1,735 research outputs found

    The Coffee House and the Ashram: Gandhi, Civil Society and Public Spheres

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    This paper considers what light the associational forms that Gandhi created shed on the debate about civil society and the public sphere in political and social theory. As John Keane remarks, "reflexive, self-organizing non-governmental organizations that some call civil society can and do live by other names in other linguistic and cultural milieus". How does his "Indian" variant square with the practice and concept of civil society and public sphere as they have evolved in European history, thought and practice

    Cellular location and activity of Escherichia coli RecG proteins shed light on the function of its structurally unresolved C-terminus

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    RecG is a DNA translocase encoded by most species of bacteria. The Escherichia coli protein targets branched DNA substrates and drives the unwinding and rewinding of DNA strands. Its ability to remodel replication forks and to genetically interact with PriA protein have led to the idea that it plays an important role in securing faithful genome duplication. Here we report that RecG co-localises with sites of DNA replication and identify conserved arginine and tryptophan residues near its C-terminus that are needed for this localisation. We establish that the extreme C-terminus, which is not resolved in the crystal structure, is vital for DNA unwinding but not for DNA binding. Substituting an alanine for a highly conserved tyrosine near the very end results in a substantial reduction in the ability to unwind replication fork and Holliday junction structures but has no effect on substrate affinity. Deleting or substituting the terminal alanine causes an even greater reduction in unwinding activity, which is somewhat surprising as this residue is not uniformly present in closely related RecG proteins. More significantly, the extreme C-terminal mutations have little effect on localisation. Mutations that do prevent localisation result in only a slight reduction in the capacity for DNA repair. © 2014 The Author(s)

    On the viability of Escherichia coli cells lacking DNA topoisomerase I

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    Copyright @ 2012 Stockum et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Manipulations of the DNA double helix during replication, transcription and other nucleic acid processing cause a change of DNA topology, which results in torsional stress. This stress is relaxed by DNA topoisomerases, a class of enzymes present in all domains of life. Negatively supercoiled DNA is relaxed by type IA topoisomerases that are widespread in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. In Escherichia coli there is conflicting data about viability of ΔtopA cells lacking topoisomerase I. Results: In this study we sought to clarify whether E. coli cells lacking topoisomerase I are viable by using a plasmid-based lethality assay that allowed us to investigate the phenotype of ΔtopA cells without the presence of any compensatory mutations. Our results show that cells lacking topoisomerase I show an extreme growth defect and cannot be cultured without the accumulation of compensatory mutations. This growth defect can be partially suppressed by overexpression of topoisomerase III, the other type IA topoisomerase in E. coli, suggesting that the accumulation of torsional stress is, at least partially, responsible for the lethality of ΔtopA cells. The absence of RNase HI strongly exacerbates the phenotype of cells lacking topoisomerase I, which supports the idea that the processing of RNA:DNA hybrids is vitally important in ΔtopA cells. However, we did not observe suppression of the ΔtopA phenotype by increasing the level of R-loop processing enzymes, such as RNase HI or RecG. Conclusions: Our data show unambiguously that E. coli cells are not viable in the absence of DNA topoisomerase I without the presence of compensatory mutations. Furthermore, our data suggest that the accumulation of R-loops is not the primary reason for the severe growth defect of cells lacking topoisomerase I, which is in contrast to the current literature. Potential reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.The Medical Research Council (grant G0800970) and The Leverhulme Trust

    Drug-related stigma and access to care among people who inject drugs in Vietnam.

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    Introduction and aimsThere are considerable challenges faced by people with a history of injecting drug use (PWID) in Vietnam, including drug-related stigma and lack of access to healthcare. Seeking and utilising healthcare, as well as harm reduction programs for PWID, are often hampered by drug-related stigma. This study aimed to examine the impacts of drug-related stigma on access to care and utilisation of harm reduction programs among PWID in Vietnam.Design and methodsA cross-sectional study was conducted in two provinces in Vietnam, Phú Thọ and Vinh Phúc. The study participants completed the survey by using Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview between late 2014 and early 2015. Linear multiple regression models and logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship among drug-related stigma, access to care and utilisation of harm reduction programs, including methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and needle exchange programs (NEP).ResultsA total of 900 PWID participated in this study. Drug-related stigma was significantly associated with lower level of access to care, but not with utilisation of MMT or NEP. Older age was positively associated with higher levels of access to care. Levels of education were positively correlated with access to care, as well as utilisation of MMT and NEP.Discussion and conclusionsThis study underscores the need for future interventions to reduce drug-related stigma in society and in health-care settings to improve PWID's utilisation of care services. Special attention should be paid to younger PWID and those with lower levels of education

