242 research outputs found

    Students’ perceptions of their learning outcomes in a flipped classroom environment

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    The flipped classroom model has positive effects on the educational process, and has recently become an alternative to the traditional model. However, additional research is necessary to identify the causes of those improvements and the contexts in which this methodology performs better. In this study, we analyze the perceptions of different students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Jaén (Spain) regarding flipped learning dynamics and the relationship between those perceptions and perceptions of their learning outcomes. Specifically, we investigate whether students’ acquired competences and attitude, as well as the use of formative assessment have positive effects on student perceptions on results. To accomplish this task, during the first semester of the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 academic years, we collected the opinions of students via a questionnaire and tested those relationships using PLS. The results indicate that the three variables (acquired competences, attitude, and formative assessment) explain the perceptions of students with respect to achieving better grades, and are key elements of superior learning, that can improve students’ performance. Accordingly, this study provides evidence regarding the positive effects of flipped classroom on the teaching–learning process in higher education and explains the reasons for the resulting improvement in learning outcomes.Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Jaén “Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, financiado por la Universidad de Jaén (España) (PIMED-UJA 2019)

    Why do student perceptions of academic performance improve? The influence of acquired competences and formative assessment in a flipped classroom environment

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    The university system must be able to respond to the growing demand for graduates with certain skills that guarantee their employability. A key requirement of this goal is the use of different teaching-learning methods, such as the flipped classroom methodology. However, although some studies have shown the advantages of this model, more research is needed to identify the reasons for these positive effects and the contexts in which it works best. In this paper, we analyse the perceptions of students of six undergraduate subjects at the University of Jaén (Spain) concerning their acquired competences and the formative assessment received in a flipped classroom environment. In addition, we analyse whether these two variables influence these student perceptions of achieving better academic outcomes. The results show that both aspects explain student perceptions of better performance and are key elements in the provision of a better learning environment. In this way, these results contribute to the literature concerning the positive effects of a flipped classroom on the teaching-learning process in higher education.Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Jaén titulado ‘Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender’, Financiado por la Universidad de Jaén (España) como parte del ‘Plan de Innovación y Mejora Docente’ (PIMED-UJA 2019

    Students’ attitude: Key to understanding the improvement of their academic RESULTS in a flipped classroom environment

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    The flipped classroom model has been shown in recent years to have a positive effect on students’ motivation and academic performance. In this paper, we analyze the perception that students of six undergraduate subjects at University of Ja´en (Spain) have of the subjects’ formative assessment and their attitude towards this new teaching-learning model. In addition, we analyze whether both variables influence their perception of achieving better academic results. The results of our study show that both aspects (formative assessment perception and attitude) explain students’ perception of outcomes. It leads us to conclude that students’ attitude is a key element of fostering more and better learning that improves their performance. In this way, our results provide further evidence for the literature on the positive effects of the flipped classroom on the teaching-learning process at the university level for students, teachers and scholars.“Aulas invertidas (Flipped Classroom): Una nueva forma de enseñar y aprender”, financiado por la Universidad de Jaén en el marco del “Plan de Innovación y Mejora Docente” (PIMED-UJA 2019

    Kahoot! as a Tool to Improve Student Academic Performance in Business Management Subjects

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    The new framework for learning requires the use of new technologies, such as m-learning or game-based learning programs. Gamification using this type of applications has been implemented in higher education contexts, enhancing students’ satisfaction, motivation, and class attendance. The present study refers to the introduction of new technologies and gamification through the use of the application Kahoot!, with the main objective being to analyze the relationship between the use of this gamification tool and the students’ learning results, which are measured by their academic marks. The results show a positive relationship between students’ results on the Kahoot! tests and the student’s final mark. Additionally, we demonstrate that students’ academic results improve when Kahoot! is used as an evaluation tool, taking into account improved student efficiency and a lower amount of failed grades.Proyecto de Innovación docente de la Universidad de Jaén “Una experiencia de gamificación en el aula: Evaluamos con Kahoot! (PID32_201819)

    Desarrollo de contenidos multimedia para el uso en Educación Primaria

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    La Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación ha adquirido una notable presencia en la educación. Este trabajo analiza una experiencia de blended learning en la Educación Primaria previa una explicación de la naturaleza del blended learning apoyada en una breve investigación bibliográfica. Algunos alumnos de la Universidad de Navarra han producido materiales didácticos interactivos con la herramienta de autor (üdütü) y varios programas de edición. Estos materiales han sido utilizados por alumnas de Educación Primaria bajo las estrategias de blended learning. La combinación de la enseñanza presencial no presencial ha fomentado un aprendizaje significativo y autónomo de las alumnas ya que se potencian las fortalezas y se disminuyen las debilidades de ambas modalidade

