613 research outputs found

    Arthropod pests and their management, natural enemies and flora visitors associated with castor (Ricinus communis), a biofuel plant: a review.

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    Interest in bioenergetic crops, such as the castor oil plant Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae), for production of biodiesel has increased in recent years. In this paper, phytophagous arthropods, their natural enemies and floral visitors associated with this plant in the world are reviewed. Despite its insecticidal properties, arthropods have been reported feeding on R. communis plants. The arthropod pests of R. communis damage all parts of the plant, including the seeds, where some toxic compounds are even more concentrated. In the scientific databases, we found reports of 193 arthropods associated to R. communis in different parts of the world. This information obtained in the scientific databases was concentrated in a database and analyzed according to the coevolutive hypothesis, which allows us to predict that the greatest wealth and abundance of phytogenic arthropods is found in the center of origin by R. communis. According to this review, Achaea janata, Spodoptera litura, Edwardsiana flavescens, Liriomyza trifolii, L. sativae, Spilosoma obliqua, Cogenethes punctiferalis, Oxyrhachis taranda, and Helicoverpa armigera are the most devastating pests in Asia. In Africa, Agrotis ipsilon, S. exigua, Nezara viridula, Trialeurodes ricini, and Tetranychus urticae were mentioned as the most important. In Central and South-America, Phyllophaga sp., Agrietes sp., Erinnyis ello, N. viridula, Corythucha gossypii, Falconia antioquiana, and S. marima are reported as pests of economic importance. The most commonly reported natural enemies of some of these arthropod pests were species of Bacillus thuringiensis, B. cereus, B. popilliae, Trichogramma achaeae, T. chilonis, T. minutum, T. australicum, T. dendrolimi, T. pretiosum, T. evanescens, Microplitis rufiventris, M. maculipennis, M. ophiusae, Telenomus remus, T. proditor, Stethorus siphonulus and S. histrio. Apis mellifera is recorded as the main insect pollinator of R. communis. Pest management methods used against the arthropod pests of R. communis include biological, ethological, mechanical, cultural, genetic, and chemical control

    The paradoxical relationship between emotion regulation and gambling-related cognitive biases

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    The funding agency is public and played no role in planning or executing this work, nor interfered with the collection and interpretation of data.Background Gambling behavior presents substantial individual variability regarding its severity, manifestations, and psychological correlates. Specifically, differences in emotion regulation, impulsivity, and cognitive distortions have been identified as crucial to describe individual profiles with implications for the prevention, prognosis, and treatment of gambling disorder (GD). Aims and method The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations of gambling-related cognitions (measured according to the GRCS model) with impulsivity (UPPS-P model) and emotion regulation (CERQ model), in a sample of 246 gamblers with different levels of gambling involvement, using mixed-effects modelling to isolate theoretically relevant associations while controlling for the potentially confounding effects of sociodemographic and clinical covariates. Results Affective/motivational dimensions of UPPS-P impulsivity positive urgency and sensation seeking, on the one hand, and CERQ emotion regulation strategies reappraisal, rumination and blaming others, on the other, independently and significantly predicted distorted gambling- related cognitions. Conclusions These results (a) reinforce the ones of previous studies stressing the relevance of emotional and motivational processes in the emergence of gambling-related cognitive distortions; and (b) replicate the seemingly paradoxical finding that gamblers use emotion regulation strategies customarily considered as adaptive (i.e. reappraisal) to strengthen and justify their biased beliefs about gambling outcomes and controllability.Supported by a grant from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación; Convocatoria 2017 de Proyectos I+D de Excelencia, Spain; co-funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, European Union), with reference number PSI2017-85488-

    Reconsidering the roots, structure, and implications of gambling motives: An integrative approach

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    The present study identified Social, Financial, and Fun/thrill-related gambling motives factors, but also a fourth factor in which some positive and negative reinforcement-based motives were grouped into a single and broader Affect regulation factor. This Affect regulation factor shared variance both with BIS and BAS-related measures, and was the only direct predictor of disordered gambling symptoms. The Fun/thrill factor was directly related to frequency of participation in high-arousal, skill-based games, and all factors were related to participation in lower-arousal, chance games (with Social motives negatively predicting both participation in the latter and total severity). In the SEM model, measures of BIS/BAS sensitivity were connected to gambling behavior only through gambling motives. Based on measures of items’ specificity, a shortened Spanish scale (the brief Gambling Motives Inventory, bGMI) is proposed to assess gambling motives in accordance with the observed 4-factor structure.This work is supported by a grant from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación; Convocatoria 2017 de Proyectos I+D de Excelencia, Spain; co-funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, European Union), with reference number PSI2017-85488-P

