12 research outputs found

    The Intelligence of the Spirit in the Old Testament

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    Pneumatology has been the subject of discussion of her activities in the Old Testament.  The personality of the Spirit is one of the controversial discussions where she is simply considered a power or energy of God.  Intelligence, however, is regarded as one of the attributes of a personal being.  This treatise aims to explore the intelligence of the Spirit in the Old Testaments books where the Spirit potentially testifies of wisdom, knowledge, and counsel in the sense of fatherhood, jurisprudence intelligence in political activity, and governmental nature. Keywords: Intelligence; Old Testament; Pneumatology; Systematic Theology   References Adey, Philip, Beno Csapó, Andreas Demetriou, Jarkko Hautamäki, and Michael Shayer. “Can     We be Intelligent about Intelligence? Why Education Needs the Concept of Plastic           General Ability.” Educational Research Review, vol.2, 75-97, 2007, DOI:      10.1016/j.edurev.2007.05.001. Bavinck, Herman. Reformed Dogmatics: Volume 2: God and Creation. Grand Rapids,      Michigan: Baker Publishing Group, 2004. Bergant, Dianne. The Collegeville Bible Commentary, Based on the New American Bible: Old    Testament. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1992. Branch, Robin Gallaher. “Proverbs 31:10−31: A Passage Containing Wisdom Principles for a      Successful Marriage.” Koers, Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 77(2), Art #49, 9       pages, 2012, DOI: 10.4102/koers.v77i2.49. Clement, R. E.  The World of Ancient Israel: Sociological, Anthropological, and Political Perspectives. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Colom, Roberto, Sherif Karama, Rex E. Jung, Richard J. Haier. “Human Intelligence and Brain   Networks.” Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 12(4):489-501, 2010. Crenshaw, James L. Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction, third edition. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010. Crenshaw, James. “Method in Determining Wisdom Influence Upon Historical Literature.” Journal of Biblical Literature, 88, 1969. De Vaux, R. Ancient Israel, translated by J McHugh. New York: McGraw Hill, 1965. Dietrich, J. “Social Anthropology of the Old Testament: Fundamental Question on the Relationality and Sociality of the People in Ancient Israel.” Vol.127, 224-243, 2015. Darwish, Mahmoud Ahmed. “Dialectic of Artistic and Aesthetic Relationship Between Creativity and Receive.” Journal of International Academic Research for   Multidisciplinary, vol. 4, issue 10, 107-128 2016. Firth, David G. and Paul D. Wegner, Presence, Power and Promise: The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament. Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 2011. Fox, Michael V. “Wisdom in the Joseph Story.” Vetus Testamentum, 51(1), 2001. Gericke, Jacobus W. “The Concept of Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible: A Comparative-Philosophical Analysis.” Verbum et Ecclesia, 32(1), Art #513, 6 pages, 2011, DOI: 10.4102/ve.v32i1.513. Glenn, Linda McDonald. Post humanism: The Future of Homo Sapiens. USA: Macmillan, 2018. Hamilton Jr, James M. God’s Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments, edited by E. Ray Clendenen. Nashville, Tennessee: B & H Publishing Group, 2006. Hildebrandt, Wilfred. An Old Testament Theology of the Spirit of God. Eugene, Oregon: WIPF   & STOCK, 1993. Huijgen, Arnold. “Traces of the Trinity in the Old Testament: From Individual Texts to the Nature of Revelation.” International Journal of Systematic Theology, Volume 19 Number 3 July 2017). doi:10.1111/ijst.12222. Hunt, Earl and Susanne J. Jaeggi. “Challenges for Research on Intelligence.” Journal of    Intelligence, 1(1), 36-54, 2013, DOI: 10.3390/jintelligence1010036. Janowski, B. “The Person in Ancient Israel: Basic Statement of Old Testament Anthropology.” Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Kirche, vol. 102, 143-175, 2005. Konskenniemi, Erkki. “Moses A Well-Educated Man: A Look at the Education Idea in Early Judaism.” Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, 17(4), 281-296, 2008, DOI: 10.1177/0951820708091898. Leon Harris, I. The Holy Spirit as Communion: Colin Guton’s Pneumatology of Communion and Frank Maachia’s Pneumatology of Koinonia. Eugene, Oregon: PICKWICK Publication, 2017. Levytka, Valentyna. “Analysis of Artistic Aesthetic Creativity and Children’s Art Education Based on the Scientific Sources.” Proceedings of National Aviation University, no. 2,     vol. 59, 148-152, 2014, DOI: 10.18372/2306-1472.59.6879. Longman III, Tremper. How to Read Proverbs. Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2002. McDonough, Mary E. God’s Plan of Redemption. Anaheim, California: Living Stream Ministry, 1999. Meyerson, Denisse. Understanding Jurisprudence. New York: Routledge, Cavendish, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007. Michael Brewer, H. Lessons from the Carpenter: An Apprentice Learns from Jesus. Colorado: Crown Publishing Group, Water Brook Press, 2010. Mithchell, Ida M. A Biblical Theology of the Spirit. New York, Lincoln, Shanghai: iUniverse, Inc, 2006. Neisser, Ulric, Gwyneth Boodoo, Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr., A. Wade Boykin, Nathan Brody, Stephen J. Ceci, Diane F. Halpern, John C. Loehlin, Robert Perloff, Robert J. Sternberg, and Susana Urbina. “Intelligence: Knowns and Unkowns.” American     Psychologist 51(2), 1996, DOI: 10.1037//0003-066X.51.2.77. Nyende, Peter. “Tested for Our Sake: The Temptation of Jesus in the Light of Hebrews.” The Expository Times, 127(11), 525-533, 2016, DOI: 10.1177/0014524616630641. Pickett, Fuchsia. Understanding the Personality of the Holy Spirit, Book 1. Lake Mary, Florida: Charisma House, A Strang Company, 2004. Ratnapala, Suri. Jurisprudence: third edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Obiorah, Mary  and Favour Uroko “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me’ (Is 61:1):        The use of Isaiah 61:1–2 in Luke 4:18–19.” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological        Studies, 74(1), 2018, DOI: 10.4102/hts.v74i1.5038. Ryrie, Charles C. The Holy Spirit. Chicago: Moody Press, 1997. Serpico, Davide. “What Kind of Kind is Intelligence.” Philosophical Psychology, 2018, vol. 31,   no. 2, 232–252, DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2017.1401706. Stenberg, Robert J. Human Intelligence: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University       Press, 2020. Stenberg, Robert J. “Intelligence.” Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Vol.14, No.1, 19-27,        2012. Oort, Johannes van. “The Holy Spirit as Feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their   Interpretation.” HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 72(1), 1-6, 2016,    http://dx.doi.org/ 10.4102/hts.v72i1.3225. Owen, John. On the Holy Spirit, edited by William H. Goold. Thomas Nelson Publisher, 1982. Tomapi, Veena Madhav. Textbook on Jurisprudence. New Delhi, India: Universal Law    Publishing, 2010. Walters, James William. What is a Person? An Ethical Exploration. Urbana and Chichago:           University of Illionis Press, 1997. Walvoord, John F. The Holy Spirit: A Comprehensive Study of the Person and the Work of the    Holy Spirit. Wheaton, IL: Van Kampen Press, 1954; reprint ed., Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978. Wang, Pei.  “The Logic of Intelligence.” Cognitive Technologies, Vol.8, 31-62, 2007, DOI:             10.1007/978-3-540-68677-4_2. Wechsler, David. “Non-intellective Factors in General Intelligence.” Psychological Bulletin,        37, 444-445, 1940. Winter, Ralph D., Stephen D. Morad, Beth Snodderly. Ancient World: Creation – 400 BC,           California: Institutes of International Studies, William Carey Library, 2006. Wood, Leon J. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publisher, 1998

