664 research outputs found

    Kainate Receptors Modulating Glutamate Release in the Cerebellum

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    Glutamate receptors of the kainate type (Kainate receptors, KARs), are mediators of ionotropic postsynaptic synaptic transmission, as well as presynaptic modulators of neurotransmitter release where they show both ionotropic and metabotropic actions regulating glutamate and γ-aminobutiric acid (GABA) release. The mechanisms underlying these modulatory roles are starting to be understood at some brain regions. Here we review the KARs roles and mechanisms involved in the modulation of glutamate release in the cerebellum at parallel fibers (PF)-Purkinje Cells (PuC) synapses. KARs activation mediate a biphasic effect on glutamate release at this synapse, with low kainate (KA) concentrations mediating a facilitation of glutamate release and higher KA concentrations mediating a depression of glutamate release. KA-mediated facilitation is prevented by antagonizing KARs, by inhibition of PKA or stimulation of adenylyl cyclase (AC), by blocking Ca2+ permeant KARs, by depleting intracellular Ca2+ stores and by blocking calmodulin. Thus, at cerebellar parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses, presynaptic KARs mediate glutamate release facilitation through Ca2+-calmodulin dependent activation of adenylyl cyclase/cAMP/protein kinase A signaling. KAR-mediated depression of glutamate release involves the AC/cAMP/PKA pathway as for facilitation but not Ca2+-calmodulin, being in this case AC activated by a Gi/o protein to mediate a depression of glutamate release

    The Third Sector: The “Other” Actors of Rural Development, Andalusia 2000–2015

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    Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness, Research Project “Successes and failures in the practice of neo-endogenous rural development in the European Union (1991–2013), RURALWIN”. CSO2017-89657-P.Civil society plays an essential role in the development of our rural areas. In spite of this, little research has been conducted on the role of non-profit organizations, often referred to in general terms as the third sector, within the framework of the LEADER program for rural development, especially in such a large geographical area as Andalusia, the study area of this research. The diversity of the groups that make up the “Others” group of rural development stakeholders is one of its most important characteristics. Over the course of the study period (2000–2015), these organizations have played a very significant role in Andalusia in both quantitative and qualitative terms. In order to find out more about the diversity of third sector organizations and to quantify and evaluate their importance, we carried out a detailed analysis of all the LEADER projects commenced in Andalusia between 2000 and 2015. The quantitative and quantitative results obtained highlight the diversity of these projects and how widely their presence varied from one type of rural area to the next. Our research reopens the debate about the growing role played by non-profit organizations in developed societies at a global level and within LEADER in particular.Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness, Research Project RURALWIN”. CSO2017-89657-P

    Effects of a Personalised Physical Exercise Program on University Workers Overall Well-Being: “UAL-Activa” Program

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    Background and objectives: Regular individualised physical exercise (PE) is a habit that not only has consequences for overall health (physical, emotional, social and mental) but can also have positive effects on organisations and institutions, as it helps workers to improve their personal balance and recover from the effort of their working day, showing higher levels of energy, commitment and productivity. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between the practice of PE and well-being in personal life and at work, as well as job satisfaction, overall health and the assessment of the personal training service provided by final-year students studying for a degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Methods: This study used a qualitative research methodology. There were 25 employees of the University of Almeria (UAL) (M = 52.16 9.55 years), divided into two focus groups and participating in the physical exercise program “UAL Activa”. Results: The following three main themes, based on the results, emerged: (a) social well-being during PE practice, (b) assessment of the personal training service and (c) physical exercise as an emotional benefit at work. Conclusion. The workers’ interventions have shown that participating in a personalised PE program led by a personal trainer can improve overall health and mood, with a very positive influence on the working environment.Sports Service of the University of Almeria, Spai

    Evolution des indicateurs technico-économiques des exploitations caprines laitières pastorales de l’Andalousie (2006-2008)

