108 research outputs found

    Anaerobic digestion of sludge from marine recirculation aquaculture systems

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    Trabalho de investigação desenvolvido na Delft University of TechnologyTese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia do Ambiente. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Procedimentos de resposta a incidentes de cibersegurança no GRA

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    A evolução tecnológica, principalmente o aparecimento da Internet e a generalização do seu uso, veio alterar por completo as sociedades e o seu funcionamento. Esta evolução tecnológica tem impactado todos os sectores de atividade e com ela surgiram enormes desafios para as organizações, dos quais salientamos a mobilidade e a segurança dos dados, assim como a literacia informática dos colaboradores, desafios que também o Governo Regional dos Açores enfrenta. O GRA, através do seu Programa de Governo, assumiu a Cibersegurança como um dos pilares de desenvolvimento do seu território e procura consolidar o seu posicionamento de vanguarda ao nível da Inovação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico. Este documento traduz a preparação e a análise que foi desenvolvida, nomeadamente no que se refere ao levantamento de constrangimentos e de requisitos do Ecossistema GRA, bem como, a participação do GRA em Exercícios de Cibersegurança, e ainda uma reflexão sobre o que já foi realizado. Com a Participação nos Exercícios de Cibersegurança (ExNCS2022 e CyP2022), o GRA pretendeu testar e melhorar os seus procedimentos, e assim promover uma cultura de segurança, relativa à utilização dos meios informáticos, contribuindo para a sensibilização e aumento da ciber-maturidade regional, assente em políticas adequadas, em articulação com um conjunto de entidades nacionais com competências em matéria de Cibersegurança, para uma proteção eficaz contra as ameaças com origem no ciberespaço. Foi proposta a determinação de políticas e de normas de utilização de meios informáticos e a definição de um modelo de governança que permita a gestão e capacidade de resposta adequadas no âmbito da Cibersegurança, que se pretende que seja implementada, primeiramente, nos serviços da Presidência do GRA e, posteriormente, seja replicada a todas as Secretarias e Direções Gerais do GRA, contribuindo assim para uma cultura de Segurança e potenciando o aumento da resiliência e redundância da Região.Technological evolution, mainly the appearance of the Internet and the generalization of its use, completely changed societies and their functioning. This technological evolution has impacted all sectors of activity and with it, enormous challenges have arisen for organizations, of which we highlight data mobility and security, as well as the IT literacy of employees, challenges that the Regional Government of the Azores also faces. GRA, through its Government Program, has assumed Cybersecurity as one of the pillars of development in its territory and seeks to consolidate its vanguard position in terms of Innovation and Technological Development. This document translates the preparation and analysis that was carried out, namely regarding the survey of constraints and requirements of the GRA Ecosystem, as well as the participation of the GRA in Cybersecurity Exercises, and a reflection on what has already been done. With the participation in the Cybersecurity Exercises (ExNCS2022 and CyP2022), the GRA intended to test and improve its procedures, and thus promote a culture of security, regarding the use of computer resources, contributing to raising awareness and increasing regional cyber-maturity, based on appropriate policies, in conjunction with a set of national entities with competences in the field of cybersecurity, for effective protection against threats originating in cyberspace. It was proposed to determine policies and standards for the use of IT resources and the definition of a governance model that allows for adequate management and response capacity in the context of Cybersecurity, which is intended to be implemented, firstly, in the services of the Presidency of the GRA and, subsequently, be replicated to all the Secretariats and General Directorates of the GRA, thus contributing to a culture of Safety and enhancing the Region's increased resilience and redundancy

    The power of Dionysus—Effects of red wine on consciousness in a naturalistic setting