    Natural radiactivity from building materials in Spain

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    The industrial construction sector is very important in Spain. Building materials used in this industry are sources of radiation from natural radionuclides they contain. The European Commission published some recommendations to facilitate the trade of these materials in the E.U. The studies about this subject have increased notably during last years. This, probably, can be associated with the increase interest from natural radiation radiological risk on indoor exposure.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear. CSN-201

    Meta-omic evaluation of bacterial microbial community structure and activity for the environmental assessment of soils: Overcoming protein extraction pitfalls

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    Microorganisms play unique, essential and integral roles in the biosphere. This work aims to assess the utility of soil´s metaomics for environmental diagnosis. Doñana National Park (DNP) was selected as a natural lab, since it contains a strictly protected core that is surrounded by numerous threats of pollution. Culture-independent high-throughput molecular tools were used to evaluate the alterations of the global structure and metabolic activities of the microbiome. 16S rRNA sequencing shows lower bacterial abundance and diversity in areas historically exposed to contamination that surround DNP. For metaproteomics, an innovative post-alkaline protein extraction protocol was developed. After NaOH treatment, successive washing with Tris-HCl buffer supplemented with glycerol was essential to eliminate interferences. Starting from soils with different physico-chemical characteristics, the method renders proteins with a remarkable resolution on SDS-PAGE gels. The proteins extracted were analyzed by using an in-house database constructed from the rRNA data. LC-MS/MS analysis identified 2,182 non-redundant proteins, with 135 showing significant differences in relative abundance in the soils around DNP. Relevant global biological processes were altered in response to the environmental changes, such as: protective and antioxidant mechanisms, translation, folding and homeostasis of proteins, membrane transport and aerobic respiratory metabolism

    Active methodologies and teaching performance: a necessary relationship in the field of education

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    [EN] In the present communication, we present the project developed within the Teaching Innovation Group (APAC) of the Faculty of Education at the University of Burgos: “Active Methodologies and Teacher Performance: a road towards inclusion in the classroom”. The principal objective of this project is to contribute empirical evidence on the impact that the use of active methodologies has on teaching performance in the classroom. Its results are the basis for the transformation of initial teacher training, because Universities are responsible for training the teachers who will be at the forefront of schools in the 21st c. They have therefore to be offered access to the resources in their initial and lifelong education that permit change, allowing them to construct the paradigm of inclusive, sustainable, and quality education.[ES] En la presente comunicación, presentamos el proyecto desarrollado dentro del Grupo de Innovación Docente (APAC) de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Burgos: "Metodologías Activas y Desempeño Docente: un camino hacia la inclusión en el aula". El objetivo principal de este proyecto es aportar evidencia empírica sobre el impacto que tiene el uso de metodologías activas en el rendimiento docente en el aula. Sus resultados son la base para la transformación de la formación inicial del profesorado, porque las universidades son responsables de la formación de los profesores que estarán a la vanguardia de las escuelas en el 21 stdo. Por lo tanto, se les debe ofrecer acceso a los recursos en su educación inicial y de por vida que permitan el cambio, permitiéndoles construir el paradigma de la educación inclusiva, sostenible y de calidad.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Luis, MI.; De La Torre Cruz, T.; Huelmo, J.; Llamazares, MC.; Ruiz, E.; Prieto, C.; Palmero, C.... (2018). Active methodologies and teaching performance: a necessary relationship in the field of education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 995-1001. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8134OCS995100

    La escolarización del alumno con discapacidad visual en el aula de Educación Primaria

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    El actual sistema educativo apuesta por un modelo deinclusión para dar respuesta a las necesidades educativas que presentan los alumnos con discapacidad visual. En vista de ello, es necesario que los profesionales en contacto con este tipo de alumnado, sean capaces de desarrollar las principales implicaciones educativas y pedagogías en el ambiente escolar. Los profesionales de la educación deben adaptar los materiales educativos para lograr una óptima inclusión y socialización de los alumnos con discapacidad visual. La Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación es un elemento fundamental para lograr la inclusión de los alumnos con discapacidad visual y permitir su acceso a la educación. En este artículo, se realiza una revisión y clasificación de los diferentes materiales tiflotécnicos y tiflotecnológicos existentes en el mercado según las distintas materias curriculares