165 research outputs found

    Usuarios de información pública de la ciudad de Jaén (1976-1996)

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    Taking as source of intelligence more than 13,000 consultations carried out by Administration public to his archives and requests made by investigators, present article shows yield of file, since it is source of intelligence as much for the organism that generates it, like for the citizenship in general, investigators in individual and the coming generations like source of intelligence of official history. In addition to the definition of the profile of users of the Provincial Historical File of Jaén, Municipal File of Jaén and the File of Provincial Delegation, contributes the definition of these investigations, the objectives that are tried to obtain, the used methodology, the location of these quantitative techniques in the technical subsystem, like powerful tool for its evaluation, conclusions destined to the promotion of these studies, doing emphasis in the importance of the Documentation like science applied to other disciplines, and an extensive bibliography for the theoretical elaboration of investigations of these characteristics

    Weed resistance diagnostic technologies to detect herbicide resistance in cerealgrowing areas. A review

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    Cereals are major crops used for food and feed. By 2050, the world population is expected to be close to 10 billion requiring a doubling of the food production from a fixed area of arable land. The control of weeds in cropping systems is one key step to optimize yield. In the last several decades, herbicides have become the most effective management tool for adequate weed control. However, their repetitive use, as well as the limited number of modes of action (MoA) available, has led to the development of resistance in weeds. It has become imperative to change practices that lead to the development of weed resistance in order to protect those MoAs which are still effective in cereals. Several mechanisms of resistance have been developed by weeds to survive herbicide applications. Among them, gene mutations reducing or inhibiting herbicide binding by conferring amino-acid changes in a target enzyme (Target Site Resistance, TSR) and detoxification of the herbicide (Enhanced Metabolic Resistance, EMR) are the main mechanisms in key grass weeds found in cereal crops. These two mechanisms have been extensively studied during the last years and, thus, enabled the development of analytical tools for resistance diagnosis. Sustainable strategies for weed management using herbicides rely on accurate resistance diagnostics that permit optimization of treatment solutions that will lead to herbicide longevity. Greenhouse and laboratory tests used for resistance diagnosis will be reviewed with an emphasis on biochemical and molecular biology technologies. Cases of resistance to ACCase inhibitor herbicides will be presented as examples. Finally, the future development of these technologies will be discussed in the perspective of more practical uses.Keywords: ACCase, ALS, bioassays, HPLC analyses, non-target-site resistance, pyrosequencing, target-site resistanceDiagnosetechnologien zur Detektion von Herbizidresistenz im Getreideanbau . Ein ÜberblickGetreide ist zurzeit die wichtigste Grundlage für unsere Nahrungs- und Futtermittelproduktion. Die Getreideproduktion muss jedoch, im Hinblick auf den bis 2050 erwarteten weltweiten Bevölkerungsanstieg auf nahezu 10 Mrd. Menschen und die gleichbleibende landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche, mindestens verdoppelt werden, um ausreichend Nahrungsmittel bereit zu stellen. Herbizide haben sich in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einem der wichtigsten Instrumente der Unkrautbekämpfung entwickelt, da sie eine maßgebliche Möglichkeit darstellen den Ertrag zu steigern. In einigen Fällen allerdings, führt sowohl die wiederholte Anwendung von Herbiziden als auch die begrenzte Auswahl an verfügbaren herbiziden Wirkmechanismen (MoA) zu einer ernstzunehmenden Resistenzentwicklung in Unkräutern. Diese Entwicklung macht es erforderlich die Anwendung von Herbiziden so zu verändern, dass eine weitere Resistenzentwicklung vermieden wird und vorhandene Wirkstoffe auch in Zukunft der Unkrautbekämpfung im Getreide zur Verfügung stehen.Verschiedenste Resistenzmechanismen gegen Herbizide haben sich in Unkräutern herausselektiert und sind in den vergangenen Jahren intensiv untersucht worden. Dazu zählen in Getreideunkräutern vor allem die wirkortspezifische Resistenz (Target Site Resistenz, TSR) und die Metabolisierung von Wirkstoffen (Enhanced Metabolic Resistance, EMR oder Non-Target-Site Resistenz, NTSR). Die erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse lassen sich mittlerweile zuverlässig zur Resistenzdiagnose in Unkräutern verwenden. Zuverlässige Diagnoseverfahren für Herbizidresistenz bei Unkräutern werden insbesondere für die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Strategien im Unkrautmanagement und zur Verlängerung der Produktlebensdauer benötigt. Eine zuverlässige Diagnose hilft zudem in Problemfällen Herbizidapplikationen anpassen oder optimieren zu können.In dieser Studie werden schwerpunktmäßig biochemische und molekularbiologische Diagnosemethoden für Herbizidresistenz in Unkräutern aus Gewächshaus und Labor vorgestellt und am Beispiel ACCase resistenter Unkräuter verdeutlicht. Schließlich wird die zukünftige Entwicklung dieser Technologien im Zusammenhang mit der praktischen Anwendung diskutiert.Stichwörter: ACCase, ALS, Bioassay, HPLC-Metaboliten-Analytik, Non-Target-Site Resistenz, Pyrosequencing, Target-Site Resisten

