40 research outputs found

    Spiders (Araneae) of Chernivtsi City (Ukraine)

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    The spider fauna of buildings and other urban habitats (city parks, green areas of industrial enterprises, and housing estates) of Chernivtsi city was surveyed. In the period 2002-2011, 212 species belonging to 26 families were recorded. Previous studies found a total of 173 species of spiders belonging to 26 families from the territories which are now included in the city limits of Chernivtsi. Currently, the total spider species list for Chernivtsi includes 260 species of 30 families, of which 125 species (21 families) were recorded both by earlier researchers and by ourselves. The most important reasons for changes in urban spider assemblages are as follows: species habitat change, introduction of alien species, and description of new species unknown in the late 19th – early 20th centuries

    Discourse of disease in Lesia Ukrainka’s epistolary

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    The article deals with peculiarities of a writer’s experience of long-term illness, the influence of the disease on rhythm, lifestyle and creativity, based on Lesia Ukrainka’s letters of 1883-1913 to relatives, friends, acquaintances, artists, and public figures. It is found out that the internal picture of the disease has been reflected in the letters with the help of the system of writer’s diverse experience, feelings, and emotions. According to the epistolary, Lesia Ukrainka perceived the disease as a yoke, captivity, which prevented her from being proactive, from taking an active part in cultural, artistic, publishing and translation activities. At the same time, the disease built up a discipline, purposefulness of the writer, who worked hard at her educational and intellectual level, in such way cognized her capabilities, outlining the prospects of creativity. The article reveals peculiarities of the disease, changes in the writer’s well-being, focuses on creativity as an active resistance to the disease, as a way of achieving self-esteem. The culture of work and rest, attention to the sick body, her scrupulosity in the performance of medical procedures contributed to the creation of acceptable conditions for creative work, which performed a therapeutic function in the life of the writer

    Building Future Specialists’ Reflective and Prognostic Competence in the Context of Blended Learning

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    The aim of this study was to identify teaching methods that promote building students’ reflective and prognostic competence and to determine their effectiveness in the context of blended learning. The Bezpalko’s Scale was used to determine the level of reflective and prognostic competence. Final testing and questionnaire survey of students were also conducted. Besides, mathematical data processing methods, Pearson’s chi-squared test, Cohen’s kappa coefficient and Statistica software were used. The positive result of interactive methods such as case studies, projects, flipped classroom, interviews, discussions and debates in the development of reflective and prognostic competence was found, so they can be used in blended learning. It was established that the use of interactive methods has formed students’ habit to analyse their own learning experience more often. They learned to draw appropriate conclusions and take measures to improve learning productivity. The blended learning and the emphasis on the development of reflective and prognostic competence contributed to the development of students’ conciseness, clarity and accuracy in formulating opinions and answers to questions. It contributed to the development of the ability to predict possible ways to solve professional problems, anticipate and avoid risks, mistakes, creatively apply theoretical knowledge in performing practical assignments. The use of information and communication technologies and interactive methods in blended learning also contribute to the improvement in student learning outcomes by an average of 8%. Reflective and prognostic competence helps students to improve their performance during their studies and can be useful in future professional activities. However, purposeful work of all participants in the educational process is required for building and developing this competence. Future research should be aimed at finding effective ways and methods of building and developing reflective and prognostic competence in view of its importance in the professional activities of specialists in all fields


