377 research outputs found

    Stability of an oscillon un the SU (2) gauged Higgs model

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 35).Oscillons are localized solutions of nonlinear field theories that oscillate without dissipation. We have numerically found a family of very long-lived oscillons the spherical ansatz of the SU(2) gauged Higgs model -the standard model of the weak interactions without electromagnetism and fermions. In this thesis, we study the stability of these objects. We do this by adding a massless mode to the model and coupling it to the oscillating fields contained in the Higgs doublet. Such a mode is expected to provide a decaying mechanism for the oscillons. However, numerical investigation shows that our oscillons do not decay if the massless mode is sufficiently weakly coupled and suggests that our oscillons are stable long-lived solutions that could substantially influence the dynamics of this theory.by Ruza Markov.S.B

    Differentiated dysplasia is a frequent precursor or associated lesion in invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and pharynx

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    The source of precursor lesions of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and pharynx, their classification, and grading are controversial. In contrast, vulvar and penile cancer precursor lesions are known to be related to human papillomavirus or chronic inflammation and can be described using the vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) classification system (VIN 1-3) or as differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (dVIN), respectively. Oral and pharyngeal SCC precursor lesions are more etiologically diverse, and the spectrum of lesions may thus be wider. No international consensus exists regarding the histological types of precursor lesions or the significance of individual types. We therefore reviewed resection specimens and preceding biopsies of 155 patients with SCC of the oral cavity and pharynx (excluding tonsils) and identified five basic patterns of SCC-associated or precursor lesions: (1) pleomorphic (22/155), (2) basaloid (5/155), (3) differentiated (63/155), (4) mixed (42/155), and (5) verrucous (12/155). Keratinization was a common but variable feature in differentiated, mixed, and verrucous dysplasia. In 11/155 patients, no precursor lesion could be identified. Progression of isolated differentiated dysplasia (ranging from months to years) was documented in 13/155 (8%) of patients. Our data suggest that full-thickness epithelial dysplasia of pleomorphic or basaloid type is present in <20% of oral and pharyngeal SCC, and differentiated dysplasia is a frequent precursor or associated in situ lesion. Failure to recognize differentiated dysplasia results in the underdiagnosis of many patients at risk for invasive carcinoma. These results indicate a need to refine criteria to distinguish differentiated dysplasia from morphologically related lichenoid lesion

    The influence of cultivar, weather conditions and nitrogen fertilizer on winter wheat grain yield

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    ArticleWinter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most productive and significant cereal species in Latvia used for food grain production. The aim of the research was to e valuate winter wheat grain yield depending on nitrogen fertilizer rate, crop - year (meteorological conditions) and cultivar and determine the impact and interaction of research factors on grain yield. Field experiments with winter wheat cultivars ‘Bussard’ and ‘Zentos’ were conducted at the Latvia University of Agriculture, Study and Research farm Peterlauki during a three year period (2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012). Nitrogen (N) was applied (N60, N90, N120, N150 kg ha - 1 ) in spring after resumption of v egetative growth. Assessment of both winter wheat cultivars showed that crop - year, cultivar, nitrogen fertilizer, crop - year × cultivar had a significant (p < 0.05) impact on grain yield. Nitrogen fertilizer did significantly (p < 0.05) affect the grain yie ld of winter wheat, treatment with N90 showed of yield increase, compared to N60, while further use of increasing amounts of N fertilizer did not increase grain yields significantly. Results suggest, that winter wheat grain yield by 34% depended on cultiva r, by 33% on crop - year (weather conditions), and by 13% on crop - year × cultivar. Influence of the nitrogen fertilizer effect was small – 3%. Medium strong positive correlation was found between HTC in the vegetation period from winter wheat heading to grai n ripening