    Levantine rock-art figures with antennae headdresses from Cova dels Rossegadors (La Pobla de Benifassà, Castellón) and their interpretation in a rite of passage

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    This paper focuses on two unknown Levantine art anthropomorphs with antennae headdresses from Cova dels Rossegadors, and in the other figures with antennae headdresses of this rock art site. We raise the hypothesis that the antennae headdresses of these two pictographs were intentionally hidden. The concealment of peculiar features such as headdresses has never been reported before in Levantine art. We argue that the anthropomorphs with antennae headdresses of this site can be interpreted as the narration of a rite of passage. Some of the physical features of the panel suggest that they were used as a representation of the surrounding landscape. The indicated pictographs, included in the tale of young men being incorporated into adult society, would contribute to the stability and to keep the social order of the human group that produced these images.Presentamos la identificación de tocados de antenas inéditos en dos figuras levantinas de Cova dels Rossegadors, acompañando a otras adornadas de modo similar en esta cavidad. Planteamos la hipótesis de que el tocado de estas dos pictografías se ocultara intencionalmente, lo que constituiría una novedad en este estilo pictórico. Tomando como hilo argumental a los antropomorfos con tocados de antenas de Rossegadors, creemos posible interpretar este grupo como narración de un rito de paso. Algunos de los elementos físicos del panel sugieren la posibilidad de que se esté haciendo referencia al paisaje circundante. Las pictografías indicadas, como parte del relato de la incorporación de los jóvenes a la sociedad adulta, contribuirían a la estabilidad y al mantenimiento del orden social del grupo humano que las produjo

    Yra1-bound RNA–DNA hybrids cause orientation-independent transcription– replication collisions and telomere instability

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    R loops are an important source of genome instability, largely due to their negative impact on replication progression. Yra1/ALY is an abundant RNA-binding factor conserved from yeast to humans and required for mRNA export, but its excess causes lethality and genome instability. Here, we show that, in addition to ssDNA and ssRNA, Yra1 binds RNA–DNA hybrids in vitro and, when artificially overexpressed, can be recruited to chromatin in an RNA– DNA hybrid-dependent manner, stabilizing R loops and converting them into replication obstacles in vivo. Importantly, an excess of Yra1 increases R-loop-mediated genome instability caused by transcription–replication collisions regardless of whether they are codirectional or head-on. It also induces telomere shortening in telomerase-negative cells and accelerates senescence, consistent with a defect in telomere replication. Our results indicate that RNA–DNA hybrids form transiently in cells regardless of replication and, after stabilization by excess Yra1, compromise genome integrity, in agreement with a two-step model of R-loop-mediated genome instability. This work opens new perspectives to understand transcription-associated genome instability in repair-deficient cells, including tumoral cells.European Research Council ERC2014 AdG669898 TARLOOPMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016-75058-PJunta de Andalucía PA12- BIO123

    Caracterización de tintas de cemento de fosfato de calcio con adición de Poloxámero 407 para su posible aplicación en impresión 3D

