1,891 research outputs found

    Comparación del ángulo de humectación en distintos tipos de lentes de contacto hidrofílicas

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    Las lentes de contacto (LC) son una técnica de corrección de los distintos defectos refractivos, tales como: la miopía, hipermetropía, astigmatismo y presbicia, intentando conseguir la mejor calidad visual, ofreciendo comodidad al usuario siempre y cuando no aparezca ningún tipo de alteración en la superficie ocular. Las LC son un método alternativo a las lentes oftálmicas, las lentes intraoculares y la cirugía refractiva. Actualmente, las lentes de contacto hidrofílicas (LCH) están fabricadas con polímeros orgánicos y un elemento importante en su composición es el agua, por lo que se habla de un material hidratado.Grado en Óptica y Optometrí

    El progreso moral

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    Feasibility and reliability of a Physical Fitness test battery in individuals with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder that occurs because of an abnormal division between cells that results in an extra copy of chromosome 21. Some studies show that physical exercise in people with DS increases some cognitive capacities, such as memory, and improves the quality of life. Aim: The main aim of this study was to perform an analysis of the reliability and feasibility of the SAMU-Disability Fitness (DISFIT) battery in adults with DS. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a test–retest design was performed in a maximum interval of 2 weeks in 37 subjects (11 women and 26 men) aged between 21 and 58 years old with DS. Eight field-based fitness tests were proposed to assess the physical fitness (PF) of adults with DS: Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference (WC), the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), the Deep Trunk Flexibility test (DTF), the Hand Grip test (HG), the Timed Stand Test (TST), the 30-s Sit-Up (SUP) and the 6-Min Walk Test (6MWT). Results: The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) in all the tests was good and high (>0.80), except for the 6MWT, whose reliability was fair. Conclusion: The SAMU-DISFIT battery is a reliable and feasible physical fitness battery which has been created with the purpose of establishing tests which measure the four basic components of PF (flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness and motor fitness) in adults with D

    A new analytical formulation for the stiffness and resistance of the additional plate in bending in beam‐to‐beam steel joints

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    [Abstract] This paper focuses on the stiffness and resistance of the additional plate in bending. This is a component which appears in beam-to-beam bolted steel joints, when a secondary beam with a flush end plate is attached orthogonally to the primary beam by an additional plate welded between its flanges. In this work, six experimental tests have been carried out to calibrate a finite element model which has been used to develop a wide parametric study. Thus, a new formulation for stiffness and resistance based on an equivalent frame is proposed.The financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional under contract BIA2016-80358-C2-2-P MINECO/FEDER UE is gratefully acknowledged

    Experimental evaluation, FEM and condensed stiffness matrices of 2D external welded haunched joints

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    Manuscrito aceptado[Abstract] In recent years, several researchers have been working hard to improve the knowledge with respect to steel joints behaviour. Special effort has been made for obtaining the stiffness of the different components of the joints, with the aim of introducing this stiffness in the component method in accordance with the EC3. Nevertheless, the component method has important limitations and therefore it is necessary to develop new methods for obtaining the stiffness of joints. In the present work, an alternative method of evaluating the stiffness of 2D external welded haunched joints is presented. The authors show the results of 4 tests and their corresponding finite element models. Four different typologies of joints have been tested, in regards to the stiffening of the column web. The four configurations of joints are the following: Joint 1: with three horizontal stiffeners in the column web. Joint 2: with two horizontal stiffeners and an inclined stiffener in the column web. Joint 3: with two horizontal stiffeners in the column web. Joint 4: without web stiffeners. In all cases, the specimens have been subjected to a point load at the end of the beam, and rotations and displacements have been measured. Additionally, finite element models of the joints have been developed, and they have been properly calibrated with the results obtained in the tests. The condensed stiffness matrices of the joints have been extracted, and they have been tested by means of introducing such matrices into the global analysis of 4 frames, and comparing the obtained results with those ones extracted from the corresponding finite element models. The use of the condensed matrix of the joints presents very good results, and takes into account all the interactions between the different degrees of freedom of the joint.The research described in this paper was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under contract BIA2016-80358-C2-2-P MINECO/FEDER, UE

    Soledad social y emocional, factores de riesgo asociados en personas que ejercen la prostitución

