19,459 research outputs found

    Conceptual mechanization studies for a horizon definition spacecraft structures and thermal subsystem

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    Conceptual mechanization for horizon definition spacecraft structures and thermal subsystem - spin-stabilized, hexagonal cylinder for launch of two-stage Improved Delta /DSV-3N

    CHAP Enhances Versatility in Colloidal Probe Fabrication

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    A colloidal probe, comprising a colloidal particle attached to an atomic force microscope cantilever, is employed to measure directly interaction forces between the particle and a surface. It is possible to change or even destroy a particle while attaching it to a cantilever, thus limiting the types of systems to which the colloidal probe technique may be applied. Here we present the Controlled Heating and Alignment Platform (CHAP) for fabricating colloidal probes without altering the original characteristics of the attached particle. The CHAP applies heat directly to the atomic force microscope chip to rapidly and precisely control cantilever temperature. This minimizes particle heating and enables control over the viscosity of thermoplastic adhesive, to prevent it from contaminating the particle surface. 3D-printed components made the CHAP compatible with standard optical microscopes and streamlined the fabrication process while increasing the platforms versatility. Using the CHAP with a thermoplastic wax adhesive, colloidal probes were fabricated using polystyrene and silica particles between 0.7 and 40 m in diameter. We characterized the properties and interactions of the adhesive and particles, as well as the properties of the completed probes, to demonstrate the retention of particle features throughout fabrication. Pull-off tests with CHAPs probes measured adhesive force values in the expected ranges and demonstrated that particles were firmly attached to the cantilevers

    Robust designs for Poisson regression models

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    We consider the problem of how to construct robust designs for Poisson regression models. An analytical expression is derived for robust designs for first-order Poisson regression models where uncertainty exists in the prior parameter estimates. Given certain constraints in the methodology, it may be necessary to extend the robust designs for implementation in practical experiments. With these extensions, our methodology constructs designs which perform similarly, in terms of estimation, to current techniques, and offers the solution in a more timely manner. We further apply this analytic result to cases where uncertainty exists in the linear predictor. The application of this methodology to practical design problems such as screening experiments is explored. Given the minimal prior knowledge that is usually available when conducting such experiments, it is recommended to derive designs robust across a variety of systems. However, incorporating such uncertainty into the design process can be a computationally intense exercise. Hence, our analytic approach is explored as an alternative

    Measurement properties of the UK-English version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventoryâ„¢ 4.0 (PedsQLâ„¢) generic core scales

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    Background Health related quality of life (HRQL) has been recognised as an important paediatric outcome measurement. One of the more promising measures to emerge in recent years is the Pediatric Quality Of Life Inventory (PedsQLâ„¢), developed in the US. Advantages of the PedsQLâ„¢ include brevity, availability of age appropriate versions and parallel forms for child and parent. This study developed a UK-English version of PedsQLâ„¢ generic module and assessed its performance in a group of UK children and their parents. Methods PedsQLâ„¢ was translated to UK-English. The psychometric properties of the UK version were then tested following administration to 1399 children and 970 of their parents. The sample included healthy children, children diagnosed with asthma, diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease and children in remission from cancer. Results Psychometric properties were similar to those reported for the original PedsQLâ„¢. Internal reliability exceeded 0.70 for all proxy and self-report sub-scales. Discriminant validity was established for proxy and self-report with higher HRQL being reported for healthy children than those with health problems. Sex differences were noted on the emotional functioning subscale, with females reporting lower HRQL than males. Proxy and self-report correlation was higher for children with health problems than for healthy children. Conclusion The UK-English version of PedsQLâ„¢ performed as well as the original PedsQLâ„¢ and is recommended for assessment of paediatric HRQL in the UK

    Sweet Eileen Asthore

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    Study of the April 20, 2007 CME-Comet Interaction Event with an MHD Model

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    This study examines the tail disconnection event on April 20, 2007 on comet 2P/Encke, caused by a coronal mass ejection (CME) at a heliocentric distance of 0.34 AU. During their interaction, both the CME and the comet are visible with high temporal and spatial resolution by the STEREO-A spacecraft. Previously, only current sheets or shocks have been accepted as possible reasons for comet tail disconnections, so it is puzzling that the CME caused this event. The MHD simulation presented in this work reproduces the interaction process and demonstrates how the CME triggered a tail disconnection in the April 20 event. It is found that the CME disturbs the comet with a combination of a 180∘180^\circ sudden rotation of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), followed by a 90∘90^\circ gradual rotation. Such an interpretation applies our understanding of solar wind-comet interactions to determine the \textit{in situ} IMF orientation of the CME encountering Encke.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, accepted by the ApJ Letter

    Do Employees From Less-Healthy Communities Use More Care and Cost More? Seeking to Establish a Business Case for Investment in Community Health.

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    INTRODUCTION: Few studies have examined the impact of community health on employers. We explored whether employed adults and their adult dependents living in less-healthy communities in the greater Philadelphia region used more care and incurred higher costs to employers than employees from healthier communities. METHODS: We used a multi-employer database to identify adult employees and dependents with continuous employment and mapped them to 31 zip code regions. We calculated community health scores at the regional level, by using metrics similar to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) County Health Rankings but with local data. We used descriptive analyses and multilevel linear modeling to explore relationships between community health and 3 outcome variables: emergency department (ED) use, hospital use, and paid claims. Business leaders reviewed findings and offered insights on preparedness to invest in community health improvement. RESULTS: Poorer community health was associated with high use of ED services, after controlling for age and sex. After including a summary measure of racial composition at the zip code region level, the relationship between community health and ED use became nonsignificant. No significant relationships between community health and hospitalizations or paid claims were identified. Business leaders expressed interest in further understanding health needs of communities where their employees live. CONCLUSION: The health of communities in which adult employees and dependents live was associated with ED use, but similar relationships were not seen for hospitalizations or paid claims. This finding suggests a need for more primary care access. Despite limited quantitative evidence, business leaders expressed interest in guidance on investing in community health improvement

    Determination and Prediction of Some Soil Properties Using Partial Least Square (PLS) Calibration and Mid-Infra Red (MIR) Spectroscopy Analysis

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    Soil chemical, physical and biological analyses are a crucial but often expensive and time-consuming step in the characterization of soils. Rapid and accurate predictions and relatively simple methods are ideally needed for soil analysis. The objective of this study was to predict some soil properties (e.g. pH, EC, total C, total N,C/N, NH4-N, NO3-N, P, K, clay, silt, and sand and soil microbial biomass carbon) across the Wickepin farm during summer season using a Mid-Infra Red - Partial Least Square (MIR–PLS) method. The 291 soil samples were analyzed bothwith soil extraction procedure and MIR Spectrometer. Calibrations were developed between MIR spectral data and the results of soil extraction procedures. Results using the PLS-MIR showed that MIR-predicted values were almost as highly correlated to the measured value obtained by the soil extraction method of total carbon, total nitrogen and soil pH. Values for EC, NH4-N, NO3-N, C/N, P, K, clay, silt, sand, and soil microbial biomass carbon were not successfully predicted by the MIR – PLS technique. There was a tendency for these factors to correlate with the MIR predicted value, but the correlation values were very low. This study has confirmed that the MIR-PLS method can be used to predict some soil properties based on calibrations of MIR values
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