827 research outputs found

    Modeling Swedish Hydropower and Intermittent Production Variability in TIMES

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    This thesis considers the representation of intermittent and flexible power production in long-term energy system models, and more specifically at the Swedish hydropower's capability of balancing the variations from increased shares of power from intermittent energy sources. The thesis aims to investigate how a present national TIMES model can be improved to better capture the technical, physical, legal and market related restrictions controlling the flexibility of hydropower. The analysis is carried out in three steps. Firstly, a short literature review is conducted to describe the restrictions. Based on the review findings a TIMES-based model is thereafter developed. Finally, the model's calculations of the future energy systems optimal composition are compared to the ones of the conventional long-term energy system model TIMES-Sweden. The results indicate that models with lower temporal resolution overestimate the power system’s ability to balance an increased share of power generation from intermittent sources due to the models’ inability to account for the increased occurrences of situations with a high power demand and low intermittent production availability. They also highlight the importance of accounting for the power systems ability to balance unexpected production decreases due to forecast errors of intermittent production. When it comes to estimating the Swedish hydropower's flexibility the scope of the case study limits the number of conclusions than can be drawn. However, the results do indicate that the biggest challenges of balancing high shares of intermittent production with hydropower probably do not concern the hydropower system's ability to follow the increasing variability in residual load, but rather other limitations such as transmission capacities or restrictions stemming from production uncertainties.Energisystemsmodellering med fokus pĂ„ den svenska vattenkraftens förmĂ„ga att balansera en ökad andel vind- och solelproduktion Det pĂ„gĂ„r idag en global omstĂ€llning av elsystemet, frĂ„n fossila till förnybara energikĂ€llor. Den nya elproduktionen vĂ€ntas till stor del utgöras av variabel produktion, vilket medför nya utmaningar för elsystemet. I examensarbetet utvecklas en modell för att undersöka hur den svenska vattenkraften möjliggör för en sĂ„dan utveckling. LĂ„ngsiktiga energisystemsmodeller Ă€r verktyg som kan anvĂ€ndas för att studera hur energisystemet kan utvecklas pĂ„ sikt, med hĂ€nsyn till samhĂ€lleliga faktorer sĂ„som ekonomi och politik. Modellerna gör det möjligt att beakta komplexa samspel inom energisystemet och hitta den mest kostnadseffektiva sammansĂ€ttningen av konkurrerande alternativ utifrĂ„n antaganden om efterfrĂ„gan av varor och tjĂ€nster samt tekniska, fysiska och politiska restriktioner. De möjliggör alltsĂ„ studier av energisystemet ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Historiskt sett har modellerna fokuserat pĂ„ behovet och tillgĂ„ngen av energiproduktion över lĂ€ngre tidshorisonter. Eftersom energisystemet nĂ€stan helt och hĂ„llet har utgjorts av teknologier vars produktion gĂ„r att planera har tillfĂ€lliga variationer inte haft nĂ„gon central betydelse för systemets utformning. I och med omstĂ€llningen till förnybar energi sker det dock idag en stor utökning av variabel elproduktion. Detta leder till att betydelsen av systemets förmĂ„ga att hantera tillfĂ€lliga variationer ökar, eftersom sol- och vindkraftsproduktion inte gĂ„r att planera i samma utstrĂ€ckning som traditionella kraftkĂ€llor. I examensarbetet har en energisystemsmodell utvecklats i vilken variationerna frĂ„n vind- och solelproduktion samt vattenkraftens förmĂ„ga att balansera dessa representeras i större detalj. Detta gjorde det möjligt att undersöka hur dessa faktorer pĂ„verkar energisystemsmodellernas berĂ€kningar av det framtida energisystemet, och i vilken utstrĂ€ckning en flexibel anvĂ€ndning av den svenska vattenkraften möjliggör en utökning av förnybar el frĂ„n vind och sol. Resultaten visar att den svenska vattenkraften Ă€r mycket flexibel nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att balansera variabel elproduktion. I det studerade fallet klarar vattenkraftsystemet i LuleĂ€lven av att balansera merparten av variationerna i ett elsystem bestĂ„ende av 20 TWh vindkraft, motsvarande 50 % av systemets totala elproduktion. Om resultatet skulle kunna appliceras pĂ„ hela landet skulle detta innebĂ€ra att kĂ€rnkraften i princip skulle kunna ersĂ€ttas av vindkraft. Alternativt skulle vattenkraftens balanskraft kunna exporteras och leda till globala utslĂ€ppsvinster. Resultaten tyder alltsĂ„ pĂ„ att det finns stora möjligheter till att anvĂ€nda den svenska vattenkraften till att balansera för en utbyggnad av förnybar, variabel elproduktion. De stora utmaningar som kan finnas ligger snarare i faktorer som inte tagits med i detta arbete, som till exempel begrĂ€nsningar i elnĂ€tet. Examensarbetet kan ligga till grund för vidare studier av det svenska elsystemets utveckling i scenarier med höga andelar variabel elproduktion. En utveckling av modellen kan Ă€ven anvĂ€ndas till att titta nĂ€rmare pĂ„ specifika Ă„tgĂ€rder som har med leveranssĂ€kerhet i ett förnybart elsystem att göra, sĂ„ som till exempel ombyggnationer av den svenska vattenkraften, investeringar i transmissionsledningar eller potentialen av nya flexibla energilagring- och anvĂ€ndningsteknologier

