703 research outputs found

    An Archaeological Site on Karluk Island in Crozier Strait, N.W.T.

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    During a marine geophysical exploration, in 1973, of the proposed route of a gas pipeline across Crozier Strait (between Bathurst Island and Little Cornwallis Island) in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the present author landed on the western side of Karluk Island, which is situated in the narrowest part of the Strait. There, conspicuous on a small point facing south and west, and directly west of a small lake, he noticed a newly-erected small cairn of a lead-zinc claim which led him inadvertently to the discovery of an archaeological site. Three or four depressions, each not more than 30 cm deep and filled with a thick, spongy, brilliant green moss, stood out in contrast to the surrounding brown rock rubble. ..

    Effects of Prescribed Burns on Grassland Breeding Birds at Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge

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    There has been a critical decline in grassland bird populations due to habitat fragmentation and deterioration, and suppression of natural fires. Alteration of the disturbance cycle may lead to changes in vegetation structure and thus habitat suitability for breeding grassland birds. Management practices at the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, including the use of prescribed fire, are in need of evaluation. My study asked what frequency of prescribed burns is necessary to support breeding grassland birds and whether vegetation structure varies among burn units. In this study, bird abundance and species richness did not differ significantly among burn units and vegetation cover-type was not a strong predictor of these factors either. There was evidence of site utilization by breeding grassland birds immediately following a burn, which suggests that the bird community is able to recovery quickly post-fire and these units may serve as viable habitat for breeding grassland birds

    Performance Parameters Pertinent to Nuclear Powered Aircraft

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    A review of the present design information and studies relating to nuclear power plants indicates that the weight of the power plant components, exclusive of crew shield and nacelles, may at a particular design point be represented by an equation of the form, W{subpp} = W{subo} + K{subt}T. By use of this, a power plant parameter psi is defined as the ratio of the part of the power plant plus nacelle weight that varies with thrust to the net thrust of the power plant less nacelle drag. The funamentall part that this parameter plays in determining the gross weight of a nuclaer powered aircraft is shown. This parameter depends on the design point Mach number and altitude, and the weight and drag increments attributable to the nacelle installation

    Children's working understanding of knowledge sources : confidence in knowledge gained from testimony

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    In three experiments children aged between 3 and 5 years (N = 38; 52; 94; mean ages 3;7 to 5;2) indicated their confidence in their knowledge of the identity of a hidden toy. With the exception of some 3-year-olds, children revealed working understanding of their knowledge source by showing high confidence when they had seen or felt the toy, and lower confidence when they had been told its identity by an apparently well-informed speaker, especially when the speaker subsequently doubted the adequacy of his access to the toy. After a 2-minute delay, 3-to 4- year olds, unlike 4- to 5-year-olds, failed to see the implications of the speaker’s doubt about his access

    Minding the children: a longitudinal study of mental state talk, theory of mind and behavioural adjustment from age 3 to age 10

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    Mothers’ use of mental state talk (MST) is linked to young children’s performance on false belief tests of theory of mind (ToM) and to their behaviour in social contexts. However, little is known about MST beyond the early years. This investigation is the first to examine continuity in both mother and child MST from preschool (age 3–4 years) to middle childhood (age 10) and examines the role of early maternal MST in children’s later ToM and use of MST. We examine the novel association between MST and children’s behavioural adjustment from pre‐school into late childhood. Participants were mother–child dyads from a 7‐year longitudinal study. Measures of MST, ToM, and language were administered at home when children were 3 and 4 years old and again at the age of 10. Also at 10, behavioural adjustment was measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Mother and child MST were highly stable from preschool to later childhood. Early maternal MST accounted for unique variance in later child MST and behavioural adjustment at 10 years of age; children whose mothers used more MST, specifically references to cognitions, when they were 3 or 4 experienced fewer behavioural difficulties (externalising behaviour) when they were 10 years old

    Children's suggestibility in relation to their understanding about sources of knowledge

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    In the experiments reported here, children chose either to maintain their initial belief about an object's identity or to accept the experimenter's contradicting suggestion. Both 3– to 4–year–olds and 4– to 5–year–olds were good at accepting the suggestion only when the experimenter was better informed than they were (implicit source monitoring). They were less accurate at recalling both their own and the experimenter's information access (explicit recall of experience), though they performed well above chance. Children were least accurate at reporting whether their final belief was based on what they were told or on what they experienced directly (explicit source monitoring). Contrasting results emerged when children decided between contradictory suggestions from two differentially informed adults: Three– to 4–year–olds were more accurate at reporting the knowledge source of the adult they believed than at deciding which suggestion was reliable. Decision making in this observation task may require reflective understanding akin to that required for explicit source judgments when the child participates in the task

    Mindblind eyes: an absence of spontaneous theory of mind in Asperger syndrome

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    Adults with Asperger syndrome can understand mental states such as desires and beliefs (mentalizing) when explicitly prompted to do so, despite having impairments in social communication. We directly tested the hypothesis that such individuals nevertheless fail to mentalize spontaneously. To this end, we used an eye-tracking task that has revealed the spontaneous ability to mentalize in typically developing infants. We showed that, like infants, neurotypical adults’ (n = 17 participants) eye movements anticipated an actor’s behavior on the basis of her false belief. This was not the case for individuals with Asperger syndrome (n = 19). Thus, these individuals do not attribute mental states spontaneously, but they may be able to do so in explicit tasks through compensatory learning
