1,177 research outputs found

    Towards Secure Monitoring and Control Systems: Diversify!

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    This work discusses the role of diversity as a mean towards secure monitoring and control. The intuition underlying the proposal is that diversity can be leveraged to raise the effort it takes to conduct a successful attack (in terms of attack resources and time) to such a level so as to make it pointless to attempt an attack at all. For example, let us consider an attack that requires compromising two machines in order to be successful. If the machines are identical, it suffices to compromise one machine and then repeating the exploit for the other, i.e., the chance of a successful attack PSA to the system is related to the chance of compromising just one machine (PSA≈PM). When the machines are different, PSA is smaller because it becomes somewhat related to chance of compromising each machine separately (i.e., PSA≈PM1×PM2): succeeding is harder and time-consuming. Diversity is not used here to replicate components. We claim that a monitoring and control system, when possible, can smartly combine diverse technologies to significantly increase the effort to conduct a successful attack. Key aspects, issues and future research directions are briefly discussed in the following

    Lipocalina e Delayed Graft Function nel paziente trapiantato renale

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    INTRODUZIONE: Il rene trapiantato è esposto agli effetti dell’ischemia-riperfusione responsabili di ritardata ripresa funzionale dell’organo (delayed graft function; DGF). DGF può incidere negativamente sull’evoluzione del rene trapiantato. Nel presente studio è stato valutato il ruolo della lipocalina urinaria quale predittore di DGF. MATERIALI E METODI: Sono stati valutati pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di rene da donatore cadavere. Prelievi ematici erano effettuati immediatamente prima del trapianto. Le urine erano raccolte per le 24 ore successive al trapianto. DGF era definita dalla necessità di trattamento dialitico entro la prima settimana dal trapianto. RISULTATI: Sono stati valutati 20 pazienti. I pazienti che avevano una rapida ripresa funzionale del rene trapiantato (NO-DGF) erano 14 (70%). DGF era osservata in 6 pazienti. L’età media nei DGF era superiore (58±6 Vs 51±11, p=0.001). Nei pazienti DGF risultavano significativamente ridotta la diuresi (57±35 Vs 4150 ± 2230 ml/24h; p=0.001) e la escrezione urinaria di creatinina (191±184 Vs 683±660 mg/24h; p=0.001), misurate nel primo giorno successivo al trapianto. Non erano osservate significative differenze tra pazienti DGF e NO-DGF per la escrezione urinaria di lipocalina (1,20±2,20 Vs 2,44±4,0 mg/24h; p<0.20). In univariata, DGF risultava associata negativamente alla diuresi (r2=-0.795, p=0.001) ed alla escrezione urinaria di creatinina (r2=-0.480, p=0.037) e positivamente all’età (r2=0.446, p=0.049). In multivariata diuresi (p=0.014) ed escrezione urinaria di creatinina (p=0.039) erano associati a DFG. CONCLUSIONI: Lipocalina urinaria, misurata nel giorno successivo al trapianto renale, non è biomarcatore predittivo di DGF. I risultati del presente studio possono essere stati influenzati dal campione limitato di pazienti e dalla bassa incidenza di DGF

    the choice of the iodinated radiographic contrast media to prevent contrast induced nephropathy

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    In patients with preexisting renal impairment, particularly those who are diabetic, the iodinated radiographic contrast media may cause contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) or contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI), that is, an acute renal failure (ARF), usually nonoliguric and asymptomatic, occurring 24 to 72 hours after their intravascular injection in the absence of an alternative aetiology. Radiographic contrast media have different osmolalities and viscosities. They have also a different nephrotoxicity. In order to prevent CIN, the least nephrotoxic contrast media should be chosen, at the lowest dosage possible. Other prevention measures should include discontinuation of potentially nephrotoxic drugs, adequate hydration with i.v. infusion of either normal saline or bicarbonate solution, and eventually use of antioxidants, such as N-acetylcysteine, and statins

    Separase prevents genomic instability by controlling replication fork speed

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    Proper chromosome segregation is crucial for preserving genomic integrity, and errors in this process cause chromosome mis-segregation, which may contribute to cancer development. Sister chromatid separation is triggered by Separase, an evolutionary conserved protease that cleaves the cohesin complex, allowing the dissolution of sister chromatid cohesion. Here we provide evidence that Separase participates in genomic stability maintenance by controlling replication fork speed. We found that Separase interacted with the replication licensing factors MCM2-7, and genome-wide data showed that Separase co-localized with MCM complex and cohesin. Unexpectedly, the depletion of Separase increased the fork velocity about 1.5-fold and caused a strong acetylation of cohesin's SMC3 subunit and altered checkpoint response. Notably, Separase silencing triggered genomic instability in both HeLa and human primary fibroblast cells. Our results show a novel mechanism for fork progression mediated by Separase and thus the basis for genomic instability associated with tumorigenesis

    Separase prevents genomic instability by controlling replication fork speed

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    Proper chromosome segregation is crucial for preserving genomic integrity, and errors in this process cause chromosome mis-segregation, which may contribute to cancer development. Sister chromatid separation is triggered by Separase, an evolutionary conserved protease that cleaves the cohesin complex, allowing the dissolution of sister chromatid cohesion. Here we provide evidence that Separase participates in genomic stability maintenance by controlling replication fork speed. We found that Separase interacted with the replication licensing factors MCM2-7, and genome-wide data showed that Separase co-localized with MCM complex and cohesin. Unexpectedly, the depletion of Separase increased the fork velocity about 1.5-fold and caused a strong acetylation of cohesin's SMC3 subunit and altered checkpoint response. Notably, Separase silencing triggered genomic instability in both HeLa and human primary fibroblast cells. Our results show a novel mechanism for fork progression mediated by Separase and thus the basis for genomic instability associated with tumorigenesis

    Identification of a novel domain of fibroblast growth factor 2 controlling its angiogenic properties.

