215 research outputs found

    Volunteering as a means of preparing future educators to work with children at risk

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    © 2018 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. The purpose of this study is the theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the forms and methods of volunteering as a means of preparing future educators to work with children at risk. A case study was conducted at the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University. 100 students (48 members of the Kazan Youth Korczak Society "Sun for Kids," and 52 non-members of the society) took part in it. In our study, the following techniques were used: M. Rokeach's methods of studying value orientations; I. V. Ivanova's methods aimed at identifying indicators of readiness to work with children at risk; a questionnaire designed to study the students' attitude to volunteer activities of a humanistic orientation. The experimental results showed positive dynamics of the level of the students' readiness to work with children at risk, and the impact of volunteer activities within the program called "We are strong together"

    Trust in the drug subculture and prevention of HIV infection

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    A secondary analysis of interviews with drug addicts in the commercial sex environment revealed a contradiction between the motivation for devaluation of the infection risk through the sharing of needles and syringes and the technology of "harm reduction" offered by AIDS prevention organizations. It is suggested that the syringe and needle for high risk drug users have acquired symbolic importance in the process of initiation, such as the separation of the drug community from society. Accordingly, drug-addicted informants prefer to "trust" their partners and believe in their own protection from diseases – instead of monitoring their health.Вторичный анализ интервью с наркозависимыми в среде коммерческого секса выявил противоречие между мотивацией обесценивания риска инфицирования через совместное использование игл и шприцев и технологией «снижения вреда», предлагаемой организациями по профилактике СПИДа. Выдвинуто предположение, что шприц и игла для наркопотребителей высокого риска приобрели символическое значение в процессе инициации – выделения наркотического сообщества из социума. Соответственно, наркозависимые информанты предпочитают «доверять» партнерам и верить в свою защищенность от болезней – вместо контроля своего здоровья

    Forms of internal cross-cultural context and psychological protection in the process of adaptation of first graders

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    The article presents the definition of the internal cross-cultural context of first-graders in the period of adaptation to school from the standpoint of the contextual approach.В статье представлено определение внутреннего кросс-культурного контекста первоклассников в период адаптации к школе с позиций контекстного подхода

    Dystrophin is a microtubule-associated protein

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    Cytolinkers are giant proteins that can stabilize cells by linking actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules (MTs) to transmembrane complexes. Dystrophin is functionally similar to cytolinkers, as it links the multiple components of the cellular cytoskeleton to the transmembrane dystroglycan complex. Although no direct link between dystrophin and MTs has been documented, costamere-associated MTs are disrupted when dystrophin is absent. Using tissue-based cosedimentation assays on mice expressing endogenous dystrophin or truncated transgene products, we find that constructs harboring spectrinlike repeat 24 through the first third of the WW domain cosediment with MTs. Purified Dp260, a truncated isoform of dystrophin, bound MTs with a Kd of 0.66 µM, a stoichiometry of 1 Dp260/1.4 tubulin heterodimer at saturation, and stabilizes MTs from cold-induced depolymerization. Finally, α- and β-tubulin expression is increased ∼2.5-fold in mdx skeletal muscle without altering the tubulin–MT equilibrium. Collectively, these data suggest dystrophin directly organizes and/or stabilizes costameric MTs and classifies dystrophin as a cytolinker in skeletal muscle

    Взаимосвязь лабораторных биомаркеров и ультразвуковых признаков воспаления у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом на фоне терапии биоаналогом ритуксимаба