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    There is lack of research on effects of red wine on consciousness when drank in wine bars designed to enhance the pleasurableness of the wine drinking experience. Effects of a moderate dose of red wine (� 40.98 g of ethanol) on consciousness were examined in a naturalistic study taking place in a wine bar located in one of the most touristic areas of Lisbon, Portugal. One hundred two participants drank in one of three conditions: alone, in dyad, or in groups up to six people. Red wine increased pleasure and arousal, decreased the awareness of time, slowed the subjective passage of time, increased the attentional focus on the present moment, decreased body awareness, slowed thought speed, turned imagination more vivid, and made the environment become more fascinating. Red wine increased insightfulness and originality of thoughts, increased sensations of oneness with the environment, spiritual feelings, all-encompassing love, and profound peace. All changes in consciousness occurred regardless of volunteers drinking alone, in dyad or in group. Men and women did not report different changes in consciousness. Older age correlated with greater increases in pleasure. Younger age correlated with greater increases in fascination with the environment of the wine bar. Drinking wine in a contemporaneous Western environment designed to enhance the pleasurableness of the wine drinking experience may trigger changes in consciousness commonly associated with mystical-type statesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Políticas de integração de alunos que têm o português como língua não materna Projeto de Intervenção Contributo para a integração dos alunos de PLNM no 1ºCiclo

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    As mudanças ocorridas na sociedade portuguesa, nas últimas décadas, colocam às escolas desafios constantes. Num esforço suplementar, estas instituições procuram fazer da diversidade cultural um fator de coesão e de integração. Cada vez mais o PLNM1 faz parte do quotidiano de algumas escolas do nosso país e como tal, o fator integração revela-se não só como um agente de inclusão, bem como agente de grande influência no sucesso educativo dos alunos em que o português não é a sua língua materna. Este trabalho de projeto procura ir ao encontro de uma necessidade pedagógica, sentida pelo corpo docente do agrupamento horizontal X, no que concerne a processos e mecanismos de integração de alunos estrangeiros nas escolas do 1ºCEB2. Tendo por base a análise dos questionários dos docentes do agrupamento de escolas X, no que respeita à integração dos alunos, formação e práticas pedagógicas ao nível do PLNM, foi concebido este projeto. Em boa verdade, visa sugerir propostas de atividades, não apenas na integração dos alunos que têm o PLNM, mas também ir de encontro às necessidades de formação dos professores e práticas pedagógicas ou a outros problemas, parcelares, identificados a partir do diagnóstico. Optou-se, desta forma, por uma metodologia de trabalho de projeto de natureza qualitativa, dividido em duas grandes fases: a primeira fase, de diagnóstico, que consistiu na aplicação de um questionário a todos os docentes do agrupamento e numa análise documental; a segunda fase, decorrente da análise dos dados recolhidos através do diagnóstico, composta pela conceção de um projeto que permitisse dar resposta aos problemas identificados na fase anterior. Após a análise dos resultados obtidos, tornou-se fulcral conceber um projeto que fosse ao encontro à questão de partida: Que políticas educativas e que atividades adotar no agrupamento X, de forma a integrar os alunos que têm o PLNM?The changes in Portuguese society in recent decades, pose constant challenges to schools. In an additional effort, these institutions seek to make cultural diversity a factor of cohesion and integration. Increasingly PLNM3 is part of everyday life for some schools of our country and as such, the integration factor reveals itself not only as an agent of inclusion, as well as an agent of great influence on the educational success of students in which Portuguese is not their mother language. This research project seeks to meet an educational need, felt by the teaching staff of the horizontal group X, in what concerns the processes and mechanisms of integration of foreign students in elementary school. This project was conceived based on the analysis of questionnaires from teachers in school group X, as regards the integration of students, training and teaching practices at the level of PLNM. This assignment, seeks to suggest proposals for activities not only having in mind the integration of students who have PLNM, but also meet the education needs of teachers and teaching practices or other individual problems, identified from the diagnosis. It was decided, therefore, a methodology for design work of a qualitative nature, divided into two phases: the first stage of diagnosis, which consisted of a questionnaire to all teachers in the group and document analysis, the second phase, resulting from analysis of data collected through the diagnosis, made by creating a project that would allow to address the problems identified in the previous phase. After analyzing the results, it became crucial to design a project that would meet the initial question: What educational policies and activities should group X take, in order to integrate students who have PLNM

    Distributed MPC for Thermal Comfort and Load Allocation with Energy Auction

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    This paper presents a distributed predictive control methodology for indoor thermal comfort that optimizes the consumption of a limited shared energy resource using an integrated demand-side management approach that involves a power price auction and an appliance loads allocation scheme. The control objective for each subsystem (house or building) aims to minimize the energy cost while maintaining the indoor temperature inside comfort limits. In a distributed coordinated multi-agent ecosystem, each house or building control agent achieves its objectives while sharing, among them, the available energy through the introduction of particular coupling constraints in their underlying optimization problem. Coordination is maintained by a daily green energy auction bring in a demand-side management approach. Also the implemented distributed MPC algorithm is described and validated with simulation studies