    Kohtaamisia pÀivÀkodissa : varhaiskasvattajien kÀsityksiÀ lapsen sensitiivisestÀ kohtaamisesta ja leikin tukemisesta

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ ja kuvailla varhaiskasvattajien kĂ€sityksiĂ€ lapsen sensitiivisestĂ€ kohtaamisesta pĂ€ivĂ€kodissa, erityisesti leikissĂ€. Sen lisĂ€ksi haluttiin herĂ€ttÀÀ yhteistĂ€ keskustelua ja reflektiota aiheesta varhaiskasvattajien vĂ€lillĂ€, joiden avulla he voivat kehittÀÀ toimintatapoja arjessa. OpinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ haluttiin myös selvittÀÀ, onko eri ammattiryhmien kĂ€sityksissĂ€ eroja. Aiheen valintaan vaikuttivat julkinen keskustelu varhaiskasvatuksen laadusta ja valmisteilla olevasta uudesta varhaiskasvatuslaista, sekĂ€ aikaisemmat ja kĂ€ynnissĂ€ olevat tutkimukset sensitiiviseen kohtaamiseen ja leikkiin liittyen. OpinnĂ€ytetyö oli laadullinen tutkimus, ja se toteutettiin syksyn 2014 aikana yhteistyössĂ€ erÀÀn Espoon kaupungin pĂ€ivĂ€kodin kanssa. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostui seuraavista aiheista: sensitiivinen kohtaaminen, vuorovaikutus ja dialogisuus, leikki ja reflektiivinen yhteisöllinen kehittĂ€minen. TiedonkeruumenetelminĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin kyselylomaketta ja ryhmĂ€haastattelua. Kyselylomake muokattiin Pihlajan (2001) PĂ€ivĂ€hoidon Kontekstianalyysilo-makkeesta. RyhmĂ€haastattelujen kysymysrunko johdettiin kyselylomakkeen monivalinta-vĂ€ittĂ€mistĂ€. RyhmĂ€haastattelut pidettiin ammattiryhmittĂ€in, jotta voitiin selvittÀÀ mahdolliset erot ammattiryhmien kĂ€sitysten vĂ€lillĂ€. Aineisto analysoitiin kĂ€yttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ sekĂ€ aineisto-, ettĂ€ teorialĂ€htöistĂ€ sisĂ€llönanalyysiĂ€. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan kasvattajien taidoissa olla lasten kanssa ja kohdata lapsi sensitiivisesti on eroja, ja nĂ€itĂ€ taitoja on tarve kehittÀÀ. Tutkielmamme tuloksista selvisi, ettĂ€ kasvattajat tiedostavat kohtaamiseen liittyvĂ€n monia asioita, kuten aika ja resurssit, tunteet ja motivaatio. Aikuisen sensitiivisyys lasten leikeissĂ€ on lĂ€snĂ€oloa, herkkyyttĂ€ havaita lapsen aloitteita ja kykyĂ€ vastata niihin. Se nĂ€kyy myös taitona muokata oppimisympĂ€ristöÀ lasten leikille suotuisaksi. Tulosten mukaan eri ammattiryhmien kĂ€sityksissĂ€ ei ollut suuria eroja, vaan lastentarhanopettajat ja lastenhoitajat ymmĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€t sensitiivisen kohtaamisen kĂ€sitteen samansuuntaisesti. Lastentarhanopettajat perÀÀnkuuluttivat kuitenkin enemmĂ€n yhteistĂ€ keskustelua vuorovaikutuksesta ja sensitiivisyydestĂ€, joka heidĂ€n mielestÀÀn lisĂ€isi kasvattajien tietoisuutta lapsen kohtaamisesta.The purpose of our thesis was to find out how early childhood educators understand the child’s sensitive encountering and how it takes place in a day care, especially during playtime. The aim was also to inspire them to discuss and reflect their understanding in child’s sensitive encountering which enables them to develop practises in everyday