    Personalization in Recommender Systems through Explainable Machine Learning

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    [Abstract]: Recommender Systems have become ubiquitously utilized tools in multiple fields such as media streaming services, travelling and tourism business, e-commerce, and numerous others. However, in practice they show a tendency to be black-box systems, despite their increasing influence in people’s daily lives. There is a lack of research on providing personalised explanations to the recommendations of a system, that is, integrating the idea of Explainable Artificial Intelligence into the field of Recommender Systems. Therefore, we do not seek to create a Recommender System, but instead devise a way to obtain this explainability or personalisation in such type of tool. In this work, we propose a model able to provide said personalisation by generating explanations based on user-created content, namely text or photographs. In the context of the restaurant review platform TripAdvisor, we will predict, for any (user,restaurant) pair or existing recommendation, the text or image of the restaurant that is most adequate to present said recommendation to the user, that is, the one that best reflects their personal preferences. This model exploits the usage of Matrix Factorisation techniques combined with the feature-rich embeddings of pre-trained image classification and language models (Inception-ResNet-v2 and BERT), to develop a method capable of providing transparency to Recommender Systems.[Resumen]: Los Sistemas de Recomendación se han convertido en herramientas usadas extensivamente en multitud de campos como online streaming, turismo, restauración, viajes y comercio electrónico, así como muchos otros. Sin embargo, en la práctica presentan una tendencia a ser sistemas de caja negra, pese a la cada vez mayor influencia que presentan sobre el día a día de nuestra sociedad. Hay una falta de investigación sobre la idea de aportar explicaciones personalizadas a las recomendaciones de un sistema, es decir, integrar el concepto de Inteligencia Artifical Explicable en el área de los Sistemas de Recomendación. Por lo tanto, no buscamos crear un Sistema de Recomendación per se, sino idear un modo de obtener esta capacidad de explicabilidad o personalización en dicho tipo de sistemas. En este trabajo, proponemos un modelo capaz de proveer de esta personalización mediante la generación de explicaciones basadas en contenido generado por los usuarios, en particular texto e imágenes. En el contexto de la plataforma de reseñas de restaurantes TripAdvisor, buscaremos predecir, para cualquier par o posible recomendación (usuario, restaurante), la imagen o texto sobre dicho restaurante más adecuada para presentar esa recomendación al usuario, es decir, la imagen o texto que mejor refleja las preferencias personales del usuario. Este modelo explota el uso de técnicas de Factorización Matricial combinadas con modelos de lenguaje y clasificación de imágenes (BERT e Inception-ResNet-v2), para desarrollar un método con capacidad de otorgar transparencia a Sistemas de Recomendación.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría Informática. Curso 2020/202

    Youth unemployment in the Latgale region of Latvia: causes and consequences

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    Youth unemployment is a serious problem in Latvia, as unemployed young people make up 16.3 % of the total number of unemployed in the country, while in the Latgale region the number of unemployed young people aged 15-24 years was 18.8 % of the total number of unemployed in the country in 2015. The purpose of this study is to identify the main current causes of high unemployment amongst young people in the Latgale region of Latvia aged 15-24 years. This age group of young people acted as a target group for sociological research based on a quota sample (by sex and age) in an online survey of respondents in 2016. The results of the study were processed using the Statistika program. The transformation of social and economic processes in the world, Europe and the post- Soviet space has led to changes in the labor market of young people, which are objective and subjective, contradictory, which continue to this day. It is established that the behavioral rationalism of young people (labor mobility, vocational education, etc.) in the regional labor market is combined with its behavioral irrationalism (lack of desire to work for various reasons, the need for contact with family and friends, etc.). This is due to the growing uncertainty in the youth labor market due to the growth of competition, the emergence and growth of flexible forms of employment, depriving young people of the clarity of career and confidence in the future. The survey results also show that the majority of unemployed youth in the Latgale region deliberately refuses to emigrate outside Latvia and would like to link their future with the region and the country