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    Object of research: analysis of the works of modern foreign authors, which reflect the process of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the Donbas, which cast doubt on the European security system, has complicated the lives of millions of citizens. Clarification of the reasons that led to the amorphous national identity of the population of Donbas, rejection of Western values, mythical ideas about fascists-Banderites. Disclosure of the diversity of assessments of Western historiography regarding the origins and causes of the conflict, its nature. From a critical point of view, the work of "geopolitical realists" who are trying to minimize the Kremlin’s actions in relation to Ukraine is considered. Investigated problem: to show and prove that the revival of Russian neo-imperialism, which even after 1991 considered Ukraine a vassal, became the main external factor that led to the escalation of the conflict and its actual “freezing”. The attention is focused on the reasons for the appearance of peculiar stereotypes of thinking and behavior of residents of the Donetsk basin, contrasted with the mentality of citizens of other regions, especially Western Ukraine. The cultural-historical split of Ukraine, which developed historically, could not be the cause of the armed conflict, even with the pole opposition “Lviv-Donetsk”. Therefore, the separatist sentiments that appeared in Donbas at certain times were not a mass phenomenon even in 2014 because of this, it is impossible to explain Russian aggravation of relations between the elites of Kyiv and Donbas without analyzing external interference. The state of affairs was also aggravated by both sabotage of the Donbas elites, they did not recognize the legitimacy of the new government in Kyiv after February 2014, and by the mistakes made by the central government in Kyiv. Hasty and ill-conceived, according to Western experts, was the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of a law abolishing the regional status of the Russian language. The name of the military operations from the Kyiv side as “anti-terrorist operation” was doubtful. It was changed late. Main scientific results: in fact, for the first time in the historiography of Ukraine, the latest works of Western scholars on the Ukrainian-Russian conflict have been analyzed. Conclusions are made about the inconsistency of the views of Western historians regarding the nature and causes of the conflict, the prospects for its settlement

    The use of the topics and vocabulary of the Second World War in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict 2014-2020 (analysis of foreign historiography)

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    The object of research is the latest English literature of scientists and analysts in Western Europe and America, devoted to the problems of the information war waged by the Kremlin authorities against Ukraine. It is the problems, events of the Second World War, in the Russian-speaking academic space and the media that are still referred to only as the Great Patriotic War that became the leitmotif of these actions. Moreover, the history of the war is used precisely speculatively, that is, a careful selection of facts and conclusions is carried out, which are adjusted to certain conceptual foundations. Investigated problem. As a result of a critical analysis of the works of Western authors, the problem posed in this work is solved: to show the objectivity and evidence of the narratives of foreign authors on the biased presentation of the topics and vocabulary of World War II about the events in the East of Ukraine in 2014-2020. Main scientific results. The main scientific result of the study is the conclusion that Western scientists are deeply immersed in the vicissitudes of the conflict, debunking the biased evidence of Russian experts, fascist tendencies are imposed on the basis of false accusations of Ukraine, although such processes have not been recorded by any foreign analysts and observers. One of the stereotypes of Russian propaganda is the reproach for the massive "banderization" of the consciousness of citizens, but at the same time the face and activities of the leader of the OUN (b) are deliberately distorted. Modern studios of historians, diplomats, analysts of Western Europe, the USA, Canada are convincingly criticizing the political and ideological measures of Moscow aimed at discrediting the Ukrainian people. It is emphasized that the process of "nationalization" of history in Ukraine, especially during the Second World War by the Russian establishment, was used in a fraudulent way to tarnish the past of Ukraine. It was noted that, despite all the efforts of the Russian information and propaganda machine, Moscow fails to achieve the desire for results. Scope of practical application. The research results, which are innovative in nature, can be used in both cognitive and educational values

    Аналіз ефективності технології роликового формування виробів з дрібнозернистих бетонів