    Meet OLAF, a Good Friend of the IAPS! The Open Library of Affective Foods: A Tool to Investigate the Emotional Impact of Food in Adolescents

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    Datos del estudio disponibles en: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10202In the last decades, food pictures have been repeatedly employed to investigate the emotional impact of food on healthy participants as well as individuals who suffer from eating disorders and obesity. However, despite their widespread use, food pictures are typically selected according to each researcher's personal criteria, which make it difficult to reliably select food images and to compare results across different studies and laboratories. Therefore, to study affective reactions to food, it becomes pivotal to identify the emotional impact of specific food images based on wider samples of individuals. In the present paper we introduce the Open Library of Affective Foods (OLAF), which is a set of original food pictures created to reliably select food pictures based on the emotions they prompt, as indicated by affective ratings of valence, arousal, and dominance and by an additional food craving scale. OLAF images were designed to allow simultaneous use with affective images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), which is a well-known instrument to investigate emotional reactions in the laboratory. The ultimate goal of the OLAF is to contribute to understanding how food is emotionally processed in healthy individuals and in patients who suffer from eating and weight-related disorders. The present normative data, which was based on a large sample of an adolescent population, indicate that when viewing affective non-food IAPS images, valence, arousal, and dominance ratings were in line with expected patterns based on previous emotion research. Moreover, when viewing food pictures, affective and food craving ratings were consistent with research on food cue processing. As a whole, the data supported the methodological and theoretical reliability of the OLAF ratings, therefore providing researchers with a standardized tool to reliably investigate the emotional and motivational significance of food.This research was funded by a grant from Junta de Andalucía (Spain) to MCFS (grant code P12.SEJ.391). (http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/servicios​/ayudas/detalle/69962.html; Convocatoria 2012

    pH influences the interfacial properties of blue whiting (M. poutassou) and whey protein hydrolysates determining the physical stability of fish oil-in-water emulsions

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    This work was funded by the project CTQ2017-87076-R from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Julia Maldonado-Valderrama and Teresa del Castillo-Santaella acknowledge financialsupport from project RTI2018-101309-B-C21. The authors are also very grateful to F. Javier Espejo-Carpio and Marta Padial-Dominguez for providing the whey and blue whiting protein hydrolysates. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA.This work investigates the influence of the interfacial properties of whey protein (WPH) and blue whiting protein (BPH) hydrolysates on the physical stability of fish oil-in-water emulsions stabilized with these hydrolysates at pH 2 or 8. Measurements of interfacial tension and dilatational rheology confirmed that pH is a key factor affecting these interfacial properties of WPH and BPH. WPH, when tested at 1 and 10 mg/mL, showed a higher interfacial activity at pH 8 when compared to pH 2 or to BPH at pH 8 or 2, despite having a lower protein content. Moreover, when tested at 0.1 and 1 mg/mL, the dilatational modulus of WPH was significantly higher at pH 8 than at pH 2. These findings correlate with the formation of smaller oil droplets and a more resistant interfacial peptide layer for WPH at pH 8, hence explaining the improved physical stability of the 5% fish oil-in water emulsion stabilized with WPH at pH 8. BPH did not show significant differences in interfacial activity with pH but exhibited significantly higher dilatational elasticity and viscosity at pH 2 compared to pH 8 (when measured at 0.1 mg/mL and 0.01 or 0.1 Hz). This correlates with the formation of stable 5% fish oil-in-water emulsions with BPH at pH 2 but not at pH 8.Spanish Government CTQ2017-87076-

    Effect of Hyaluronic Acid and Pluronic-F68 on the Surface Properties of Foam as a Delivery System for Polidocanol in Sclerotherapy

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    The use of foams to deliver bioactive agents and drugs is increasing in pharmaceutics. One example is the use of foam as a delivery system for polidocanol (POL) in sclerotherapy, with the addition of bioactive compounds to improve the delivery system being a current subject of study. This work shows the influence of two bioactive additives on the structure and stability of POL foam: hyaluronic acid (HA) and Pluronic-F68 (F68). HA is a natural non-surface-active biopolymer present in the extracellular matrix while F68 is a surface-active poloxamer that is biocompatible with plasma-derived fluids. Both additives increase the bulk viscosity of the sample, improving foam stability. However, HA doubled and F68 quadruplicated the foam half lifetime of POL. HA reduced the size and polydispersity of the bubble size distribution and increased the surface elasticity with respect to POL. Both facts have a positive impact in terms of foam stability. F68 also altered bubble structure and increased surface elasticity, again contributing to the enhancement of foam stability. The surface characterization of these systems is important, as in foam sclerotherapy it is crucial to assure the presence of POL at the surface of the bubbles in order to deliver the sclerosant agent in the target vein.Junta de Andalucia NANOFOAM-PI12.2956Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government MAT2017-82182-R RTI2018-101309-B-C21Consejeria de Economia, Conocimiento, Empresas y UniversidadEuropean Union (EU) SOMM17/6109/UG

