2,315 research outputs found

    Activism, citizen participation and communication strategies for the defence of public spaces: analysis of three processes in Malaga

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    Este trabajo es parte de un proyecto de investigación financiado por la Universidad de Málaga - PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/25 / This study is part of a research project funded by the University of Málaga - PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/25.This research analyses three participative processes started by citizens in Malaga between 2017 and 2019 with the purpose of defending public space, local environment and city welfare. These are the campaign for the continuation of the social center La Casa Invisible (est. 2007) and the citizens’ platforms Bosque Urbano Malaga and Defendamos Nuestro Horizonte, both originated in 2016. The objectives pursued are: - Examine how citizens set up communication strategies to defend public spaces when they are prevented from participating in the debate about these issues. - Evaluate the value given by citizens of their own participation when they are involved in communicative actions related to the public sphere. The methodology adopts a mixed approach that analyses the origins, purposes, strategies and ways of doing (approaches) including interviews and focus groups (semi-structured); analysis of its activity in the digital environment to understand their behaviour and relationship with the community and a documentary review of the news published in local media. This paper will present the initial results focused on the main motivations and expectations of citizens, the technological mediations considered adequate and effective to promote participation and achieve their main purposes, as well as the limits and possibilities for improvement detected.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implementación de Twitter en la docencia universitaria

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    Twitter es una de las redes sociales más utilizadas en España; la que ha gozado de mayor crecimiento de usuarios debido a su fácil funcionamiento, su adaptación a las tecnologías móviles y su rejuvenecimiento. Muchos adolescentes han pasado de Tuenti a Twitter, sin detenerse en Facebook, la red social más utilizada en la actualidad. Por tanto, la importancia de esta red de microblogging recae en que no sólo se ha convertido en un canal de información y comunicación, sino en un gran apoyo a la docencia. En primer lugar hay que destacar el apoyo a la información que ofrece en los más variados eventos académicos, a los que enriquece con testimonios, ejemplos, infografías, etc. Por otra parte, los asistentes pasan de ser meros espectadores a ser los protagonistas y encargados de retransmitir todo lo que ocurre durante la jornada añaden nuevas informaciones, complementan la comunicación, e incorporan juicios de valor, algunos de ellos muy interesantes para las futuras ediciones. Por último, hay que destacar su importancia para la difusión. Por operar Twitter a nivel mundial, las simples publicaciones pueden llegar a miles y millones de personas, que pueden seguir, incluso en tiempo real, todo lo que acontece en la sesión. También, puede servir de referente en un futuro ya que, mediante búsquedas, se podría recuperar y volver a ver y revisar lo que sucedió dentro de la red social. En esta comunicación analizaremos los datos obtenidos en el curso Community Manager. El profesional del social media, recientemente celebrado en la Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación de la Universidad de Granada. Estos datos reflejan el grado de participación de los asistentes, protagonistas de la difusión del evento a través de Twitter. Para medir la influencia de la comunicación y el alcance de dicha actividad en esta red de microblogging se han analizado una serie de parámetros para ver, para demostrar que Twitter no sólo es una red social sino una herramienta adecuada de apoyo docente.Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in Spain, has increased user growth due to its easy operation, its adaptation to mobile technologies and its rejuvenation. Many teenagers have passed from Tuenti to Twitter without stopping at Facebook, the most commonlysocial network used today. Therefore, the importance of this network of microblogging doesn`t go to in fact to having become a channel of information and communication and to be a great teaching support. First we must mention the backing information provided in the most varied academic events, which enriches with testimonies, illustrations, infographics, etc. Moreover, participants move from being mere spectators to become actors and managers of relaying everything that happens during the conference, they add new information, they complement communication and they incorporate value judgments, some of them very interesting for future editions. Finally, we must highlight its importance for diffusion. Twitter operates globally, simple publications can reach thousands and millions persons who can follow, even in real time, all that happens in the session. Also, it can serve as a reference in the future because, by searching, it could be recovered and to re-watch and to review what happened within the social network. In this paper we will analyze the data obtained in the course Community Manager. The social media's professional, celebrated at the Faculty of Communication and Information at the University of Granada last March. These data reflect the degree of participation of the attendees, players in the marketing of the event via Twitter. For measuring the influence of communication and the extent of that activity in this network microblogging it has been used several parameters for analysing, for showing that Twitter is not just a social network it is also a suitable tool for teaching support

