102 research outputs found

    Reescribir el género a través de la experiencia literaria

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster se propone describir el efecto que puede ejercer la literatura en la vida de estudiantes de 2º de ESO y, más concretamente, en su experiencia del género. Se ha realizado, para ello, una incursión en la teoría de la performatividad literaria y de género (Judith Butler, Jacques Derrida, Erika Fischer-Lichte) para posteriormente aplicar estos postulados teóricos en un proyecto educativo dividido en tres fases. La primera de ellas consiste en una conversación literaria en torno a tres microrrelatos de la escritora zaragozana Patricia Esteban Erlés; la segunda se basa en la escritura de textos hiperbreves por parte del alumnado y, la última, en la puesta en común de los mismos. Las tres experiencias prueban que la lectura literaria y la escritura creativa, tanto a nivel individual como colectivo, pueden dar lugar a una reescritura de lo que conocemos tradicionalmente por “género”.<br /

    The Effect of the Isomeric Chlorine Substitutions on the Honeycomb-Patterned Films of Poly(x-chlorostyrene)s/Polystyrene Blends and Copolymers via Static Breath Figure Technique

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    Polymeric thin films patterned with honeycomb structures were prepared from poly(x-chlorostyrene) and statistical poly(x-chlorostyrene-co-styrene) copolymers by static breath figure method. Each polymeric sample was synthesized by free radical polymerization and its solution in tetrahydrofuran cast on glass wafers under 90% relative humidity (RH). The effect of the chorine substitution in the topography and conformational entropy was evaluated. The entropy of each sample was calculated by using Voronoi tessellation. The obtained results revealed that these materials could be a suitable toolbox to develop a honeycomb patterns with a wide range of pore sizes for a potential use in contact guidance induced culture.This research was funded by the Government of Basque Country, grant ELKARTEK FRONTIERS KK-2017/0096 and grant Grupos de Investigacion IT718-13

    Poly(l-lactide)-Based Anti-Inflammatory Responsive Surfaces for Surgical Implants

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    In the last few decades, surgical implants have been widely used to restore the function of damaged bones or joints. However, it is essential to receive antibiotic or anti-inflammatory treatment to circumvent significant problems associated, such as the colonization of the implanted surface by bacteria or other microorganisms and strong host inflammatory responses. This article presents the effectiveness of the copper catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) (“click”) reaction by the linkage of a fluorophore to the poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) surface. The results were analysed by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle and fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, this current work describes the covalent immobilization of the anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin on a PLLA surface. The CuAAC click reaction was selected to anchor the drug to the polymeric films. The successful bioconjugation of the drug was confirmed by XPS and the change on the contact angle

    A comparative rheological study of amaranth, wheat and chickpea doughs

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    Legume flours due to their nutritional benefits (e.g., high levels of proteins, fiber, complex carbohydrates, micronutrients and vitamins) are ideal ingredients for improving the nutritional value of bread and bakery products. Although proteins has a major role in the quality breads, however, few studies related to the evaluation of doughs containing chickpea flour(or other legume flour) alone or blended with other ingredients have been published. This work performs a comparative study of the flow properties of three different flours: wheat, amaranth and chickpea, at two temperatures. The flow curves showed shear-thinning behaviour although amaranth flour presented the higher values of viscosity and wheat flour de lower values. The influence of the protein content in the three doughs was evaluated by means of step- up-stepdown tests and frequency sweeps (Fig. 1). Amaranth flour presented the higher elastic modulus and the wheat flour the lower. This can explain the compactation observed in gluten-free bread. The results of the flow studies are prone to the combination of cereal and legume flours in order to improve the taste and quality of gluten-free breads.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tutorial action in the EHEA at the Faculty of Pharmacy of US: 4 years of experience of a student mentoring program