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    Efficiency of using the roller forming technology with forced rotation of the working body (roller or sector) was disclosed. The results of development of an advanced technology of roller formation were presented. This technology features absence of slippage and jamming of the working body relative to the surface of the concrete mixture being formed. Slippage and jamming arise because of growth of inertial forces of freely rotating rollers.Advantages of this technology over the vibrational technology were indicated, namely:– the possibility of combining in one unit the processes of spreading, compacting and smoothing the concrete mixture to enable, first of all, development of highly mechanized and automated technological lines, and increase their productivity:– the possibility of efficient compaction of very hard fine concrete mixtures which in turn creates prerequisites for obtaining durable products, reduced cycles of heat treatment and smaller specific quantity of metal in production;– the possibility of using fine concrete mixtures with scarce cement slurry that do not exceed normative values for a concrete with a coarse aggregate;– the possibility of effective improvement of sanitary conditions for the personnel due to absence of vibration and significant noise reduction;– refuse expensive and in some cases scarce coarse aggregates which ensures significant savings.These dependences characterize and demonstrate increase in the level of pressure of working bodies on the surface of the formed product. As a result, the coefficient of mixture compaction increases from 0.983 for free rotation of rollers to 0.998 for forced rotation.Изложенная эффективность использования технологии роликового формирования принудительного поворота рабочего органа (ролика или сектора).Представлены результаты разработки усовершенствованной технологии роликового формирования. Особенностями этой технологии является отсутствие проскальзывания и заклинивания рабочего органа относительно поверхности бетонной смеси, формируется. Оно возникает за счет роста инерционных сил свободно роликов, вращающихся.Указанные преимущества данной технологии перед вибрационной, а именно:– возможность совмещения в одном агрегате процессов разложения, уплотнения и заглаживания бетонной смеси, создает, в первую очередь, возможность организации высокомеханизированных и автоматизированных технологических линий, и, тем самым, повысить их производительность:– возможность эффективного уплотнения особо жестких мелкозернистых бетонных смесей, что, в свою очередь, создает предпосылки для получения долговечных изделий, сокращение циклов термообработки, а также уменьшение металлоемкости производства;– возможность использования мелкозернистых смесей с нехваткой цементного теста, не превышающих нормы для бетона на крупном заполнителе;– возможность эффективного улучшения санитарно-гигиенических условий для обслуживающего персонала за счет отсутствия вибрации и существенного снижения шума;– отказ от дорогостоящего и в ряде случаев дефицитного крупного заполнителя, позволяет получить значительную экономию.Указанные зависимости характеризуют и показывают увеличение прессующего давления рабочего органа на поверхность изделия, формируется. В результате этого коэффициент уплотнения смеси увеличивается с 0,983 (при свободном обороте ролике) до 0,998 (при принудительном его обороте)Викладена ефективність використання технології роликового формування примусового повороту робочого органу (ролика чи сектора). Представлені результати розробки удосконаленої технології роликового формування. Особливостями цієї технології є відсутність прослизання і заклинювання робочого органу відносно поверхні бетонної суміші, що формується. Воно виникає за рахунок зростання інерційних сил вільно роликів, що обертаються.Вказані переваги даної технології перед вібраційною, а саме:– можливість суміщення в одному агрегаті процесів розкладання, ущільнення та загладжування бетонної суміші, що створює, в першу чергу, можливість організації високомеханізованих та автоматизованих технологічних ліній, і, тим самим, підвищити їх продуктивність:– можливість ефективного ущільнення особливо жорстких дрібнозернистих бетонних сумішей, що, в свою чергу, створює передумови для отримання довговічних виробів, скорочення циклів термообробки, а також зменшення металомісткості виробництва;– можливість використання дрібнозернистих сумішей з нестачею цементного тіста, що не перевищують норми для бетону на крупному заповнювачі;– можливість ефективного покращення санітарно–гігієнічних умов для обслуговуючого персоналу за рахунок відсутності вібрації і суттєвого зниження шуму;– відмова від дороговартісного і у ряді випадків дефіцитного крупного заповнювача, що дозволяє отримати значну економію.Зазначені залежності характеризують і показують збільшення пресуючого тиску робочого органу на поверхню виробу, що формується. В результаті цього коефіцієнт ущільнення суміші збільшується з 0,983 (при вільному оберті ролику) до 0,998 (при примусовому його оберті

    Аналіз ефективності технології роликового формування виробів з дрібнозернистих бетонів