    Constructing Contributive Dialogue Between the Doctrine of God in John Owen Thought and First Principle of Pancasila

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    Abstract. The doctrine of God contains of unending discussion and special characterized by trinity, the main doctrine of Christianity, holds specific character, lays on soteriology and relates to the work of redemption. Furthermore, it plays significantly as an antithesis to other faiths, as the consequence, this Christian identity being a subject of dialogue in interreligious society, even within believers’ circle. However, this topic encompasses surround disciplines, including, specifically speaking, socio-politics. In the other side, Pancasila, a state ideology of Indonesia, occupies the faith of its citizens by accommodating the humanity-divinity relationship in a very sensitive way. This academic work intends to supply alternative perspectives to theology and socio-politics tension. Specifically speaking, evaluates any possibilities of dialogue between the doctrine of God in John Owen Thought and the first principle of Pancasila. The result of this research suggests numerical code as the possibility of conversation between them

    The Dualistic Nature of Christ: A Comparison Study of Herman Bavinck And Ellen White Thoughts

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    Abstract: Christology has been a subject of wide discussion due the very heart of Christianity lays on this doctrine. Further, it relates directly to some core identity of believers such as soteriology, trinity and atonement. The intention of this treatise is to delve and offer alternative perspectives that may contribute to the discourse. However, the natures of Christ are one of the high attentions given. The divinity and humanity attributes participate consistently in dialogues. Herman Bavinck, a Dutch reformed background, and Ellen White with American Adventist tradition share insights to the topic. This essay goes to compare their thought in order to see the contribution that could be offered.   Keywords: divinity-humanity, Christology, Herman Bavinck, Ellen White  Abstrak: Kristologi menjadi topik pembahasan luas karena menjadi dasar doktrin kekristenan. Lebih jauh, Kristologi memiliki korelasi langsung dengan inti keyakinan seperti soteriology, trinitas dan penebusan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk menggali dan menawarkan perspektif alternative yang dapat berkontribusi pada diskursus ini. Kodrat dari Kristus adalah atensi utama dalam pembahasan ini. Karakter ketuhanan dan kemanusiaan diulas secara konsisten. Herman Bavinck, latar belakang tradisi reformasi Belanda, dan Ellen White dengan tradisi Adventist di Amerika merefleksikan pengetahuan mengenai topik ini. Artikel ini mencoba memberikan perbandingan dengan tujuan untuk melihat kontribusi yang dapat ditawarkan

    An Exploration to Christianity Teaching Concerning Penal Mediation of Criminal Procedure Law in Indonesia

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    Civil court justice shares the nature of mediation as part of litigation proses. However, criminal procedure code does not accommodate penal mediation by litigation and non-litigation process. Therefore, penal mediation is considered as an Alternative Dispute Resolution in criminal law. This article attempts to build conversation between jurisprudence and theology, especially speaking the nature of mediatorship of Christian teaching that could be considered as beneficial donates for future penal mediation in criminal law in Indonesia. This research is qualitative work. Literatures, articles, books and related references will receive attention. In conclusion, penal mediation applies to litigation and non-litigation tract, the state should conduct its implementation, modern law maintains its legacy, Christology serves the initiation, and penal mediation pursues restorative justice. Keywords: Criminal Law; Jurisprudence Penal Mediation; Mediatorship of Christ; Systematic Theology

    The Subject of Education: Disruptive Dilemma in Abraham Kuyper and Ellen White Thought

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    Abstract. The nature of education receives attention and public discussion as it is one dominant core of the cosmological system. However, it echoes to other public squares such as; the state, political power, culture, and religion, contains multi-layered of identity, and against a post-modernism era, which is a very disruptive period that could impact its nature. Abraham Kuyper is known as a public theologian, who offers wide works of education in Europe-Reformed tradition, while Ellen White, a central figure in American-Adventist, even worldwide, contributes unique perspectives. This article conducts qualitative research, attempts to interpret the works of Kuyper and White and reconstructs their idea in order to answer the intention of this research. Eventually, this essay shares the agreement between them concerning God's glorification and adoration as the intention of education, further, demonstrating the diversity where White maintains the holistic approach of education in which Kuyper against it. Moreover, this research attempts to uncover how both figures define the role of state over education


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    Civil court justice shares the nature of mediation as part of litigation process. However, criminal procedure code does not accommodate penal mediation by litigation and non-litigation process. Therefore, penal mediation is considered as an Alternative Dispute Resolution in criminal law. This article attempts to build conversation between jurisprudence and theology, especially speaking the nature of mediatorship of Christian teaching that could be considered as beneficial donates for future penal mediation in criminal law in Indonesia. This research is qualitative work. Literatures, articles, books and related references will receive attention. In conclusion, penal mediation applies to litigation and non-litigation tract, the state should conduct its implementation, modern law maintains its legacy, Christology serves the initiation, and penal mediation pursues restorative justice