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    El estigma asociado al ejercicio de la prostitución y las condiciones en las que se realiza favorece la exclusión de este colectivo que puede interferir en la adecuada satisfacción de sus necesidades emocionales y sociales favoreciendo la aparición del sentimiento de soledad. Este estudio relaciona las condiciones en las que se lleva a cabo la prostitución con los sentimientos de soledad. Se ha encontrado que la muestra presenta condiciones de vida que favorecen la aparición de sentimientos de soledad, los cuales son más altos que la población general. Mejorar los vínculos socioemocionales de este colectivo es necesario para mejorar su salud.Stigma associated with prostitution and conditions under which it is performed promotes social isolation of this group which can interfere with the proper satisfaction of their emotional and social needs favoring the emergence of the feeling of loneliness. This study relates the conditions in which prostitution takes place with feelings of loneliness. It has been found that the sample presents living conditions that favor the development of feelings of loneliness, which are higher than the general population. Improve the emotional and social bonds of this collective are important to improve their health

    Artificial neural network prediction of the initial stiffness of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections

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    [Abstract]: Joints are significant components in the design and construction of steel structures. The characteristic parameters of the connections must be reproduced in a reliable way to represent the actual behaviour of a structure. Accordingly, the study of semi-rigid joints is essential to better understand this issue. Among the different types of semi-rigid joints, angle connections stand out as a suitable solution in many cases. This paper presents a methodology using artificial neural networks for predicting the initial rotational stiffness of major axis symmetrical angle connections according to the Eurocode description. A consistent stiffness database was developed from the existing data in the Steel Connection Data Bank. Then, the database was cleansed to provide with a robust training set. Different network architectures were analysed until a topology that showed a good performance and generalisation features was obtained. The network was successfully checked with some saved tests from the database and with off-database tests; the network could be reliably used within the range of the training input parameters.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; PID2020-113895GBC3

    Diseño de la Red de Alcantarillado sanitario del Barrio Tierra Prometida de la Ciudad de Managua

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    El presente informe tiene por objeto presentar los estudios y diseños realizados en el “Diseño de la Red de Alcantarillado Sanitario del Barrio Tierra Prometida de la ciudad de Managua”. En la actualidad se considera como un Asentamiento Espontáneo según la clasificación de la Alcaldía de Managua. Actualmente cuenta con el servicio de agua potable, parte de la red fue instalada improvisadamente por los pobladores, pero carece de servicio de alcantarillado sanitario, aunque existe en lo interno (costado noroeste) la subcolectora A1. Para el diseño de la red se contemplaron dos alternativas de descarga: 1. Descargar las aguas de la red directamente a la colectora principal A. 2. Crear una colectora paralela a la principal (colectora A) y descargar parte del caudal a tres pozos de visita en ella y otra parte en la subcolectora A1. La primer alternativa fue descartada debido a que los pozos existentes se encuentran dentro de las viviendas ubicadas a la orilla del cauce (sector norte), las cuales no poseen títulos de propiedad porque están en derecho de vía de la Pista Juan Pablo II (60m) y derecho de cauce. Las viviendas afectadas por ello son 26 en total. Se realizaron los estudios elementales para el diseño de alcantarillado sanitario como son: Encuesta y conteo de las viviendas (elemento indispensable para definir la población a beneficiar con el proyecto). Catastro de servicios públicos existentes. El estudio topográfico y planos fueron suministrados por ENACAL. Posterior a la etapa de campo se realizó el diseño del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario y trazado de la red definitiva de aguas servidas con los planos de construcción

    Finanzas a Largo Plazo : Valoración de Empresas a travéz del método de flujo de caja descontado aplicado a la empresa Terlo,S.A. del periodo 2013-2016

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    En la presente investigación realizada valoración de empresas “Terlo S.A”, a través del modelo de flujo de caja descontado. Obtuvo como objetivo general analizar la situación financiera a largo plazo de dicha empresa, para la realización del trabajo se siguió la metodología documental, donde mencionamos algunos de los aspectos más importantes de las finanzas a largo plazo. Generalidades destacadas de las finanzas como es su concepto, su importancia, la relación que tiene con las demás ramas económicas como son la administración, la contabilidad y la economía donde ciertos Así mismo concepto de valoración de empresas ventajas y desventajas. Donde se usaron diferentes métodos en el que permite a la empresa constatar los resultados de esta. Se estudiará la empresa a profundidad, puntos importantes de su historia, clientes, beneficios). Por último, se obtendrá el valor de la empresa por el modelo de flujo de caja descontado