life. In addition the aim was to find out if there were differences in conceptions between kindergarten teachers and children’s nurses. The topic was influenced by public debate on quality of early childhood education, the new draft law of early childhood education, earlier studies and current development projects related to our topic. The thesis was a qualitative research. It was implemented in co-operation with a day care centre in Espoo. The theoretical background consists of the sensitive encountering, the interaction and dialogue, the reflective communal developing and the play. The material was collected with the questionnaire which was based on Pihlaja’s context analysis of the daycare and the child group. From the answers of the questionnaire, we built three group interviews. They were held by occupational groups, in order to find out possible differences in conceptions between the professional groups. The material was analyzed by using the methods of material and theory-based content analysis. Previous studies show that there are differences in educators’ skills with respect to how to be with children and to face the child sensitively. Those skills need to be developed. The result of the thesis revealed that educators are aware that the encountering involves many things, such as time and resources, emotion and motivation. Adult’s sensitivity in play with children appears as a presence, a sensitivity to detect the child's initiative and an ability to respond to them. It also appears to be an ability to customize the learning environment so that it supports and enriches the play. According to the results, there were no big differences in the perceptions of the sensitive encountering between children’s nurses and kindergarten teachers’. However, kindergarten teachers wanted more common discussion about the interaction and the sensitivity, which would increase educators’ awareness of the child's encountering

    Influence of substrate bias on the structural and dielectrical properties of magnetron-sputtered BaxSr1-xTiO3 thin films

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    The application of a substrate bias during rf magnetron sputtering alters the crystalline structure, grain morphology, lattice strain and composition of BaxSr1-xTiO3 thin films. As a result, the dielectric properties of Pt/BaxSr1-xTiO3/Pt parallel-plate capacitors change significantly. With increasing substrate bias we observe a clear shift of the ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition towards higher temperature, an increase of the dielectric permittivity and tunability at room temperature, and a deterioration of the dielectric loss. To a large extent these changes correlate to a gradual increase of the tensile in-plane film strain with substrate bias and an abrupt change in film composition.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ferroelectric

    Boron phosphide under pressure: in situ study by Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction