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    Efficiency of using the roller forming technology with forced rotation of the working body (roller or sector) was disclosed. The results of development of an advanced technology of roller formation were presented. This technology features absence of slippage and jamming of the working body relative to the surface of the concrete mixture being formed. Slippage and jamming arise because of growth of inertial forces of freely rotating rollers.Advantages of this technology over the vibrational technology were indicated, namely:– the possibility of combining in one unit the processes of spreading, compacting and smoothing the concrete mixture to enable, first of all, development of highly mechanized and automated technological lines, and increase their productivity:– the possibility of efficient compaction of very hard fine concrete mixtures which in turn creates prerequisites for obtaining durable products, reduced cycles of heat treatment and smaller specific quantity of metal in production;– the possibility of using fine concrete mixtures with scarce cement slurry that do not exceed normative values for a concrete with a coarse aggregate;– the possibility of effective improvement of sanitary conditions for the personnel due to absence of vibration and significant noise reduction;– refuse expensive and in some cases scarce coarse aggregates which ensures significant savings.These dependences characterize and demonstrate increase in the level of pressure of working bodies on the surface of the formed product. As a result, the coefficient of mixture compaction increases from 0.983 for free rotation of rollers to 0.998 for forced rotation.Изложенная эффективность использования технологии роликового формирования принудительного поворота рабочего органа (ролика или сектора).Представлены результаты разработки усовершенствованной технологии роликового формирования. Особенностями этой технологии является отсутствие проскальзывания и заклинивания рабочего органа относительно поверхности бетонной смеси, формируется. Оно возникает за счет роста инерционных сил свободно роликов, вращающихся.Указанные преимущества данной технологии перед вибрационной, а именно:– возможность совмещения в одном агрегате процессов разложения, уплотнения и заглаживания бетонной смеси, создает, в первую очередь, возможность организации высокомеханизированных и автоматизированных технологических линий, и, тем самым, повысить их производительность:– возможность эффективного уплотнения особо жестких мелкозернистых бетонных смесей, что, в свою очередь, создает предпосылки для получения долговечных изделий, сокращение циклов термообработки, а также уменьшение металлоемкости производства;– возможность использования мелкозернистых смесей с нехваткой цементного теста, не превышающих нормы для бетона на крупном заполнителе;– возможность эффективного улучшения санитарно-гигиенических условий для обслуживающего персонала за счет отсутствия вибрации и существенного снижения шума;– отказ от дорогостоящего и в ряде случаев дефицитного крупного заполнителя, позволяет получить значительную экономию.Указанные зависимости характеризуют и показывают увеличение прессующего давления рабочего органа на поверхность изделия, формируется. В результате этого коэффициент уплотнения смеси увеличивается с 0,983 (при свободном обороте ролике) до 0,998 (при принудительном его обороте)Викладена ефективність використання технології роликового формування примусового повороту робочого органу (ролика чи сектора). Представлені результати розробки удосконаленої технології роликового формування. Особливостями цієї технології є відсутність прослизання і заклинювання робочого органу відносно поверхні бетонної суміші, що формується. Воно виникає за рахунок зростання інерційних сил вільно роликів, що обертаються.Вказані переваги даної технології перед вібраційною, а саме:– можливість суміщення в одному агрегаті процесів розкладання, ущільнення та загладжування бетонної суміші, що створює, в першу чергу, можливість організації високомеханізованих та автоматизованих технологічних ліній, і, тим самим, підвищити їх продуктивність:– можливість ефективного ущільнення особливо жорстких дрібнозернистих бетонних сумішей, що, в свою чергу, створює передумови для отримання довговічних виробів, скорочення циклів термообробки, а також зменшення металомісткості виробництва;– можливість використання дрібнозернистих сумішей з нестачею цементного тіста, що не перевищують норми для бетону на крупному заповнювачі;– можливість ефективного покращення санітарно–гігієнічних умов для обслуговуючого персоналу за рахунок відсутності вібрації і суттєвого зниження шуму;– відмова від дороговартісного і у ряді випадків дефіцитного крупного заповнювача, що дозволяє отримати значну економію.Зазначені залежності характеризують і показують збільшення пресуючого тиску робочого органу на поверхню виробу, що формується. В результаті цього коефіцієнт ущільнення суміші збільшується з 0,983 (при вільному оберті ролику) до 0,998 (при примусовому його оберті

    Assessing the impact of the russian invasion on the competitiveness in the Ukrainian insurance market