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    Objective: to assess the relationship between laboratory biomarkers and ultrasonographic signs of inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during therapy with a rituximab (RTM) biosimilar.Patients and methods. 20 patients with definite diagnosis of RA were examined. All patients received 2 infusions of RTM (Acellbia®), at a dose of 600 mg intravenously 2 weeks apart during therapy with methotrexate, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids. Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed immediately before the start of therapy, and then 12 and 24 weeks after the first infusion of the drug.Results and discussion. By the 24th week of RTM therapy, a good/moderate effect according to the EULAR criteria was registered in 17 (85%) patients; remission according to DAS28 (<2.6) was achieved in 4 (20%) patients, SDAI (≤3.3) – in 2 (10%), CDAI (≤2.8) – in 1 (5%). Prior to the start of treatment, active synovitis was detected in 13 (65%) patients by power Doppler imaging (PD), and in 20 (100%) patients by gray scale scanning. During therapy with the RTM biosimilar, a significant decrease in inflammatory changes in the joints was observed, and by the 24th week after the start of treatment, the median PD was 0.5; active inflammation persisted in 7 (35%) patients. As shown by ROC analysis, the initial level of interleukin (IL) 6 >100.0 pg/ml is associated with the persistence of inflammatory activity according to PD by the 24th week of therapy with the RTM biosimilar, while the sensitivity was 85% and the specificity was 62% (AUC 0.78, 95% CI 0.57–0.99)Conclusion. An association was found between an increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, mainly IL6, and the activity of synovial inflammation according to ultrasound data. IL6 is the most promising marker for predicting persistent inflammatory activity based on the results of PD; other analyzed parameters have worse sensitivity and specificity parameters.Цель исследования – оценить взаимосвязь лабораторных биомаркеров и ультразвуковых признаков воспаления у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом на фоне терапии биоаналогом ритуксимаба (РТМ).Пациенты и методы. Обследовано 20 больных с достоверным диагнозом РА. Всем пациентам проведено по 2 инфузии РТМ (Ацеллбия®) в дозе 600 мг внутривенно с интервалом в 2 нед на фоне терапии метотрексатом, нестероидными противовоспалительными препаратами и глюкокортикоидами. Клинические и лабораторные показатели анализировались непосредственно перед началом терапии, а затем через 12 и 24 нед после первой инфузии препарата.Результаты и обсуждение. К 24-й неделе терапии РТМ хороший/умеренный эффект по критериям EULAR зарегистрирован у 17 (85%) пациентов; ремиссия по DAS28 (<2,6) достигнута у 4 (20%) больных, SDAI ( ≤3,3) – у 2 (10%), CDAI ( ≤2,8) – у 1 (5%). До начала лечения активный синовит по данным энергетического допплеровского картирования (ЭД) выявлен у 13 (65%) пациентов, а при сканировании в режиме серой шкалы – у 20 (100%). На фоне терапии биоаналогом РТМ наблюдалось значимое уменьшение воспалительных изменений в суставах, и к 24-й неделе после начала лечения медиана ЭД составила 0,5; активное воспаление сохранялось у 7 (35%) больных. Как показал ROC-анализ, исходный уровень интерлейкина (ИЛ) 6 >100,0 пг/мл ассоциируется с сохранением воспалительной активности по данным ЭД к 24-й неделе терапии биоаналогом РТМ, при этом чувствительность составила 85% и специфичность – 62% (AUC 0,78, 95% доверительный интервал 0,57–0,99)Заключение. Выявлена ассоциация между повышенным уровнем провоспалительных цитокинов, в основном ИЛ6, и активностью синовиального воспаления по данным УЗИ. Для прогнозирования сохраняющейся воспалительной активности по результатам ЭД наиболее перспективным маркером является ИЛ6, другие анализируемые показатели имеют худшие параметры чувствительности и специфичности

    Skeletal Muscle-Specific Ablation of γcyto-Actin Does Not Exacerbate the mdx Phenotype

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    We previously documented a ten-fold increase in γcyto-actin expression in dystrophin-deficient skeletal muscle and hypothesized that increased γcyto-actin expression may participate in an adaptive cytoskeletal remodeling response. To explore whether increased γcyto-actin fortifies the cortical cytoskeleton in dystrophic skeletal muscle, we generated double knockout mice lacking both dystrophin and γcyto-actin specifically in skeletal muscle (ms-DKO). Surprisingly, dystrophin-deficient mdx and ms-DKO mice presented with comparable levels of myofiber necrosis, membrane instability, and deficits in muscle function. The lack of an exacerbated phenotype in ms-DKO mice suggests γcyto-actin and dystrophin function in a common pathway. Finally, because both mdx and ms-DKO skeletal muscle showed similar levels of utrophin expression and presented with identical dystrophies, we conclude utrophin can partially compensate for the loss of dystrophin independent of a γcyto-actin-utrophin interaction

    New 2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione-2,2’-bipyridine-based co-polymer, synthesis, photophysical properties and response to metal cations

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    A new co-polymer based on fragments of 2-(2-pyridyl)monoazatriphenylene and 2,5-bis (2-ethylhexyl)-3,6-di(thiophen-2-yl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4(2H,5H)-dione was prepared by using the Sonogashira reaction. The photophysical properties of the polymer were studied. The presence of a strong bathochromic shift of the absorption and emission maxima in comparison with the previously described monomer units is shown. The polymer exhibits an intense “turn-off” response toward Cu2+ cations

    Research experience of foreign scientific medical literature on the features of pulpitis treatment

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    The article reviews studies on the prevalence and epidemiology of endodontic pathologies present in patients who attended a consultation at the School of Dentistry of the University of Cartagena, analyzes the knowledge of dentists regarding a conservative approach to the treatment of deep carious lesions (DCL) of teeth with reversible pulpitis.В статье рассмотрены исследования о распространенности и эпидемиологии эндодонтических патологий, присутствующих у пациентов, посещавших консультацию в Школе стоматологии Картахенского университета, проанализированы знания стоматологов относительно консервативного подхода в лечении глубоких кариозных поражений (ДКЛ) зубов с обратимым пульпито

    Application of whey of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana fermented by lactic acid bacteria as a bread biopreservative agent

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    A total of nine isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from tomato and sourdough with antifungal activity were employed to revaluate the whey of Mozzarella di Bufala through the fermentation process for 72 h at 37 °C. Then, the fermented whey (BWF) was characterised and used as biopreservative in bread formulation. L. plantarum TR7 and L. plantarum TR2 strains showed average lactic acid concentration in BWF of 13.8 g L 1. Also, the bread volatile organic compounds (VOC) analysis showed an increase in hexanal, benzeneacetaldehyde, benzaldehyde and pyrazine tetramethyl when using BWF as ingredient. Moreover, the DPPH-inhibitory activity of bread with BWF extract also reflected a 33% rise in comparison with control bread. The application of BWF as a biopreservation agent in bread showed an increase in shelf life compared with bread with 0.3% calcium propionate and bread control for 2 and 15 days, respectively. BWF can be used as an interesting biopreservation strategy of bread