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    Cubic boron phosphide BP has been studied in situ by X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering up to 55 GPa at 300 K in a diamond anvil cell. The bulk modulus of B0 = 174(2) GPa has been established, which is in excellent agreement with our ab initio calculations. The data on Raman shift as a function of pressure, combined with equation-of-state data, allowed us to estimate the Gr\"uneisen parameters of the TO and LO modes of zinc-blende structure, {\gamma}GTO = 1.16 and {\gamma}GLO = 1.04, just like in the case of other AIIIBV diamond-like phases, for which {\gamma}GTO > {\gamma}GLO = 1. We also established that the pressure dependence of the effective electro-optical constant {\alpha} is responsible for a strong change in relative intensities of the TO and LO modes from ITO/ILO ~0.25 at 0.1 MPa to ITO/ILO ~2.5 at 45 GPa, for which we also find excellent agreement between experiment and theory

    Mjölkraskvigors tillvÀxt pÄ naturbete

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    To turn the dairy heifers out on pasture is the most natural way for the cattle to get feed. At the same time it is cheap and if it is right treated a feed of high nutritive value. The problem today is to get dairy heifers to grow enough when they are grazing at natural pasture for the entire summer. Therefore, the opinions differ whether pasture is a resource or a problem. The increasing interest of pasture production is due to the fact that you can receive grants for preserving valuable natural assets and cultural landscape elements in the pasture land. A high grazing pressure is necessary to preserve an open landscape and a great variety of species. In the same time the heifers have to supply their nutritive needs in order to grow and be large enough to show heat and be pregnant in right time to calve with a sufficient body size and at an economically right age. This paper includes a literature review on natural pasture, pasture production, and growth of dairy heifers together with own interviews with dairy farmers about their point of view to the pasture husbandry on the farms, how they plan for pasture, look after natural pasture, treatment areas and take care of the calves and heifers. The results indicate that the time it takes and the demanded work are the biggest factors to how and why the farmers do as they do.Att slÀppa ut sina kvigor pÄ bete Àr det mest naturliga sÀttet för djuren att skaffa föda samtidigt Àr det ett billigt och, om det sköts rÀtt, ett nÀringsrikt sammansatt foder. Problemet man har idag Àr att fÄ kvigor och ungdjur att vÀxa tillrÀckligt nÀr de har gÄtt pÄ naturbeten under sommaren. Det finns olika Äsikter om huruvida bete Àr en tillgÄng eller ett problem. Intresset för betesproduktion har alltmer börjat öka i och med bidragsberÀttigandet för bevarande av miljö och kulturvÀrden i naturbetesmarkerna. Ett visst tryck av djur som betar ner vÀxtligheten i markerna Àr nödvÀndigt för att behÄlla ett öppet landskap och bevara arter i floran som har svÄrt att hÀvda sig annars. Samtidigt mÄste kvigorna tillgodose sig med tillrÀckligt med nÀringsrikt foder för att vÀxa tillrÀckligt och kunna vara stora nog att bli brunstiga och semineras i tid för att kalva in i rÀtt Älder ekonomiskt sett. Jag har sammanstÀllt litteratur om bete, betesskötsel och kvigors tillvÀxt samt intervjuat lantbrukare som bedriver mjölkproduktion om deras instÀllning till betesdriften pÄ sina gÄrdar, hur de planerar och sköter beten och kvigor. Resultatet blev att tid och arbetsÄtgÄng Àr de största faktorerna till hur och varför de gör som de gör

