1,905 research outputs found

    The Quiet-Sun Photosphere and Chromosphere

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    The overall structure and the fine structure of the solar photosphere outside active regions are largely understood, except possibly important roles of a turbulent near-surface dynamo at its bottom, internal gravity waves at its top, and small-scale vorticity. Classical 1D static radiation-escape modelling has been replaced by 3D time-dependent MHD simulations that come closer to reality. The solar chromosphere, in contrast, remains ill-understood although its pivotal role in coronal mass and energy loading makes it a principal research area. Its fine structure defines its overall structure, so that hard-to-observe and hard-to-model small-scale dynamical processes are the key to understanding. However, both chromospheric observation and chromospheric simulation presently mature towards the required sophistication. The open-field features seem of greater interest than the easier-to-see closed-field features.Comment: Accepted for special issue "Astrophysical Processes on the Sun" of Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A, ed. C. Parnell. Note: clicking on the year in a citation opens the corresponding ADS abstract page in the browse

    All-sky Relative Opacity Mapping Using Night Time Panoramic Images

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    An all-sky cloud monitoring system that generates relative opacity maps over many of the world's premier astronomical observatories is described. Photometric measurements of numerous background stars are combined with simultaneous sky brightness measurements to differentiate thin clouds from sky glow sources such as air glow and zodiacal light. The system takes a continuous pipeline of all-sky images, and compares them to canonical images taken on other nights at the same sidereal time. Data interpolation then yields transmission maps covering almost the entire sky. An implementation of this system is currently operating through the Night Sky Live network of CONCAM3s located at Cerro Pachon (Chile), Mauna Kea (Hawaii), Haleakala (Hawaii), SALT (South Africa) and the Canary Islands (Northwestern Africa).Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    Динамика объемов промышленного производства в период кризиса и ее прогнозирование

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    Целью статьи является определение факторов, влияющих на деятельность предприятия и, выявление антикризисных мер для улучшения их состояния. Ведь проблема состоит в том, что не существует такого метода, который бы стопроцентно истребил кризис, многие научные исследования посвящены именно этой проблеме, в них присутствуют попытки выявления причин возникновения кризиса и факторов, влияющих на деятельность предприятий

    Extended Initiality for Typed Abstract Syntax

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    Initial Semantics aims at interpreting the syntax associated to a signature as the initial object of some category of 'models', yielding induction and recursion principles for abstract syntax. Zsid\'o proves an initiality result for simply-typed syntax: given a signature S, the abstract syntax associated to S constitutes the initial object in a category of models of S in monads. However, the iteration principle her theorem provides only accounts for translations between two languages over a fixed set of object types. We generalize Zsid\'o's notion of model such that object types may vary, yielding a larger category, while preserving initiality of the syntax therein. Thus we obtain an extended initiality theorem for typed abstract syntax, in which translations between terms over different types can be specified via the associated category-theoretic iteration operator as an initial morphism. Our definitions ensure that translations specified via initiality are type-safe, i.e. compatible with the typing in the source and target language in the obvious sense. Our main example is given via the propositions-as-types paradigm: we specify propositions and inference rules of classical and intuitionistic propositional logics through their respective typed signatures. Afterwards we use the category--theoretic iteration operator to specify a double negation translation from the former to the latter. A second example is given by the signature of PCF. For this particular case, we formalize the theorem in the proof assistant Coq. Afterwards we specify, via the category-theoretic iteration operator, translations from PCF to the untyped lambda calculus

    Концепт «девушка» в национально-языковых картинах мира (на материале фразеологических единиц русского, украинского, польского, болгарского языков)

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    Данная статья является попыткой сопоставительного анализа концепта "девушка" в национально-языковых картинах мира на материале фразеологии и паремиологии некоторых славянских языков. Выделяются наиболее характерные, идентичные для разных этнокультур качества молодой девушки. Делается вывод о разной степени языковой андроцентричности в экспликации рассматриваемого концепта.Дана стаття є спробою зіставного аналізу концепту "дівчина" в національномовних картинах світу на матеріалі фразеології та пареміології деяких слов'янських мов. Виділяються найбільш характерні, ідентичні для різних етнокультур риси молодої дівчини. Авторка приходить до висновку щодо різної міри мовної андроцентричності в експлікації розглянутого концепту.The given article is an attempt to analyze the concept "Girl" in the nationallanguage world pictures based on phraseology of some Slavonic languages. The most typical features of a young girl identified for different ethnical cultures are elicited. The author finds that the androcentrical verbal expression of this concept is different, to some extent

