273 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership, compensation, communication, and work environment on employee performance through organizational commitment as a banking intervention variable. IBM AMOS 23 was used to analyze the pattern of causality between variables. This research uses survey research methods. The population in this study were all staff at the Bank Kaltimtara Syariah Samarinda Branch in East Kalimantan. The number of research samples is determined by 250 respondents. The result of the research is that there is a significant direct and positive influence of leadership on employee performance. There is no significant negative direct effect of compensation on employee performance. There is a significant direct and positive effect of communication on employee performance. There is a significant direct and positive effect of the work environment on employee performance. There is a significant direct and positive effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of leadership on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant direct and positive effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of leadership on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant direct and positive effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of leadership on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of compensation on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. There is a significant indirect and positive effect of communication on employee performance with organizational commitment intervention. There is no indirect and insignificant negative effect of the work environment on employee performance by intervening organizational commitment. Keywords: Leadership, compensation, communication, work environment, organizational commitment and employee performanc

    Comparing practice-ready forecast models for weekly and monthly fluctuations of average daily traffic and enhancing accuracy by weighting methods

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    Knowing daily traffic for the current year is recognized as being essential in many fields of transport analysis and practice, and short-term forecasting models offer a set of tools to meet these needs. This paper examines and compares the accuracy of three representative parametric and non-parametric prediction models, selected by the analysis of the numerous methods proposed in the literature for their good combination of forecast accuracy and ease of calibration, using real-life data on Italian motorway stretches. Non-parametric K-NN regression model, Gaussian maximum likelihood model and double seasonality Holt–Winters exponential smoothing model confirm their goodness to predict the weekly and monthly fluctuations of average daily traffic with varying degrees of performance, while maintaining an easy use in professional practice, i.e. requiring ordinary professional skills and conventional analysis tools. Since combining several prediction models can give, on average, more accuracy than that of the individual models, the paper compares two weighting methods of easy implementation and susceptible to a direct use, namely the widely used information entropy method and the less widespread Shapley value method. Despite being less common than the information entropy method, the Shapley value method proves to be more capable in better combining single forecasts and produces improvements in the predictions for test data. With these remarks, the paper might be of interest to traffic technicians or analysts, in various and not uncommon tasks they might find in their work. Keywords: Short-term traffic forecasting, Non-parametric regression, Gaussian maximum likelihood, Double seasonal Holt–Winters exponential smoothing, Entropy weighting method, Shapley value weighting metho


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    Sikap toleransi pada anak diindikasikan dengan sikap mau bekerjasama, saling menghargai serta mau berbagi. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah “Bagaimanakah Mengembangkan Sikap Toleransi Anak Melalui Metode Bermain Peran di PAUD Budi Asih Muara Baru Lampug Barat?”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sikap toleransi anak melalui metode bermein peran di PAUD Budi Asih Muara Baru Lampung Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa. Alat pengumpul data yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Observasi, Wawancara serta Dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa guru belum menerapkan langkah-langkah bermain peran secara keseluruhan yaitu diawali dengan guru memilih subtema yang akan dimainkan, lalu guru membuat naskah jalannya cerita, yang ketiga guru mengumpulkan anak untuk memberikan pengarahan, keempat guru menyiapkan peralatan penunjang dan yang terakhir guru menjelaskan fungsi dari alat-alat penunjang yang telah disiapkan. Sikap toleransi yang ingin dimunculkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu sikap mau berbagi dengan teman, tidak berebut dengan teman, mau bekerja sama untuk menyelesaikan kegiatan, mau menjalankan peran yang diberikan serta bersama-sama menyelesaikan peran tersebut, mau menghargai perbedaan pendapat, dan tidak membuat keributan ataupun mengganggu teman selama kegiatan berlangsung

    Fractional lower-order statistics for efficient adaptive temporal and spatial methods in non-Gaussian environment

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    Data-driven Bicycle Network Analysis Based on Traditional Counting Methods and GPS Traces from Smartphone