    Saudiarabiens militÀra Ätaganden- Ett realistiskt perspektiv

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    I Januari 2015 inledde Saudiarabien med stöd av tio andra lÀnder sina flygbombningar mot Houthi-rebellerna i Jemen. Flygattacker och intensiva strider har drastiskt förvÀrrat den humanitÀra situationen i landet. FN uppskattar att hundratusentals mÀnniskor drivits pÄ flykt. Samtidigt pÄgÄr ett blodigt inbördeskrig i Syrien sedan 2011 dÀr Saudiarabien inte agerat militÀrt mot regimen. Att Saudiarabien agerat militÀrt i Jemen beror enligt mÄnga pÄ att man vill hindra att Iran fÄr mer inflytande i regionen, men med det resonemanget sÄ borde de agerat i Syrien ocksÄ. I den hÀr uppsatsen undersöker jag hur Saudiarabiens beslut att intervenera militÀrt i Jemen, men inte i Syrien kan förstÄs ur ett realistiskt perspektiv. UtifrÄn realistisk teori valde jag att undersöka hur egenintressen, det anarkiska systemet och maktbalans pÄverkat Saudiarabiens beslut om intervention. Resultatet visar att Saudiarabiens egenintressen kan förklara intervention i Jemen men inte i Syrien. Intervention i Syrien försvÄras av andra stormakters intressen i landet, men Àven att Syrien och dess allierades maktposition

    Human muscle response to sprint exercise and nutrient supply with focus on factors related to protein metabolism

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    The overall aim of the present thesis was to study the muscular response to repeated bouts of 30-s sprint exercise. This type of exercise gives rise to a profound metabolic perturbation that might counteract an exercise-induced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. Special focus was paid upon nutritional supply and how it can direct the muscular response towards activation of amino acid sensors, cell signalling pathway and muscle protein synthesis. Some questions were analysed by gender. It was hypothesised that: Amino acids decrease and ammonia increases following sprint exercise and more so in males than females. Activation of mTOR signalling increases more in females than males in skeletal muscle following sprint exercise. Oral ingestion of essential amino acids and carbohydrates increases the amino acid sensor Vps34 activity, the amino acid transporter and sensor SNAT2, Akt/mTOR signalling and consequently enhances the rate of muscle protein synthesis in skeletal muscle following sprint exercise. It is concluded that: Plasma leucine decreased and plasma and muscle ammonia increased following sprint exercise and more so in in males than females. Such changes might counteract a possible sprint exercise-induced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis. There was some activation of mTOR signalling in skeletal muscle following sprint exercise and more so in females than males. The larger increase in serum insulin and lower decrease in plasma leucine in females might have contributed to the enhanced signalling response in females. Oral ingestion of essential amino acids and carbohydrates, as compared to placebo, resulted in a markedly higher activation of Akt/mTOR signalling in skeletal muscle following sprint exercise. In contrast to the hypothesis, an oral ingestion of essential amino acids and carbohydrates did not result in an increased activation of hVps34 in skeletal muscle. However, this does not exclude the permissive role of hVps34 in mediating the amino acidinduced activation of Akt/mTOR signalling and skeletal muscle protein synthesis. The interaction between the condition (nutrients or placebo) and correlation between increase in Vps34 activity and increase plasma glucose may reflect the dual role of Vps34, i.e. sensing a nutrient-rich condition and activate mTOR or sensing a nutrient-poor condition and activate autophagy in order to counteract low levels of amino acids. Oral ingestion of essential amino acids and carbohydrates resulted in a higher SNAT2 expression, a higher activation of Akt/mTOR signalling and higher rate of muscle protein synthesis following sprint exercise. Thus, nutrients have a potential to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and related pathways after sprint exercise, in spite of the profound metabolic perturbation

    IKT = Effektiv internkommunikation?