    Hemangioma cavernoso : o papel da ecografia

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016O hemangioma cavernoso é o tumor orbitário benigno mais comum em adultos e é a lesão vascular da órbita mais frequente, afetando predominantemente indivíduos entre os 40 e 60 anos. Frequentemente tem uma localização intracónica, com um crescimento lento, sendo as suas manifestações decorrentes da compressão das estruturas vizinhas. Apesar de a ecografia orbitária ser muitas vezes utilizada como primeiro meio complementar de diagnóstico, a quase totalidade dos doentes necessita da realização de um exame subsequente com mais sensibilidade e especificidade, nomeadamente a TC ou RMN, para melhor esclarecimento etiológico. No entanto, no caso clínico apresentado, a ordem inverte-se – o doente realizou inicialmente uma TC CE por dor maxilar, que revelou uma massa orbitária com características inespecíficas. Posteriormente, foi realizada ecografia ocular, onde se identificaram características compatíveis com o diagnóstico de hemangioma cavernoso. Deste modo, o presente trabalho pretende, não só, demonstrar a importância da ecografia no diagnóstico do hemangioma cavernoso, mas também enumerar algumas estratégias que permitem aumentar a sensibilidade e especificidade deste exame.Cavernous hemangioma is the most common benign orbital tumor in adults and is the most common orbital vascular lesion, being most commonly diagnosed between the ages of 40 and 60 years. It has often an intraconal location, with slow growth, with its manifestations being due to compression of neighboring structures. Although ocular ultrasound is often used as the first diagnostic tool, almost all patients need to perform a subsequent exam with greater sensitivity and specificity, in particular CT or MRI, for a better etiological clarification. In the case presented in this paper, however, this order is reversed - the patient was initially submitted to a cranial CT scan due to jaw pain, which revealed an orbital mass with nonspecific features. Subsequently, an ocular ultrasound was performed, where characteristics consistent with a cavernous hemangioma were observed. Therefore, this work aims not only to demonstrate the importance of ultrasound in the diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma, but also to enumerate some strategies that may increase the sensitivity and specificity of this test

    El enfoque de la Recomendación sobre el Paisaje Urbano Histórico en las Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial

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    En las últimas décadas ha habido un incremento en la inscripción en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial del denominado patrimonio urbano. La complejidad en la gestión de este patrimonio viene acompañado del nacimiento de herramientas como la Recomendación sobre el Paisaje Urbano Histórico (PUH), o la consideración del patrimonio y la cultura como ejes del desarrollo sostenible, tal y como se ha hecho referencia en el pasado evento de Habitat III. Este salto conceptual en relación a la dimensión del patrimonio, implica en el caso de las ciudades patrimonio de la humanidad una reestructuración del sistema de gestión establecido, así como de un nuevo mecanismo más horizontal de identificación de valores y atributos culturales. En este texto se va a exponer como la Recomendación sobre el PUH se trata de la herramienta más idónea para gestionar la singuralidad y heterogeneidad del patrimonio urbano, teniendo en cuenta todos los aspectos que lo definen, las disciplinas que participan en ciudad y los actores implicados.Recent decades have registered an increase of inscriptions on the World Heritage List of the so-called urban heritage. The complex management of this heritage is accompanied by the emergence of tools such as the recomendation on Historic Urban Landscape (HUL), and by the acceptance of heritage and culture as the basis of sustainalbe development, just as was mentioned at the prvious event Habitat III. This conceptual leap in terms of heritage, particularly for world heritage cities, implies a reorganization of the established management system, as well as a more horizontal new mechanism for identifying cultural values and attributes. This paper will demosntrate how the HUL Recommendation is the best tool for managing the singularity and heterogeneity of urban heritage, taking into account all the defining feaures, including the disciplines and stakeholders participating in the development of the city