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    The full-scale russian invasion and war in Ukraine have inflicted substantial damage on the Ukrainian economy across various sectors. During crises, a common phenomenon is a decline in market competitiveness. This paper seeks to investigate whether the war in Ukraine has resulted in a reduction of competitiveness in the Ukrainian insurance market. To assess this, a range of traditional measures of market concentration, as well as various statistical tests, were applied to three crucial indicators from the Ukrainian insurance market, namely, assets, insurance premiums, and insurance payments for the period from January 1, 2022 to July 1, 2023. The findings suggest that, despite substantial losses incurred by the Ukrainian insurance market due to the invasion, the competition in the market did not experience significant degradation. However, the existing trends indicating a propensity for increased market concentration are cause for concern and demand immediate attention from regulators to prevent the deterioration of the market. To prevent market degradation stemming from current trends, regulatory bodies like the National Bank of Ukraine should carefully monitor adverse developments. They ought to integrate commitments to ensure market competitiveness, complemented by specific quantitative metrics for oversight, into their strategic plans and concepts for the development of the insurance market. Given the persistent threat of russian bombing in Ukraine, a viable and promising direction involves the proactive adoption of digital services and products. AcknowledgmentsAlex Plastun gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0121U100473)


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    This article presents financial statements as the main source of information support of modern business management. It is noted that financial reporting is a set of reporting forms, compiled on the basis of financial accounting data in order to provide external and internal users with generalized information about the financial condition of the enterprise in a convenient and understandable way for these users to take certain business decisions. The main aspects of accounting information, which serves as information support for making management decisions, are determined in this article. Attention is focused on the importance of internal reporting, which is formed at the enterprise with the purpose of operative provision of objective management information in order to satisfy information needs of internal users, whose management decisions significantly affect the results of enterprise activities. It considers and summarizes the theoretical aspects of the adaptation of financial reporting in Ukraine in accordance with the terms, principles and requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards. It is noted that the choice of methods of IFRS reporting depends first of all on the purposes of further use, periodicity of preparation, qualification of specialists. The advantages and disadvantages of parallel accounting, which makes possible to promptly generate reports according to international standards for the needs of both internal and external users, are determined. Considering the importance of accounting policy as a set of rules adopted by the enterprise for the preparation and presentation of financial statements, a list of the main sections of the Order on Accounting Policy is provided in this article. Also, the article considers and summarizes the main features of the presentation of information in the financial statements according to international standards, which characterize it as accessible to a wide range of consumers and allow making objective and balanced management decisions

    Psychological Peculiarities of Personal Dissonance of Adolescents in the Sphere of Real and Ideal Self-Image

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    Adolescence is characterized by contradictions of role behaviours and perceptions caused by age adjustment of adolescents. This is reflected in the system of self-attitudes of adolescents, which can lead to intrapersonal conflicts due to the dissonance of conceptions about their own real and ideal self-image. Such dissonances can hinder the construction of one’s own social roles. Therefore, timely detection of risks of personal dissonance emergence in the sphere of subjective perceptions of one’s own real and ideal self-images becomes one of the leading tasks of providing psychological and psychotherapeutic aid to adolescents, aimed at harmonizing their formation in the process of socialization. The aim of the research is to study the factors that determine the psychological peculiarities of personal dissonance of adolescents in the sphere of real and ideal self-image. The research is based on the use of psychodiagnostic methods of Leary (2004) and Pantileev (1993) for the survey of 303 adolescents of both sexes at the age of 14-17, who recognize the presence of discrepancies between real and ideal self-images. Empirical data has shown a relationship between a constellation of psychological factors that determine the emergence of personal dissonances in the sphere of authoritarianism, dominance, suspicion, aggression, subordination, dependency, friendship and altruism. The research will help to understand the psychological factors of the emergence and functioning of personal dissonances of adolescents, which affect both the system of their self-attitude and the building of their social ties. This opens up prospects for improving psychoprophylactic measures aimed at preventing personal dissonances in adolescents.</p