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    Normal pregnancy induces some clinical findings similar to thyroxine excess; Clinically mild thyrotoxicosis may be difficult to diagnose. Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is a hyperthyroid condition that existed before pregnancy, or a condition that was acquired during pregnancy. The aim of this study is to determine the management of hyperthyroidism in uncontrolled hyperthyroid pregnancies and the clinical outcomes for mothers and neonates. The location of the research was Arifin Achmad Rekanbaru Regional Hospital. The research method is a study that explores a problem in detail, and collects in-depth data and includes various sources of information that will help doctors gain insight into hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. Data was taken retrospectively from medical records, from February to April 2021. The results of the study were that the management of hyperthyroidism in the first and second patients was the same, but the maternal and neonatal outcomes obtained were different. In both cases, both experienced uncontrolled hyperthyroidism. The neonatal outcome of the first patient was poor, but the mother survived. Unlike the second patient who died of thyroid storm, the baby was saved. Treatment should be carried out in intensive care areas that include special care units during labor and delivery units. Patients with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism are in the high risk group and require early fetal surveillance examination. Treatment with propylthiouracil, a thionamide that inhibits thyroid biosynthesis and peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 has become the drug of choice for hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. Proper management of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is very important for the mother and fetus. Untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to pregnancy-related complications such as premature birth, growth restriction, and even fetal death.Kehamilan normal merangsang beberapa temuan klinis yang serupa dengan kelebihan tiroksin; tirotoksikosis ringan secara klinis mungkin sulit untuk didiagnosis. Hipertiroid dalam kehamilan merupakan kondisi hipertiroid yang telah ada sebelum terjadi kehamilan, atau kondisi yang didapatkan selama kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui manajemen pelaksanaan hipertiroidisme pada kehamilan hipertiroid yang tidak terkontrol dan outcome klinisnya pada ibu dan neonatus. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Arifin Achmad Rekanbaru. Metode penelitian adalah studi yang mengeksplorasi suatu masalah dengan terperinci, dan pengambilan data yang mendalam dan menyertakan berbagai sumber informasi yang akan membantu dokter mendapatkan wawasan tentang hipertiroid pada kehamilan. Data diambil secara retrospektif dari rekam medis, dari Februari sampai April 2021. Hasil penelitian yaitu Penatalaksanaan hipertiroid pada pasien pertama dan kedua sama, namun luaran maternal dan neonatal yang didapatkan berbeda. Pada kedua kasus tersebut keduanya mengalami hipertiroid yang tidak terkontrol. Outcome neonatal dari pasien pertama buruk, namun ibu selamat. Tidak seperti pasien kedua yang meninggal karena badai tiroid, namun bayi berhasil diselamatkan. Perawatan harus dilakukan di area perawatan intensif yang mencakup unit perawatan khusus selama persalinan dan unit persalinan. Pasien dengan hipertiroid yang tidak terkontrol termasuk dalam kelompok risiko tinggi dan memerlukan pemeriksaan surveilans janin lebih awal. Pengobatan dengan propiltiourasil, suatu thionamide yang menghambat biosintesis tiroid dan konversi perifer T4 menjadi T3 telah menjadi obat pilihan untuk hipertiroid pada kehamilan. Penatalaksanaan hipertiroid yang tepat selama kehamilan sangat penting bagi ibu dan janinnya. Hipertiroid yang tidak diobati dapat menyebabkan komplikasi terkait kehamilan seperti kelahiran prematur, hambatan pertumbuhan, dan bahkan kematian janin

    Multidimensional poverty in the Baltic States in the EU context: theoretical and practical aspects

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    There are several approaches to assessing poverty, namely, the absolute, relative, and subjective ones. They are widely used in studying income dynamics and differentiation at a national level. Yet a new research approach to the study and assessment of ‘multidimensional’ poverty is gaining popularity in developed states. Central to it is the notion of ‘risk of poverty and/or social exclusion’ (AROPE). This approach measures both income level and such non-monetary component as access to social services. Despite the versatility and severity of multidimensional poverty in some European countries, this phenomenon has not been sufficiently explored in socio-economic studies carried out in the Baltic countries of the EU — Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. This article aims to identify the characteristics of multidimensional poverty in the Baltic countries and the EU. Its objective is to examine the spread of multidimensional poverty in the Baltic countries and compare it to the situation on a European scale. The work uses Eurostat data. Various indicators suggest that the risk of multidimensional poverty in the Baltic States is above the EU average