    As Forças Terrestres na República Centro-Africana, o caso português

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    Desde janeiro de 2017 que o Exército Português participa na United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission In The Central African Republic (MINUSCA), como Quick Reaction Force. As particularidades do teatro de operações em que se encerra esta missão, e o processo que levou à geração desta força, atendendo aos seus requisitos, capacidades e emprego operacional, faz-nos procurar entender o que foi a participação dos dois primeiros Contingentes Nacionais da Força Nacional Destacada da MINUSCA no teatro de operações da República Centro-Africana. Para este desiderato, ao longo do estudo vamos entender conceptualmente o teatro de operações e o contexto de emprego de forças militares no mesmo, descrever os requisitos e a estrutura operacional da Força Nacional Destacada da MINUSCA, identificar o seu processo de aprontamento, projeção e sustentação e, por fim, entender o emprego operacional da força, propriamente dito. Do acervo documental que serviu de suporte ao estudo, das entrevistas a entidades chave neste processo, bem como das lições que já vão sendo identificadas nesta missão, alcançamos a noção de que a Força Nacional Destacada portuguesa possui as capacidades adequadas para contribuir decisivamente para a consecução dos objetivos da MINUSCA. Abstract: The Portuguese Army is committed to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission In The Central African Republic (MINUSCA) since January 2017, providing a Quick Reaction Force. The specific characteristics of this theater of operations, along with the details of the force generation process, set our aim at understanding the participation of the first two contingents of this deployed military force on the MINUSCA mission, at Central African Republic. This will go through the angle of its requisites, capabilities and operational engagement. To achieve so, this study will lead us to understand and conceptualize the theater of operations as well as the background of other military forces committed to it. It will also lead us to describe the requisites and structure of the military force deployed, as well as identifying the parts of its training, deployment and sustainment. Finally, it will allow to better understand the engagement in the operational perspective. A large collection of documents supported the study process, along with interviews with key players and the lessons identified so far. It all shows us, very clearly, that the Portuguese military force deployed within this mission has the adequate capabilities to contribute decisively to the objectives of MINUSCA.N/

    Red Flags Not To Be Missed

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    BACKGROUND: Urinary sediment is a noninvasive laboratory test that can be performed by an automated analyzer or manually by trained personnel. Manual examination remains the diagnostic standard because it excels at differentiating isomorphic from dysmorphic red blood cells and identifying other urinary particles such as renal tubular epithelial cells (RTECs), lipids, crystals, and the composition of casts. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of a complete profile of urinary sediment particles and its associations with histologic lesions on kidney biopsy, regardless of diagnosis. METHODS: This was a single-center, observational retrospective study of 131 patients who had contemporary manual urinary sediment evaluation and kidney biopsy. A comprehensive set of urinary particles and histologic lesions were quantified, and their associations were analyzed. RESULTS: In our samples, we found an elevated frequency of findings suggestive of proliferative kidney disease and a low frequency of particles evoking urologic damage. The association of histologic lesions and urinary particles was explored with a multivariate model. We identified urinary sediment characteristics that independently correlated with the presence of some histologic lesions: urinary lipids with mesangial expansion (OR=2.86; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.3 to 6.3), mesangial hypercellularity (OR=2.44; 95% CI, 1.06 to 5.58), and wire loops and/or hyaline deposits (OR=2.89; 95% CI, 1.13 to 7.73); Urinary renal tubular epithelial cells with endocapillary hypercellularity (OR=3.17; 95% CI, 1.36 to 7.39), neutrophils and/or karyorrhexis (OR=4.51; 95% CI, 1.61 to 12.61), fibrinoid necrosis (OR=4.35; 95% CI, 1.48 to 12.74), cellular/fibrocellular crescents (OR=5.27; 95% CI, 1.95 to 14.26), and acute tubular necrosis (OR=2.31; 95% CI, 1.08 to 4.97). CONCLUSIONS: In a population of patients submitted to kidney biopsy, we found that the presence of some urinary particles (renal tubular epithelial cells, lipids, and dysmorphic erythrocytes), which are seldom reported by automated analyzers, is associated with active proliferative histologic lesions. In this regard, manual urinary sediment evaluation may help to shape the indications for performing a kidney biopsy.publishersversionpublishe