BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual
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    107 research outputs found

    The Lero Batsir Rite as a Learning Media for Christian Religious Education in One Roof Junior High School of Wermatang,Tanimbar Islands Regency

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    Abstract: The ritual process of Lero Batsir actions carried out is a rite as a layer of society which will assume that lero batsir will directly have a mechanism which will be able to provide rain which during the dry season and will directly assume the use of being able to fertilize various types plants, but on the other hand lero batsir has the advantage of being able to directly protect all layers of society who are in one area, in this case, the village. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The results found in this research are that PAK (Christian Religious Education) can have a role in providing a deep understanding related to the concept of nature which is the result of God's creation and work which must be interpreted as God's grace to every human being. Another thing that needs to be interpreted is that there is a sense of acknowledegment or dependence on God as the source of life. Media are all physical tools that can present messages and stimulate students to learn. The process of the Lero Batsir rite which will be carried out by all levels of society in Wermatang Village to be used as Local Culture-based PAK Learning Media, especially at One Roof Junior High School of Wermatang. Keywords: Lero Batsir Rites, PAK Learning Media, Local Wisdo

    Patterns of Enculturation of Keroncong Music in Worship (Case Study at Gereja Sidang Jemaat Allah Malang)

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    Abstract: This study attempts to identify patterns of enculturation of keroncong music in Malang's Maranatha Congregational Church. Utilizing exploratory exposure patterns and instrumental case studies, the research method employs case studies as a research tool. The research identified three patterns of enculturation of keroncong music in Malang's Maranatha Assembly Church: conservative, moderate, and transformative. These three patterns can be utilized effectively and potentially if the following conditions are met: (1) Keroncong music can make a church more authentic if it can serve as a unifying force for the congregation; however, it can also be used to incite conflict. (2) Good arrangement skills are required to combine popular church music with keroncong music, and (3) In addition to the completeness of digital musical instruments, the completeness of instruments and scores of original keroncong music is required to accommodate the playing style of teenagers. (4) There is a need for mutual understanding and respect for the opinions of different groups within the church, as well as the ability to find solutions that are conducive to solving each problem; and (5) An adequate and balanced management plan is required to accommodate every thought and need of each group within the church so that they can exercise their rights and responsibilities in a reasonable manner. Keywords: Enculturation, keroncong music, worshi

    William James' Concept of Religion: An Empirical Theory and Its Implementation in the Religious Context of Indonesia

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    Abstract: The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the concept of religion from the perspective of William James. This paper refers to James's framework of thinking about the way of religion and its urgency for religions that are adhered to by humans. As explained by James that being a religious person means belief in an invisible order that really exists, so that it produces a real effect in the world. The method used in this research is literature study which refers to references related to the topic raised. In this study, researchers found that the concept of William James can be implemented in Indonesia because it opens the framework of the Indonesian people's thinking about the way of religion through experience, knowledge, moral awareness and acceptance that leads to peace. Keywords: priest, single, church, ministry, vocation The Concept of Religion, Empirical Theory, William James

    Metaphysical Anthropology of Conversation with the Dead: Naruto's Conversation with Minato In Konoha's Pain Attack

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    Abstract: Fear and depression are ready to take control of a person's life if he hesitates to accept death. Similarly, Naruto experiences this in the Naruto shippuden series. When he was an infant, Naruto lost both of his parents. Surprisingly, Naruto met his father, Minato Namikaze, in Konoha while battling agony. The out-of-control Naruto almost took out the nine-tailed bijuu (kyubi), but his father prevented it, and Naruto regained the will and fortitude to battle Pain. Mark 5:35–42 and Daniel 12:1-3 will be used to support the method of metaphysical anthropology that will be employed. This paper examines the relationship between metaphysical anthropology in the Naruto shippuden and Mark 5:32–42 and Daniel 12:1–3 to construct a consolation concept to face grief. This study drew several conclusions, the first being that Christianity values life both before and after mortality, necessitating the development of contextual counseling techniques. Second, the conversation between Naruto and Minato during Pain's attack on Konoha has a noble value because it ultimately leads to Pain's revival and the restoration of Konoha. Thirdly, the Christian doctrine of the asleep soul in Mark 5:35–42 and Daniel 12:1-3, which rewards the soul after death, supports this research. Keywords: Death, Naruto, Metaphysical Anthropology, Sou

