30 research outputs found

    Heat transfer analysis cabinet-type ERK solar dryer machine for drying agricultural products

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    The Cabinet-type ERK solar dryer is manufactured by a temperature distribution process so that the temperature inside the appliance is well distributed. The cabinet-type ERK solar dryer comprises several components to maintain the water content, including a drying oven, air blower, heat-resistant pipe, hot water pump, thermostat, heat exchanger, and heater. These tools are used to convert heat radiation into conduction or convection so that the dried agricultural products' water content is relatively low. The data needed to show the quality of the tool include temperature on temperature received by the wall (Tw), absorbent plate (Tp) and room temperature (Tr). And as for other supporting data including the environmental air/ ambient temperature (Ta) and solar irradiation (I) for optimal tool usage time. The experiment results for 5.5 hours, as many as 23 measurements with time interval 15 minutes, obtained a relatively unchanged temperature distribution. During that time, the average temperature received by the wall (Tw) was 41.26 Â°C, while the middle plate temperature (Tp) was 40.65 Â°C and room temperature (Tr) was 40.71 Â°C. Thus, the temperature in the Cabinet-type ERK solar dryer is well distributed. The distribution percentage between wall temperature and plate temperature is 98.52 %, while wall temperature and room temperature are 98.67 %. The result indicates that the Cabinet-type ERK solar dryer is potential as a drying device for agricultural commodities. It is hoped that the Cabinet-type ERK solar dryer will be an alternative to a drying system that can improve the quality of agricultural commodities for farmers in Indonesi


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    Kegiatan Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer (ANBK) merupakan sebuah upaya upaya yang dilakukan Pemerintah dalam bidang pendidikan khususnya dalam perubahan sistem penilaian. Untuk mendalami hal tersebut, dilakukan penelitian di Sekolah Dasar Kecamatan Banjarsari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan manajerial Kepala Sekolah terhadap kesiapan siswa menghadapi ANBK. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian survei dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru di Kecamatan Banjarsari. Sampel yang diambil adalah 42 Kepala Sekolah dan 42 guru kelas 5 yang melaksanakan kegiatan ANBK secara mandiri maupun menumpang.Populasi dan sampel juga diambil dari siswa kelas 5 jumlah 150 orang. Pengolahan Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh 57

    Analysis of Flood Vulnerability Levels Using Overlay Method With System-Based Scoring Geographical Information (Case Study: District Tangerang)

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    This research aims to determine the factors of flood disasters in Tangerang district, which consist of land height, slope, soil type, land use, river density, and rainfall, and to find out the results of flood mapping in Tangerang district. The research method used is the overlay method with scoring. This research uses secondary data consisting of rainfall data for the period 2022-2020, shp Admin data from Tangerang district, watershed data throughout Indonesia, OSM data throughout Indonesia, slope data throughout Indonesia, DEM data throughout Indonesia, DSMW data throughout Indonesia, 2017 landcover data. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel software, Arc GIS 10.8, and QGIS 3.26.0. Based on the results obtained, the flood disaster factors in Tangerang district that are very dominant in influencing the occurrence of floods in Tangerang district are soil type and slope. Meanwhile, the results of flood mapping in Tangerang district are categorized into three classes: not vulnerable, moderately vulnerable, and fragile. Four sub-districts in Tangerang Regency are not prone to flood disasters, including Panongan, Legok, Cisauk, and Pagedangan sub-districts. Meanwhile, the Tangerang district, which is categorized as quite vulnerable, consists of 9 sub-districts, namely the sub-districts of Kelapa Dua, Curug, Cikupa, Tigaraksa, Jambe, Solear, Jayanti, Cisoka, Balaraja. Meanwhile, there are 16 sub-districts in Tangerang Regency which are categorized as very vulnerable, namely Pasar Kemis, Sindang Jaya, Kresek, Gunung Kaler, Sukamulya, Sepatan, Sepatan Timur, Rajeg, Kemiri, Kronjo, Mekar Baru, Mauk, Sukadiri, Pakuhaji, Teluk Naga, Kosambi districts


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar teknologi informasi siswa kelas VIII dengan menggunakan aplikasi Camtasia di SMP Negeri 1 Karangtanjung. Tim peneliti tahun ini terdiri dari 40 siswa kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Karangtanjung, yang terdiri dari 20 siswa Putra dan 20 siswa Putri. Prosedur penelitian tindakan kelas dibagi menjadi dua bagian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan jumlah belajar siswa kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 1 Karangtanjung, dengan rata-rata nilai 71,25 dan ketuntase 30%, serta rata-rata nilai 81,50. dan ketuntase 85% pada siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa keefektifan aplikasi Camtasia untuk pembelajaran siswa semakin meningkat

    The Influence of Blended Learning and Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Styles on Students' Speaking Skills in Class XI English Language Learning