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    Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) is a potent factor modulating the activity of many cell types. Its dimerization and binding to high affinity receptors are considered to be necessary steps to induce FGF receptor phosphorylation and signaling activation. A structural analysis was carried out and a region encompassing residues 48-58 of human FGF-2 was identified, as potentially involved in FGF-2 dimerization. A peptide (FREG-48-58) derived from this region strongly and specifically inhibited FGF-2 induced proliferation and migration of primary bovine aorta endothelial cells (BAEC) in vitro, and markedly reduced FGF-2-dependent angiogenesis in two distinct in vivo assays. To further investigate the role of region 48-58, a polyclonal antibody raised against FREG-(48-58) was tested and was found to block FGF-2 action in vitro. Human FGF-2 has three histidine residues, one falling within the region 48-58. Chemical modification of histidine residues blocked FGF-2 activity and FREG-(48-58) inhibitory effect in vitro, indicating that histidine residues, in particular the one within FREG-(48-58) region, play a crucial role in the observed activity. Additional experiments showed that FREG-(48-58) specifically interacted with FGF-2, impaired FGF-2-interaction with itself, with heparin and with FGF receptor 1, and inhibited FGF-2-induced receptor phosphorylation and FGF-2 internalization. These data indicate for the first time that region 48-58 of FGF-2 is a functional domain controlling FGF-2 activity

    The Burden of Structured Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose on Diabetes-Specific Quality of Life and Locus of Control in Patients with Noninsulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes: The PRISMA Study

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    Background: To evaluate whether structured self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is associated with changes in diabetes-specific quality of life (DSQoL) and locus of control (LOC) in patients with noninsulin-treated type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Study Design and Methods: In this analysis of the PRISMA (Prospective Randomized Trial on Intensive SMBG Management Added Value in Noninsulin-Treated T2DM Patients) Study psychosocial data, we evaluated the impact of 12 months of structured SMBG on the individual domains of DSQoL and LOC questionnaires, including the role of selected confounders. Results: The score for Satisfaction, Impact, and Worry domains (DSQoL) improved when compared with baseline, without significant differences between structured SMBG regimen (intervention group, n = 501) and active control group (n = 523). Scores for Internal, Chance, and Powerful Others domains (LOC) improved compared with baseline, with a significant between-group change in Chance (P = 0.0309). For DSQoL domain score, improvements were associated with higher number of SMBG measurements (P = 0.007), older age (P = 0.013), and male sex (P = 0.0133) for Satisfaction and with male sex (P &lt; 0.0001) for Worry. Concerning LOC domain score, improvements were associated with longer diabetes duration (P = 0.0084) and younger age (P &lt; 0.0001) for Chance and total number of SMBG measurements (P = 0.0036) for Internal, with the intervention group close to being significant (P = 0.06). Conclusions: Our analysis demonstrates that in patients with noninsulin-treated T2DM, structured SMBG is not associated with a deterioration of quality of life and LOC, which is strongly predicted by demographics and diabetes-related variables. These findings should be considered when tailoring educational support to SMBG for these patients

    Uji Efek Analgesik Ekstrak Kulit Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana L.) Pada Mencit Swiss (Muss Musculus)

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    Background:Indonesia is the country with the second largest plants after Brazil. One of the plants that grow in Indonesia is the mangosteen plant is utilized as a medicine by the people of Indonesia but also by people in some other countries. Mangosteen skin is most often used to treat diseases such as fever, diarrhea, hypertension, antioksidant, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and many other diseases. This study aims to prove the presence or absence laboratorik analgesic effects of mangosteen peel extract in mice.Methods:This study uses a sample of nine experimental Swiss mice. The sample was divided into 3 groups, namely the positive control group given the drug tramadol, negative control group given distilled water control and experimental groups were given mangosteen peel extract, each group consisted of three mice. Testing is done by providing analgesic effects of pain stimuli using thermal stimuli (hot plate method) with a temperature of 550C. Given pain stimuli will cause the mice were protecting themselves by jumping response or lick the feet and tail. Testing efekan algesik done before giving the test substance and the reference solution, then at minute 30,60,90 and 120 minutes after administration of the test substance and the reference solution. Tests carried out for 1 minute.Results:mangosteen peel extract has analgesic effects are starting to look at minute 30 to minute 120 with the maximum effect seen at minute 90.Conclusion:mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana, L) has analgesic effect in Swiss mice (Mus musculus
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