglig.This paper has aimed to explore the role that mobile phone plays in a group of young people's lives in school. We interviewed eight students at a secondary school and performed observations to get as clear a picture as possible of their mobile phone use. Previous research has shown that mobile's role has become more and more important and the social interaction that were previously more widely been face to face is now more likely to be through mobile phone. The mobile's impact on the individual and society has both positive and negative effects. The issues addressed concerns how students experience today's smartphone use, how they use their phones and how this affects social interaction. Even whether students have a need to be reachable and how they feel of the phone's impact? The sociological analysis of this paper is done using themes that deal with consumption, modernity, time and space, social interaction through the smartphone and the network society. The result shows that mobile phone plays a big role in young people's lives and social interactions to some extent limited by the mobile phone. Students feel that they must constantly be reachable and updated and may feel uneasy when the phone is not available

    AnmÀlningsplikten i förskolan : "MisstÀnker vi att ett barn far illa hemma dÄ Àr det ju en anmÀlan."

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    En del forskning pĂ„visar att en orosanmĂ€lan utförs pĂ„ olika grunder och det upplevs som bekymmersamt att veta nĂ€r en orosanmälan bör göras. Annan forskning indikerar att förskolepersonal har brist pĂ„ kunskap och kĂ€nner en osĂ€kerhet kring anmĂ€lningsplikten. Syftet med den hĂ€r studien Ă€r att undersöka hur förskolepersonal resonerar kring anmĂ€lningsplikten i förskolan. Den forskningsfrĂ„ga som ligger till grund för det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€r: Vilka fördelar och nackdelar med förskolans rutiner lyfter förskolepersonal fram i sitt resonemang om anmĂ€lningar till socialtjĂ€nsten? Det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€r gjort med utgĂ„ngspunkt i ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv dĂ€r semistrukturerade intervjuer har anvĂ€nts som metod. Det material som anvĂ€nts till intervjutillfĂ€llena har varit ljudinspelning och anteckningar. Materialet har sedan transkriberats för att arbeta fram resultat och analys. Arbetets resultat har delats in i fyra olika tematiseringar och har sedan analyserats med hjĂ€lp av olika analysverktyg som tolkningsrepertoar, retorik och effekt. Det framkom att det inte, pĂ„ de fyra förskolor dĂ€r förskolepersonal intervjuats, fanns en handlingsplan kring tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€ttet dĂ„ ett barn far illa. Ett stort ansvar lĂ€ggs pĂ„ förskolecheferna att utföra orosanmĂ€lan. Det rĂ„der delade meningar kring i vilket stadie en orosanmĂ€lan bör ske, dĂ€r somliga vill ha konkreta bevis medan andra menar att det Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt med en misstanke för att utföra en orosanmĂ€lan. I intervjuerna framkom Ă€ven att förskolepersonalen som medverkat kĂ€nner en viss osĂ€kerhet kring en orosanmĂ€lan om ett barn far illa. Förskolepersonal Ă€r en av de yrkeskategorier som arbetar i frontlinjen med barn, vilket innebĂ€r att de har bĂ€sta förutsĂ€ttningarna för att fĂ„ syn pĂ„ om barn far illa. DĂ„ personal kĂ€nner osĂ€kerhet kring anmĂ€lningsplikten Ă€r det av betydelse att synliggöra varför, för att skapa lika förutsĂ€ttningar för alla barn.

    When next-of-kins decide : Factors that influence next-of-kins' decision making about organ procurement

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    TillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ organ Ă€r för liten i förhĂ„llande till efterfrĂ„gan. MĂ„nga patienter hinner avlida i vĂ€ntan pĂ„ ett nytt organ. För att ingrepp ska fĂ„ göras mĂ„ste nĂ€rstĂ„ende underrĂ€ttas. Den avlidne anses positiv till organdonation om han eller hon inte gjort sin vilja kĂ€nd, nĂ€rstĂ„ende kan dock motsĂ€tta sig detta. UngefĂ€r en tredjedel av de nĂ€rstĂ„ende nekar till donation om den avlidnes vilja inte Ă€r kĂ€nd. För att kunna öka antalet donationer Ă€r det viktigt att fĂ„ förstĂ„else för vad som pĂ„verkar nĂ€rstĂ„ende i deras beslutsfattande om organdonation. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa faktorer som pĂ„verkar beslutsfattandet om organdonation hos nĂ€rstĂ„ende till avliden patient. Arbetet Ă€r utformat som en litteraturstudie, dĂ€r resultatets 13 artiklar hĂ€mtades frĂ„n databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultatet visar att faktorer som pĂ„verkade beslutsfattandet om organdonation hos nĂ€rstĂ„ende till avliden patient var den avlidnes vilja, personalens bemötande samt nĂ€rstĂ„endes instĂ€llning, kunskap, existentiella och sociokulturella faktorer. Att veta den avlidnes vilja var den faktor som visade sig ha mest betydelse för nĂ€rstĂ„endes beslutsfattande. I Sverige behövs mer forskning om faktorer som pĂ„verkar nĂ€rstĂ„endes beslut om organdonation. Det behövs fler sjuksköterskor med kunskap om organdonation som kan ta hand om nĂ€rstĂ„ende som stĂ„r inför ett donationsbeslut.The supply of organs is less than the demand. Many patients die while they are waiting for an organ. For a surgical operation to be done, families must be informed. The patient is considered positive to organ procurement if he or she hasn’t declared his or her will, however next-of-kins can oppose this. About one third of the next-of-kins deny donation if the patient’s will isn’t declared. It’s important to understand what influence next-of-kins in their decision making about organ procurement, to increase the numbers of donations. The aim of this literature study was to describe factors that influence the decision making about organ procurement of next-of-kins to a passed away patient. This work is designed as a literature study, where 13 articles were collected from the databases Cinahl and PubMed. The results shows that factors which influenced the decision making of families to a passed away patient were the patient’s will, the staffs’ receiving of family members, families’ attitudes, knowledge and existential and sociocultural factors. To know the patient’s will about organ procurement was the factor that appeared to be the most significant for families’ decision making. In Sweden more research is needed about factors that influence families’ decision making about organ procurement. There is a need of more nurses with knowledge about organ procurement who can take care of families during their decision making