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    PÄ dagens arbetsplatser anvÀnds informations- och kommunikationsverktyg i allt större utstrÀckning. AnvÀndningen har, utifrÄn vissa aspekter, visat sig inverka negativt pÄ de anstÀlldas arbete och pÄ den interna kommunikationen. Tidigare forskning har berört stress orsakad av informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) men fÄ studier har gjorts för att studera hur anstÀllda upplever arbetet med IKT, och hur stressen orsakad av anvÀndningen kan inverka pÄ intern-kommunikationen. Syftet med denna studie Àr dÀrför att granska vilka effekter IKT-anvÀndning medför, samt studera hur anvÀndning av IKT-verktyg pÄverkar internkommunikationen mellan anstÀllda. För att uppnÄ studiens syfte har kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts pÄ anstÀllda frÄn fyra svenska kommuner. Resultatet visar att anstÀllda upplever arbetet med IKT-verktyg som stress-framkallande, dÄ det leder till fler arbetsuppgifter och en oförmÄga att kunna hantera den ökade information som IKT-verktyg medför. Studien tyder Àven pÄ att den interna kommunikationen pÄverkats bÄde positivt som negativt till följd av det ökade IKT-anvÀndandet.In today's workplace, information and communication technology (ICT) have seen an increased use and certain aspects of this use has proved to have a negative impact on employees' work performance and on the internal communication within an organization. Previous research has examined stress caused by ICT, but few studies have been done in order to study how employees perceive their work with ICT, how they handle stress caused by ICT use and how the stress caused by this use may affect internal communications. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the impact of the use of ICT, and to study how the use of ICT tools affects the internal communication between employees. To achieve the purpose of the study, we have applied qualitative semi-structured interviews, and interviewed eight employees from four Swedish municipalities. The result of the research shows that employees experience work with ICT tools as stressful, as it leads to an increased amount of workload as well as an inability to manage the increased information that ICT brings. The study also suggests that the internal communication affected both positively and negatively as a result of the increase in ICT use

    The impact of demographic, anthropometric and athletic characteristics on left atrial size in athletes.

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    The structural adaptations of the “athlete’s heart” include left atrial (LA) enlargement. A literature search was performed based on PubMed listings up to 2nd November 2019 using "athletes AND left atrium", "athletes AND left atrial", "sports AND left atrium", "sports AND left atrial", “exercise AND left atrium” and “exercise AND left atrial” as the search terms. Eligible studies included those reporting the influence of demographic, anthropometric and athletic characteristics on left atrial size in athletes. A total of 58 studies were included in this review article. Although LA volume has been reported to be greater in males compared to females when indexed for body surface area (BSA), there was no difference between sexes. The positive association between LA size and age in athletes may reflect the increase in body size with maturation in nonadult athletes and the training age of endurance athletic activity in adult athletes. Caucasian and black athletes have been demonstrated to exhibit similar LA enlargement. The positive association of LA size with lean body mass possibly accounts for the relationship of LA size with BSA. LA enlargement has been reported only in endurance-trained, but not in strength-trained athletes. LA size appears to increase with an increase in both the volume and intensity of endurance training. LA size correlates independently with the training age of endurance athletes. The athlete’s characteristics that independently determine LA size include lean body mass, endurance training and training age

