241 research outputs found

    Lujuria y Penitencia: La Vida de Santa María Egipciaca a través de la Literatura y el Arte

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    The present document offers an analysis of the main representations of Saint Mary of Egypt, both in literature and art from the Middle Ages to the 17th century. This study intends to demonstrate that the successful reception of La vida de Santa María Egipciaca is based on its unique representation of the ideas and values associated with the prostitute-saint paradigm. This analysis reviews the historical and socio-cultural basis of the legend of Maria of Egypt, justifying the relevance and consequential proliferation of works centered around her life. Lastly, the iconography present in the main pictorial representations of the Saint will be examined.El presente trabajo ofrece un análisis de las principales representaciones de Santa María Egipciaca, tanto en la literatura como en el arte desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XVII. Con dicho estudio, se pretende demostrar que el éxito en la recepción de La vida de Santa María Egipciaca se basa en su capacidad para representar ideas y valores asociados al paradigma dicotómico prostituta-santa. Para ello, se examinarán las bases históricas y socioculturales de su leyenda que justifican su relevancia y la consecuente proliferación de obras que atañen a su vida. A continuación, se estudiará la iconografía presente en las principales representaciones pictóricas de la Santa

    Efficacy of Magnetic Therapy in Pain Reduction in Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Systematic Review

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    Chronic pelvic pain (CPP), also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), is a common and painful condition. However, its treatment is still a challenge. The findings about the beneficial effects of electromagnetic therapy provide a new, potentially valid, therapeutic alternative for the management of patients with CPP. Objectives: to analyze the efficacy of magnetic field therapy in pain reduction in patients with CPP and for other variables, such as urinary symptoms and quality of life, as well as to review the evidence, in order to establish an action protocol. A qualitative systematic review was carried out, based on the PRISMA protocol and registered in PROSPERO (CRD42022285428). A search was performed in the PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Cochrane, PEDro, BVS, and WOS databases, including those articles in which the patients suffered from CPP; the study variable was pain, and the intervention was based on the application of magnetic fields. Results: Among the 81 articles found, five clinical trials were considered (with an average score of 7.2 in the PEDro scale), with a total of 278 participants, most of whom presented improvements in perceived pain (p ≤ 0.05), as well as in quality of life (p < 0.05) and urinary symptoms (p = 0.05), evaluated through the NIH-CPSI and VAS scales. The therapy was conducted as a monotherapy or in combination with a pharmacological treatment. There was no common protocol among the different articles. Conclusions: Intervention programs through electromagnetic therapy, on their own or with other therapies, can be effective in patients with CPPThis research received no external funding. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Recognition of Streptococcal Promoters by the Pneumococcal SigA Protein

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    FUNDING This study was financially supported by grants BIO2016-76412- C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) to AB from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and PID2019-104553RB-C21 to AB from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to F. W. Studier for his gift of the E. coli BL21 (DE3) strain and to L. Rodríguez for her technical help in protein purification.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Optimización del uso deantipsicóticos en esquizofrenia

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    The Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) ha publicado un informe sobre recomendaciones para hacer un uso óptimo de los antipsicóticos atípicos en cuanto a dosis y asociaciones en esquizofrenia o trastornos esquizoafectivos. Se realiza un estudio observacional transversal en un hospital psiquiátrico en 110 pacientes de sexo femenino, de la unidad de larga estancia, con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia y sus diferentes subtipos. Se estudia la coexistencia de fármacos pertenecientes al grupo NO5A antipsicóticos según clasificación ATC, recogiéndose dosis y número de fármacos. Se estudia la comorbilidad de otros patologías por el consumo de fármacos pertenecientes a los grupos A06 laxantes y grupo N04 antiparkinsonianos según clasificación ATC, como grupos secundarios al tratamiento antipicóticos

    Deserción en bachillerato y situación laboral: el caso de tres liceos cercanos a Montevideo.

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    Abstract. The aim of this paper is to analyze the views and hopes from students and principals involved in the final courses of high school in three schools near Montevideo (Solís de Mataojo, Tala, and Rincón de la Bolsa) about drop-out high rates; it attempts to distinguish the specific features that this phenomena acquires in these areas. We have entered into a field of study connected with the problems of these young people who drop out final courses of high school and early enter in different jobs (related to agricultural and livestock production and industry) following, in many cases, their family labor level and being drifted, maybe forever, from a possible postsecondary or university education.Resumen. El propósito de este trabajo es indagar acerca de las representaciones y expectativas que manejan estudiantes y directores vinculados al Bachillerato del Interior cercanos a Montevideo, en particular Solís de Mataojo, Tala y Rincón de la Bolsa, respecto a los altos índices de deserción intentando configurar las características específicas que el fenómeno adquiere en estos ámbitos. Hemos incursionado en un campo de investigación vinculado con la problemática de estos jóvenes que desertan del Bachillerato y se insertan tempranamente en diferentes puestos de trabajo (afines a la producción agropecuaria e industrial) siguiendo muchas veces el nivel de trabajo de sus familiares y que los aleja, quizás definitivamente, de una posible formación en estudios terciarios o universitarios