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    The aim of this work is to analyse the evolution of 10 technical-economic indicators during the period 2006-2008 in 6 pastoral farms of Andalusia (Spain) in order to observe the most determinant factors for the viability of systems. For the technical-economic analysis, an adaptation of the FAO/CIHEAM indicators list has been used. Values of indicators for each year and also for the whole of the period have been obtained. By consequence of increases of quantity and price of feed, economic margins of farms decreased from 2006 to 2008. Although the milk prices also increased, the proportion of the increase was less than in the feed price. While in 2008 the family net margin and, overall, the business net margin per litre of milk sold, were very low, the family net margin per unit of family labour was fairly acceptable. The meaning of this situation is that, at present, farms can survive because a part of the pay of family workers is used to purchase feed. Several regression analyses have been made. Only in two cases is there a significant level: the business net margin per litre of milk sold in comparison to the milk sold per goat and the family net margin per unit of family labour in comparison to the total labour.L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser l’évolution de 10 indicateurs technico-économiques pendant la période 2006-2008 dans 6 exploitations pastorales de l’Andalousie (Espagne) afin d’observer les facteurs qui déterminent la viabilité des systèmes. Pour réaliser l’analyse technico-économique, on a utilisé des indicateurs adaptés de la liste de FAO/CIHEAM. On a obtenu les valeurs des indicateurs pour chaque année et aussi pour l’ensemble de la période. Les marges économiques des exploitations ont descendu entre 2006 et 2008 à cause de l’augmentation des quantités et des prix des aliments consommés par les chèvres. Bien que le prix du lait ait aussi augmenté, la proportion de cette augmentation a été inférieure à celle du prix des aliments. Tandis qu’en 2008, la marge nette familiale et, surtout, la marge nette de l’entreprise par litre de lait vendu ont été très basses, la marge nette familiale par UTH a été plus ou moins acceptable. Cette situation implique que, actuellement, les exploitations peuvent survivre parce qu’une partie du salaire qui devrait être assigné aux travailleurs familiaux est destinée à l’achat d’aliments pour les chèvres. Plusieurs analyses de régression ont été réalisées. Uniquement dans deux cas, on a trouvé un niveau de signification : la marge nette de l’entreprise par litre de lait vendu selon le lait vendu par chèvre et la marge nette familiale par UTH selon la main-d’œuvre totale

    Improved thermochemical energy storage behavior of manganese oxide by molybdenum doping

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    To improve the thermochemical energy storage (TCS) behavior of Mn2O3, several Mn–Mo oxides with varying amounts of MoO3 (0–30 wt%) were prepared by a precipitation method. The physico-chemical properties of the solids were studied byN2 adsorption–desorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and H2-temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), while their TCS behavior was determined by thermogravimetric analysis coupled with differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC). Apart from Mn2O3 and MoO3 phases, XRD revealed a mixed MnMoO4 phase for MoO3 loadings equal or higher than 1.5 wt%. All samples showed a wellformed coral-like surface morphology, particularly those solids with low MoO3 contents. This coral morphology was progressively decorated with compact and Mo-enriched MnMoO4 particles as the MoO3 content increased. TPR revealed that the redox behavior of Mn2O3 was significantly altered upon addition of Mo. The TCS behavior of Mn2O3 (mostly oxidation kinetics and redox cyclability) was enhanced by addition of low amounts of Mo (0.6 and 1.5% MoO3) without significantly increasing the reduction temperature of the solids. The coral morphology (which facilitated oxygen diffusion) and a smoother transition from the reduced to oxidized phase were suggested to be responsible for this improved TCS behavior. The samples containing 0.6 and 1.5 wt% of MoO3 showed outstanding cyclability after 45 consecutive reduction–oxidation cycles at high temperatures (600–1000 C). These materials could potentially reach absorption efficiencies higher than 90% at concentration capacity values typical of concentrated solar power plants