    Do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk Humbly with God as A Form of True Worship: A Reading of Micah 6:8

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    Abstract: Abstract: This paper examines the meaning of true worship according to Micah 6:8. A socio-historical analysis and linguistic criticism of Micah 6:8 highlights the three important elements needed to gain access to God namely “to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.” Hence, Micah 6:8 functions a warning that our religious ritual life must go hand in hand with our ethical responsibilities. The church as a community needs to be grounded in this theological foundation and embrace the understanding that true worship is not only celebrated through our vertical relationship with God, but also manifested through horizontal relationships with others. We can do this by reaching out to those who are economically, socially, culturally, and politically vulnerable; and live in harmony and peace within the community and with all of creation Keywords: justice, love kindness, ritual, solidarity, worshi

    Johann Baptist Metz's Approach to the Church Secularity: A Theology of Connection

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    Abstract: This research examines the changing landscape of Christian life. Today, Christians are at a crossroads where one path offers comfort, a world sheltered from the tumultuous secular world's complexities. The other path invites Christians to engage in the secular world, transcend selfishness, and face its challenges in the public arena. This research aims to strengthen the Church's understanding of divine calling and purpose in secular society. This research uses a qualitative descriptive methodology investigation to explore the theological work of Johann Baptist Metz. This research starts from Metz's existential thought, which views the present as the Church's eschatological time. This study explores Metz's concept of Christian time, its profound implications for eschatological ideas, and reveals its relevance in the modern context. Thematic analysis, the foundation of qualitative research, distills and presents research findings. Research findings show that Metz views the importance of the human-God relationship as the basis for the existence of the Church. The Church is an interconnected entity. This relational dimension becomes the identity of the Church. Just as the Incarnation of Christ marked the entry of the Divine into human history to establish a deep relationship, the Church stands as the eternal embodiment of Christ's presence in the world. It serves as a channel for the ongoing encounter between God and humanity, placing itself at the intersection of the sacred and the secular. The Church's Christian eschatological experience finds expression in grassroots mission work, where compassion for the poor and marginalized is paramount. The Church's willingness to adapt and develop its theological perspective reflects its unwavering commitment to facing the challenges of the contemporary world, thereby becoming a beacon of empowerment and life transformation

    Menimbang Makna Sophrosyne bagi Masalah Fanatisme di Era Informatika

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    Abstract: The article explores polarization in the era of social media that caused someone to be trapped in extreme fanaticism. In the first and second sections, the article will discuss the fanaticism phenomenon and how the informatics era amplifies someone to be trapped in extreme fanaticism. The third section of the article will discuss and reflect on sophrosyne's concept as a virtue in encouraging someone to be aware of the tendency of extreme fanaticism in the Informatics Era. The article posits sophrosyne as a virtue that is fruitful in encouraging people to be aware of the tendency to fall into extreme fanaticism in the Informatics Era. Keywords: Fanaticism, Sophrosyne, Polarization Abstrak: Artikel ini mengeksplorasi mengenai polarisasi di media sosial yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang dimungkinkan terjebak pada fanatisme ekstrem. Guna mengeksplorasi hal tersebut, artikel ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian. Bagian pertama dan kedua dari artikel ini membahas mengenai fenomena fanatisme dan bagaimana laju perkembangan informasi memperkuat kecenderungan tersebut. Bagian ketiga dari artikel ini mengeksplorasi dan merefleksikan konsep keugaharian (sophrosyne) Platon sebagai nilai keutamaan dalam mendorong seseorang untuk mawas diri dalam mewaspadai kecenderungan jatuh dalam fanatisme ekstrem di era laju perkembangan informasi. Artikel ini menempatkan makna sophrosyne sebagai kebajikan yang bermanfaat dalam mendorong seseorang untuk mewaspadai kecenderungan untuk jatuh ke dalam fanatisme ekstrem di era informatika. Kata Kunci: fanatisme, keugaharian, polarisas

