4,834 research outputs found

    Detecting synchronization in spatially extended discrete systems by complexity measurements

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    The synchronization of two stochastically coupled one-dimensional cellular automata (CA) is analyzed. It is shown that the transition to synchronization is characterized by a dramatic increase of the statistical complexity of the patterns generated by the difference automaton. This singular behavior is verified to be present in several CA rules displaying complex behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; you can also visit http://add.unizar.es/public/100_16613/index.htm

    Complexity and Stochastic Synchronization in Coupled Map Lattices and Cellular Automata

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    Nowadays the question `what is complexity?' is a challenge to be answered. This question is triggering a great quantity of works in the frontier of physics, biology, mathematics and computer science. Even more when this century has been told to be the century of Complexity. Although there seems to be no urgency to answer the above question, many different proposals that have been developed to this respect can be found in the literature. In this context, several articles concerning statistical complexity and stochastic processes are collected in this chapter.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, 1 table; Chapter to appear in the Free Book "Stochastic Control", Ed. Sciyo.com, Setember 201

    A method to discern complexity in two-dimensional patterns generated by coupled map lattices

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    Complex patterns generated by the time evolution of a one-dimensional digitalized coupled map lattice are quantitatively analyzed. A method for discerning complexity among the different patterns is implemented. The quantitative results indicate two zones in parameter space where the dynamics shows the most complex patterns. These zones are located on the two edges of an absorbent region where the system displays spatio-temporal intermittency.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; some information about the authors: http://add.unizar.es/public/100_16613/index.htm

    Análisis de tareas relacionadas con las nociones de límite y continuidad de funciones en libros de texto españoles

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    Consideramos que hacer matemáticas en una variedad de situaciones y contextos es un aspecto importante de la alfabetización o desarrollo de la competencia matemática. Partiendo del marco teórico PISA (OCDE, 2013), reconocemos que trabajar con cuestiones que llevan por sí mismas a un tratamiento matemático, a la elección de métodos matemáticos y a la organización por medio de representaciones, depende frecuentemente de las situaciones en las cuales se presentan los problemas (Rico, 2006)

    Short communication. Collection and characterisation of a population of Triticum boeoticum Boiss., a wild wheat species not previously found in the Mediterranean western region

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    En julio del 2010 se recolectó una población de trigo silvestre en una zona abandonada cerca de Madrid, España. Esta zona posee una biodiversidad botánica elevada y un tipo de suelo muy peculiar denominado “arcillas verdes”. Se recogió una muestra de trigo y se multiplicó y caracterizó para varios caracteres agro-morfológicos y subunidades de gluteninas. El número cromosómico 2n de las semillas demostró que es una especie diploide de trigo y los datos de caracterización indicaron que es Triticum boeoticum Boiss. Esta especie llegó probablemente como mala hierba del cultivo de escaña que se producía en la zona hasta al menos la primera mitad del s. xix. Las características edáficas y climáticas del lugar y el hecho de que no haya referencias hasta ahora de esta especie en la zona oeste de la región Mediterránea aumentan el valor de esta adquisición para la mejora del trigo. La nueva accesión se conserva en el Centro Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos y se ha depositado una hoja de herbario en el Real Jardín Botánico de Madri

    Observational Δν\Delta\nu-ρˉ\bar\rho relation for δ\delta Sct stars using eclipsing binaries and space photometry

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    Delta Scuti (δ\delta Sct) stars are intermediate-mass pulsators, whose intrinsic oscillations have been studied for decades. However, modelling their pulsations remains a real theoretical challenge, thereby even hampering the precise determination of global stellar parameters. In this work, we used space photometry observations of eclipsing binaries with a δ\delta Sct component to obtain reliable physical parameters and oscillation frequencies. Using that information, we derived an observational scaling relation between the stellar mean density and a frequency pattern in the oscillation spectrum. This pattern is analogous to the solar-like large separation but in the low order regime. We also show that this relation is independent of the rotation rate. These findings open the possibility of accurately characterizing this type of pulsator and validate the frequency pattern as a new observable for δ\delta Sct stars.Comment: 11 pages, including 2 pages of appendix, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Reconsidering the roots, structure, and implications of gambling motives: An integrative approach

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    The present study identified Social, Financial, and Fun/thrill-related gambling motives factors, but also a fourth factor in which some positive and negative reinforcement-based motives were grouped into a single and broader Affect regulation factor. This Affect regulation factor shared variance both with BIS and BAS-related measures, and was the only direct predictor of disordered gambling symptoms. The Fun/thrill factor was directly related to frequency of participation in high-arousal, skill-based games, and all factors were related to participation in lower-arousal, chance games (with Social motives negatively predicting both participation in the latter and total severity). In the SEM model, measures of BIS/BAS sensitivity were connected to gambling behavior only through gambling motives. Based on measures of items’ specificity, a shortened Spanish scale (the brief Gambling Motives Inventory, bGMI) is proposed to assess gambling motives in accordance with the observed 4-factor structure.This work is supported by a grant from the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación; Convocatoria 2017 de Proyectos I+D de Excelencia, Spain; co-funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, European Union), with reference number PSI2017-85488-P