    Guía Visual de Operaciones y Procesos Industriales

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    Las asignaturas que el Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Ambiental y de los Materiales imparte en los planes de estudios conducentes a los títulos de Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales y Licenciado en Química versan, a grandes rasgos y desde diferentes perspectivas, sobre el estudio y análisis de los procesos industriales. La conexión entre el estudio de los procesos y las operaciones básicas que los componen (que los estudiantes realizan desde un punto de vista teórico) y la realidad industrial constituye una de las piezas claves para la comprensión de aquéllos, a la vez que un elemento esencial en la calidad de la enseñanza, especialmente en asignaturas y titulaciones de carácter aplicado. Por ello, una de las actividades que se suelen programar en este tipo de estudios y en todas las universidades es la realización de diferentes visitas técnicas a instalaciones industriales.Sería deseable que estas visitas se realizaran desde el primer momento en que el estudiante entra en contacto con la materia; la aplicación de esta medida, sin embargo, presenta el inconveniente de la necesidad de efectuar las visitas con un número reducido de estudiantes, en general, inferior a 30, debido a las molestias que se ocasionan en los centros que se visitan y a los propios condicionantes de moverse en una planta industrial. Esto imposibilita en la práctica su realización para cursos numerosos, obligando a su aplazamiento hasta cursos superiores, con la consiguiente pérdida de los beneficios que se derivarían de esta herramienta. En el curso 2003/2004 y según datos del Secretariado de Ordenación Docente, el número de estudiantes matriculados en las asignaturas “Bases de la Ingeniería Ambiental” y “Procesos de Separación en Ingeniería Ambiental” asciende a 202 y 203, respectivamente, lo que, como ha quedado dicho, impide o dificulta en gran medida la realización de visitas técnicas

    Interpretative journalism influences in heritage interpretation of Freeman Tilden

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    En 1957, el periodista estadounidense Freeman Tilden publicó su libro titulado Interpreting Our Heritage. Con el paso de los años, esta obra se convirtió en un referente para una nueva disciplina académica y profesional por lo que se considera la base teórica de la interpretación del patrimonio. Sus propuestas para comunicar al público los valores históricos y naturales de manera eficaz se enmarcan en un contexto sociocultural caracterizado por importantes cambios en la prensa debido a que los periodistas pasaron de la redacción de noticias a escribir el porqué de los hechos, sus causas y las consecuencias. Este artículo sugiere que esta nueva fórmula, propia del llamado periodismo interpretativo, presenta un paralelismo con las propuestas de Tilden y destaca la correspondencia entre ambas estrategias en un marco sociocultural común que pudo haber generado e inspirado las bases para la interpretación del patrimonio.In 1957, the American journalist Freeman Tilden published his book entitled Interpreting Our Heritage. Over the years, this work became a reference for a new academic and professional discipline so it is considered the theoretical foundations of the heritage interpretation. His proposals to communicate the historical and natural values to the public in an effective way are framed in a sociocultural context characterised by important changes in the press due to journalists shifted from writing facts to explaining the reasons of these facts, the causes and the consequences. This paper suggests that this new formula, characteristic of the so-called interpretative journalism, presents parallelism to the Tilden proposals and highlight the correspondence between both strategies due to a common sociocultural framework that could have generated and inspired the basis for the heritage interpretation

    Rural employment and LEADER: actors, territories and beneficiaries in Andalusia (2007–2015)