    Christian Ethical Review of Royalty Collection for the Use of Religious Songs in Online Worship

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    Abstract: Online worship has rapidly emerged as a prevalent ministry approach in recent years. Many churches opt for broadcasting services via YouTube for virtual worship. However, challenges arise as songwriters request royalties for their songs featured in these online worship broadcasts. This can curtail song selection, consequently impacting service quality for congregants. This study explores the Christian ethical dimensions of royalty collection for religious songs in online worship, utilizing a literature review methodology. Its goal is to offer theological guidance to both songwriters and churches. The research scrutinizes influential academic journals, conducts a comprehensive analysis of biblical principles, and assesses Indonesia's relevant regulations. The primary aim of this study is to establish an ethical Christian perspective for composers and the church when addressing the intricate matter of royalty imposition when using religious songs in online worship. Although labor is a divine command for meeting human needs, Christians perceive work as an avenue to glorify God. Hence, seeking royalties for religious songs used in online worship might not align with this principle. This notion resonates with the non-commercial essence of worship. Moreover, it is imperative for churches to ensure that worship videos disseminated through platforms like YouTube and other social media retain their sanctity by avoiding monetization and commercialization. Keywords: online worship, religious song, royalt

    Particular, Universal, and Salvation in Continuity in the Gospel of Matthew

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    Abstract: This text reviews the multidimensional and problematic construction of the doctrine of salvation based on reading the study of the Gospel of Matthew. The existence of the multiplicity of creation causes the concept of salvation and how that salvation is achieved to vary greatly (diversity). The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a critical and constructive literature study approach. The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the meaning of salvation that is particular, universal, and sustainable. Particular salvation is understood from the way Matthew conveys the structure of his gospel from the genealogy of Jesus with nuances of genealogy and Jewish tradition. Universality means that from particularity into ethnically diverse communities in Christ's work of salvation is necessary. For Matthew, Jesus' rescue was affirming and upholding the continuity of God's saving relationship with His people, which began with Abraham, the consummation of the Law, and the continuing validity of all that was done, given, initiated, and instituted by God in history to save his people, as well as God's constant invitations for his people to enter into and remain in a saving relationship. Keywords: Particular, Universal, Continuity Salvation, Gospel of Matthe

    Examining Mula Jadi Na Bolon in the Traditional Belief of Toba Batak People

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    Abstract: This article describes the traditional Batak’s belief in the era of pre-christian mission to the Batak people in North Sumatera, Indonesia. The traditional Batak’s belief the mythology of Mula Jadi Na Bolon, was believed as ultimate and absolute power, the creator of the world and everything inside the world. The Batak people worshiped Mula Jadi Na Bolon, offered offering and had ritual worshiping Mula Jadi Na Bolon. They called Mula Jadi Na Bolon as Debata, then this the word that I.L. Nommensen used to translate God as Debata in Batak’s language. When the Christian Missionaries arrived among the Toba Batak people, they found the Toba Batak people to be a devoutly zealous people with the vivid awareness of religious power in the world around the Toba Batak people. While many of these religious notions were condemned by missionaries, Batak piety toward the dynamic activity of religious power was preserved in a Christian context. By using the qualitative research method, this article describes the theological approach acknowledging the traditional Batak’s belief in Mula Jadi Na Bolon as High God. This article explores the Christian Mission approaching to the Batak people, how the missionary used the inculturation in Christian Mission’s method to approach the Batak people. This research describes how the Batak people shifted from the traditional belief to the Christian teaching. Keywords: Mula Jadi Na Bolon, Batak people, Mythology, Christian, Mission.


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