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    La Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla (US) tiene en marcha un Programa de Alumnos Tutores desde 2006/07 con el objetivo de que alumnos de cursos superiores (AATT) tutelen a alumnos de nuevo ingreso (1x3). Pretende generar una actitud responsable en los AATT y favorecerles el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, objetivos cualitativos dentro de la educación universitaria que sirven como preparación previa a su inserción en el mundo laboral. La actividad es supervisada por Profesores Tutores (1x3) que analizan la evolución de ambos grupos de alumnos. Es una supervisión activa a través de distintas vías de acción para ayudar a la consecución de objetivos, tales como entrevistas periódicas, revisión de informes, acciones de apoyo como charlas sobre técnicas de estudio, coloquios sobre salidas laborales, exposiciones de las experiencias personales de algunos alumnos recientemente egresados, gestión estratégica de búsqueda de empleo, elaboración de portafolios,… Con respecto a la evolución del programa, el número de profesores ha crecido moderadamente llegando a una situación estable, mientras que el número de alumnos, tanto tutores como tutelados, ha crecido en un ritmo constante acorde a las restricciones indicadas. Los resultados son muy positivos, entendiéndose que el proyecto se enmarca en un contexto más cualitativo que cuantitativo y que el principal objetivo es el robustecimiento de la experiencia y asentar una dinámica de apoyo hacia los alumnos de nuevo ingreso y de planificación de tareas, tutela y responsabilidad en general de los alumnos tutores.The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville (US) has developed a Student Mentoring Program (from 2006/07 - present). The main objective of this project is that senior students act as Mentor Students for students at their first year in the University (1x3). It aims to generate a responsible attitude in mentor students and to promote the development of social skills, qualitative goals within higher education that serve as preparation prior to their integration into the world of work. This activity is supervised by Mentor Professors (1x3) that analyze the evolution of both groups of students. It is an active monitoring through various actions such as regular interviews, review of reports, support operations such as lectures on study skills, seminars on job opportunities, statements of personal experiences of some recently graduated students, strategic management job search, portfolio development... With regard to the development of the program, the number of Mentor Professors has grown moderately, reaching a stable condition, while the number of students, both tutor and supervised, has grown steadily in line with the restrictions indicated. The results are very positive, considering the more qualitative than quantitative character of the project and that the main objectives are the strengthening of the experience and the establishment of a dynamic support to the new students and scheduling and general responsibility for mentor students

    Eugenola: polimero jasangarrien biomasatik erauzitako lehengaia

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    In recent years, the interest of renewable resources in the scientific community has increased. In fact, carbon emissions and their waste have led to the search for more sustainable raw materials. Therefore, replacing fossil fuels with natural raw materials has become urgent. Natural monomers with aromatic and particularly phenolic groups are highly desirable because of the evident thermal, chemical and mechanical properties of the polymeric materials that produce them. This work develops different polymerizations that can be generated using the excellent functionality of the natural raw material called eugenol. For example, radical and cationic polymerization, olefinic metathesis, polycondensation, ene reaction and thiolene reaction.; Azken urteotan, gizartean ingurumenaren kalteaz dagoen kezkak bultzaturik, zientzia-komunitatean baliabide berriztagarrien interesa handitu egin da. Izan ere, karbono-emisioek eta haiek sortzen dituzten hondakinek lehengai jasangarriagoak bilatzera eraman dute. Hortaz, erregai fosilak lehengai naturaletatik ordezkatzea premiazko bihurtu da. Talde aromatikoak eta, bereziki, fenolikoak dituzten monomero naturalak oso desiragarriak dira, sortzen dituzten material polimerikoen propietate termiko, kimiko eta mekaniko nabarmenengatik. Lan honen bidez, eugenola deritzon lehengai naturala-ren funtzionalitate bikainaz baliatuz garatu diren polimerizazioak bildu dira. Alde horretatik, erradikal bidezko polimerizazioa eta kationikoa, metatesi olefinikoa, polikondentsazioa, ene erreakzioak eta tiol-ene erreakzioak erabiliz, eugenol konposatuan oinarritutako polimeroen sintesia aztertu da

    Molecular characterization of chronic liver disease dynamics: From liver fibrosis to acute-on-chronic liver failure

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    Background & aims: The molecular mechanisms driving the progression from early-chronic liver disease (CLD) to cirrhosis and, finally, acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) are largely unknown. Our aim was to develop a protein network-based approach to investigate molecular pathways driving progression from early-CLD to ACLF. Methods: Transcriptome analysis was performed on liver biopsies from patients at different liver disease stages, including fibrosis, compensated cirrhosis, decompensated cirrhosis and ACLF, and control healthy livers. We created 9 liver-specific disease-related protein-protein interaction networks capturing key pathophysiological processes potentially related to CLD. We used these networks as a framework and performed gene set-enrichment analysis (GSEA) to identify dynamic gene profiles of disease progression. Results: Principal component analyses revealed that samples clustered according to the disease stage. GSEA of the defined processes showed an upregulation of inflammation, fibrosis and apoptosis networks throughout disease progression. Interestingly, we did not find significant gene expression differences between compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, while ACLF showed acute expression changes in all the defined liver disease-related networks. The analyses of disease progression patterns identified ascending and descending expression profiles associated with ACLF onset. Functional analyses showed that ascending profiles were associated with inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis, senescence and carcinogenesis networks, while descending profiles were mainly related to oxidative stress and genetic factors. We confirmed by qPCR the upregulation of genes of the ascending profile and validated our findings in an independent patient cohort. Conclusion: ACLF is characterized by a specific hepatic gene expression pattern related to inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis, senescence and carcinogenesis. Moreover, the observed profile is significantly different from that of compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, supporting the hypothesis that ACLF should be considered a distinct entity

