536 research outputs found

    Quantum criticality of dipolar spin chains

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    We show that a chain of Heisenberg spins interacting with long-range dipolar forces in a magnetic field h perpendicular to the chain exhibits a quantum critical point belonging to the two-dimensional Ising universality class. Within linear spin-wave theory the magnon dispersion for small momenta k is [Delta^2 + v_k^2 k^2]^{1/2}, where Delta^2 \propto |h - h_c| and v_k^2 \propto |ln k|. For fields close to h_c linear spin-wave theory breaks down and we investigate the system using density-matrix and functional renormalization group methods. The Ginzburg regime where non-Gaussian fluctuations are important is found to be rather narrow on the ordered side of the transition, and very broad on the disordered side.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Study of Reduced-Enrichment Uranium Fuel Possibility for Research Reactors

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    Having analyzed the results obtained in the work, it is possible to conclude that the flux density of fast and thermal neutrons in the shell of fuel elements in EFA in REU-zone decreased on average by 5% for UO2 fuel and by 7% for U9%Mo fuel. Change of neutrons flux density during the cycle does not exceed 4% for both fuel types. On average the fuel burnup in reactor core during the cycle for UO2 and U9%Mo increased by 2.8%. It is 1% less that in HEU-zone, which is conditioned by higher initial loading of 235U in fuel assembly with REU fuel

    Parametrically-stimulated recovery of a microwave signal using standing spin-wave modes of a magnetic film

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    The phenomenon of storage and parametrically-stimulated recovery of a microwave signal in a ferrite film has been studied both experimentally and theoretically. The microwave signal is stored in the form of standing spin-wave modes existing in the film due to its finite thickness. Signal recovery is performed by means of frequency-selective amplification of one of these standing modes by double- requency parametric pumping process. The time of recovery, as well as the duration and magnitude of the recovered signal, depend on the timing and amplitudes of both the input and pumping pulses. A mean-field theory of the recovery process based on the competitive interaction of the signal-induced standing spin-wave mode and thermal magnons with the parametric pumping field is developed and compared to the experimental data

    Graph-Based Approach to the Edit Distance Cryptanalysis of Irregularly Clocked Linear Feedback Shift Registers

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    This paper proposes a speed-up of a known-plaintext attack on some stream ciphers based on Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs). The algorithm consists of two basic steps: first, to guess the initial seed value of one of the LFSRs, and then to use the resulting binary sequence in order to deduce useful information about the cipher parameters. In particular, the proposed divide-and-conquer attack is based on a combination of graph-based techniques with edit distance concepts. While the original edit distance attack requires the exhaustive search over the set of all possible initial states of the involved LFSR, this work presents a new heuristic optimization that avoids the evaluation of an important number of initial states through the identification of the most promising branches of the search graph. The strongest aspects of the proposal are the facts that the obtained results from the attack are absolutely deterministic, and that many inconsistent initial states of the target LFSRs are recognized and avoided during search.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European FEDER Fund under Project TIN2008-02236/TSI as well as by CDTI (Spain)and the companies INDRA, Unin Fenosa, Tecnobit, Visual Tool, Brainstorm, SAC and Technosafe under Project Cenit-HESPERIA.Peer reviewe

    Recent magnetic views of the Antarctic lithosphere

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    Magnetic anomaly investigations are a key tool to help unveil subglacial geology, crustal architecture and the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic continent. Here, we present the second generation Antarctic magnetic anomaly compilation ADMAP 2.0 (Golynsky et al., 2018), that now includes a staggering 3.5 million line-km of aeromagnetic and marine magnetic data, more than double the amount of data available in the first generation effort. All the magnetic data were corrected for the International Geomagnetic Reference Field, diurnal effects, high-frequency errors and leveled, gridded,and stitched together. The new magnetic anomaly dataset provides tantalising new views into the structure and evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula and the West Antarctic Rift System within West Antarctica, and Dronning Maud Land, the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, the Prince Charles Mountains, Princess Elizabeth Land, and Wilkes Land in East Antarctica, as well as key insights into oceanic gateways. Our magnetic anomaly compilation is helping unify disparate regional geologic and geophysical studies by providing larger-scale perspectives into the major tectonic and magmatic processes that affected Antarctica from Precambrian to Cenozoic times, including e.g. the processes of subduction and magmatic arc development, orogenesis, accretion, cratonisation and continental rifting, as well as continental margin and oceanic basin evolution. The international Antarctic geomagnetic community remains very active in the wake of ADMAP 2.0, and we will showcase some of their key ongoing study areas, such as the South Pole and Recovery frontiers, the Ross Ice Shelf, Dronning Maud Land and Princess Elizabeth Land