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of blended learning and visual, auditory, kinesthetic (VAK) learning styles on students' speaking skills when learning English. The research method used is experimental research. The experimental design used was a factorial design, while this research used a non-equivalent control group pre-test. The research results show that: (1) There are differences in the English language skills of students who are taught through blended learning and online learning; (2) There is a reciprocal influence between blended learning and online learning models as well as visual, auditory, kinesthetic (VAK) learning on students' English language skills; (3) There are differences in English language skills between students taught using blended learning and online learning with visual learning; ( 4) There are differences in English language skills between students who are taught through blended learning and online learning techniques, and students who receive auditory learning; and (5) There are differences in English language skills between students taught via blended learning and online learning methods and students with a kinesthetic learning style.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Blended Learning and Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Styles on Students' Speaking Skills in Learning English. The research method used is experimental research. The experimental design used was a factorial design, while the research design used a non-equivalent control group pre-test design. The results of the study show that: 1) There are differences in English speaking skills between students taught by Blended Learning and Online Learning. 2) There is an interaction effect between Blended Learning and Online Learning learning models with Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (VAK) learning styles on students' English speaking skills. 3) There are differences in English speaking skills between students who are taught by Blended Learning and Online Learning for students who have a visual learning style. 4) There are differences in English speaking skills between students who are taught by Blended Learning and Online Learning for students who have an auditory learning style. 5) There are differences in English speaking skills between students who are taught by Blended Learning and Online Learning for students who have a kinesthetic learning style

    Development of Nearpod-Based Interactive Learning Media on Environmental Pollution Materials

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    This study aims to develop learning media using the Nearpod application on environmental pollution material for class VII in SMP/MTs. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model, which consists of several stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research was conducted until the stage of development (development). Based on the results of the stages carried out with the ADDIE model, it can be concluded that Nearpod-based interactive learning media can then validate media experts and material experts. So that it can be implemented in the science learning process, especially environmental pollution material

    Pengembangan Media Video Berbasis Powtoon pada Mata Pelajaran IPA di Kelas V

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    The media cannot be separated from the learning process. The use of learning media that is not interesting and varied makes students bored. This research was conducted to produce learning media products in the form of based video animation of powtoon. To achieve these objectives used to Research and Development (RD) method. The development of instructional media focuses on Natural Sciences (IPA) subjects for the fifth-grade of primary schools. To find out the coherence between media and material, validity test have been conducted by media experts and material experts. The results of product validity by the two experts have obtained a very decent category. From the media, expert obtained a value of 89.8% and material experts 88.7%. Next, to find out the effectiveness of the media on the subject matter, a trial was conducted at SDIT. The results of a limited trial to learners obtained a very decent category with 96.36% and an evaluation by the educator of 91.1%. The results of the analysis by both experts and have been tested on students and educators, that the powtoon-based learning video media has met the criteria to be applied as a learning media for IP

    Treatment Limbah Industri Pulp dengan Metode Filtrasi untuk Menjaga Kualitas Air DAS Ciujung

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    Minimalisasi limbah merupakan implementasi untuk mengurangi jumlah dan tingkat cemaran limbah yang dihasilkan dari suatu proses produksi dengan cara pengurangan, pemanfaatan dan pengolahan limbah. Pada penelitian ini, treatment terhadap limbah pulp dilakukan dengan metode filtrasi. Dalam memberikan perlakuan terhadap limbah pulp melalui metode filtrasi dilakukan dalam dua tahapan. Pertama, mengkaji dan mengoptimalkan sisa hasil produksi. Kedua, mendesain filter yang berfungsi untuk meminimalisasi kadar limbah sebelum dibuang ke sungai, sehingga kualitas air sungai tetap terjaga. Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi pencemar setelah dilakukan filtrasi, terjadi pula penurunan konsentrasi di beberapa titik sampling. Konsentrasi pencemar dipengaruhi oleh debit limbah yang dibuang dari industri ke sungai. Dalam menganalisis konsentrasi pencemar di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Ciujung menggunakan nilai kondisi awal (initial conditions) dan nilai kondisi batas (boundary conditions) sebagai input model


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    Awan cumulonimbus merupakan jenis awan berbahaya yang dapat menimbulkan cuaca ekstrim seperti hujan deras, kilat dan guruh. Jenis angin yang dapat mempengaruhi adanya awan cumulonimbus adalah Vertical wind shear, dengan adanya angin ini dapat menentukan jenis badai yang terjadi. Apakah termasuk kedalam badai dengan intensitas yang hebat atau tidak. Karena semakin besar Vertical wind shear akan semakin besar juga intensitas badai yang terjadi akibat adanya awan cumulonimbus. Untuk mengetahui keterkaitan Vertical wind shear pada pertumbuhan awan cumulonimbus maka diadakannya penelitian ini  menggunakan metode data cuaca permukaan dan menggunakan metode data cuaca permukaan ini kemudian diolah menggunakan Minitab dan Wind Rose. Setelah di analisis dan diolah menggunakan beberapa software dan perhitungan menggunakan dry adiabatic lapse rate dapat ditemukan terjadinya Awan cumulonimbus yang disertai intensitas curah hujan klasifikasi sedang terdapat pada tanggal 24 Februari 2020 dengan arah angin terbanyak dari sebelah barat yang secara topografi wilayah Kabupaten Tangerang berbatasan langsung dengan Kabupaten Serang dan Lebak, Banten. Hasil pengujian menggunakan software minitab dan juga windrose yang memanfaatkan data cuaca permukaan di Stasiun Meteorologi Budiarto Curug, terbentuknya awan cumulonimbus hingga terjadi hujan memiliki variasi arah angin yang berubah-ubah dari sudut 45? sampai dengan 124? menandakan adanya arah angin yang berubah-ubah dan menimbulkan terjadinya awan cumulonimbus. Suhu yang terukur pada bola kering atau disebut dengan suhu saat ini menunjukkan nilai 21,9? C sampai dengan 30,8? C mengalami penurunan suhu akibat terjadi hujan. Hujan yang terjadi akibat adanya awan cumulonimbus berlangsung selama 2 jam, dengan intensitas curah hujan sebesar 118,6 mm dan dikategorikan sebagai hujan sedang