657 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe: Position statement of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN)

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    Over the past decades European societies have become increasingly diverse. This diversity in culture, education, and language significantly impacts neuropsychological assessment. Although several initiatives are under way to overcome these barriers - e.g. newly developed and validated test batteries - there is a need for more collaboration in the development and implementation of neuropsychological tests, such as in the domains of social cognition and language. To address these gaps in cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment in Europe, the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology (ECCroN) was established in 2019. ECCroN recommends taking a broad range of variables into account, such as linguistic factors, literacy, education, migration history, acculturation and other cultural factors. We advocate against race-based norms as a solution to the challenging interpretation of group differences on neuropsychological tests, and instead support the development, validation, and standardization of more widely applicable/cross-culturally applicable tests that take into account interindividual variability. Last, ECCroN advocates for an improvement in the clinical training of neuropsychologists in culturally sensitive neuropsychological assessment, and the development and implementation of guidelines for interpreter-mediated neuropsychological assessment in diverse populations in Europe. ECCroN may impact research and clinical practice by contributing to existing theoretical frameworks and by improving the assessment of diverse individuals across Europe through collaborations on test development, collection of normative data, cross-cultural clinical training, and interpreter-mediated assessment

    Integrability and non-integrability in N=2 SCFTs and their holographic backgrounds N = 2 N=2 \mathcal{N}=2 SCFTs and their holographic backgrounds

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    We show that the string worldsheet theory of Gaiotto-Maldacena holographic duals to N=2 superconformal field theories generically fails to be classically integrable. We demonstrate numerically that the dynamics of a winding string configuration possesses a non-vanishing Lyapunov exponent. Furthermore an analytic study of the Normal Variational Equation fails to yield a Liouvillian solution. An exception to the generic non-integrability of such backgrounds is provided by the non-Abelian T-dual of AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5. Here by virtue of the canonical transformation nature of the T-duality classical integrability is known to be present.Comment: 20 pages plus appendices. Various figures. References adde

    Effects of biochar amendment on root traits and contaminant availability of maize plants in a copper and arsenic impacted soil

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    Biochar has been proposed as a tool to enhance phytostabilisation of contaminated soils but little data are available to illustrate the direct effect on roots in contaminated soils. This work aimed to investigate specific root traits and to assess the effect of biochar amendment on contaminant availability. Amendment with two different types of biochar, pine woodchip and olive tree pruning, was assessed in a rhizobox experiment with maize planted in a soil contaminated with significant levels of copper and arsenic. Amendment was found to significantly improve root traits compared to the control soil, particularly root mass density and root length density. Copper uptake to plants and ammonium sulphate extractable copper was significantly less in the biochar amended soils. Arsenic uptake and extractability varied with type of biochar used but was not considered to be the limiting factor affecting root and shoot development. Root establishment in contaminated soils can be enhanced by biochar amendment but choice of biochar is key to maximising soil improvement and controlling contaminant availability

    EMT and induction of miR-21 mediate metastasis development in Trp53-deficient tumours

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    Missense mutations in TP53 gene promote metastasis in human tumours. However, little is known about the complete loss of function of p53 in tumour metastasis. Here we show that squamous cell carcinomas generated by the specific ablation of Trp53 gene in mouse epidermis are highly metastatic. Biochemical and genome-wide mRNA and miRNA analyses demonstrated that metastases are associated with the early induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and deregulated miRNA expression in primary tumours. Increased expression of miR-21 was observed in undifferentiated, prometastatic mouse tumours and in human tumours characterized by p53 mutations and distant metastasis. The augmented expression of miR-21, mediated by active mTOR and Stat3 signalling, conferred increased invasive properties to mouse keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, whereas blockade of miR-21 in a metastatic spindle cell line inhibits metastasis development. Collectively these data identify novel molecular mechanisms leading to metastasis in vivo originated by p53 loss in epithelia

    Redox activities and ROS, NO and phenylpropanoids production by axenically cultured intact olive seedling roots after interaction with a mycorrhizal or a pathogenic fungus

