163 research outputs found

    Uso de las fracciones polares y no polares como fuente de información adicional al estudio de aceites de oliva vírgenes por FTIR

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been proposed to study the degradation of virgin olive oils (VOO) in samples undergoing thermoxidation. The polar and nonpolar fractions of oxidized oils have been analyzed by FTIR to provide further information on the minor spectral changes taking place during thermoxidation. This information assists in the interpretation of the spectra of the samples. For this purpose polar and nonpolar fractions of 47 VOO samples thermoxidized (190 °C) in a fryer were analyzed by FTIR. The time-course change of the band area assigned to single cis double bonds was explained by their correlation with the decrease in oleic acid (adjusted-R2=0.93). The bands assigned to the hydroxyl groups and the first overtone of ester groups was better studied in the spectra collected for the polar and nonpolar fractions, respectively. The bands assigned to peroxide, epoxy, tertiary alcohols and fatty acids were clearly observed in the spectra of the polar fraction while they are not noticeable in the spectra of the oils.La espectroscopía de infrarrojos por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) se ha propuesto para estudiar la degradación de los aceites de oliva vírgenes (AOV) sujetas a termoxidación. Las fracciones polares y no polares de aceites oxidados se analizaron mediante FTIR para obtener más información sobre los cambios espectrales menores que tienen lugar durante la termoxidación. Esa información ayuda en la interpretación de los espectros de las muestras puras. Con este objetivo, fracciones polares y no polares de 47 AOV termoxidados (190 °C) en una freidora se analizaron mediante FTIR. La banda asignada a dobles enlaces cis se explica por su correlación con la disminución de ácido oleico (R2-ajustado=0,93). Las bandas asignadas a los grupos hidroxilos y del primer sobretono de los grupos éster se estudió mejor en los espectros recogidos para la fracción polar y no polar, respectivamente. Grupos asignados a peróxidos, epoxi, alcoholes terciarios y los ácidos grasos se observan claramente en los espectros de la fracción polar.Spanish State Secretary for Research - Ramón y Cajal Program AGL2008-01411Spanish State Secretary for Research - Ramón y Cajal Program AGL2011-30371- C02-0

    Tracking Sensory Characteristics of Virgin Olive Oils During Storage: Interpretation of Their Changes from a Multiparametric Perspective

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    Virgin olive oil is inevitably subject to an oxidation process during storage that can affect its stability and quality due to off-flavors that develop before the oil surpasses its ‘best before’ date. Many parameters are involved in the oxidation process at moderate conditions. Therefore, a multiparametric study is necessary to establish a link between physico-chemical changes and sensory quality degradation in a real storage experiment. In this context, a storage experiment of 27 months was performed for four monovarietal virgin olive oils, bottled in transparent 500-mL PET bottles and subjected to conditions close to a supermarket scenario. Volatile composition, quality parameters and phenolic compounds were determined monthly. Simultaneously, an accredited sensory panel assessed their sensory characteristics. The stability of the fresh samples was also studied with the oxidative stability index (OSI) and mesh cell-FTIR. (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol were identified as markers of the fruity attribute. Hexanal and nonanal were also identified as compounds that were associated with the rise of median of defect during storage. Some disagreements were observed between the sensory assessment and the OSI analyzed by Rancimat. However, the increase of concentration of rancid markers agreed with the increase of aldehyde band measured with mesh cell-FTIR.Spanish Research State Agency (research projects AGL2015-69320-R and RTI2018-101546-B-C21


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    El experimento fue ejecutado en el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias Sede Pedro Juan Caballero en la Colonia «Raúl Ocampos Rojas»distante a 25 km de la ciudad. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, con el objetivo de determinar los insectos presentes en el cultivo del Sésamo (Sesamum indicum Linneo) fueron realizados levantamientos quincenales de insectos, durante cuatro meses, utilizando diferentes tipos de trampas; seis trampas adhesivas coloridas (tres blanco y tres amarillo) para atrapar insectos presentes en el cultivo, red entomológica para insectos voladores, aspirador de boca para insectos pequeños y monitoreo en forma individual. Durante los levantamientos efectuados fueron encontrados varios insectos fitófagos como: Myzus persicae (pulgón)(Homoptera);  Euchistus heros (Chinche)(Hemiptera);Diabrotica speciosa, Lagria villosa,Astilus variegatus y Epicauta sp.(Coleoptera),Spodoptera frugiperda, Agrotis ipsilon, y Heliotis sp.(Lepidoptera) y un ortoptero perteneciente a la familia acrididae; cabe resaltar que los insectos citados no  han ocasionado perjuicio alguno ni fueron encontrados en elevadas poblaciones. Sin embargo, la hormiga cortadoraAtta sexdens rubropilosa (ysau) fue el insecto más abundante dentro del orden Hymenoptera causando severas desfoliaciones a las plantas cultivadas del sésamo (Sesamun indicum) principalmente a las variedades «escoba» y «dorada»en relación a las otras variedades cultivadas. Entre los insectos benéficos colectados se citana. Cycloneda sanguínea (Coleoptera)y b. Zelus sp. (Hemiptera) que aparecieron en forma esporádica

    Monitoring Virgin Olive Oil Shelf-Life by Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Sensory Characteristics: A Multidimensional Study Carried Out under Simulated Market Conditions