    Pathological replication in cells lacking RecG DNA translocase

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    Little is known about what happens when forks meet to complete DNA replication in any organism. In this study we present data suggesting that the collision of replication forks is a potential threat to genomic stability. We demonstrate that Escherichia coli cells lacking RecG helicase suffer major defects in chromosome replication following UV irradiation, and that this is associated with high levels of DNA synthesis initiated independently of the initiator protein DnaA. This UV-induced stable DNA replication is dependent on PriA helicase and continues long after UV-induced lesions have been excised. We suggest UV irradiation triggers the assembly of new replication forks, leading to multiple fork collisions outside the terminus area. Such collisions may generate branched DNAs that serve to establish further new forks, resulting in uncontrolled DNA amplification. We propose that RecG reduces the likelihood of this pathological cascade being set in motion by reducing initiation of replication at D- and R-loops, and other structures generated as a result of fork collisions. Our results shed light on why replication initiation in bacteria is limited to a single origin and why termination is carefully orchestrated to a single event within a restricted area each cell cycle

    Replication fork collisions cause pathological chromosomal amplification in cells lacking RecG DNA translocase

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    Duplication and transmission of chromosomes require precise control of chromosome replication and segregation. Here we present evidence that RecG is a major factor influencing these processes in bacteria. We show that the extensive DnaA-independent stable DNA replication observed without RecG can lead to replication of any area of the chromosome. This replication is further elevated following irradiation with UV light and appears to be perpetuated by secondary events that continue long after the elimination of UV lesions. The resulting pathological cascade is associated with an increased number of replication forks traversing the chromosome, sometimes with extensive regional amplification of the chromosome, and with the accumulation of highly branched DNA intermediates containing few Holliday junctions. We propose that the cascade is triggered by replication fork collisions that generate 3′ single-strand DNA flaps, providing sites for PriA to initiate re-replication of the DNA and thus to generate linear duplexes that provoke recombination, allowing priming of even further replication. Our results shed light on why termination of replication in bacteria is normally limited to a single encounter of two forks and carefully orchestrated within a restricted area, and explain how a system of multiple forks and random termination can operate in eukaryotes

    Ion beam lithography for Fresnel zone plates in X-ray microscopy

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    Fresnel Zone Plates (FZP) are to date very successful focusing optics for X-rays. Established methods of fabrication are rather complex and based on electron beam lithography (EBL). Here, we show that ion beam lithography (IBL) may advantageously simplify their preparation. A FZP operable from the extreme UV to the limit of the hard X-ray was prepared and tested from 450 eV to 1500 eV. The trapezoidal profile of the FZP favorably activates its 2nd order focus. The FZP with an outermost zone width of 100 nm allows the visualization of features down to 61, 31 and 21 nm in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order focus respectively. Measured efficiencies in the 1st and 2nd order of diffraction reach the theoretical predictions

    A Spitzer Space Telescope far-infrared spectral atlas of compact sources in the Magellanic Clouds. II. The Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present 52-93 micron spectra, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, of luminous compact far-IR sources in the SMC. These comprise 9 Young Stellar Objects (YSOs), the compact HII region N81 and a similar object within N84, and two red supergiants (RSGs). The spectra of the sources in N81 (of which we also show the ISO-LWS spectrum between 50-170 micron) and N84 both display strong [OI] 63-micron and [OIII] 88-micron fine-structure line emission. We attribute these lines to strong shocks and photo-ionized gas, respectively, in a ``champagne flow'' scenario. The nitrogen content of these two HII regions is very low, definitely N/O<0.04 but possibly as low as N/O<0.01. Overall, the oxygen lines and dust continuum are weaker in star-forming objects in the SMC than in the LMC. We attribute this to the lower metallicity of the SMC compared to that of the LMC. Whilst the dust mass differs in proportion to metallicity, the oxygen mass differs less; both observations can be reconciled with higher densities inside star-forming cloud cores in the SMC than in the LMC. The dust in the YSOs in the SMC is warmer (37-51 K) than in comparable objects in the LMC (32-44 K). We attribute this to the reduced shielding and reduced cooling at the low metallicity of the SMC. On the other hand, the efficiency of the photo-electric effect to heat the gas is found to be indistinguishable to that measured in the same manner in the LMC, 0.1-0.3%. This may result from higher cloud-core densities, or smaller grains, in the SMC. The dust associated with the two RSGs in our SMC sample is cool, and we argue that it is swept-up interstellar dust, or formed (or grew) within the bow-shock, rather than dust produced in these metal-poor RSGs themselves. Strong emission from crystalline water ice is detected in at least one YSO. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Chromosomal over-replication in Escherichia coli recG cells is triggered by replication fork fusion and amplified if replichore symmetry is disturbed

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    Chromosome duplication initiates via the assembly of replication forks at defined origins. Forks proceed in opposite directions until they fuse with a converging fork. Recent work highlights that fork fusions are highly choreographed both in pro- and eukaryotic cells. The circular Escherichia coli chromosome is replicated from a single origin (oriC), and a single fork fusion takes place in a specialised termination area opposite oriC that establishes a fork trap mediated by Tus protein bound at ter sequences that allows forks to enter but not leave. Here we further define the molecular details of fork fusions and the role of RecG helicase in replication termination. Our data support the idea that fork fusions have the potential to trigger local re-replication of the already replicated DNA. In ΔrecG cells this potential is realised in a substantial fraction of cells and is dramatically elevated when one fork is trapped for some time before the converging fork arrives. They also support the idea that the termination area evolved to contain such over-replication and we propose that the stable arrest of replication forks at ter/Tus complexes is an important feature that limits the likelihood of problems arising as replication terminates