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    Background: Personality traits, especially types A/B and D, have been linked to negative outcomes in various somatic illnesses. In this study, we aimed to assess the prevalence of personality types and their association with certain aspects of treatment compliance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Subjects and methods: Participants in this study were 91 in- and outpatients suffering from T2DM and 73 healthy control subjects. All the participants filled out standardized self-report measures of personality types A/B (Bortner Rating Scale) and D (Type D Scale; DS-14). In addition, two aspects of treatment compliance were assessed: blood glucose assessment and visits to the primary care physician. Results: We found a higher incidence of personality type B (χ2=4.086, p=0.049) and personality type D (χ2=4.215, p=0.048) in the group of T2DM patients compared to healthy controls. Patients with type D personality were less compliant in terms of the visits to the primary care physician (χ2=4.229, p=0.040), although they were more prevalent among those who were compliant regarding the frequency of blood glucose assessment (χ2=4.022, p=0.045). Conclusion: The current study shows that type B and type D personality are frequent among T2DM patients. Moreover, type D personality could lead to certain aspects of suboptimal health behaviors and, therefore, interfere with disease management in diabetic populations

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Menentukan Karyawan Terbaik dengan Metode TOPSIS pada PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi

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    PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi is a company engaged in palm oil plantations and processing. In carrying out the operations of PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi gives awards to employees by selecting the best employees every year. This research aims to design a decision support system to identify the best employees at PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi by giving a rating to each employee using the Technique for Other Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The results of this research are a decision support system using the TOPSIS method with ten criteria, namely work performance, attitudes and ethics, motivation, initiative, loyalty, responsibility, discipline, honesty, leadership, and safeguarding company assets. As an alternative, there are five employees, namely Sutrisno, M. Ahyar, Lamidi, Sabar, and Iskandar. With the first rank, namely Sabar with a value of 0.61886, Iskandar with a value of 0.537845, M. Ahyar with a value of 0.529544, Sutrisno with a value of 0.484994, and finally Lamidi with a value of 0.449489. So, the aim of designing a decision support system using the TOPSIS method is to make it easier for companies to determine the ranking of the best employees at PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi

    O impacto da pandemia no consumo de energia elétrica na classe residencial no Brasil

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    This work presents a Dynamic Regression model designed to measure the impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 on household electricity consumption. In view of this, this work presents, at first, the historical process of the evolution of the Brazilian Electric System and an overview of the effects of the pandemic on economy and residential electricity consumption. Then, the methodology to be used is presented, explaining the concept and how the model will be estimated. Finally, the results obtained through the method are presented, indicating the predictive performance of the model. The model was also used to calculate forecasts on the electricity consumption in the residential class, and the results were compared with the forecasts of the parts responsible for the sector, corroborating the power of the modeling. As a result, forecasts indicate an increase in electricity consumption in the class for the year of 2021 and 2022.Este trabalho apresenta um Modelo de Regressão Dinâmica (MRD) elaborado para mensurar o impacto da pandemia causada pela COVID-19 sobre o consumo de energia elétrica na classe residencial. Visto isso, este trabalho apresenta, em primeiro lugar, o processo histórico da evolução do Sistema Elétrico Brasileiro e um panorama geral dos efeitos da pandemia na economia e no consumo de energia elétrica residencial. Em seguida, é apresentada a metodologia a ser utilizada, explicando o conceito e como será estimado o modelo. Por fim, são apresentados os resultados obtidos através do MRD, indicando o desempenho preditivo do modelo. O modelo foi utilizado também para calcular as previsões sobre o consumo de energia elétrica nas residências, sendo os resultados comparados com as previsões dos órgãos responsáveis pelo setor, corroborando a importância da modelagem. Como resultado, as previsões indicam um aumento no consumo de energia elétrica na classe para os anos de 2021 e 2022