    Ductular reaction promotes intrahepatic angiogenesis through Slit2-Roundabout 1 signaling

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    Background and aims: Ductular reaction (DR) expands in chronic liver diseases and correlates with disease severity. Besides its potential role in liver regeneration, DR plays a role in the wound-healing response of the liver, promoting periductular fibrosis and inflammatory cell recruitment. However, there is no information regarding its role in intrahepatic angiogenesis. In the current study we investigated the potential contribution of DR cells to hepatic vascular remodeling during chronic liver disease. Approach and results: In mouse models of liver injury, DR cells express genes involved in angiogenesis. Among angiogenesis-related genes, the expression of Slit2 and its receptor Roundabout 1 (Robo1) was localized in DR cells and neoangiogenic vessels, respectively. The angiogenic role of the Slit2-Robo1 pathway in chronic liver disease was confirmed in ROBO1/2-/+ mice treated with 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine, which displayed reduced intrahepatic neovascular density compared to wild-type mice. However, ROBO1/2 deficiency did not affect angiogenesis in partial hepatectomy. In patients with advanced alcohol-associated disease, angiogenesis was associated with DR, and up-regulation of SLIT2-ROBO1 correlated with DR and disease severity. In vitro, human liver-derived organoids produced SLIT2 and induced tube formation of endothelial cells. Conclusions: Overall, our data indicate that DR expansion promotes angiogenesis through the Slit2-Robo1 pathway and recognize DR cells as key players in the liver wound-healing response.Supported by grants from Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Carlos III (FIS), cofinanced by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Unión Europea, “Una manera de hacer Europa” (FIS PI20/00765, PI17/00673, to P.S.-B; FIS 18-PI18/00862, to I.G and M.C); from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1U01AA026972-01 and AGAUR 2017-SGR-01456, to P.S.-B.); and from the European Foundation for Alcohol Research (EA1653, to P.S.-B.). M.C. is funded by the Ramon y Cajal program from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RYC2019-026662-I. P.G. is funded by the Agencia de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca 2014 SGR 708, Centro de Investigaciónen Red Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBERehd), and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats. S.A. received a grant from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU17/04992). B.A.-B. is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FI16/00203

    Análisis genético preliminar para el estudio de las interacciones intraespecíficas de oso pardo de la Cordillera Cantábrica

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    XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM), Jaca, 5-8 diciembre de 2019.El rascado en los árboles juega un papel fundamental en la comunicación intraespecífica de los osos pardos (Ursus arctos), cuyas áreas de campeo a menudo se encuentran solapadas. A través de estos mensajes, los osos son capaces de reconocer a todos los individuos de su zona sin necesidad de interacciones directas. Se ha demostrado que los osos pardos invierten una parte de su tiempo en la búsqueda activa de las señales químicas dejadas por los conspecíficos como parte esencial de su red de comunicación. El presente trabajo busca descubrir: (a) la red social existente en torno a los árboles de rascado (o árboles de marcaje) del occidente de la Cordillera Cantábrica (n= 18 árboles de rascado); (b) los patrones de marcaje a lo largo de todo el año (n= 32 árboles de rascado); así como(c) entender dinámicas de envejecimiento en la población sujeta a estudio, mediante la toma de muestras de pelo depositado en trampas no lesivas, situadas en Asturias y León, tras el rascado. La recogida de los pelos se ha realizado mensualmente durante un período de un año, por lo que disponemos de un volumen total de 216 muestras, cada una de ellas con material de distintos ejemplares de oso. Se ha realizado la extracción genética de cada pelo con un total de ocho folículos pilosos por muestra, de forma que la posibilidad de error disminuya al 5% y se obtenga una concentración de ADN nuclear suficiente para su identificación. Para la determinación del individuo, sexo y rango de edad se han escogido siete marcadores microsatélites, descritos como los más informativos para este fin. La población occidental es la que cuenta con el mayor número de individuos de la población pero, en base a los resultados preliminares y debido a la limitada variabilidad genética es necesario determinar si es suficiente para realizar una correcta identificación individual. Datos preliminares muestran que los patrones anuales en el rascado se han estudiado como una variable en torno a la época del año, siendo los meses de abril a septiembre de los que mayor cantidad de pelo se obtiene, así como en los meses en torno a la hibernación cuando se denota una reducción en el comportamiento de rascado coincidente con su disminución de actividad