15,251 research outputs found

    2MASS J154043.42-510135.7: a new addition to the 5 pc population

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    The aim of the project is to find the stars nearest to the Sun and to contribute to the completion of the stellar and substellar census of the solar neighbourhood. We identified a new late-M dwarf within 5 pc, looking for high proper motion sources in the 2MASS-WISE cross-match. We collected astrometric and photometric data available from public large-scale surveys. We complemented this information with low-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy with instrumentation on the ESO NTT to confirm the nature of our candidate. We also present a high-quality medium-resolution VLT/X-shooter spectrum covering the 400 to 2500 nm wavelength range. We classify this new neighbour as an M7.0±\pm0.5 dwarf using spectral templates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and spectral indices. Lithium absorption at 670.8 nm is not detected in the X-shooter spectrum, indicating that the M7 dwarf is older than 600 Myr and more massive than 0.06 M_{\odot}. We also derive a trigonometric distance of 4.4 pc, in agreement with the spectroscopic distance estimate, making 2MASS\,J154043.42-510135.7 the nearest M7 dwarf to the Sun. This trigonometric distance is somewhat closer than the \sim6 pc distance reported by the ALLWISE team, who independently identified this object recently. This discovery represents an increase of 25\% in the number of M7--M8 dwarfs already known at distances closer than 8\,pc from our Sun. We derive a density of ρ\rho\,=\,1.9±\pm0.9×\times103^{-3}\,pc3^{-3} for M7 dwarfs in the 8 pc volume, a value similar to those quoted in the literature. This new ultracool dwarf is among the 50 nearest systems to the Sun, demonstrating that our current knowledge of the stellar census within the 5 pc sample remains incomplete. 2M1540 represents a unique opportunity to search for extrasolar planets around ultracool dwarfs due to its proximity and brightness.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Acepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics (15/05/2005

    Nuevas secuencias codificantes ignoradas hasta la fecha podrían jugar un papel clave en el desarrollo de Podosphaera xanthii

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    Podosphaera xanthii es un hongo biotrofo obligado y el principal agente causante del oídio de las cucurbitáceas. Hasta el momento, el control químico de la enfermedad ha resultado ser la herramienta más eficaz, aunque la aparición de aislados resistentes a las principales clases de fungicidas ha generado la necesidad de buscar alternativas y nuevas dianas para luchar contra este agente fitopatógeno. Con el objetivo de identificar nuevas dianas, partiendo de los perfiles transcriptómicos tanto haustorial como epifítico de P. xanthii previamente realizados en nuestro laboratorio, se han seleccionado secuencias desechadas en un principio por no presentar anotación ni siquiera como proteínas hipotéticas. Estas secuencias, sin embargo, mantenían un sitio de unión al ribosoma, un marco abierto de lectura y el mismo patrón codificante que el resto de las secuencias anotadas. Además, estudios anteriores realizados en nuestro laboratorio han validado funcionalmente algunas de ellas, verificando su expresión durante el proceso infectivo y su necesidad para el correcto desarrollo del hongo. Todo esto hace pensar que son secuencias codificantes presentes solo en P. xanthii y en otros hongos fitopatógenos cercanos. Estas secuencias han sido denominadas PNPCG (Podosphaera new protein-coding genes). Para conocer la posible función de dichas proteínas, en primer lugar, llevamos a cabo un análisis in silico detallado de las proteínas que incluye modelado 3D, predicción de posibles ligandos e identificación de dominios funcionales. En segundo lugar, una vez identificadas funciones de interés, llevamos a cabo experimentos de silenciamiento génico para la identificación de proteínas clave para la patogénesis de P. xanthii. El modelado proteico de algunas de estas nuevas secuencias ha revelado la presencia de posibles inhibidores de enzimas de la planta relacionadas con la resistencia a hongos fitopatógenos.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por una ayuda del Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (AGL2016-76216-C2-1-R), cofinanciada por fondos FEDER (UE). Los autores agradecen además ayudas del Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Temporal analysis of natural radionuclides deposition at Málaga(2005-2016)

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    Atmospheric deposition of radionuclides has been investigated in many studies from the aspects of both radiation protection and geochemistry. The present study, carried out in the city of Málaga, in the southeast of Spain, focuses on the assessment of the bulk depositional fluxes of three natural radionuclides: 7Be (cosmogenic origin), and 210Pb and 40K (crustal origin). These three radionuclides are useful markers of particles arising from their respective sources. To obtain fundamental information of atmospheric transportation, sedimentation and geological process of particulate matter, a long-term monitoring of atmospheric deposition has been carried out in Málaga from January 2005-December 2016. Samples of bulk deposition were collected on a monthly basis on a stainless steel tray from January 2005 to December 2016. Afterwards, a volume of 6 L of the bulk deposition was reduced via evaporation to 1 L approximately and transferred to a Marinelli geometry container for gamma counting. Additionally, aerosols samples were collected weekly in cellulose membrane filters of 0.8μm pore size and 47mm diameter with an air sampler lodged in an all-weather sampling station, situated on the roof near the bulk rain collector. Gamma counting of the aerosols and bulk deposition samples was performed using an intrinsic germanium coaxial detector, Re-Ge-type (CANBERRA). This study describes the results and then discusses characteristics of atmospheric deposition of mentioned radionuclides with respect to seasonal variations and dependency on controlling factors. The depositional fluxes of all radionuclides showed a clear seasonal trend with summer minimum and high values in wintertime

