63 research outputs found


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    This research aims to examine the positive effect of brand credibility on word of mouththrough customer satisfaction and customer loyalty at Tokopedia. The internet has hada dramatic effect in influencing business behavior which is now utilized to facilitate therefinement and processing of business transactions known as e-commerce. Tokopedia isan e- commerce made by the nation's children who has become the number 1 unicorncompany in Indonesia. However, due to the intense e-commerce competition inIndonesia, Tokopedia has shifted its position. There was a problem with Tokopedia'ssecurity where as many as 91 million Tokopedia user data was leaked and sold on thedark web. This prompts research upon Tokopedia’s brand credibility on word of mouththrough customer satisfactionand customer. The sampling technique in this study uses a non-probability samplingtechnique, namely convenience sampling where the respondents are Tokopedia customers in Jabodetabek. The sample in this studyamounted to 154 respondents with the data collection method in the form of aquestionnaire. The data were processed using validity, reliability, and statisticalanalysis. Data processing using Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling(PLS-SEM) was processed using SmartPLS software. The results showed that the brandcredibility variable had a positive influence, either directly or indirectly, on word ofmouth mediated by customer satisfaction and customer loyalt


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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of perceived value, customersatisfaction, customer trust on customer loyalty at Nike outlets in Jakarta. This researchwas conducted in the city of Jakarta by involving 114 consumers in the category of menand women in the millennial generation. This data was collected by distributing aquestionnaire containing 48 questions and by selecting a Likert scale of 1 – 5 based ona non-probability sampling method with a convenience sampling technique. The dataanalyzed by the researcher used the SEM software method based on the SmartPLS 3system. The results of this study indicate that perceived value has a positive effect oncustomer loyalty and customer satisfaction. The results of this study also show thatcustomer satisfaction has a positive effect on customer trust and customer trust has apositive effect on customer loyalty. The results of this study found that customersatisfaction has a positive effect on customer loyalty. This research can be used as input for Nike outlets to provide better service to consumers, so that consumers not only havesatisfaction with a product but also can have loyalty and high expectations for Nikeproducts

    Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Stres Kerja, dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja dengan Turnover Intention sebagai Mediasi pada Karyawan PT Farmasi XYZ dalam Masa Pandemi COVID-19

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    An organization or company needs quality human resources to create success. HRmanagement is important to note because it can affect the performance of HR. Severalfactors that need to be considered include work stress, workload, and the workenvironment, especially considering changing conditions such as during the COVID-19pandemic. In addition to performance, these factors can also affect the desire of HR towork in the company or what is known as turnover intention. The turnover intention ofHR will also affect performance. This study aims to examine the effect of workload, workstress, and work environment on performance with turnover intention as a mediation for PT XYZ pharmacy employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses aquantitative approach with a survey method on employees of PT XYZ. The number ofrespondents who collected as many as 160 with convenience sampling method. Dataanalysis technique using structural equation model (SEM) assisted by PLS softwareversion 3.3.2. The results of this study indicate that; work stress and workload have asignificant positive effect on turnover intention, while the work environment has anegative effect on turnover intention, workload and turnover intention have a significantnegative effect on performance, work environment has a significant positive effect onperformance, and work stress has an insignificant positive effect on performance, andturnover intention is a full mediation for the work stress variable, a partial mediationfor the workload, and not a mediation for the work environment


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    ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to determine the influence of Brand Credibilitytowards Word of Mouth through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty atSarinande Cilegon. This research held in Cilegon, involving 110 respondentswho had shopped at Sarinande Cilegon. Data collected by distributingquestionnaires containing 285 questions with Likert Scale of one to five based onnon-probability sampling method with convenience sampling technique. Datawas analyzed with Partial Least Sqaure (PLS) based Strutural EquationModelling (SEM) method. The result of this research state that customersatisfaction id proven to mediate the influence of brand credibility towards word of mouth, but not with customer loyalty. The positive influence was also provenon the influence of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to word of mouth,and also had a positive influence on the effect of customer satisfaction oncustomer loyalty. Whereas it was not proven that brand credibility had a positiveinfluence towards customer loyalt

    The Regulatory Status Analysis for Updating the Public Legal Awareness on Human Rights in Indonesia

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    In this study, it is argued that quantitative empirical legal research can support understanding public legal awareness of the implementation of human rights protection in Indonesia. The public legal awareness is analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling to provide flexibility for exploring the link of the ideals of human rights law with elements of the legal system as research variables. This research is a literature study on the importance and use of empirical quantitative research methods through the establishment of a path model called Regulatory Status Analysis. The model positions legal ideals (justice, certainty, and expediency) as an independent variable; while the two elements of the legal system: substantive law and legal structure, are mediating variables. Based on the trial run, the path model can picture the relationship between ideal law and legal culture as the dependent variable in the form of public awareness to comply with legal norms that protect human rights. Substantive law also has a positive influence on awareness to obey the law. However, the legal structure has no influence, either directly or indirectly. It might be because respondents consider law enforcement against human rights violations less than optimal. The test result determines what kind of human rights legal system should be developed for national and global legal scholarship

    The Regulatory Status Analysis for Updating the Public Legal Awareness on Human Rights in Indonesia

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    In this study, it is argued that quantitative empirical legal research can support understanding public legal awareness of the implementation of human rights protection in Indonesia. The public legal awareness is analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling to provide flexibility for exploring the link of the ideals of human rights law with elements of the legal system as research variables. This research is a literature study on the importance and use of empirical quantitative research methods through the establishment of a path model called Regulatory Status Analysis. The model positions legal ideals (justice, certainty, and expediency) as an independent variable; while the two elements of the legal system: substantive law and legal structure, are mediating variables. Based on the trial run, the path model can picture the relationship between ideal law and legal culture as the dependent variable in the form of public awareness to comply with legal norms that protect human rights. Substantive law also has a positive influence on awareness to obey the law. However, the legal structure has no influence, either directly or indirectly. It might be because respondents consider law enforcement against human rights violations less than optimal. The test result determines what kind of human rights legal system should be developed for national and global legal scholarship


