1,304 research outputs found

    Semantic Web meets Web 2.0 (and vice versa): The Value of the Mundane for the Semantic Web

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    Web 2.0, not the Semantic Web, has become the face of “the next generation Web” among the tech-literate set, and even among many in the various research communities involved in the Web. Perceptions in these communities of what the Semantic Web is (and who is involved in it) are often misinformed if not misguided. In this paper we identify opportunities for Semantic Web activities to connect with the Web 2.0 community; we explore why this connection is of significant benefit to both groups, and identify how these connections open valuable research opportunities “in the real” for the Semantic Web effort

    Intracerebral Haemorrhage Following Carotid Endarterectomy

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    AbstractObjectives. To determine risk factors for the development of hyperperfusion and intra-cerebral haemorrhage following carotid endarterectomy and formulate potential protocols for prevention.Methods. MEDLINE database search of the English language literature (1966–2002) was performed using the words ‘cerebral haemorrhage’, ‘intracranial haemorrhage’ and ‘carotid endarterectomy’. Other articles were cross-referenced by hand.Results. There are no data from randomised trials confirming the significance of any single risk factor. The evidence suggests that the following may have a role: pre-operative hypertension, recent ipsilateral non-haemorrhagic stroke, previous ischaemic cerebral infarction, surgery for a >90% ipsilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis, impaired cerebrovascular reserve, intra-operative haemodynamic or embolic ischaemia, post-operative hypertension, an ipsilateral increase of ≄175% in peak middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAV) and/or a ≄100% increase in pulsatility index.Conclusions. A critical ICA stenosis with impaired cerebrovascular reserve resulting in maximal intracerebral vasodilatation and post-operative hyperperfusion (impaired autoregulation) appear to be central to the development of ICH. Appropriate pre-operative screening and post-operative monitoring in high risk patients might identify those who would benefit from manipulation of the haemodynamic events that appear to promote ICH

    Nurse telephone triage for same day appointments in general practice: multiple interrupted time series trial of effect on workload and costs

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the workloads of general practitioners and nurses and costs of patient care for nurse telephone triage and standard management of requests for same day appointments in routine primary care. DESIGN: Multiple interrupted time series using sequential introduction of experimental triage system in different sites with repeated measures taken one week in every month for 12 months. SETTING: Three primary care sites in York. Participants: 4685 patients: 1233 in standard management, 3452 in the triage system. All patients requesting same day appointments during study weeks were included in the trial. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Type of consultation (telephone, appointment, or visit), time taken for consultation, presenting complaints, use of services during the month after same day contact, and costs of drugs and same day, follow up, and emergency care. RESULTS: The triage system reduced appointments with general practitioner by 29-44%. Compared with standard management, the triage system had a relative risk (95% confidence interval) of 0.85 (0.72 to 1.00) for home visits, 2.41 (2.08 to 2.80) for telephone care, and 3.79 (3.21 to 4.48) for nurse care. Mean overall time in the triage system was 1.70 minutes longer, but mean general practitioner time was reduced by 2.45 minutes. Routine appointments and nursing time increased, as did out of hours and accident and emergency attendance. Costs did not differ significantly between standard management and triage: mean difference ÂŁ1.48 more per patient for triage (95% confidence interval -0.19 to 3.15). CONCLUSIONS: Triage reduced the number of same day appointments with general practitioners but resulted in busier routine surgeries, increased nursing time, and a small but significant increase in out of hours and accident and emergency attendance. Consequently, triage does not reduce overall costs per patient for managing same day appointments

    The labour ward analgesic service at King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban

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    The provision of analgesic services to the labour ward at King Edward VIII Hospital was studied during a 1-week period. Of 249 patients, 113 (45%) received no analgesia whatsoever. Intramuscular pethidine was the commonest form of analgesia and was used in 97 patients (39%). Thirty-six patients (14%) received epidural analgesia and only 4 inhalational analgesia using nitrous oxide and oxygen (Entonox). A significant proportion of patients who received pethidine were given the drug between 1 and 3 hours before delivery, increasing the potential for opiate-related neonatal depression. Of the patients given opiate analgesia, 22 (23%) proceeded to caesarean section and could have been at increased risk of aspiration of gastric contents owing to delayed gastric emptying caused by the opiate. One hundred and eleven mothers (76%) who had an obstetric indication for epidural analgesia were denied it because of lack of medical staffing

    Fermionic Molecular Dynamics for nuclear dynamics and thermodynamics

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    A new Fermionic Molecular Dynamics (FMD) model based on a Skyrme functional is proposed in this paper. After introducing the basic formalism, some first applications to nuclear structure and nuclear thermodynamics are presentedComment: 5 pages, Proceedings of the French-Japanese Symposium, September 2008. To be published in Int. J. of Mod. Phys.

    Geologic mapping of the Urvara and Yalode Quadrangles of Ceres

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    We conducted geologic mapping of the Urvara (Ac-13) and Yalode (Ac-14) Quadrangles (21–66°S, 180–360°E) of the dwarf planet Ceres utilizing morphologic, topographic, and compositional information acquired by NASA's Dawn mission. The geologic characteristics of the two large impact basins Urvara (170 km diameter) and Yalode (260 km diameter) and their surroundings were investigated using Dawn Framing Camera datasets, including Survey (415 m/pixel), HAMO (140 m/pixel), and LAMO (35 m/pixel) images and mosaics, color and color ratio images, and DTMs derived from stereo-photogrammetry. Geologic mapping demonstrates that impact cratering has dominated the geologic history of the Urvara and Yalode Quadrangles, with early cratered terrain formation followed by formation of the large basins and widespread emplacement of basin-related smooth material. Impact craters display a wide range of preservation states from nearly completely buried/degraded forms to more recent pristine craters with terraced inner walls and lobate ejecta deposits. Cross-cutting relationships and morphologic signatures show that the Urvara impact followed the Yalode impact, consistent with ages derived from crater size-frequency distributions (580 ± 40 Ma for Yalode and 550 ± 50 Ma for Urvara). Observed differences in basin materials and rim morphology suggest heterogeneities in the substrate excavated by impact. Smooth deposits that cover large areas of the quadrangles, including the basin floors, rims, and exterior zones, are interpreted to be dominated by Urvara ejecta but Yalode ejecta and localized ice-rich flow material may be minor components. Geologic mapping results and simulations of ejecta emplacement suggest that Urvara and Yalode ejecta deposits extend for large distances (more than two crater diameters from the basin centers) and may serve as important stratigraphic markers for the geologic record of Ceres

    On the influence of noise on chaos in nearly Hamiltonian systems

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    The simultaneous influence of small damping and white noise on Hamiltonian systems with chaotic motion is studied on the model of periodically kicked rotor. In the region of parameters where damping alone turns the motion into regular, the level of noise that can restore the chaos is studied. This restoration is created by two mechanisms: by fluctuation induced transfer of the phase trajectory to domains of local instability, that can be described by the averaging of the local instability index, and by destabilization of motion within the islands of stability by fluctuation induced parametric modulation of the stability matrix, that can be described by the methods developed in the theory of Anderson localization in one-dimensional systems.Comment: 10 pages REVTEX, 9 figures EP