    The nucleotidohydrolases DCTPP1 and dUTPase are involved in the cellular response to decitabine

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    Decitabine (5-aza-2acute;-deoxycytidine, aza-dCyd) is an anticancer drug used clinically for the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia that can act as a DNA-demethylating or genotoxic agent in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, DCTPP1 and dUTPase are two "house-cleaning" nucleotidohydrolases involved in the elimination of non-canonical nucleotides. Here we show that exposure of HeLa cells to decitabine up-regulates the expression of several pyrimidine metabolic enzymes including DCTPP1, dUTPase, dCMP deaminase and thymidylate synthase thus suggesting their contribution to the cellular response to this anticancer nucleoside. We present several lines of evidence supporting that, in addition to the formation of aza-dCTP, an alternative cytotoxic mechanism for decitabine may involve the formation of aza-dUMP, a potential thymidylate synthase inhibitor. Indeed, dUTPase or DCTPP1 down-regulation enhanced the cytotoxic effect of aza-dCyd producing an accumulation of nucleoside triphosphates containing uracil as well as uracil misincorporation and double-strand breaks in genomic DNA. Moreover, DCTPP1 hydrolyzes the triphosphate form of decitabine with similar kinetic efficiency than its natural substrate dCTP and prevents decitabine-induced global DNA demethylation. The data suggest that the nucleotidohydrolases DCTPP1 and dUTPase are factors involved in the mode of action of decitabine with potential value as enzymatic targets to improve decitabine-based chemotherapy

    Compressibility and structural stability of ultra-incompressible bimetallic interstitial carbides and nitrides

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    We have investigated by means of high-pressure x-ray diffraction the structural stability of Pd2Mo3N, Ni2Mo3C0.52N0.48, Co3Mo3C0.62N0.38, and Fe3Mo3C. We have found that they remain stable in their ambient-pressure cubic phase at least up to 48 GPa. All of them have a bulk modulus larger than 330 GPa, being the least compressible material Fe3Mo3C, B0 = 374(3) GPa. In addition, apparently a reduction of compressibility is detected as the carbon content increased. The equation of state for each material is determined. A comparison with other refractory materials indicates that interstitial nitrides and carbides behave as ultra-incompressible materials.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Binary frequency of planet-host stars at wide separations: A new brown dwarf companion to a planet-host star

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    The aim of the project is to improve our knowledge on the multiplicity of planet-host stars at wide physical separations. We cross-matched approximately 6200 square degree area of the Southern sky imaged by the Visible Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) Hemisphere Survey (VHS) with the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) to look for wide common proper motion companions to known planet-host stars. We complemented our astrometric search with photometric criteria. We confirmed spectroscopically the co-moving nature of seven sources out of 16 companion candidates and discarded eight, while the remaining one stays as a candidate. Among these new wide companions to planet-host stars, we discovered a T4.5 dwarf companion at 6.3 arcmin (~9000 au) from HIP70849, a K7V star which hosts a 9 Jupiter mass planet with an eccentric orbit. We also report two new stellar M dwarf companions to one G and one metal-rich K star. We infer stellar and substellar binary frequencies for our complete sample of 37 targets of 5.4+/-3.8% and 2.7+/-2.7% (1 sigma confidence level), respectively, for projected physical separations larger than ~60-160 au assuming the range of distances of planet-host stars (24-75 pc). These values are comparable to the frequencies of non planet-host stars. We find that the period-eccentricity trend holds with a lack of multiple systems with planets at large eccentricities (e > 0.2) for periods less than 40 days. However, the lack of planets more massive than 2.5 Jupiter masses and short periods (<40 days) orbiting single stars is not so obvious due to recent discoveries by ground-based transit surveys and space missions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, optical spectra will be available at CDS Strasbour

    Tropical montane cloud forests

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    Optimisation of post-drawing treatments by means of neutron diffraction

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    The mechanical properties and the durability of cold-drawn eutectoid wires (especially in aggressive environments) are influenced by the residual stresses generated during the drawing process. Steelmakers have devised procedures (thermomechanical treatments after drawing) attempting to relieve them in order to improve wire performance. In thiswork neutron diffraction measurements have been used to ascertain the role of temperature and applied force – during post-drawing treatments – on the residual stresses of five rod batches with different treatments. The results show that conventional thermomechanical treatments are successful in relieving the residual stresses created by cold-drawing, although these procedures can be improved by changing the temperature or the stretching force. Knowledge of the residual stress profiles after these changes is a useful tool to improve the thermomechanical treatments instead of the empirical procedures used currently