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    3D printing of biomaterials is a growing technology in the manufacture of grafts suitable for the repair of bone defects with complex geometries. Calcium phosphate cements (CFC) are bioceramics used in orthopedic medicine due to their similarity to the mineral phase of bone, the ability to be molded as a paste and to harden in situ. The 3D printing of CFC would potentialize their application by allowing reconstructive surgeries of defects with complex geometries, however, a limitation is the low injectability of CFCs due to the phase separation that occurs during the injection of the paste. In this work, the implementation of a thermosensitive polymer such as Poloxamer 407 has been studied to generate an injectable ink. Such ink has been formulated to contain 5% of carbonated hydroxyapatite type B as a biocompatible and biodegradable nucleating agent. Additions of 0 %, 20 % and 40 % Wt aqueous solutions of Poloxamer 407 were evaluated as gel phase at a liquid/powder ratio of 0.75 mL/g. The injectability coefficient, the cohesion of the inks and the compressive strength of the cements using Weibull´s analysis were implemented, determining that the addition of polymer decreases the mechanical properties of the CFC by 52.68 % and 81.23 %, respectively with relation to the control CFC (0%), attributed to a lower densification of the cement. It was concluded that the additions of Poloxamer 407 do not interfere in the precipitation of calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite nor in the in vitro degradation of cements and favors the ink behavior for its possible implementation in 3D printing.La impresión 3D de biomateriales es una tecnología de gran auge para la fabricación de injertos aptos para la reparación de defectos óseos con geometrías complejas. Los cementos de fosfato de calcio (CFC) son biocerámicos empleados en la medicina ortopédica debido a su similitud con la fase mineral del hueso, la capacidad para ser moldeados como una pasta y endurecer in situ. La impresión 3D de CFC potencializaría su aplicación al permitir cirugías reconstructivas de defectos con geometrías complejas, sin embargo, una limitante es la baja inyectabilidad de los CFC debido a la separación de fases que ocurre durante la inyección de la pasta. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la implementación de un polímero termosensible como el Poloxámero 407 para generar una tinta inyectable. Dicha tinta ha sido formulada para contener 5 % de hidroxiapatita carbonatada tipo B como agente nucleante biocompatible y biodegradable. Se evaluaron adiciones de soluciones acuosas de Poloxámero 407 al 0 %, 20 % y 40 % en peso como fase gel a una relación líquido/polvo de 0,75 mL/g. Se determinó el coeficiente de inyectabilidad, la cohesión de las tintas y se caracterizó la resistencia a la compresión de los cementos empleando análisis Weibull, determinado que la adición de polímero disminuye las propiedades mecánicas de los CFC en un 52,68 % y 81,23 %, respectivamente, en relación con el CFC de control (0%), atribuido a una menor densificación del cemento. Se concluyó que las adiciones del Poloxámero 407 no interfieren en la precipitación de hidroxiapatita deficiente en calcio ni en la degradación in vitro de los cementos y favorece el comportamiento de la tinta para su posible implementación en impresión 3D

    Efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetic of once-daily boosted saquinavir (1500/100 mg) together with 2 nucleos(t)ide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in real life: a multicentre prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ritonavir-boosted saquinavir (SQVr) is nowadays regarded as an alternative antiretroviral drug probably due to several drawbacks, such as its high pill burden, twice daily dosing and the requirement of 200 mg ritonavir when given at the current standard 1000/100 mg bid dosing. Several once-daily SQVr dosing schemes have been studied with the 200 mg SQV old formulations, trying to overcome some of these disadvantages. SQV 500 mg strength tablets became available at the end of 2005, thus facilitating a once-daily regimen with fewer pills, although there is very limited experience with this formulation yet.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Prospective, multicentre study in which efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of a regimen of once-daily SQVr 1500/100 mg plus 2 NRTIs were evaluated under routine clinical care conditions in either antiretroviral-naïve patients or in those with no previous history of antiretroviral treatments and/or genotypic resistance tests suggesting SQV resistance. Plasma SQV trough levels were measured by HPLV-UV.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Five hundred and fourteen caucasian patients were included (47.2% coinfected with hepatitis C and/or B virus; 7.8% with cirrhosis). Efficacy at 52 weeks (plasma RNA-HIV <50 copies/ml) was 67.7% (CI<sub>95</sub>: 63.6 - 71.7%) by intention-to-treat, and 92.2% (CI<sub>95</sub>: 89.8 - 94.6%) by on-treatment analysis. The reasons for failure were: dropout or loss to follow-up (18.4%), virological failure (7.8%), adverse events (3.1%), and other reasons (4.6%). The high rate of dropout may be explained by an enrollement and follow-up under routine clinical care condition, and a population with a significant number of drug users. The median SQV Cmin (n = 49) was 295 ng/ml (range, 53-2172). The only variable associated with virological failure in the multivariate analysis was adherence (OR: 3.36; CI95, 1.51-7.46, p = 0.003).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggests that SQVr (1500/100 mg) once-daily plus 2 NRTIs is an effective regimen, without severe clinical adverse events or hepatotoxicity, scarce lipid changes, and no interactions with methadone. All these factors and its once-daily administration suggest this regimen as an appropriate option in patients with no SQV resistance-associated mutations.</p

    Rapid and Digital Detection of Inflammatory Biomarkers Enabled by a Novel Portable Nanoplasmonic Imager