    KonsistensförbÀttring av skivad salami och hushÄllsmedwurst pÄ Siljans Chark AB

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    Siljans Chark AB Ă€r ett lokalt förankrat företag i Mora. DĂ€r tillverkas mĂ„nga olika typer av charkprodukter, bland annat varmkorv, grillkorv, falukorv, leverpastej samt de fermenterade smörgĂ„spĂ„lĂ€ggen salami och hushĂ„llsmedwurst. Salamin och hushĂ„llsmedwursten som tillverkas dĂ€r Ă€r av en svensk snabbfermenterad typ och sĂ€ljs dels hel men Ă€ven skivad och paketerad i vakuum-förpackningar. Ett problem som företaget haft en lĂ€ngre tid Ă€r dĂ„lig konsistens pĂ„ dessa produkter. Skivorna hĂ„ller inte ihop utan faller isĂ€r nĂ€r dessa ska tas ur förpackningen. Dessutom har företaget haft svĂ„righeter med att fĂ„ ner pH under 5,0 i produkterna under fermenteringen som Ă€r den önskvĂ€rda nivĂ„n ur mikrobiologisk synpunkt. Syftet med detta arbete var dĂ€rför att undersöka vilka möjligheter företaget har för att förbĂ€ttra dessa parametrar. I arbetet ingick en analys av konkurrenters liknande produkter samt fem testtillverkningar av salami samt hushĂ„llsmedwurst. Konkurrentanalysen genomfördes tillsammans med företagets produktutvecklingsgrupp pĂ„ sju olika produkter inköpta i den lokala livsmedelsbutiken. De fem testtillverkningarna genomfördes med olika parametrar sĂ„som recept med olika kött- och fetthalter samt sockerhalter, olika starterkulturer, fermenteringstemperaturer och slutligen olika rökprogram. De fĂ€rdiga produkterna frĂ„n testtillverkningarna skickades för att skivas och paketeras pĂ„ ett externt företag som normalt sköter detta Ă„t Siljans Chark AB, varefter de provsmakades. Resultaten frĂ„n testtillverkningarna visar pĂ„ att temperaturen pĂ„ rĂ„varor och smet pĂ„verkar den fĂ€rdiga produktens struktur. ReceptsammansĂ€ttningen verkar i sin tur pĂ„verka temperaturen i smeten, hög friktion ger snabbt stigande temperatur. Resultaten visade ocksĂ„ att sammansĂ€ttningen pĂ„verkar Ă€ven viktminskningen hos produkten under fermenteringen och rökningen. Högre kötthalt ger större viktminskning. Fermenteringstemperaturen verkar ha större inverkan pĂ„ pH-sĂ€nkningen Ă€n sockerhalten i smeten och ett alltför lĂ„gt pH-vĂ€rde verkar ha negativ inverkan pĂ„ smaken. Skivningsprocessen av fĂ€rdig produkt pĂ„verkar ocksĂ„ i sin tur hur konsumenten upplever produkten, bĂ„de strukturen och munkĂ€nslan tillsammans med smaken Ă€r viktiga parametrar för vad konsumenten tycker om produkten. FramstĂ€llandet av en salamiprodukt Ă€r en komplicerad process som stĂ€ller stora krav pĂ„ tillverkaren. Det Ă€r viktigt att processen Ă€r standardiserad samt att tillverkaren har fingertoppskĂ€nsla för att göra förĂ€ndringar i tillverkningen nĂ€r detta sĂ„ krĂ€vs.Siljans Chark AB is a locally established company situated in Mora. They produce a lot of varieties of meat products such as different types of sausages like the typical “falukorv”, pate and fermented products such as salami and “hushĂ„llsmedwurst” used for sandwiches. The salami and “hushĂ„llsmedwurst” are of a Swedish fast-fermented variety and are sold as a whole or sliced and vacuum packed. The company has over a longer period of time struggled with poor consistency and slice coherency is these products. The company has also had problems with getting the pH down during the fermentation to below pH 5,0 which is the desired pH level in this types of products due to the microbiological stability this contributes with. The aim of this project was thus to investigate the possibilities to achieve a better result in terms of improving these products in these two problem areas. The project involved an analysis of competitorÂŽs similar products together with five test runs of production of salami and “hushĂ„llsmedwurst”. The analysis was performed on seven different products together with the product development group within the company. The test runs were performed with different test parameters such as recipes with different meat, fat and sugar content as well as different starter cultures temperatures during fermentation and lastly different types of fermentation and smoking procedures. The finished products were sliced as the normal procedure and vacuum packed and finally the products were tasted. The results points towards that the temperature of ingredients and the sausage batter are of importance for the structure of the finished product. The recipe in turn seems to affect the temperature of the batter, high friction within the batter results in a quick rise in temperature. The results also showed that the recipe affect the weight loss during fermentation and smoking process. Higher meat content gives rise to bigger weight loss. The temperature during fermentation seems to influence the lowering of pH more than what the sugar content seems to do and it looks like a too low pH level in the product has a negative effect in the flavor of the product. The slicing of the finished product also influence how the consumer perceive the product, both the structure and the mouth feel together with the flavor are important parameters for the consumers appreciation for the product. The production of a salami product is a complicated procedure which requires a lot of the producer. It is important that the process is standardized and that the producer has a good sense for when deviations from this standardized procedure are necessary for succeeding with the production