    Análisis de la regulación de la capacidad jurídica civil de las personas, contenida en el Código de Familia de Nicaragua

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    El presente trabajo está basado en el Código de Familia de Nicaragua, aprobado en el año 2014, en el se desarrolla aspectos generales sobre la capacidad jurídica civil de las personas, cualidad inherente del ser humano, que obliga a todo ordenamiento jurídico al reconocimiento de la misma. Igualmente, el ejercicio de la misma relacionado al cumplimiento de la mayoría de edad, emancipación y declaración judicial de mayoría de edad, puesto que produce los mismos efectos legales, así como las limitaciones y carencias determinadas por la ley para dicho ejercicio. Y por último, se consultan otras ciencias como la psicología, en relación a aspectos psicosociales de las personas, que influyen directamente en su desarrollo integral, considerados necesarios para poder delimitar una edad apropiada, en que ellos pueden adquirir la mayoría de edad y adquisición del pleno ejercicio de la capacidad jurídica


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    The fate of the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole in amended soils remains unclear, moreover in basic soils. This work aimed to assess the adsorption, leaching, and biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole in unamended and biochar from holm oak pruning (BC)- and green compost from urban pruning (CG)-amended basic soil. Adsorption properties of the organic amendments and soil were determined by adsorption isotherms of sulfamethoxazole. The leachability of this antibiotic from unamended (Soil) and BC- (Soil + BC) and GC- (Soil + GC) amended soil was determined by leaching columns using water as solvent up to 250 mL. Finally, Soil, Soil + BC, and Soil + GC were spiked with sulfamethoxazole and incubated for 42 days. The degradation rate and microbial activity were periodically monitored. Adsorption isotherms showed poor adsorption of sulfamethoxazole in unamended basic soil. BC and CG showed good adsorption capacity. Soil + BC and Soil + GC increased the sulfamethoxazole adsorption capacity of the soil. The low sulfamethoxazole adsorption of Soil produced quick and intense sulfamethoxazole leaching. Soil + BC reduced the sulfamethoxazole leaching, unlike to Soil + GC which enhanced it concerning Soil. The pH of adsorption isotherms and leachates indicate that the anion of sulfamethoxazole was the major specie in unamended and amended soil. CG enhanced the microbial activity of the soil and promoted the degradability of sulfamethoxazole. In contrast, the high adsorption and low biostimulation effect of BC in soil reduced the degradation of sulfamethoxazole. The half-life of sulfamethoxazole was 2.6, 6.9, and 11.9 days for Soil + GC, Soil, and Soil + BC, respectively. This work shows the benefits and risks of two organic amendments, BC and GC, for the environmental fate of sulfamethoxazole. The different nature of the organic carbon of the amendments was responsible for the different effects on the soilPDC 2021-120744-I0

    Evidencias y Competencias en Psicoterapias

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    La formación en psicoterapias de los M.I.R. es escasa y en pocos lugares de la geografía española podemos encontrar un programa estructurado. En 2008 se publicaba una Orden Ministerial que hacía posible la subespecialidad en psicoterapia el cuarto año de residencia. El desarrollo de esa orden nunca se produjo, pero la publicación en la Guía NICE 2010 de un buen número de psicoterapias con pruebas de eficacia podría dar a las psicoterapias el prestigio que tuvieron antaño. Se hace un recorrido histórico por el controvertido tema de la Práctica Basada en la Evidencia en Psicoterapia, y del movimiento de las competencias profesionales en este ámbito. Existe hoy una tendencia a localizar terapias específicas para trastornos específicos y a formar psicoterapeutas competentes para estas terapias que hayan mostrado evidencia. En el artículo se muestran los puntos frágiles de esta pretendida búsqueda de la competencia, de su enseñanza y evaluación, así como de la tan pregonada como mal interpretada “evidencia” científica

