196 research outputs found

    Carbon baseline in a mixed pine-oak forest in the Juarez mountain range (Oaxaca, Mexico) using the co2fix v.3.2 model = Línea base de carbono en bosque mixto de pino-encino de la sierra Juárez (Oaxaca, México). Aplicación del modelo co2fix v.3.2L

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    Forest stands play a key role in carbon (C) sequestration. Numerous methods and models have been developed to estimate the carbon reservoirs and flows present in these ecosystems. In this study, the CO2FIX v.3.2 simulation model was used to analyse the C baseline in a pine-oak forest in the Juarez Mountain Range (“Sierra Juarez”), Oaxaca, Mexico. The first aim was to compare the results of this model with results obtained by direct sampling and allometric equations. Moreover, a second objective was to identify the elements which constitute the C baseline for a possible assessment of further forestry management which includes the environmental service of C sequestration. Once the data were obtained and results compared with previous studies, it was found that the CO2FIX v3.2 model is capable of determining the C reservoirs and flows in these ecosystems simply and efficiently, thereby enabling estimation of the C baseline. This provides communities with limited economic resources access to a tool which is capable of assessing the ability to sequestrate C and receive support as part of the environmental service of C sequestration

    La tecnología al servicio del consumidor: Análisis prospectivo de las tendencias de innovación tecnológica en los establecimientos comerciales

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    El comportamiento del consumidor a la hora de realizar una operación de compra ha cambiado de manera significativa en los últimos años, esto ha hecho que las empresas tengan que innovar sus modelos de negocios en sus establecimientos para poder satisfacer las exigencias del cliente, el marketing experimental, el paso del multicanal al omnicanal y técnicas como la vigilancia tecnológica o la inteligencia competitiva, han conseguido que las empresas encuentren en las innovaciones tecnológicas al aliado perfecto para rediseñar sus establecimientos al servicio del cliente. En este trabajo vamos a realizar un análisis del comportamiento del consumidor actual y mediante un estudio de vigilancia tecnológica vamos a analizar cuales son las innovaciones que nos podremos encontrar en un futuro no muy lejano y el impacto que tendrán en los usuarios y en los propios establecimientos.Grado en Comerci

    Videojuegos y didáctica de las ciencias sociales.

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    La necesaria innovación de la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales, así como el uso habitual de videojuegos por parte del alumnado, ha llevado a numerosos docentes a llevar al aula propuestas de enseñanza aprendizaje que emplean el videojuego como estrategia. Desde ese momento, ha existido un enconado debate en cuanto a los posibles beneficios o inconvenientes de esta práctica innovadora. Por ello, el presente trabajo pretende mostrar las diferentes posturas del debate científico sobre esta práctica docente. <br /

    Carbon footprint from helitankers: sustainable decision making in aerial wildfire fighting

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    Carbon footprint (CF) can be a key factor stimulating innovation while driving sustainable decision making. The air transport sector and wildfires are considered to be relevant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Among the available resources for wildfire suppression, aerial firefighting ? particularly using helitankers ? is the most effective method. However the high economic costs and fuel-related emissions incurred by helitankers prevent their widespread use. This work aims to calculate the CF from helitankers in order to assess this new indicator for sustainable decision making. The CF is calculated here by a compound method based on the financial accounts of a Spanish company that owns 20 helitankers. The total cumulative corporate CF in 2012 was 5497 t CO2 equivalents. We discuss the influence of the method, its implications and future actions for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Our experience should be considered as a pilot study providing further evidence of the value of using sustainable indicators in decision making

    Weathering Processes on Sandstone Painting and Carving Surfaces at Prehistoric Rock Sites in Southern Spain

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    The sandstones which constitute the host rock for the prehistoric artwork in the Rock Groups of Tajo de las Figuras and Peñas de Cabrera (southern Spain) show a serious degree of alteration, due both to natural processes and those related to anthropogenic and animal activity. A detailed study was carried out on the petrological and compositional characteristics of the sandstones (fresh and altered rock) in both rock groups, and on the geological and climatological characteristics of the area in which they are located. The sandstones have very similar petrological and compositional characteristics in both areas. This likeness causes the nature of the natural weathering processes to be similar in the rock areas studied. These processes can be divided in terms of the predominant mechanisms of alteration into three inter-related categories: mechanical weathering, chemical weathering, and bio-induced alteration processes. However, the different climatic conditions of the areas in which the two rock areas are located directly influences the intensity of these processes. The precipitation and the range of temperature variation with heavy winter frosts in the area of El Tajo de las Figuras are significantly higher than in the area of Peñas de Cabrera; this translates into a higher rate of weathering at El Tajo de las Figuras. Regarding the anthropogenic action, two types of influence on the deterioration can be distinguished: a direct one, which consists of scouring and wetting of the walls in order to increase the chromatic contrast; and an indirect one, which is the extraction of blocks of sandstone in the upper part of rock shelters, which in turn encourages the development of the chemical weathering processes.This study forms part of the research agreement “Study and diagnosis of the archaeological groups and deposits of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in their geomorphological, biological and climatic contexts” financed by the Culture Council, Junta of Andalusia (Spain)