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    This research describes numerical methods to analyze the absolute transport demand of cyclists and to quantify the road network weaknesses of a city with the aim to identify infrastructure improvements in favor of cyclists. The methods are based on a combination of bicycle counts and map-matched GPS traces. The methods are demonstrated with data from the city of Bologna, Italy: approximately 27,500 GPS traces from cyclists were recorded over a period of one month on a volunteer basis using a smartphone application. One method estimates absolute, city-wide bicycle flows by scaling map-matched bicycle flows of the entire network to manual and instrumental bicycle counts at the main bikeways of the city. As there is a fairly high correlation between the two sources of flow data, the absolute bike-flows of the entire network have been correctly estimated. Another method describes a novel, total deviation metric per link which quantifies for each network edge the total deviation generated for cyclists in terms of extra distances traveled with respect to the shortest possible route. The deviations are accepted by cyclists either to avoid unpleasant road attributes along the shortest route or to experience more favorable road attributes along the chosen route. The total deviation metric indicates to the planner which road links are contributing most to the total deviation of all cyclists. In this way, repellant and attractive road attributes for cyclists can be identified. This is why the total deviation metric is of practical help to prioritize bike infrastructure construction on individual road network links. Finally, the map-matched traces allow the calibration of a discrete choice model between two route alternatives, considering distance, share of exclusive bikeway, and share of low-priority roads

    Implementation of an asymmetric network equilibrium problem with detailed representation of unsignalized and signalized urban intersections

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    This paper discusses the implementation of an asymmetric network equilibrium model with detailed representation of unsignalized and signalized urban intersections. A software has been developed to solve the deterministic user equilibrium (DUE) problem which takes into account real urban intersections in their detailed configurations. During the first phase this software was tested on a “toy” network and then on the real network of Villafranca (a town near Verona Italy). The comparison between the equilibrium flow patterns resulting from the model and some traffic counts on the Villafranca network confirms that the model is good


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    Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah: Bagaimana persepsimahasiswapendidikan agama islam terhadap pemanfaatan SumberBelajar di Perpustakaan IAIN Bengkulu. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk  mendikripsikan Persepsimahasiswapendidikan agama islam terhadap pemanfaatan SumberBelajar di Perpustakaan IAIN Bengkulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research)yaitu penelitian mendalam mencakup keseluruhan yang terjadi di lapangan dengan tujuan untuk mempelajari secara mendalam tentang latar belakang keadaan sekarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif melalui prosedur logika induktif dan deduktif. Dari hasil penelitian ini dikatakan bahwapersepsimahasiswapendidikan agama islam terhadap pemanfaatan SumberBelajar di Perpustakaan IAIN Bengkulu khususnya prodi PAI kurang efektip karena kebanyakan dari para  mahasiswa memanfaatkan sumber belajar di perpustakaan ketika ada tugas atau menyusun skripsi. Oleh karena itu dalam pemanfaatan sumber belajar di perpustakaan bagi mahasiswa mulai dikenakan kemampuan membaca pemahaman minat bacanya perluditingkatkan agar para mahasiswa selalu memanfaatkan sumber belajar di perpustakaan secara terusmenerus

    Updated models of passenger transport related energy consumption of urban areas

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    Introduction: As the global warming threat has become more concrete in recent years, there is a need to update transport energy consumptions of cities and to understand how they relate to population density and transport infrastructure. Transportation is one of the major sources of global warming and this update is an important warning for urban planners and policy makers to take action in a more consistent way. Analysis: This paper estimates and analyzes the passenger transport energy per person per year with a large and diverse sample set based on comparable, directly observable open-source data of 57 cities, distributed over 33 countries. The freight transport energy consumption, which accounts for a large portion of urban transport energy, is not considered. The main focus of the analysis is to establish a quantitative relation between population density, transport infrastructure and transport energy consumption. Results: In a first step, significant linear relations have been found between road length per inhabitant, the road infrastructure accessibility (RIA) and private car mode share as well as between RIA and public transport mode share. Results show further relation between travel distance, population density and RIA. In a second step, a simplified model has been developed that explains the non-linear relation between the population density and RIA. Finally, based on this relation and the above findings, a hyperbolic function between population density and transport energy has been calibrated, which explains the rapid increase of transport energy consumption of cities with low population density. Conclusions: The result of the this study has clearly identified the high private car mode share as main cause for the high transport energy usage of such cities, while the longer average commute distance in low-population density cities has a more modest influence on their transport energy consumption