    Diabetes quality management in Dutch care groups and outpatient clinics:A cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: In recent years, most Dutch general practitioners started working under the umbrella of diabetes care groups, responsible for the organisation and coordination of diabetes care. The quality management of these new organisations receives growing interest, although its association with quality of diabetes care is yet unclear. The best way to measure quality management is unknown and it has not yet been studied at the level of outpatient clinics or care groups. We aimed to assess quality management of type 2 diabetes care in care groups and outpatient clinics. RESULTS: Quality management was measured with online questionnaires, containing six domains (see below). They were divided into 28 subdomains, with 59 (care groups) and 57 (outpatient clinics) questions respectively. The mean score of the domains reflects the overall score (0-100%) of an organisation. Two quality managers of all Dutch care groups and outpatient clinics were invited to fill out the questionnaire. Sixty care groups (response rate 61.9%) showed a mean score of 59.6% (CI 57.1-62.1%). The average score in 52 outpatient clinics (response rate 50.0%) was 61.9% (CI 57.5-66.8%). Mean scores on the six domains for care groups and outpatient clinics respectively were: ‘organisation of care’ 71.9% (CI 68.8-74.9%), 76.8% (CI 72.8-80.7%); ‘multidisciplinary teamwork’ 67.1% (CI 62.4-71.9%), 71.5% (CI 65.3-77.8%); ‘patient centeredness’ 46.7% (CI 42.6-50.7%), 62.5% (CI 57.7-67.2%); ‘performance management’ 63.3% (CI 61.2-65.3%), 50.9% (CI 44.2-57.5%); ‘quality improvement policy’ 52.6% (CI 49.2-56.1%), 50.9% (CI 44.6-57.3%); and ‘management strategies’ 56.0% (CI 51.4-60.7%), 59.0% (CI 52.8-65.2%). On subdomains, care groups scored highest on ‘care program’ (83.3%) and ‘measured outcomes’ (98.3%) and lowest on ‘patient safety’ (15.1%) and ‘patient involvement’ (17.7%). Outpatient clinics scored high on the presence of a ‘diabetic foot team’ (81.6%) and the support in ‘self-management’ (81.0%) and low on ‘patient involvement’ (26.8%) and ‘inspection of medical file’ (28.0%). CONCLUSIONS: This nationwide assessment reveals that the level of quality management in diabetes care varies between several subdomains in both diabetes care groups and outpatient clinics

    On coalgebras with internal moves

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    In the first part of the paper we recall the coalgebraic approach to handling the so-called invisible transitions that appear in different state-based systems semantics. We claim that these transitions are always part of the unit of a certain monad. Hence, coalgebras with internal moves are exactly coalgebras over a monadic type. The rest of the paper is devoted to supporting our claim by studying two important behavioural equivalences for state-based systems with internal moves, namely: weak bisimulation and trace semantics. We continue our research on weak bisimulations for coalgebras over order enriched monads. The key notions used in this paper and proposed by us in our previous work are the notions of an order saturation monad and a saturator. A saturator operator can be intuitively understood as a reflexive, transitive closure operator. There are two approaches towards defining saturators for coalgebras with internal moves. Here, we give necessary conditions for them to yield the same notion of weak bisimulation. Finally, we propose a definition of trace semantics for coalgebras with silent moves via a uniform fixed point operator. We compare strong and weak bisimilation together with trace semantics for coalgebras with internal steps.Comment: Article: 23 pages, Appendix: 3 page

    EXOGEN ultrasound bone healing system for long bone fractures with non-union or delayed healing: a NICE medical technology guidance

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    Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.A routine part of the process for developing National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) medical technologies guidance is a submission of clinical and economic evidence by the technology manufacturer. The Birmingham and Brunel Consortium External Assessment Centre (EAC; a consortium of the University of Birmingham and Brunel University) independently appraised the submission on the EXOGEN bone healing system for long bone fractures with non-union or delayed healing. This article is an overview of the original evidence submitted, the EAC’s findings, and the final NICE guidance issued.The Birmingham and Brunel Consortium is funded by NICE to act as an External Assessment Centre for the Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme

    Testing the Equivalence of Regular Languages

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    The minimal deterministic finite automaton is generally used to determine regular languages equality. Antimirov and Mosses proposed a rewrite system for deciding regular expressions equivalence of which Almeida et al. presented an improved variant. Hopcroft and Karp proposed an almost linear algorithm for testing the equivalence of two deterministic finite automata that avoids minimisation. In this paper we improve the best-case running time, present an extension of this algorithm to non-deterministic finite automata, and establish a relationship between this algorithm and the one proposed in Almeida et al. We also present some experimental comparative results. All these algorithms are closely related with the recent coalgebraic approach to automata proposed by Rutten

    GATA2 haploinsufficient patients lack innate lymphoid cells that arise after hematopoietic cell transplantation.

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILC) are important barrier tissue immune regulators. They play a pivotal role in early non-specific protection against infiltrating pathogens, regulation of epithelial integrity, suppression of pro-inflammatory immune responses and shaping the intestinal microbiota. GATA2 haploinsufficiency causes an immune disorder that is characterized by bone marrow failure and (near) absence of monocytes, dendritic cells, B cells and natural killer (NK) cells. T cells develop normally, albeit at lower numbers. Here, we describe the absence of ILCs and their progenitors in blood and bone marrow of two patients with GATA2 haploinsufficiency and show that all subsets of ILCs appear after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, irrespective of the preparative conditioning regimen. Our data indicate that GATA2 is involved in the development of hematopoietic precursor cells (HPC) towards the ILC lineage