1,413 research outputs found
Música y nacionalismo vasco. La labor musical de Juventud Vasca de Bilbao y el uso de la música como medio de propaganda política (1904-1923)
En el marco de su estrategia global de nacionalizar todos los ámbitos de la vida, el nacionalismo vasco supo, a principios del siglo XX, aprovechar la oportunidad que le brindaba el nacionalismo musical vasco para hacer de la música un vehículo importante en la transmisión del imaginario político sobre el cual se sustentaba su ideología.Bizitzaren alderdi guztiak nazionalizatzeko estrategia globalaren esparruan, euskal nazionalismoak aurkitu zuen, XX mendearen hasieran, euskal nazionalismo musikalak eskeintzen zion aukeraz baliatzeko modua, musika bere ideologia oinarritzen zen imaginario politikoa transmititzeko ibilgailugarrantzitsua bihurtuz.Dans le cadre de sa stratégie globale de nationalisation de tous les domaines de la vie, le nationalisme basque a su, au début du XXe siècle, profiter de l'opportunité que lui offrait le nationalisme musical basque pour faire de la musique un important véhicule de transmission de l'imaginaire politique sur lequel reposait son idéologie.At the beginning of the 20th Century, and within its global strategy tonationalise all areas of life, Basque nationalism managed to take the opportunity provided by Basque musical nationalism to make music an important vehicle in the transmission of the political imagery on which this ideology was based
How to Use the Internet for University Work
The internet. You enter a dense jungle that makes the Amazon Rainforest resemble nothing more than a humble garden; its magnitude is as impressive as it is overwhelming. Your professor, an exploration guide, hands you your task: «I need you to bring me seven cacao seeds, three aloe vera stems, and one handful of gold from the lost city of El Dorado.» Millions of ideas run through your head, every single one of them related to the fundamental question: how will I be able to find everything, and where do I start? Many of us have found ourselves in this situation, moments before beginning a research project through the expanses of the most gargantuan platform to date – the internet. Through a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough of the process, those cacao seeds and aloe vera stems will be much easier to find! It’s all about learning how to navigate the vastness of the web, something that, by the end of this article, we hope you will have learned. And if you never find that lost city, you will have a report that is worth all of the gold that it was known fo
The Stackage Repository: An Exploratory Study of its Evolution
Context. Package repositories for a programming language are increasingly
common. A repository can keep a register of the evolution of its packages. In
the programming language Haskell, with its defining characteristic monads, we
can find the Stackage repository, which is a curated repository for stable
Haskell packages in the Hackage repository. Despite the widespread use of
Stackage in its industrial target, we are not aware of much empirical research
about how this repository has evolved, including the use of monads. Objective.
This paper conducts empirical research about the evolution of Stackage
considering monad packages through 22 Long-Term Support releases during the
period 2014-2023. Focusing on five research questions, this evolution is
analyzed in terms of packages with their dependencies and imports; including
the most used monad packages. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
large-scale analysis of the evolution of the Stackage repository regarding
packages used and monads. Method. We define six research questions regarding
the repository's evolution, and analyze them on 51,716 packages (17.05 GB)
spread over 22 releases. For each package, we parse its cabal file and source
code to extract the data, which is analyzed in terms of dependencies and
imports using Pandas scripts. Results. From the methodology we get different
findings. For example, there are packages that depend on other packages whose
versions are not available in a particular release of Stackage; opening a
potential stability issue. The mtl and transformers are on the top 10 packages
most used/imported across releases of the Stackage evolution. We discussed
these findings with Stackage maintainers, which allowed us to refine the
research questions.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure
Control visual basado en ROS de un robot de manipulación UR10.
Robotics is a technological branch that is currently booming, especially in industrial applications and research. The industrial and collaborative robots appeared because the industry increasingly needs more robotic processes, such as performing repetitive movements with great precision or carrying heavy weights, to avoid physical problems in workers. Vision systems are used to control the robot in an unstructured environment, thanks to obtaining visual information from the environment in real time. These perception-based systems are more robust to imprecise calibrations. The main objective of the work is to perform various visual servoing methods for the UR10 robot, of the Campero robot, equipped with a realsense camera. In particular, we consider position-based, image-based and hybrid visual controller. The position-based visual controller, PBVC, needs good calibration and allows precise control in Cartesian space. The image-based visual controller, IBVC, is robust to imprecise calibrations, is computationally efficient and uses the image space. The hybrid visual controller, HVC, is partially based on position and on image, so it combines 2D and 3D information, and has the advantages of PBVC and IBVC, avoiding its drawbacks. The main result is the implementation of a set of algorithms capable of driving the robot in real time to the desired position by using vision-based information provided by the camera mounted on the robot hand. The visual servoing algorithms development involves the implementation of a control law to compute the velocity of the robot’s joints by using the inverse kinematic model. The controllers are developed both in simulation, using the Gazebo tool, and in the real robot and we verify them by conducting tests in both environments. We have used ROS, the MoveIt framework, Gazebo, Rviz, ArUco markers and the RGB-D Realsense D435 camera to achieve the objectives. The programming languages used are Python and C++. The visual servoing methods have been successfully developed and the controlled robot is capable of reaching a desired position by using the visual information provided by the ArUco markers detected within the camera field of view. The implementation has been validated with simulations and real experiments. The robot can perform additional tasks such as tracking and cyclic movements between different positions.<br /
Prototipo de aplicativo para especificar requerimientos de software
Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa especificación de requerimientos para un desarrollo eficaz del producto necesario en una empresa o entidad es de gran importancia, tanto para los intereses económicos como para resolver los problemas que el proyecto plantea. Este trabajo de grado está pensado y desarrollado para minimizar los errores en la especificación de requerimientos de negocio a través de un aplicativo, diseñado para que el Core del negocio es decir, la parte donde el cliente recita las expectativas del proyecto, sea lo más objetiva posible, concediendo al grupo de analistas una mejor idea del producto final que se quiere implementar.INTRODUCCIÓN
ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema
Los artículos incluidos en este número de Cuadernos Geográficos proceden del último Coloquio organizado por el Grupo de trabajo de Historia del Pensamiento Geográfico de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles
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