    Análisis de la influencia de las variables situacionales en el rendimiento en futbol U'18

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    El análisis del rendimiento deportivo en deportes de equipo usa habitualmente muestras equipos y deportistas de alto rendimiento deportivo. Estos estudios, aunque de una gran utilidad para entrenadores y jugadores, son difícilmente aplicables a otros contextos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos de las variables situacionales en el resultado final del partido y la competición en fútbol juvenil. Para ello, se analizaron todos los partidos de una liga de categoría juvenil regional española (n= 132). Se utilizó la regresión lineal para comprobar la influencia de las variables situacionales (diferencia de goles en el partido; clasificación final del equipo; localización del partido; marcar primero; amonestaciones; sustituciones; la calidad del oponente y la superficie de juego) en el resultado, la clasificación final y la localización del partido. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia que en el resultado final del partido tiene la localización del partido, anotar primero, la calidad del oponente, las sustituciones y las amonestaciones, mientras que, en la clasificación final, la regresión lineal destaca el efecto de anotar el primer gol, la calidad de la oposición y las sustitucionesTeam sports performance analysis usually uses samples of high performance teams and athletes. Those studies, although useful to trainers and players, are hardly applicable on different contexts. The goal of this study was to analyze the effects of the situational variables on the final score and competition in youth soccer. To achieve this, all games from a Spanish regional youth soccer league (n=132) were analyzed. Linear regressions were used to check the influence of situational variables (score difference; final league standings; match location; scoring first; cards; substitutions; quality of opponent and field surface) on the outcome of the game, final team standings and game location. Results show the importance that the match location, scoring first, rival team quality, substitutions and cards have on the match’s outcome, meanwhile the linear regression highlights the effect of scoring first, rival team quality, and substitutions on the final team standings.• Gobierno de Extremadura y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Proyecto GR 15122peerReviewe

    Development of carbon fiber acrylonitrile styrene acrylate composite for large format additive manufacturing

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    The increasing interest of Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM) technologies in various industrial sectors mainly lies on the attainable production of pieces reaching several cubic meters. These new technologies require the development of optimized materials with two-folded capabilities, able to satisfy functional in-service requirements but also showing a proper printability. Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (ASA) is among the most interesting thermoplastic materials to be implemented in a LFAM device due to its excellent wettability and mechanical properties. This research focuses on the development and characterization of ASA and carbon fiber (CF) ASA composites suitable for LFAM. The rheological, thermal and mechanical properties of neat ASA and ASA containing 20 wt% CF are addressed. The results evidence the higher performance of the CF loaded composite compared to the raw ASA polymer (i.e., the 20 wt% CF composite shows a 350% increase in flexural Young's Modulus and a 500% increment in thermal conductivity compared with neat ASA). Additionally, both materials were successfully printed along perpendicular directions (X and Z), showing the maximum tensile strain for the composite printed along the X orientation as was expected. The results of the flexural tests are comparable or slightly higher than those of injected parts. Finally, the fracture surface was analysed, identifying different types of porosity

    The DNA damage response acts as a safeguardagainst harmful DNA–RNA hybrids ofdifferent origins

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    Despite playing physiological roles in specific situations, DNA–RNA hybrids threat genome integrity. To investigate how cells do counteract spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids, here we screen an siRNA library covering 240 human DNA damage response (DDR) genes and select siRNAs causing DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation and a significant increase in hybrid‐dependent DNA breakage. We identify post‐replicative repair and DNA damage checkpoint factors, including those of the ATM/CHK2 and ATR/CHK1 pathways. Thus, spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids are likely a major source of replication stress, but they can also accumulate and menace genome integrity as a consequence of unrepaired DSBs and post‐replicative ssDNA gaps in normal cells. We show that DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation correlates with increased DNA damage and chromatin compaction marks. Our results suggest that different mechanisms can lead to DNA–RNA hybrids with distinct consequences for replication and DNA dynamics at each cell cycle stage and support the conclusion that DNA–RNA hybrids are a common source of spontaneous DNA damage that remains unsolved under a deficient DDR.European Research Council (ERC2014AdG669898TARLOOP)Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR15-00098

    On a Moser-Steffensen type method for nonlinear systems of equations

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    This paper is devoted to the construction and analysis of a Moser–Steffensen iterative scheme. The method has quadratic convergence without evaluating any derivative nor inverse operator. We present a complete study of the order of convergence for systems of equations, hypotheses ensuring the local convergence, and finally, we focus our attention to its numerical behavior. The conclusion is that the method improves the applicability of both Newton and Steffensen methods having the same order of convergence.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On a Moser–Steffensen type method for nonlinear systems of equations

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    This paper is devoted to the construction and analysis of a Moser–Steffensen iterative scheme. The method has quadratic convergence without evaluating any derivative nor inverse operator. We present a complete study of the order of convergence for systems of equations, hypotheses ensuring the local convergence, and finally, we focus our attention to its numerical behavior. The conclusion is that the method improves the applicability of both Newton and Steffensen methods having the same order of convergence