    Computer programming teaching in learning High School Physics

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    Este trabajo desarrolla una propuesta didáctica para introducir actividades de programación por ordenador en la resolución de problemas de Física. Tal propuesta persigue un doble objetivo: por una parte facilitar, a través de la programación de simulaciones de Física, la asimilación de los contenidos de esta materia y, por otra, iniciar a los alumnos en la programación y en el pensamiento computacional. En este artículo se fundamenta teóricamente la propuesta, se presenta el material desarrollado para su implementación en el aula y se describe una intervención a modo de estudio piloto realizada en varios institutos, junto con su evaluación mediante cuestionarios dirigidos a los profesores y estudiantes participantes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una positiva percepción de la propuesta desarrollada.This paper develops a didactic proposal to introduce computer programming activities in physics problem solving. Such proposal has two objectives. The first one is to facilitate the assimilation of the physics contents through programming physics simulations. The second one is to initiate students in programming and computational thinking. In this paper our proposal is theoretically founded and the material developed for the classroom is presented. A scale intervention performed in several high schools is described and evaluated by means of two opinion questionnaires fulfilled by the enrolled students and teachers. The results obtained show a positive percepcion of the developed proposal

    Applications of serum albumins in delivery systems: Differences in interfacial behaviour and interacting abilities with polysaccharides

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    One of the major applications of SerumAlbumins is their use as delivery systems for lipophilic compounds in biomedicine. Their biomedical application is based on the similarity with Human Serum Albumin (HSA), as a fully biocompatible protein. In general, Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) is treated as comparable to its human homologue and used as a model protein for fundamental studies since it is available in high amounts and well understood. This protein can act as a carrier for lipophilic compounds or as protective shell in an emulsion-based vehicle. Polysaccharides are generally included in these formulations in order to increase the stability and/or applicability of the carrier. In this review, themain biomedical applications of Albumins as drug delivery systems are first presented. Secondly, the differences between BSA andHSA are highlighted, exploring the similarities and differences between these proteins and their interaction with polysaccharides, both in solution and adsorbed at interfaces. Finally, the use of Albumins as emulsifiers for emulsion-based delivery systems, concretely as Liquid Lipid Nanocapsules (LLNs), is revised and discussed in terms of the differences encountered in the molecular structure and in the interfacial properties. The specific case of Hyaluronic Acid is considered as a promising additivewith important applications in biomedicine. The literatureworks are thoroughly discussed highlighting similarities and differences between BSA and HSA and their interaction with polysaccharides encountered at different structural levels, hence providing routes to control the optimal design of delivery systems.This work has been funded by the following projects, which are gratefully acknowledged: MAT2017-82182-R and RTI2018-101309-BC21 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación). The authors also acknowledge “Mancomunidad de los Pueblos de la Alpujarra Granadina” for the funds raised and supplied for this research

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Descripción de un nuevo género y de una nueva especie Iberocypris palaciosi N.GEN.N.SO (Pisces, cyprinidae).Resultados de los censos d e aves acuáticas en Andalucía Occidental durante el invierno1978-79Interacciones en la alimentación de las larvas de dos especies de tritones. (Triturus marmoratus y Triturus boscai).Utilización del espacio en una comunidad de lacertidos del matorral mediterráneo en la Reserva Biológica de DoñanaMorfología dentaria de las liebres europeas (Lagomorpha, leporidae).El conejo, Oryctolagus cuniculus en Andalucía Occidental: Parámetros corporales y curva de crecimientoObservaciones de foca monje (Monachus monachus Herm.) en las costas del sureste de la Península Ibérica.Presencia de pejerrey Atherina (Hepsetia) boyeri, Risso 1810; Pisces ( Atherinidae) en la laguna de Zoñar (Córdoba, SO de España).Nuevas citas de la "loina" Chondrostoma (Machaerochilus) toxostoma arrigonis Stein. (pisces, cyprinidae) en EspañaRelativa subalimentación de Falco naumanni durante el periodo no reproductor en el valle del GuadalquivirComadrejas alimentandose de carroña.Agrupamientos de Alytes cisternasii bajo el mismo refugioDescripción de un nuevo género de quiróptero neotropical de la familia MolossidaeAlgunas notas sobre Platalea leucorodia en GaliciaInicidencia del murciélago hematófago Desmodus rotundus sobre los indígenas Yanomani de VenezuelaRitmo de actividad de algunos ratones de los llanos de Apure (Venezuela)Presencia del topillo campesino ibérico, Microtus arvalis asturianus Miller, 1908 en la meseta del DueroFalco columbarius EsmerejónCiconia ciconia CigüeñaNycticorax nycticorax MartinetePeer reviewe