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    Las raíces de las plántulas de olivo, en cultivo axénico, fueron colocadas alternativamente en contacto con Rhizophagus irregulares (micorrícicos) o con hongos Verticillim dahliae (patógenos). También se incluyeron tratamientos MeJA. Las raíces intactas (generación de anión superóxido, superóxido dismutasa y actividades de peroxidasa) se midieron en las actividades in vivo del apoplasto. Todos nuestros resultados mostraron que las actividades redox apoplásticas de raíces de las plántulas intactas en contacto con el hongo micorriza compatible fueron claramente atenuados en comparación con el hongo patógeno o tratado con MeJA, incluso en las primeras etapas usadas en el tratamiento. Los fenoles totales, flavonoides y glucósidos fenilpropanoides, también fueron cuantificados. Las raíces en contacto con el hongo micorriza no mejoraron la biosíntesis de compuestos fenólicos con respecto a los controles, mientras que los de contacto con el patógeno mejoraron de forma significativa la biosíntesis de todas las fracciones fenólicas medidas. Las especies reactivas del oxígeno y la acumulación de óxido nítrico en las raíces fueron examinadas por microscopía de fluorescencia. Todos ellas presentaron una acumulación mucho mayor en las raíces en contacto con el patógeno que con el hongo micorriza. En total, estos resultados indican que las raíces de las plántulas intactas de olivo, claramente diferenciadas entre micorrizas y hongos patógenos, atenuan las reacciones de defensa contra la primera para facilitar su creación, mientras que induce una reacción de defensa fuerte y sostenida contra el segundo. Ambas especies reactivas de oxígeno y nitrógeno parecían estar involucrados en estas respuestas desde los primeros momentos de contacto. Sin embargo, se necesitan más investigaciones para aclarar la diafonía propuesta entre ellos y sus respectivas funciones en estas respuestas ya que las imágenes de fluorescencia de las raíces revelaron que las especies reactivas del oxígeno se acumulan principalmente en el apoplasto (congruente con las actividades redox medidas en este compartimento), mientras el óxido nítrico se almacena principalmente en el citosol.Roots of intact olive seedlings, axenically cultured, were alternatively placed in contact with Rhizophagus irregularis (mycorrhizal) or Verticillim dahliae (pathogenic) fungi. MeJA treatments were also included. In vivo redox activities in the apoplast of the intact roots (anion superoxide generation, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities) were measured. All our results showed that apoplastic redox activities of intact seedling roots in contact with the compatible mycorrhizal fungus were clearly attenuated in comparison with the pathogenic fungus or treated with MeJA, even at the early stages of treatment used. Total phenolics, flavonoids and phenylpropanoid glycosides were also quantified. Roots in contact with the mycorrhizal fungus did not enhance the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds with respect to controls, while those in contact with the pathogenic one significantly enhanced the biosynthesis of all phenolic fractions measured. Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxid accumulation in roots were examined by fluorescence microscopy. All of them presented much higher accumulation in roots in contact with the pathogenic than with the mycorrhizal fungus. Altogether these results indicate that intact olive seedling roots clearly differentiated between mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi, attenuating defense reactions against the first to facilitate its establishment, while inducing a strong and sustained defense reaction against the second. Both reactive oxygen and nitrogen species seemed to be involved in these responses from the first moments of contact. However, further investigations are required to clarify the proposed crosstalk between them and their respective roles in these responses since fluorescence images of roots revealed that reactive oxygen species were mainly accumulated in the apoplast (congruently with the measured redox activities in this compartment) while nitric oxid was mainly stored in the cytosol.-- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto CGL2009-12406 -- Junta de Extremadura. Proyecto PRI09A023peerReviewe

    Integral strategy to supportive care in breast cancer survivors through occupational therapy and a m-health system: design of a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Technological support using e-health mobile applications (m-health) is a promising strategy to improve the adherence to healthy lifestyles in breast cancer survivors (excess in energy intake or low physical activity are determinants of the risk of recurrence, second cancers and cancer mortality). Moreover, cancer rehabilitation programs supervised by health professionals are needed due to the inherent characteristics of these breast cancer patients. Our main objective is to compare the clinical efficacy of a m-health lifestyle intervention system alone versus an integral strategy to improve Quality of Life in breast cancer survivors. Methods: This therapeutic superiority study will use a two-arm, assessor blinded parallel RCT design. Women will be eligible if: they are diagnosed of stage I, II or III-A breast cancer; are between 25 and 75 years old; have a Body Mass Index > 25 kg/m2; they have basic ability to use mobile apps; they had completed adjuvant therapy except for hormone therapy; and they have some functional shoulder limitations. Participants will be randomized to one of the following groups: integral group will use a mobile application (BENECA APP) and will receive a face-to-face rehabilitation (8-weeks); m-health group will use the BENECA app for 2-months and will received usual care information. Study endpoints will be assessed after 8 weeks and 6 months. The primary outcome will be Quality of Life measured by The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core and breast module. The secondary outcomes: body composition; upper-body functionality (handgrip, Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire, goniometry); cognitive function (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Trail Making Test); anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale); physical fitness (Short version of the Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire, Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Activity); accelerometry and lymphedema. Discussion: This study has been designed to seek to address the new needs for support and treatment of breast cancer survivors, reflecting the emerging need to merge new low cost treatment options with much-needed involvement of health professionals in this type of patients. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02817724 (date of registration: 22/06/2016).The study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Plan Estatal de I + D + I 2013-2016), Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI14/01627), Fondos Estructurales de la Unión Europea (FEDER) and by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU14/01069). This is part of a Ph.D. Thesis conducted in the Clinical Medicine and Public Health Doctoral Studies of the University of Granada, Spain