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    New point-of-care diagnostic devices are urgently needed for rapid and accurate diagnosis, particularly in the management of life-threatening infections and sepsis, where immediate treatment is key. Sepsis is a critical condition caused by systemic response to infection, with chances of survival drastically decreasing every hour. A novel portable biosensor based on nanoparticle-enhanced digital plasmonic imaging is reported for rapid and sensitive detection of two sepsis-related inflammatory biomarkers, procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) directly from blood serum. The device achieves outstanding limit of detection of 21.3 pg mL for PCT and 36 pg mL for CRP, and dynamic range of at least three orders of magnitude. The portable device is deployed at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Spain and tested with a wide range of patient samples with sepsis, noninfectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), and healthy subjects. The results are validated against ultimate clinical diagnosis and currently used immunoassays, and show that the device provides accurate and robust performance equivalent to gold-standard laboratory tests. Importantly, the plasmonic imager can enable identification of PCT levels typical of sepsis and SIRS patients in less than 15 min. The compact and low-cost device is a promising solution for assisting rapid and accurate on-site sepsis diagnosis

    Plataforma para la gestión de Actividades Académicamente Dirigidas Personalizadas

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    Con la divulgaci&oacute;n generalizada de las nuevas tecnolog&iacute;as y el acceso extensivo a la red internet, pr&aacute;cticamente en cualquier &aacute;mbito y en particular tambi&eacute;n en el universitario, la distribuci&oacute;n de informaci&oacute;n o documentaci&oacute;n de cualquier titulaci&oacute;n y en particular de cualquier asignatura, as&iacute; como la comunicaci&oacute;n profesor-alumno se realiza por canales telem&aacute;ticos, v&iacute;a web, correo electr&oacute;nico, SMS,&hellip;; siendo en muchas ocasiones estos canales los &uacute;nicos usados para tal fin. En consecuencia, cada vez son mayores las tareas de gesti&oacute;n y mantenimiento de aquellos lugares o p&aacute;ginas web destinadas a estos prop&oacute;sitos: p&aacute;ginas institucionales, de departamentos, de centros, de titulaciones, de asignaturas o del profesor.Enmarcado dentro del EEES, cada vez es m&aacute;s recurrente la proposici&oacute;n de actividades acad&eacute;micamente dirigidas (en adelante A.A.D.), adem&aacute;s en la mayor&iacute;a de ocasiones se hace imprescindible la personalizaci&oacute;n de las mismas, sin embargo y tras las experiencias piloto realizadas estos &uacute;ltimos a&ntilde;os, se hace especialmente dif&iacute;cil con grupos numerosos la proposici&oacute;n, el seguimiento y la evaluaci&oacute;n de las mismas. Por otro lado, para evitar el plagio entre alumnos, las A.A.D. tienen que personalizarse, origin&aacute;ndose como consecuencia, la tediosa tarea que supone: buscar y proponer A.A.D. distintas para cada alumno. Posteriormente tambi&eacute;n es complicado el seguimiento de su desarrollo y la recogida y evaluaci&oacute;n de los trabajos (muy especialmente en grupos de alumnos numerosos). En el curso 2010/11 comenzar&aacute;n a funcionar las titulaciones de grado y con ellas los nuevos enfoques a los que alumnos y docentes deber&aacute;n enfrentarse. Es por ello que parece razonable aprovechar los recursos inform&aacute;ticos, hoy muy extendidos y accesibles para todo el alumnado, para desarrollar y construir en su caso herramientas que faciliten las nuevas perspectivas docentes

    Structural study of the type II 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    9 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables.The structure of the type II dehydroquinate dehydratase (DHQase) from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, the third enzyme of the shikimate pathway, has been determined. Crystals diffracting to 1.7 Å were obtained in space and on earth using the counter-diffusion technique. The structure was solved using molecular replacement and refined to high resolution. The overall structure of the dodecameric enzyme is described and compared with structures of DHQases from other bacteria. DHQases contain a flexible loop that presumably closes over the active site upon substrate binding. The enzyme can exist in an open or closed conformation. The present structure displays the open conformation, with a sulfate anion bound in the active site. The availability of this structure opens a route to structure-based antibiotics targetting this pathogenic bacterium.We thank Professor Kabsch for providing XDS free of charge. We acknowledge the support of the European Space Agency and the European Community Action to Research Infrastructure Action of the Improving Human Potential Programme to the EMBL Hamburg Outstation, contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-00017. We thank Olivier Minster (ESA) for his support of space science. The authors acknowledge the excellent work of Dr Eva ManÄ as in managing the logistics concerning the space mission. We thank Viscount Dirk Frimout for his support for space crystallization experiments.Peer reviewe