77 research outputs found

    Changes in textural and geo-chemical features of alluvia in the western part of the Lublin Upland over the past 1000 years

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    In the study the authors analysed the diversity of the textural indices and selected geo-chemical features of sediments that accumulated in the bottoms of valleys in the western part of the Lublin Upland over the past 1000 years. Detailed studies were performed for six profiles with known stratigraphy. The sediments studied varied little in terms of textural features, with a general trend for particle diameters to increase as the depth increased. The characteristics of the sediments indicate a significant role of material supply from the slope systems (mainly gullies) to the bottoms of river valleys. The heavy metal content was characterised by greater vertical variation. In most of the profiles, the youngest deposits were characterised by greater levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, with enrichment indexes at an average of 1.5–2.5. The observed diversity of the features of sediments, particularly the geo-chemical features, should be attributed to the effect of human activity in the area studied

    Udoskonalenie oraz ocena właściwości psychometrycznych Partner Disgust Scale i Stranger Disgust Scale

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    Głównym celem niniejszego badania było udoskonalenie oraz ocena właściwości psychometrycznych dwóch polskich skal mierzących wstręt do drugiej osoby – SDS (Stranger Disgust Scale), służącej do pomiaru wstrętu do osoby obcej i PDS (Partner Disgust Scale), służącej do pomiaru wstrętu do partnera. Dodatkowo postanowiono częściowo zreplikować dwa inne badania wykorzystujące oryginalne wersje tych skal; podjęto się eksploracji związków między wstrętem a satysfakcją w związku i subiektywną oceną własnej podatności na zarażenie. Przeprowadzone zostały trzy osobne badania: badanie pilotażowe, dwa pełnowymiarowe badania oraz retest. Skale uzupełniono o dodatkowe itemy; następnie niektóre z nich zostały usunięte w toku dalszych analiz. Zmierzono rzetelność, stabilność oraz trafność zbieżną i różnicową nowopowstałych skal. Można stwierdzić, iż zarówno PDS jak i SDS są rzetelnymi, stabilnymi narzędziami do pomiaru wstrętu interpersonalnego, jednakże używanie SDS w sytuacji powtórnego pomiaru może wymagać pewnych dodatkowych kroków. Trafność narzędzi została częściowo potwierdzona, z wyjątkami, które omówione są w dyskusji. Niektóre z wyników badań wykorzystujących oryginalne wersje skal zostały zreplikowane; wyższy wstręt do partnera wiązał się z niższą satysfakcją ze związku. Ustalono również, że czym dłuższy staż mieszkania razem, tym wyższy wstręt do partnera, a wstręt do partnera jest wyższy niż wstręt do osoby obcej.The main goal of this study was to revise and evaluate two Polish disgust questionnaires – the Stranger Disgust Scale and the Partner Disgust Scale – which measure the feeling of disgust towards another person. An additional aim was to partially replicate two studies that have previously employed their original versions; connections between disgust, perceived disease vulnerability, and relationship satisfaction were explored. To that end, a pilot study, two full-scale studies, and a retest were conducted. The scales were lengthened and their internal consistency, test-retest stability, and convergent as well as divergent validity were examined. The scales have been established as reliable tools to measure interpersonal disgust, although certain precautions need to be taken with the SDS in the context of multiple measurements. The tools’ validity has been partially established, and exceptions have been interpreted in the discussion. Some of the finding from previous studies using the original versions of the scales have been replicated: disgust towards the partner was found to correlate negatively with relationship satisfaction, and positively with the duration of cohabitation. Disgust towards a stranger was stronger than disgust towards the partner

    Changes in textural and geo-chemical features of alluvia in the western part of the Lublin Upland over the past 1000 years