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    After two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, Universitas Pelita Harapan’s Visual Communication Design Department started conducting hybrid courses. The hybrid course format is a new format implemented as a transition between online education during the pandemic and the soon-offline course. This research explores the effects of the hybrid course for lecturers and students who had conducted two years of online education. The data collection for this qualitative study is through interviews with the student and lecturers, observations of the offline and online classes, and class documentation studies. This research found that the lecturers and the students positively receive the hybrid course as an alternative format for education post-COVID-19 pandemic.Bahasa Indonesia AbstrakSetelah dua tahun pandemi COVID-19, Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Pelita Harapan mulai mengimplementasikan perkuliahan secara hibrida. Perkuliahan secara hibrida ini adalah format yang baru pertama kali dilakukan, dan dilakukan sebagai transisi antara perkuliahan daring karena pandemi dan perkuliahan luring yang akan kembali diselenggarakan. Penelitian ini mencoba mengeksplorasi pengaruh dari perkuliahan hibrida ini terhadap dosen dan mahasiswa yang telah dua tahun mengikuti perkuliahan daring. Pengumpulan data untuk penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan wawancara terhadap dosen dan mahasiswa, observasi perkuliahan daring dan luring, serta studi dokumentasi perkuliahan. Dari penelitian ini didapati bahwa perkuliahan hibrida direspon positif oleh dosen dan mahasiswa, dan menjadi sebuah alternatif format perkuliahan yang baik pasca pandemi COVID-19.

    Arahan Pengembangan Alun-Alun Reksogati Ibu Kota Caruban dengan Konsep Placemaking

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    Alun-alun Ibu Kota Caruban Reksogati, yang terletak di Kabupaten Madiun, Jawa Timur, merupakan ruang terbuka publik baru di wilayah tersebut. Alun-alun ini dipindahkan dari pusat kota Madiun ke Kecamatan Mejayan berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 52 Tahun 2010. Alun-alun Reksogati memiliki lokasi strategis yang memudahkan akses antarkota dan antarkabupaten. Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Madiun tahun 2009-2029 menetapkan bahwa Alun-alun Reksogati terletak di Sub Satuan Wilayah Pengembangan (SSWP 1) dan diarahkan sebagai kawasan perkotaan dengan fungsi utama sebagai pusat pelayanan fasilitas umum, perdagangan dan jasa, serta pusat pemerintahan. Namun, meskipun memiliki potensi strategis, Alun-alun Reksogati masih menghadapi beberapa persoalan, seperti fasilitas yang tidak berfungsi optimal. Fenomena ruang publik di negara berkembang seringkali ditandai dengan ketidakteraturan dan sifat informal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pemulihan dan pengembangan ulang Alun-alun Reksogati dengan pendekatan konsep placemaking untuk mengembalikan fungsi dan menciptakan ruang terbuka publik yang nyaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan konsep pengembangan kawasan Alun-alun Reksogati Caruban dengan menggunakan konsep placemaking. Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada dua sasaran. Sasaran 1, merumuskan faktor-faktor penentu yang terkait dengan konsep pengembangan kawasan Alun-alun Reksogati Ibu Kota Caruban dengan pendekatan placemaking. Selanjutnya pada asaran 2, merumuskan arahan pengembangan kawasan Alun-alun Reksogati Ibu Kota Caruban dengan memanfaatkan konsep placemaking. Dalam tahap ini, akan dibuat rekomendasi dan panduan mengenai bagaimana pengembangan kawasan Alun-alun Reksogati dapat dilakukan secara detail dan sesuai dengan konsep placemaking. Dari hasil analisis diketahui bahwa terdapat sebelas faktor yang berpengaruh pada pengembangan Alun-alun Reksogati dengan konsep placemaking, seperti Feeling Attachment, Partisipasi, Aktivitas Sosial, Aktivitas Ekonomi, Fungsi dan Makna, Komponen Ruang Luar, Aktivitas Kultural, Keamanan, Estetika, Respon Masyarakat, dan Kenyamanan. Sebelas faktr tersebut dikaji dengan best practice, dan tinjauan kebijakan, didapatkan 16 arahan pengembangan Alun-alun Reksogati yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan konsep placemaking

    Law Enforcement of SMEs Licensing in Empowerment of People's Economy Connected to Regional Autonomy in North Sumatra, Indonesia

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    law enforcement on SME licensing aims to encourage the empowerment of the people's economy through improving the quality of licensing services in the regional autonomy government and for better chances in the future in North Sumatra Province. The research method used is normative legal research (juridical normative), juridical sociology, and empirical to find the truth related to the enforcement of SME licensing laws that have been stipulated in the regulations. Result of this study, the process for obtaining SME licensing in North Sumatra has been regulated through the One-Stop Integrated Licensing Service Agency based on the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation followed by Governor, Regent, and Mayor regulations through regional regulations. In the implementation, it will be carried out using technology systems and facilities or still manual. From the actual conditions, licensing services are still problematic so that to achieve the goal of law enforcement in empowering the people's economy or even to improve the economy of the community is not yet optimal, because the implementation of regulations has not been implemented properly and correctly so that the people applying for permits still have difficulty obtaining business licenses. From the results of the delegation of the authority of the regional head to the BPPTSP, it has not been fully implemented, there are still other offices that accept delegations so that permit applicants find it difficult and convoluted and their implementation overlaps in the difficult bureaucracy, finally the timeliness and expenditure of costs are not as expected
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