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    Investigación financiada por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad. Proyecto de Investigación “Éxitos y fracasos en la práctica del desarrollo rural neo-endógeno en la Unión Europea (1991-2013), RURALWIN”. CSO2017-89657-P.LEADER es una de las actuaciones más relevantes en materia de desarrollo rural puesta en marcha por la Unión Europea. Sus repercusiones socioeconómicas, lastradas por su exiguo presupuesto, han sido poco analizadas a escala municipal y para un territorio amplio. Abordamos su cuantificación a través de la inversión y tipo de empleo generado, según promotor, ámbito espacial y perfil de los beneficiados, en los 6225 proyectos ejecutados en Andalucía entre los años 2007–2015. Se constata tanto el desigual comportamiento de los diferentes actores según territorios como el menor empleo generado y, dentro de él, creado, respecto del periodo anterior 2000–2006. Son las Sociedades Mercantiles, especialmente las Limitadas, las que más empleo generan. Estas últimas, junto a las personas físicas, son las que más apuestan por la creación de empleo nuevo como forma de autoempleo frente a la crisis, ocupado por jóvenes y mujeres, mayoritariamente. Mientras las primeras benefician sobre todo al colectivo femenino y tienden a concentrarse en las áreas más dinámicas, las segundas adquieren relevancia en el mundo rural. Tanto las asociaciones, por la absoluta presencia de la mujer en ellas, como las Sociedades Cooperativas, por su fuerte implantación territorial y su relación con el sector agrario, juegan un papel relevante.LEADER is one of the most relevant actions in rural development launched by the European Union. Its socioeconomic repercussions, weighed down by its meager budget, have been little analyzed from a broad territorial point of view. We approach its quantification through the investment and type of employment generated according to the promoter, territory and profile of the beneficiaries. The 6,225 projects executed in Andalusia between the years 2007–2015 are analyzed, verifying both the unequal behavior of the actors according to territories and the lower employment generated and, within it, created, with respect to the previous period 2000–2006. Commercial Companies, especially Limited Companies, are the ones that generate the most jobs. The latter, along with Individuals, are the ones that most bet on the creation of new employment as a form of self-employment in the face of the crisis, occupied by young people and women. While the former mainly benefit women and tend to be concentrated in the most dynamic areas, the latter acquire relevance in the rural world. Both Associations, due to the absolute presence of women in them, and Cooperatives, due to their strong territorial dimension and their relationship with the agricultural sector, they have a relevant role.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad CSO2017-89657-

    El Pecio Bou Ferrer (Villajoyosa, Comunidad Valenciana, España). Investigación, conservación y divulgación de un yacimiento subacuático excepcional (2012-2019)

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    Aquest projecte s’ha beneficiat de l’ajuda econòmica del LabEx Archimède en el marc del projecte «Investir l’Avenir» (ANR-11-LABX-0032-01)

    Dasatinib, a Src inhibitor, sensitizes liver metastatic colorectal carcinoma to oxaliplatin in tumors with high levels of phospho-Src.

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    Despite the development of new antineoplastic agents for the treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC), oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidines remain the most commonly employed drugs for the treatment of both early and advanced disease. Intrinsic or acquired resistance is, however, an important limitation to pharmacological therapy, and the development of chemosensitization strategies constitute a major goal with important clinical implications. In the present work, we determined that high levels of activated Src kinase, measured as phospho-Src at the Tyr419 residue in CRC cell lines, can promote colorectal carcinoma cell resistance to oxaliplatin, but not to 5-fluorouracil (5FU), and that inhibition of this protein restores sensitivity to oxaliplatin. Similar results were observed with in vivo patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models that were orthotopically grown in murine livers. In PDX tumor lines derived from human CRC liver metastasis, dasatinib, a Src inhibitor, increases sensitivity to oxaliplatin only in tumors with high p-Src. However, dasatinib did not modify sensitivity to 5FU in any of the models. Our data suggest that chemoresistance induced by p-Src is specific to oxaliplatin, and that p-Src levels can be used to identify patients who may benefit from this combination therapy. These results are relevant for clinicians as they identify a novel biomarker of drug resistance that is suitable to pharmacological manipulation.HUVR-IBiS Biobanco del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía y ISCIII-Red de Biobancos [PT13/0010/0056].FEDER from Regional Development European Funds (European Union), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011, Plan Estatal de I+D+i 2013-2016, ISCIII [Fis: PI12/00137, PI13/02295, PI15/00045, RTICC: RD12/0036/0028].Consejería de Ciencia e Innovación [CTS-1848] y Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía [PI-0306-2012, PI-0096-2014]