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    In the study the authors analysed the diversity of the textural indices and selected geo-chemical features of sediments that accumulated in the bottoms of valleys in the western part of the Lublin Upland over the past 1000 years. Detailed studies were performed for six profiles with known stratigraphy. The sediments studied varied little in terms of textural features, with a general trend for particle diameters to increase as the depth increased. The characteristics of the sediments indicate a significant role of material supply from the slope systems (mainly gullies) to the bottoms of river valleys. The heavy metal content was characterised by greater vertical variation. In most of the profiles, the youngest deposits were characterised by greater levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, with enrichment indexes at an average of 1.5–2.5. The observed diversity of the features of sediments, particularly the geo-chemical features, should be attributed to the effect of human activity in the area studied

    Using the Image Analysis Method for Describing Soil Detachment by a Single Water Drop Impact

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    The aim of the present work was to develop a method based on image analysis for describing soil detachment caused by the impact of a single water drop. The method consisted of recording tracks made by splashed particles on blotting paper under an optical microscope. The analysis facilitated division of the recorded particle tracks on the paper into drops, “comets” and single particles. Additionally, the following relationships were determined: (i) the distances of splash; (ii) the surface areas of splash tracks into relation to distance; (iii) the surface areas of the solid phase transported over a given distance; and (iv) the ratio of the solid phase to the splash track area in relation to distance. Furthermore, the proposed method allowed estimation of the weight of soil transported by a single water drop splash in relation to the distance of the water drop impact. It was concluded that the method of image analysis of splashed particles facilitated analysing the results at very low water drop energy and generated by single water drops

    Sound Wave Energy Resulting from the Impact of Water Drops on the Soil Surface

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    <div><p>The splashing of water drops on a soil surface is the first step of water erosion. There have been many investigations into splashing–most are based on recording and analysing images taken with high-speed cameras, or measuring the mass of the soil moved by splashing. Here, we present a new aspect of the splash phenomenon’s characterization the measurement of the sound pressure level and the sound energy of the wave that propagates in the air. The measurements were carried out for 10 consecutive water drop impacts on the soil surface. Three soils were tested (<i>Endogleyic Umbrisol</i>, <i>Fluvic Endogleyic Cambisol</i> and <i>Haplic Chernozem</i>) with four initial moisture levels (pressure heads: 0.1 kPa, 1 kPa, 3.16 kPa and 16 kPa). We found that the values of the sound pressure and sound wave energy were dependent on the particle size distribution of the soil, less dependent on the initial pressure head, and practically the same for subsequent water drops (from the first to the tenth drop). The highest sound pressure level (and the greatest variability) was for <i>Endogleyic Umbrisol</i>, which had the highest sand fraction content. The sound pressure for this soil increased from 29 dB to 42 dB with the next incidence of drops falling on the sample The smallest (and the lowest variability) was for <i>Fluvic Endogleyic Cambisol</i> which had the highest clay fraction. For all experiments the sound pressure level ranged from ~27 to ~42 dB and the energy emitted in the form of sound waves was within the range of 0.14 μJ to 5.26 μJ. This was from 0.03 to 1.07% of the energy of the incident drops.</p></div

    Effect of Soil Moisture Content on the Splash Phenomenon Reproducibility

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    <div><p>One of the methods for testing splash (the first phase of water erosion) may be an analysis of photos taken using so-called high-speed cameras. The aim of this study was to determine the reproducibility of measurements using a single drop splash of simulated precipitation. The height from which the drops fell resulted in a splash of 1.5 m. Tests were carried out using two types of soil: Eutric Cambisol (loamy silt) and Orthic Luvisol (sandy loam); three initial pressure heads were applied equal to 16 kPa, 3.1 kPa, and 0.1 kPa. Images for one, five, and 10 drops were recorded at a rate of 2000 frames per second. It was found that (i) the dispersion of soil caused by the striking of the 1st drop was significantly different from the splash impact caused by subsequent drops; (ii) with every drop, the splash phenomenon proceeded more reproducibly, that is, the number of particles of soil and/or water that splashed were increasingly close to each other; (iii) the number of particles that were detached during the splash were strongly correlated with its surface area; and (iv) the higher the water film was on the surface the smaller the width of the crown was.</p></div