    Religion and Management: Redefining God's Kingdom Management for Human Resources Post COVID-19

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    This research analyzes the shifting of management of God's Kingdom to focus on saving human resources in the economic site due to COVID-19. The old paradigm of management of God's Kingdom, which is to save human resources biblically, shifts to humans from the low economic condition. This study aims to redefine the shifting of management of God's Kingdom as the form of human resources development from the economic perspective. This study systematically presents the economy's condition due to COVID-19, the Church's response to it, and the redefinition of God's Kingdom management through the descriptive qualitative method. This research confirms the redefinition of management of God's Kingdom as the Church's response to help human resources. Finally, this research aims to give out some charity programs and skill training in saving human resources in responding to the economic downward due to COVID-19

    Psychological Conflict and Peace Cases Among People in a Nation: Case of Chinese- Indonesian

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    Discrimination, undeniable, leads to the destruction of a community in any country. Thus, equality in social, political, and legal standing should be implemented relatively in the country and gain trust from citizenship. Related to the issue, the Indonesian case has been an example of discrimination on the surface of social and political dimensions. Looking back at Indonesian political history, this research evaluates the discrimination critically and bring out the ethnicity concept for the possible solution. Finally, the concept of keselarasan (togetherness), that has been known among the Indonesian should be implemented in the community, along with the Christian’s religious values. This concept is hoped to be conducted together with the national concept of ‘unity in diversity’. Keywords: Discrimination, Conflict, Togetherness, Indonesian, Unity in diversit


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    The educational management quality is poor and weak. Massive works have been issued to increase its quality. However, those approaches work independently and separately, as a consequence, it does not solve the problem comprehensively. Philosophical and Christian education approaches are far from attention. Ellen White as a Christian education philosopher with an American background shares a potential concept to the tension. This essay employs qualitative research methods and literature study to formulate White's holistic approach concerning total quality management. In sum, with her anthropological and religious features, she argues that spiritual, physical, and mental dimensions should work together in harmony to establish the expected result in educational total quality management in Indonesia.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Manajemen mutu terpadu pendidikan masih lemah dan buruk. Banyak pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitasnya. Namun, pendekatan-pendekatan dilakukan secara terpisah dan sendiri-sendiri, sebagai akibatnya, persoalan tidak terselesaikan secara utuh. Pendekatan filsafat dan pendidikan Kristen masih kurang mendapatkan perhatian. Ellen White sebagai filsuf pendidikan Kristen dengan latar belakang Amerika memberikan konsep yang menjanjikan untuk percakapan ini. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif disertai studi literatur, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengformulasikan pendekatan holistik White sehubungan dengan manajemen mutu terpadu. Sebagai kesimpulan, dengan kekhasan antropologi dan agamanya, dia berpendapat bahwa dimensi rohani, fisik dan pikiran harus bekerja sama dalam keharmonisan untuk menciptakan hasil yang diharapkan pada manajemen mutu terpadu terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia

    Contra Fatalism and Apatheticsm in Doing Theology: Embracing COVID-19 Pandemic with Theodicy- Preventive Approach

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    Doing contextual theology has been shared with a massive conversation, discussion, and fluctuation. The world civilization requires instant transformation, which encourages the church to reformulate and reconstruct its theology to be hospitable and engaging with current issues. Pandemic covid-19 contributes alterations to the church. It leads Christians to rethink how to express and reflect their theological identity in the new normal era. It challenges religion to display its values that could benefit the world. Christian theology, however, offers alternative expressions that possibly donate constructive notions to the tension. An inappropriate approach dangers Christian theology purity; further, it leads to hermeneutics malpractice, fatalism, and apatheticsm. In response, it is essential to express the core and heart of theology adequately. This research attempts to analyze and reconstruct how Christians reflect their theological identity toward pandemic covid-19. The qualitative approach leads this project with supporting literature such as books, articles, and other related references. Eventually, the theodicy-preventive approach offers alternative notions to express Christian dogmatic and theology identity. Keywords: theodicy-preventive approach, contra fatalism, Covid-19, theolog