    Deserción en bachillerato y situación laboral: el caso de tres liceos cercanos a Montevideo

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    El propósito de este trabajo es indagar acerca de las representaciones y expectativas que manejan estudiantes y directores vinculados al Bachillerato del Interior cercanos a Montevideo, en particular Solís de Mataojo, Tala y Rincón de la Bolsa, respecto a los altos índices de deserción intentando configurar las características específicas que el fenómeno adquiere en estos ámbitos. Hemos incursionado en un campo de investigación vinculado con la problemática de estos jóvenes que desertan del Bachillerato y se insertan tempranamente en diferentes puestos de trabajo (afines a la producción agropecuaria e industrial) siguiendo muchas veces el nivel de trabajo de sus familiares y que los aleja, quizás definitivamente, de una posible formación en estudios terciarios o universitario

    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography Observing System around N and NW Iberia

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    In the late 80's, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) began some ambitious programs of monitoring around the Iberian Peninsula. The coastal observing system core structure was the Radiales program, a series of transects nearby most coastal IEO laboratories where a minimum set of hydrographical, chemical and biological parameters is sampled monthly. The sections are designed to be completed in one-day journeys so the system is supported by quite small vessels, mainly covering the continental shelf with the noteworthy exception of the Santander Section, where the proximity of the shelf-break allows sampling deep waters monthly. During the last 20 years the program has supported many specific scientific research projects and has created a detailed description of seasonal to interannual variability in the coastal ecosystem that serves as a baseline to explore long-term changes or trends...Versión de auto

    Bronchopulmonary penetration of isavuconazole in lung transplant recipients

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    Isavuconazole's (ISA) pharmacokinetics was studied among lung transplant recipients to evaluate its bronchopulmonary penetration. This study included 13 patients and showed mean serum concentrations of 3.30 (standard deviation [SD] 0.45), 5.12 (SD 1.36), and 6.31 (SD 0.95) at 2 h, 4 h, and 24 h respectively. Mean concentrations in the epithelial lining fluid were 0.969 (SD 0.895), 2.141 (SD 1.265), and 2.812 (SD 0.693) at the same time points. ISA is a drug with a tolerable safety profile that achieves adequate concentrations in the lung.This work was partially supported and funded by Pfizer (grant 54685521). Pfizer had no role in the study’s design; the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; and the decision to submit the report for publicationS

    Short-term impact of noise, other air pollutants and meteorological factors on emergency hospital mental health admissions in the Madrid region

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    A number of environmental factors, such as air pollution, noise in urbanised settings and meteorological-type variables, may give rise to important effects on human health. In recent years, many studies have confirmed the relation between various mental disorders and these factors, with a possible impact on the increase in emergency hospital admissions due to these causes. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of a range of environmental factors on daily emergency hospital admissions due to mental disorders in the Madrid Autonomous Region (MAR), across the period 2013–2018

    Dopaminergic control of ADAMTS2 expression through cAMP/CREB and ERK: molecular effects of antipsychotics

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    A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that participate in the development and clinical manifestations of schizophrenia can lead to improve our ability to diagnose and treat this disease. Previous data strongly associated the levels of deregulated ADAMTS2 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients at first episode of psychosis (up) as well as in clinical responders to treatment with antipsychotic drugs (down). In this current work, we performed an independent validation of such data and studied the mechanisms implicated in the control of ADAMTS2 gene expression. Using a new cohort of drug-naïve schizophrenia patients with clinical follow-up, we confirmed that the expression of ADAMTS2 was highly upregulated in PBMCs at the onset (drug-naïve patients) and downregulated, in clinical responders, after treatment with antipsychotics. Mechanistically, ADAMTS2 expression was activated by dopaminergic signalling (D1-class receptors) and downstream by cAMP/CREB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK signalling. Incubation with antipsychotic drugs and selective PKA and MEK inhibitors abrogated D1-mediated activation of ADAMTS2 in neuronal-like cells. Thus, D1 receptors signalling towards CREB activation might participate in the onset and clinical responses to therapy in schizophrenia patients, by controlling ADAMTS2 expression and activity. The unbiased investigation of molecular mechanisms triggered by antipsychotic drugs may provide a new landscape of novel targets potentially associated with clinical efficacy.Acknowledgements: We are highly indebted to the participants and their families for their cooperation in this study. We also thank IDIVAL biobank (Inés Santiuste and Jana Arozamena) for clinical samples and data as well as the PAFIP members (Marga Corredera) for the data collection. This work was supported by: SAF2016-76046-R and SAF2013-46292-R (MINECO and FEDER) to B.C.F., PI16/00156 (isciii and FEDER) to J.P.V., LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA project to F.R.J. and J.P.V., SAF2017-83702-R (MINECO and FEDER), Red TERCEL RD12/0019/0024 (ISCIII) and GVA-PROMETEO 2018/041 (Generalitat Valenciana) to S.M. J.P.V. is supported by the RyC research programme (RYC-2013-14097) and F.R.J. by the predoctoral research programme (BES-2014-070615), from MINECO and FEDER