    Bathymetry Beneath Ice Shelves of Western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, and Implications on Ice Shelf Stability

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    Antarctica's ice shelves play a key role in stabilizing the ice streams that feed them. Since basal melting largely depends on ice-ocean interactions, it is vital to attain consistent bathymetry models to estimate water and heat exchange beneath ice shelves. We have constructed bathymetry models beneath the ice shelves of western Dronning Maud Land by inverting airborne gravity data and incorporating seismic, multibeam, and radar depth references. Our models reveal deep glacial troughs beneath the ice shelves and terminal moraines close to the continental shelf breaks, which currently limit the entry of Warm Deep Water from the Southern Ocean. The ice shelves buttress a catchment that comprises an ice volume equivalent to nearly 1 m of eustatic sea level rise, partly susceptible to ocean forcing. Changes in water temperature and thermocline depth may accelerate marine-based ice sheet drainage and constitute an underestimated contribution to future global sea level rise

    Direct aerosol chemical composition measurements to evaluate the physicochemical differences between controlled sea spray aerosol generation schemes

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    Controlled laboratory studies of the physical and chemical properties of sea spray aerosol (SSA) must be under-pinned by a physically and chemically accurate representation of the bubble-mediated production of nascent SSA particles. Bubble bursting is sensitive to the physico-chemical properties of seawater. For a sample of seawater, any important differences in the SSA production mechanism are projected into the composition of the aerosol particles produced. Using direct chemical measurements of SSA at the single-particle level, this study presents an intercomparison of three laboratory-based, bubble-mediated SSA production schemes: gas forced through submerged sintered glass filters ("frits"), a pulsed plunging-waterfall apparatus, and breaking waves in a wave channel filled with natural seawater. The size-resolved chemical composition of SSA particles produced by breaking waves is more similar to particles produced by the plunging waterfall than those produced by sintered glass filters. Aerosol generated by disintegrating foam produced by sintered glass filters contained a larger fraction of organic-enriched particles and a different size-resolved elemental composition, especially in the 0.8–2 μm dry diameter range. Interestingly, chemical differences between the methods only emerged when the particles were chemically analyzed at the single-particle level as a function of size; averaging the elemental composition of all particles across all sizes masked the differences between the SSA samples. When dried, SSA generated by the sintered glass filters had the highest fraction of particles with spherical morphology compared to the more cubic structure expected for pure NaCl particles produced when the particle contains relatively little organic carbon. In addition to an intercomparison of three SSA production methods, the role of the episodic or "pulsed" nature of the waterfall method on SSA composition was under-taken. In organic-enriched seawater, the continuous operation of the plunging waterfall resulted in the accumulation of surface foam and an over-expression of organic matter in SSA particles compared to those produced by a pulsed plunging waterfall. Throughout this set of experiments, comparative differences in the SSA number size distribution were coincident with differences in aerosol particle composition, indicating that the production mechanism of SSA exerts important controls on both the physical and chemical properties of the resulting aerosol with respect to both the internal and external mixing state of particles. This study provides insight into the inextricable physicochemical differences between each of the bubble-mediated SSA generation mechanisms tested and the aerosol particles that they produce, and also serves as a guideline for future laboratory studies of SSA particles

    Work functions, ionization potentials, and in-between: Scaling relations based on the image charge model

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    We revisit a model in which the ionization energy of a metal particle is associated with the work done by the image charge force in moving the electron from infinity to a small cut-off distance just outside the surface. We show that this model can be compactly, and productively, employed to study the size dependence of electron removal energies over the range encompassing bulk surfaces, finite clusters, and individual atoms. It accounts in a straightforward manner for the empirically known correlation between the atomic ionization potential (IP) and the metal work function (WF), IP/WF\sim2. We formulate simple expressions for the model parameters, requiring only a single property (the atomic polarizability or the nearest neighbor distance) as input. Without any additional adjustable parameters, the model yields both the IP and the WF within \sim10% for all metallic elements, as well as matches the size evolution of the ionization potentials of finite metal clusters for a large fraction of the experimental data. The parametrization takes advantage of a remarkably constant numerical correlation between the nearest-neighbor distance in a crystal, the cube root of the atomic polarizability, and the image force cutoff length. The paper also includes an analytical derivation of the relation of the outer radius of a cluster of close-packed spheres to its geometric structure.Comment: Original submission: 8 pages with 7 figures incorporated in the text. Revised submission (added one more paragraph about alloy work functions): 18 double spaced pages + 8 separate figures. Accepted for publication in PR