DUNAMIS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
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    245 research outputs found

    Analisis Konsep Misi Social Gospel dan Relevansinya Bagi Misi Gereja Masa Kini

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    Abstract. This article examines the concept of the the Social Gospel’ mission as a dialectical effort to find its relevance to the mission of the church today. Through this article the author presents the main ideas of the Social Gospel as a critique of the church's mission approach regarding social problems. The method used in this paper is a literature study. Through this study, the result is that Social Gospel theology which emphasizes the preaching of the Kingdom of God makes it against to conservative theology. However, the Social Gospel mission approach can be a critique to the conservative mission approach, so that the mission paradigm can be further expanded, not only paying attention to futuristic personal salvation, but also caring about social salvation today.Abstrak. Artikel ini mengkaji konsep misi Social Gospel sebagai usaha dialektik untuk menemukan relevansinya bagi misi gereja masa kini. Melalui artikel ini penulis mengemukakan gagasan pokok Sosial Gospel sebagai kritik terhadap pendekatan misi gereja terhadap permasalahan sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah studi literatur. Melalui studi ini diperoleh hasil bahwa teologi Social Gospel yang menekankan pada pemberitaan Kerajaan Allah membuatnya berseberangan dengan teologi konservatif. Meski demikian, pendekatan misi Social Gospel dapat menjadi kritik bagi pendekatan misi konservatif, sehingga paradigma misi dapat semakin diperluas, tidak hanya memperhatikan keselamatan pribadi yang futuristik, namun juga perduli terhadap keselamatan sosial pada masa kini


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    Apostle Paul’s Vocation as the Turning Point of Religious Education from Monocultural to Multicultural

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    Christians in this globalization era live in multicultural society. Therefore, multicultural education requires attention. Apostle Paul's vocation is an important moment about the turning point from monocultural to multicultural ministry. God's commission for the Twelve Apostles to teach and baptize to the ends of the earth, was apparently not fully understood by the Twelve Apostles. They are still Israel-centered minded in mission. By using literature study method, this article aimed to analyze the theological meaning of Paul's vocation in relation to religious education in multicultural context. The result of this study showed that the teaching and life of Apostle Paul had given some insight to accomplish religious education in multicultural context, by implementing contextual religious education. Therefore it could be concluded that religious education must always be aware of the students' life context. Awareness of this context includes awareness of their needs and potention

    Digital Ecclesia Sebagai Gereja Sinodal yang Mendengarkan

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    Abstract. The focus of this paper is to understand digital ecclesia as a form of pastoral care in this digital era. In this digital era, the Church also needs to revitalise itself to find new methods in its preaching. The Church should not only focus on the strict rules of liturgy but really think about contextual theology in this digital era. The Church as a community of faith has an important role in the task of preaching Christ's mission, namely salvation to all people. Preaching in this digital era certainly has its own challenges that need to be a common focus in Church life. This Study was conducted by the literature study method. This study was based on the message delivered by Pope Francis on the 56th Communication Day. The results of this study showed the need for awareness to do a new catechesis in the digital era, which is a Church that is willing to listen with the heart for the growth and development of the synodal church.Abstrak. Fokus penulisan ini adalah memahami digital ecclesia sebagai bentuk pastoral di era digital ini. Pada era digital ini, Gereja juga perlu merevitalisasi diri untuk mencari metode baru dalam pewartaanya. Gereja tidak hanya berfokus pada aturan-aturan ketat liturgi tetapi sungguh memikirkan teologi kontekstual pada era digital ini. Gereja sebagai komunitas beriman memiliki peran penting dalam tugas pewartaan misi Kristus, yakni keselamatan kepada semua orang. Pewartaan pada era digital ini tentunya memiliki tantangannya sendiri yang perlu menjadi fokus bersama dalam kehidupan menggereja. Kajian dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Kajian ini akan difondasikan dari pesan yang disampaikan oleh Paus Fransiskus pada Hari Komunikasi ke-56. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya kesadaran untuk melakukan katekese baru di era digital, yaitu gereja yang mau mendengarkan dengan hati untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gereja yang sinodal

