4,922 research outputs found

    Identifying microbial life in rocks: Insights from population morphometry

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    The identification of cellular life in the rock record is problematic, since microbial life forms, and particularly bacteria, lack sufficient morphologic complexity to be effectively distinguished from certain abiogenic features in rocks. Examples include organic pore-fillings, hydrocarbon-containing fluid inclusions, organic coatings on exfoliated crystals and biomimetic mineral aggregates (biomorphs). This has led to the interpretation and re-interpretation of individual microstructures in the rock record. The morphologic description of entire populations of microstructures, however, may provide support for distinguishing between preserved micro-organisms and abiogenic objects. Here, we present a statistical approach based on quantitative morphological description of populations of microstructures. Images of modern microbial populations were compared to images of two relevant types of abiogenic microstructures: interstitial spaces and silica–carbonate biomorphs. For the populations of these three systems, the size, circularity, and solidity of individual particles were calculated. Subsequently, the mean/SD, skewness, and kurtosis of the statistical distributions of these parameters were established. This allowed the qualitative and quantitative comparison of distributions in these three systems. In addition, the fractal dimension and lacunarity of the populations were determined. In total, 11 parameters, independent of absolute size or shape, were used to characterize each population of microstructures. Using discriminant analysis with parameter subsets, it was found that size and shape distributions are typically sufficient to discriminate populations of biologic and abiogenic microstructures. Analysis of ancient, yet unambiguously biologic, samples (1.0 Ga Angmaat Formation, Baffin Island, Canada) suggests that taphonomic effects can alter morphometric characteristics and complicate image analysis; therefore, a wider range of microfossil assemblages should be studied in the future before automated analyses can be developed. In general, however, it is clear from our results that there is great potential for morphometric descriptions of populations in the context of life recognition in rocks, either on Earth or on extraterrestrial bodies.This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (grant agreement no. 646894 to MVZ) and under the ERC Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007- 2013 (grant agreement no. 340863 to JMG-R). JMG-R also acknowledges the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through the project CGL2016-78971-P. We are grateful to seven anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. We thank four anonymous reviewers for their useful comments which greatly improved a previous version of the manuscript. This is IPGP contribution n°4098

    A comparison between maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation of stochastic frontier production models

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    In this paper, the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators of the half-normal stochastic frontier production function are analyzed and compared through a Monte Carlo study. The results show that the Bayesian estimator should be used in preference to the maximum likelihood owing to the fact that the mean square error performance is substantially better in the Bayesian framewor

    Sobre la capacidad de separar los dos errores en el modelo de frontera estocástica normal/half-normal

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    In this paper, a simulation experiment is carried out in the framework of the normal/half -normal stochastic frontier model in order to analyse its ability to disentangle the two types of errors that form the composite error. According to the results obtained through the mean bias and the mean squared error of the parameters and efficiencies, and via Spearman rank correlation between actual and estimated efficiencies, a good performance of the model is only obtained when considering medium -sized or large samples and the variance of the inefficiencies highly contributes to that of the composite error. The problems of wrong skewness and absence of random error are also addressed. The influence on the results of selecting a wrong distribution for the inefficienc y term is also analysedEn este artículo, se lleva a cabo un experimento de simulación en el contexto del modelo con frontera estocástica normal/half -normal para analizar su capacidad de separar los dos tipos de error que forman el error compuesto. Según los resultados obtenidos a través del sesgo medio y el error cuadrático medio de los parámetros y las eficiencias, y mediante el coeficiente de correlación por rangos de Spearman entre las eficiencias reales y las estimadas, se obtiene un buen comportamiento del modelo solo cuando se consideran muestras de tamaño me diano o grande y la varianza de las ineficiencias contribuye de forma muy importante a la del error compuesto. Los problemas de la asimetría errónea y de la ausencia de errores aleatorios también son abordados. La influencia en los resultados de selecciona r una distribución errónea para el término de ineficiencia también se analiz

    Bayesian estimation of the half-normal regression model with deterministic frontier

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    A regression model with deterministic frontier is considered. This type of model has hardly been studied, partly owing to the difficulty in the application of maximum likelihood estimation since this is a non-regular model. As an alternative, the Bayesian methodology is proposed and analysed. Through the Gibbs algorithm, the inference of the parameters of the model and of the individual efficiencies are relatively straightforward. The results of the simulations indicate that the utilized method performs reasonably wel

    Monitorización de víctimas con manipuladores aéreos en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate

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    En este trabajo se presenta el primer dispositivo de monitorización de víctimas para su colocación automática con robots manipuladores aéreos. Se trata de un sistema sensorial distribuido para la evaluación de forma continua del estado de salud de víctimas de catástrofes. Se describen el sensor diseñado y el sistema de comunicaciones, así como la aplicación mediante la colocación del sensor basado en el uso de sistemas aéreos no tripulados (UAS) o robots manipuladores aéreos. El dispositivo de monitorización continua ofrece ventajas sobre el sistema de triage actual ya que permite obtener datos de la evolución de cada víctima. Recoge medidas de las constantes vitales de las víctimas, que son publicadas mediante protocolos de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) que permiten su procesado de forma remota. Además, posee métodos basados en aprendizaje profundo para la detección automática de la posición relativa de la muñeca del brazo de una persona con respecto al manipulador aéreo. Se han realizado experimentos preliminares de obtención de medidas y de colocación de sensores mediante una versión preliminar del sensor, cuyos resultados se incluyenUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mitochondrial DNA transcription and diseases: Past, present and future

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    AbstractThe transcription of mitochondrial DNA has been studied for 30 years. However, many of the earlier observations are still unsolved. In this review we will recall the basis of mitochondrial DNA transcription, established more than twenty years ago, will include some of the recent progress in the understanding of this process and will suggest hypotheses for some of the unexplained topics. Moreover, we will show some examples of mitochondrial pathology due to altered transcription and RNA metabolism

    Non-Invasive Forehead Segmentation in Thermographic Imaging

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    The temperature of the forehead is known to be highly correlated with the internal body temperature. This area is widely used in thermal comfort systems, lie-detection systems, etc. However, there is a lack of tools to achieve the segmentation of the forehead using thermographic images and non-intrusive methods. In fact, this is usually segmented manually. This work proposes a simple and novel method to segment the forehead region and to extract the average temperature from this area solving this lack of non-user interaction tools. Our method is invariant to the position of the face, and other different morphologies even with the presence of external objects. The results provide an accuracy of 90% compared to the manual segmentation using the coefficient of Jaccard as a metric of similitude. Moreover, due to the simplicity of the proposed method, it can work with real-time constraints at 83 frames per second in embedded systems with low computational resources. Finally, a new dataset of thermal face images is presented, which includes some features which are difficult to find in other sets, such as glasses, beards, moustaches, breathing masks, and different neck rotations and flexions

    Antioxidant Profile of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Fruits Containing Diverse Levels of Capsaicinoids

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    Capsicum is the genus where a number of species and varieties have pungent features due to the exclusive content of capsaicinoids such as capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. In this work, the main enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems in pepper fruits from four varieties with different pungent capacity have been investigated at two ripening stages. Thus, a sweet pepper variety (Melchor) from California-type fruits and three autochthonous Spanish varieties which have different pungency levels were used, including Piquillo, Padrón and Alegría riojana. The capsaicinoids contents were determined in the pericarp and placenta from fruits, showing that these phenyl-propanoids were mainly localized in placenta. The activity profiles of catalase, total and isoenzymatic superoxide dismutase (SOD), the enzymes of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle (AGC) and four NADP-dehydrogenases indicate that some interaction with capsaicinoid metabolism seems to occur. Among the results obtained on enzymatic antioxidants, the role of Fe-SOD and the glutathione reductase from the AGC is highlighted. Additionally, it was found that ascorbate and glutathione contents were higher in those pepper fruits which displayed the greater contents of capsaicinoids. Taken together, all these data indicate that antioxidants may contribute to preserve capsaicinoids metabolism to maintain their functionality in a framework where NADPH is perhaps playing an essential role

    A Rule-Learning Approach for Detecting Faults in Highly Configurable Software Systems from Uniform Random Samples

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    Software systems tend to become more and more configurable to satisfy the demands of their increasingly varied customers. Exhaustively testing the correctness of highly configurable software is infeasible in most cases because the space of possible configurations is typically colossal. This paper proposes addressing this challenge by (i) working with a representative sample of the configurations, i.e., a ``uniform'' random sample, and (ii) processing the results of testing the sample with a rule induction system that extracts the faults that cause the tests to fail. The paper (i) gives a concrete implementation of the approach, (ii) compares the performance of the rule learning algorithms AQ, CN2, LEM2, PART, and RIPPER, and (iii) provides empirical evidence supporting our procedure