    Deficient Signaling via Alk2 (Acvr1) Leads to Bicuspid Aortic Valve Development

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    Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly in humans. Despite recent advances, the molecular basis of BAV development is poorly understood. Previously it has been shown that mutations in the Notch1 gene lead to BAV and valve calcification both in human and mice, and mice deficient in Gata5 or its downstream target Nos3 have been shown to display BAVs. Here we show that tissue-specific deletion of the gene encoding Activin Receptor Type I (Alk2 or Acvr1) in the cushion mesenchyme results in formation of aortic valve defects including BAV. These defects are largely due to a failure of normal development of the embryonic aortic valve leaflet precursor cushions in the outflow tract resulting in either a fused right- and non-coronary leaflet, or the presence of only a very small, rudimentary non-coronary leaflet. The surviving adult mutant mice display aortic stenosis with high frequency and occasional aortic valve insufficiency. The thickened aortic valve leaflets in such animals do not show changes in Bmp signaling activity, while Map kinase pathways are activated. Although dysfunction correlated with some pro-osteogenic differences in gene expression, neither calcification nor inflammation were detected in aortic valves of Alk2 mutants with stenosis. We conclude that signaling via Alk2 is required for appropriate aortic valve development in utero, and that defects in this process lead to indirect secondary complications later in life

    Overlapping expression patterns and differential transcript levels of phosphate transporter genes in arbuscular mycorrhizal, Pi-fertilised and phytohormone-treated Medicago truncatula roots

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    A microarray carrying 5,648 probes of Medicago truncatula root-expressed genes was screened in order to identify those that are specifically regulated by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Gigaspora rosea, by Pi fertilisation or by the phytohormones abscisic acid and jasmonic acid. Amongst the identified genes, 21% showed a common induction and 31% a common repression between roots fertilised with Pi or inoculated with the AM fungus G. rosea, while there was no obvious overlap in the expression patterns between mycorrhizal and phytohormone-treated roots. Expression patterns were further studied by comparing the results with published data obtained from roots colonised by the AM fungi Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices, but only very few genes were identified as being commonly regulated by all three AM fungi. Analysis of Pi concentrations in plants colonised by either of the three AM fungi revealed that this could be due to the higher Pi levels in plants inoculated by G. rosea compared with the other two fungi, explaining that numerous genes are commonly regulated by the interaction with G. rosea and by phosphate. Differential gene expression in roots inoculated with the three AM fungi was further studied by expression analyses of six genes from the phosphate transporter gene family in M. truncatula. While MtPT4 was induced by all three fungi, the other five genes showed different degrees of repression mirroring the functional differences in phosphate nutrition by G. rosea, G. mosseae and G. intraradices

    Síndromes muy poco frecuentes

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    Dismorfología, Citogenética y Clínica: Resultados de estudios sobre los datos del ECEMCSince the year 2002, this Section of the Boletín del ECEMC: Revista de Dismorfología y Epidemiología, is dedicated to dysmorphology, cytogenetics and clinical analysis of congenital anomalies, and includes a chapter on syndromes with very low frequency. The aim of this chapter is to summarize the most important characteristics, the etiology, and the mechanisms involved in the selected syndromes. The low frequency of these syndromes, together with their probable decreasing birth prevalence due to the impact of prenatal diagnosis, imply that pediatricians and other health professionals would have less opportunity to know their clinical characteristics. This circumstance together with the overlapping of the clinical features among some of the syndromes, make difficult to perform an early diagnosis, which is important for genetic counselling, and to provide the most suitable treatment to each pacient. The syndromes included are: Aarskog, Freeman-Sheldon, Cleidocranial dysplasia, Noonan, Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous and Costello. In addition, a short summary about the differential diagnosis among Noonan, Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous and Costello syndromes is also included.N