    Dental treatment for handicapped patients: sedation vs general anesthesia and update of dental treatment in patients with different diseases

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    Dental treatment on Handicapped Patients is often difficult because many people with a wide range of ages (from children to the elderly) with different pathologies that can affect the oral cavity and differ widely are included in this group. This situation creates some controversy, because according to pathology, each patient will be treated differently depending on collaboration, general health status, age or medication used to treat this pathologies. Ac - cording to this situation we can opt for an outpatient treatment without any kind of previous medication, a treat - ment under conscious or deep sedation or a under general anesthesia treatment. With this systematic review is intended to help clarify in which cases patients should be treated under general anesthesia, sedation (conscious or deep) or outpatient clinic without any medication, as well as clarify what kind of treatments can be carried in private dental clinics and which should be carried out in a hospital. It will also discuss the most common diseases among this group of patients and the special care to be taken for their dental treatment

    A Prato Tour on Carbon Nanotubes: Raman Insights

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    The functionalisation of carbon nanotubes has been instrumental in broadening its application field, allowing especially its use in biological studies. Although numerous covalent and non-covalent functionalisation methods have been described, the characterisation of the final materials has always been an added challenge. Among the various techniques available, Raman spectroscopy is one of the most widely used to determine the covalent functionalisation of these species. However, Raman spectroscopy is not a quantitative technique, and no studies are reported comparing its performance when the same number of functional groups are added but using completely different reactions. In this work, we have experimentally and theoretically studied the functionalisation of carbon nanotubes using two of the most commonly used reactions: 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethylene ylides and diazonium-based radical addition. The number of groups introduced onto the tubes by these reactions has been determined by different characterisation techniques. The results of this study support the idea that data obtained by Raman spectra are only helpful for comparing functionalisations produced using the same type of reaction. However, they should be carefully analysed when comparing functionalisations produced using different reaction types.The functionalisation of carbon nanotubes using Prato reaction and diazonium-based radical addition has been studied. The results support the idea that data obtained by Raman spectroscopy are only helpful for comparing functionalisations produced using the same type of reaction. However, they should be carefully analysed when comparing different reaction types.imag

    A Prato Tour on Carbon Nanotubes: Raman Insights

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    [EN] The functionalisation of carbon nanotubes has been instrumental in broadening its application field, allowing especially its use in biological studies. Although numerous covalent and non-covalent functionalisation methods have been described, the characterisation of the final materials has always been an added challenge. Among the various techniques available, Raman spectroscopy is one of the most widely used to determine the covalent functionalisation of these species. However, Raman spectroscopy is not a quantitative technique, and no studies are reported comparing its performance when the same number of functional groups are added but using completely different reactions. In this work, we have experimentally and theoretically studied the functionalisation of carbon nanotubes using two of the most commonly used reactions: 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethylene ylides and diazonium-based radical addition. The number of groups introduced onto the tubes by these reactions has been determined by different characterisation techniques. The results of this study support the idea that data obtained by Raman spectra are only helpful for comparing functionalisations produced using the same type of reaction. However, they should be carefully analysed when comparing functionalisations produced using different reaction types.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish government (project PID2020-113080RB-I00) and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (project SBPLY/21/180501/000135/1). This study forms part of the Advanced Materials program and was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. The work at the University of Malaga was funded by the MICINN (PID202-139548NB-I00) and by the Junta de Andalucia (P18-FR-4559) projects. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources, technical expertise, and assistance provided by the SCBI (Supercomputing and Bioinformatics) centre of the University of Malaga. M. I. L. acknowledges her Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion grant (IJC 2018-035355-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Funded with Aid for First Research Projects (PAID-06-22), Vice-rectorate for Research of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV).Lucío, MI.; Giacalone, F.; La Parola, V.; Gámez-Valenzuela, S.; Muñoz-Alba, F.; Ruiz Delgado, MC.; Herrero, MA.... (2023). A Prato Tour on Carbon Nanotubes: Raman Insights. Chemistry - A European Journal. 29. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.2023024762