    Sabat dan Sikap Eskapis: Analisis Struktur Ibrani 4:1-16

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    Abstract. The Sabbath is a topic that continues to receive attention in Christianity. However, it also becomes a continuing source of debate its practical application. The Sabbath often turns to mere escapism, which is, having time for oneself. Therefore, through an exegetical-expositional method—a thorough analysis of the structure of the Epistle to Hebrews 4—this research presents the biblical basis for entering the Sabbath. The structural analysis in this study showed that the entire letter to Hebrews 4 is an inseparable series. Hebrews 4:1-11 shows that the Sabbath is God's promise that is still progressively valid. Verse 12-13 emphasizes the role of God's word as the basis for entering the resting place, and verse 14-16 suggests the significance of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is the intermediary for entering the resting place. With these three biblical foundations, the Sabbath is no longer an escapism but a momentum to entering God’s own rest.Abstrak. Sabat merupakan topik yang terus mendapat perhatian di dalam Kekristenan. Namun, Sabat juga terus menjadi sumber perdebatan pada penerapan praktisnya. Seringkali Sabat  juga hanya menjadi sekadar eskapisme, yakni waktu bagi diri sendiri. Karena itu, melalui metode eksegetikal-eksposisional – analisis menyeluruh pada struktur Surat Ibrani 4 – penelitian ini hendak menyajikan landasan biblis untuk memasuki Sabat. Analisis struktur dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keseluruhan surat Ibrani 4 merupakan rangkaian yang tak terpisahkan. Ibrani 4:1-11 menunjukkan bahwa Sabat sebagai hari perhentian merupakan janji Allah yang masih berlaku secara progresif. Sementara Ibrani 4:12-13 menekankan peran firman Allah sebagai landasan untuk memasuki tempat perhentian, dan Ibrani 4:14-16 mengemukakan mengenai peran Imam Besar yaitu Yesus Kristus yang menjadi pengantara untuk memasuki tempat perhentian. Dengan ketiga landasan biblis ini, maka Sabat tidak lagi sekadar menjadi eskapisme, tetapi menjadi momentum untuk memasuki perhentian Allah sendiri

    [Resensi Buku] Theological Method: A Guide for the Perplexed

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    The Role of the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal Worship in the Light of John 4:20-26 and Ephesians 5:18-20

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    The importance of worship for the Pentecostal church can hardly be overstated, and the worship practices of the global church have been altered significantly by the influence of the Pentecostal movement. This article will address the biblical and theological foundations of Spirit-filled worship, focusing particularly on the role of the Holy Spirit in worship, through a literary-theological interpretation of two key biblical texts—John 4:20-26 and Ephesians 5:18-20. The study finds that from the viewpoint of these texts, the Holy Spirit is an indispensable element in Christian worship and is deeply active in the practices of worship

    Memahami Psikologi Perkembangan Remaja sebagai Upaya Merencanakan Pelayanan Pastoral yang Peka Kesehatan Mental Remaja

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    Abstract. Teenage years are a phase in which humans experience significant changes in their physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects. If these changes are not addressed wisely and if teenagers also experience external pressures, it will certainly have an impact on mental health. Teenagers are vulnerable to mental health disorders, such as stress and depression, and even attempt to harm themselves to suicide. The Church's concern is to conduct a pastoral service that is contextual and relevant to the struggles of teenagers as members of the congregation to help teenagers' mental health by focusing on their psychological development. A literature study approach was used to analyze data on the urgency of teenage mental health as well as teenage mental health from the perspective of teenage developmental psychology. The study found that a youth-friendly pastoral service is a pastoral action that is sensitive to teenagers’ mental health.Abstrak. Masa remaja adalah sebuah fase kehidupan di mana manusia mengalami perubahan-perubahan yang signifikan dalam dirinya terkait fisik, psiko-sosial, dan spiritual. Jika perubahan-perubahan tersebut tidak disikapi dengan bijak, dan jika remaja juga mengalami tekanan-tekanan di luar dari dirinya, maka tentu akan berdampak pada kesehatan mental. Remaja akan rentan terhadap gangguan kesehatan mental seperti stres, depresi, bahkan upaya menyakiti dirinya sendiri hingga tindakan bunuh diri. Keprihatinan Gereja ialah melakukan suatu pelayanan pastoral yang kontekstual dan relevan bagi pergumulan remaja sebagai anggota jemaat dalam menolong kesehatan mental remaja dengan memperhatikan perkembangan psikologi dari remaja. Pendekatan studi pustaka digunakan untuk menganalisis data mengenai urgensi dari kesehatan mental remaja, dan juga kesehatan mental remaja dari perspektif psikologi perkembangan remaja. Kajian tersebut menemukan  sebuah pelayanan pastoral yang bersahabat kepada remaja menjadi aksi pastoral yang peka akan kesehatan mental remaja

    The Work of Religious Extension Workers in Strengthening Religious Moderation in North Tapanuli

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    The recent rise in cases of intolerance in Indonesia has encouraged the government to make various efforts to maintain religious harmony for the integrity of the Indonesian nation. One of them is through strengthening religious moderation. Religious extension workers are at the forefront of realizing a program to strengthen religious moderation in all work units within the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, including religious extension workers in North Tapanuli district. The focus of this research is the strategic role of Religious Extension Workers in implementing the strengthening of the religious orientation in the assisted communities, and what efforts have been made by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of North Tapanuli in preparing and empowering religious extension workers as agents or mobilizers religious moderation. This research was conducted by qualitative method. From the research it was found that the presence of religious extension workers in the community is very important to provide counseling and community guidance in caring for plurality and play its role as a driver of strengthening religious moderation

    [Resensi Buku] The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and The Origins Debate (Suatu Kajian mengenai Penciptaan)

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