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    The control of virgin olive oil (VOO) freshness requires new tools that reflect the diverse chemical changes that take place during the market period. Fluorescence spectroscopy is one of the techniques that has been suggested for controlling virgin olive oil (VOO) freshness during its shelf-life. However, a complete interpretation of fluorescence spectra requires analyzing multiple parameters (chemical, physical–chemical, and sensory) to evaluate the pace of fluorescence spectral changes under moderate conditions with respect to other changes impacting on VOO quality. In this work, four VOOs were analyzed every month with excitation–emission fluorescence spectra. The same samples were characterized with the concentration of fluorophores (phenols, tocopherols, chlorophyll pigments), physical–chemical parameters (peroxide value, K232, K270, free acidity), and sensory attributes (medians of defects and of the fruity attribute). From the six components extracted with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC), two components were assigned to chlorophyll pigments and those assigned to tocopherols, phenols, and oxidation products were selected for their ability to discriminate between fresh and aged oils. Thus, the component assigned to oxidation products correlated with K270 in the range 0.80–0.93, while the component assigned to tocopherols–phenols correlated with the fruity attribute in the range 0.52–0.90. The sensory analysis of the samples revealed that the changes of these PARAFAC components occurred at the same time as, or even before, the changes of the sensory characteristics.Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España-AGL2015-69320-R y RTI2018-101546-B-C2

    A new approach on treatment of esophageal atresia: uniportal vats for surgical repair – a report of two cases

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    Esophageal atresia is a rare congenital malformation affecting one in every 3500 live births. Treatment consists in surgical ligation of the fistula and esophageal anastomosis of the two pouches by conventional thoracotomy or by thoracoscopic approach. In recent years, uniportal videoassisted thoracic surgery has been a revolution in thoracic surgery but it had never been used for treatment of congenital pathologies like esophageal atresia. We have used this technique for the treatment of two newborns with this condition. We made a reparation with fistula ligation and end-to-end anastomosis, video-assisted using one only incision. We have excellent results with this technique. A larger list of patients and an increased surgical experience is needed but this can be a new and appropriated alternative in the reparation of esophageal atresia-tracheoesophageal fistula.Keywords: children, esophageal atresia, neonates, uniportal video-assisted thoracic surger

    Drosophila melanogaster Models of Metal-Related Human Diseases and Metal Toxicity

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    Iron, copper and zinc are transition metals essential for life because they are required in a multitude of biological processes. Organisms have evolved to acquire metals from nutrition and to maintain adequate levels of each metal to avoid damaging effects associated with its deficiency, excess or misplacement. Interestingly, the main components of metal homeostatic pathways are conserved, with many orthologues of the human metal-related genes having been identified and characterized in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila has gained appreciation as a useful model for studying human diseases, including those caused by mutations in pathways controlling cellular metal homeostasis. Flies have many advantages in the laboratory, such as a short life cycle, easy handling and inexpensive maintenance. Furthermore, they can be raised in a large number. In addition, flies are greatly appreciated because they offer a considerable number of genetic tools to address some of the unresolved questions concerning disease pathology, which in turn could contribute to our understanding of the metal metabolism and homeostasis. This review recapitulates the metabolism of the principal transition metals, namely iron, zinc and copper, in Drosophila and the utility of this organism as an experimental model to explore the role of metal dyshomeostasis in different human diseases. Finally, a summary of the contribution of Drosophila as a model for testing metal toxicity is provided

    Anion–Cation Recognition Pattern, Thermal Stability and DFT-Calculations in the Crystal Structure of H2dap[Cd(HEDTA)(H2O)] Salt (H2dap = H2(N3,N7)-2,6-Diaminopurinium Cation)

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    We thank the Centre de Tecnologies de la Informació (CTI), Universitat de les Illes Balears for computational facilities. We also thank all projects for financial support.The proton transfer between equimolar amounts of [Cd(H2EDTA)(H2O)] and 2,6-diaminopurine (Hdap) yielded crystals of the out-of-sphere metal complex H2(N3,N7)dap [Cd(HEDTA)(H2O)]·H2O (1) that was studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, FT-IR spectroscopy, density functional theory (DFT) and quantum theory of “atoms-in-molecules” (QTAIM) methods. The crystal was mainly dominated by H-bonds, favored by the observed tautomer of the 2,6-diaminopurinium(1+) cation. Each chelate anion was H-bonded to three neighboring cations; two of them were also connected by a symmetry-related anti-parallel π,π-staking interaction. Our results are in clear contrast with that previously reported for H2(N1,N9)ade [Cu(HEDTA) (H2O)]·2H2O (EGOWIG in Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), Hade = adenine), in which H-bonds and π,π-stacking played relevant roles in the anion–cation interaction and the recognition between two pairs of ions, respectively. Factors contributing in such remarkable differences are discussed on the basis of the additional presence of the exocyclic 2-amino group in 2,6-diaminopurinium(1+) ion.This research was funded by the Excellence Network ‘Metal Ions in Biological Systems’ MetalBio CTQ2017-90802-REDT, the Research group FQM-283 (Junta de Andalucía) and MICIU/AEI of Spain (project CTQ2017-85821-R FEDER funds)

    Hair cortisol concentrations in a Spanish sample of healthy adults

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC), as a novel promising method to retrospectively measure hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation, is being increasingly studied. We tested the relationships between HCC and a range of possible confounding variables in a Spanish sample of healthy adults and pregnant women. In this sample of healthy Spaniards, results suggested an association between HCC and physical exercise and educational level. In pregnant women, the prevalence of HCC was higher than in non-pregnant woman, and was related to educational level. This study emphasises the need to determine the relationship between HCC and confounders such as sociodemographic and lifestyle variables in the general population and specific groups formed by individuals such as pregnant women.This research is part of a doctoral thesis. It has been economically supported by the "PSI2015-63494-P" I+D Project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDE