126 research outputs found

    De la investigación a la difusión: La experimentación como recurso didáctico en la elaboración de modelos de divulgación y puesta en valor del patrimonio arqueológico

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    La Didáctica que aborda aspectos arqueológicos, se ha revelado como una de las mejores herramientas para la comprensión del pasado, siendo en la actualidad un complemento imprescindible en museos, exposiciones temporales y puestas en valor de yacimientos arqueológicos. Ofreciendo este tipo de recursos didácticos a la sociedad, se favorece la identificación y el respeto hacia el Patrimonio, de una forma comprensible y amenaThe didactic covering archeological aspects has become a powerful tool toward our understanding of the Past. Nowadays didactic has turned out to be a mandatory element, in museums, temporal exhibits and archeological sites. Offering this kind of educational resources to society we are promoting the knowledge and respect to heritage in a comprehensible and enjoyable wa

    Nuevos métodos para viejas tecnologías: análisis y documentación de los materiales arqueológicos mediante la aplicación de sistemas Láser-scanner 3D

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    [ES] El presente trabajo de investigación, pretende contribuir a profundizar en la cada vez más frecuente aplicación de Nuevas Tecnologías (Láser-scanner 3D) en la disciplina arqueológica, con el objetivo de desarrollar nuevas vías de estudio relacionadas con la documentación, análisis, divulgación, conservación y puesta en valor del registro material arqueológico. Para abordar este proyecto con garantías de éxito, hemos considerado indispensable llevarlo a cabo en un entorno de trabajo multidisciplinar (Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la UAM y grupo de investigación DAVAP del Departamento de Fotogrametría de la UVA), estrategia que nos permitirá desde una perspectiva conjunta, explorar y evaluar las múltiples posibilidades que nos ofrece el registro de materiales arqueológicos en 3D mediante Láser-Scanner, con el propósito de progresar en la obtención de resultados científicos y divulgativos más completos y acordes con el desarrollo actual de nuestra sociedad.[EN] This research work, aims to contribute to the increasing application of new technologies (3D laser-scanner) in the archaeological discipline, with the aim of developing new avenues of study related documentation, analysis, dissemination, conservation and value of the archaeological register. To tackle this project successfully, we considered essential to implement a multidisciplinary working environment (Department of Prehistory and Archeology of the UAM and research group, Department of Photogrammetry DAVAP of UVA), strategy that will enable us in a joint and evaluate the many possibilities it offers us the register of archaeological materials in 3D Laser-Scanner, with the aim of advancing scientific results more informative and complete and consistent with the current development of our societyAgradecer la ayuda recibida por el Gabinete de Prehistoria de la UAM, y especialmente al apoyo prestado por el proyecto de investigación de I+D (ref. Hum. 2007/645056) “Economía y Sociedad durante el Calcolítico de la Meseta: El yacimiento de Camino de las Yeseras” (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid). Asimismo, agradezco la labor de los directores de los trabajos de campo desarrollados en los yacimientos citados (Inmaculada Rus, Concepción Blasco y Jorge Vega).Rubio Gil, D.; Martínez Rubio, J.; Baena Preysler, J.; Fernández Martín, JJ.; Finat Codes, J. (2010). Nuevos métodos para viejas tecnologías: análisis y documentación de los materiales arqueológicos mediante la aplicación de sistemas Láser-scanner 3D. Virtual Archaeology Review. 1(1):169-173. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.5141OJS16917311BENAZZI, Stefano; FANTINI, Massimiliano; DE CRESCENZIO, Francesca; PERSIANI, Franco; y GRUPPIONI, Giorgio (2009): "Improving the spatial orientation of human teeth using a virtual 3D approach". Journal of Archaeological Science 56, 2009, pp. 286-293. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2008.07.006BLASCO, Concepción; DELIBES, Germán; BAENA, Javier; LIESAU, Corina; y Ríos, Patricia (2007): "El poblado Calcolítico de Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid): Un escenario favorable para el estudio de la incidencia campaniforme en el interior peninsular". Trabajos de Prehistoria, 64, Nº 1, pp. 151-163.FINAT, Javier; MARTÍNEZ, José; FERNÁNDEZ, Juan José; SAN JOSÉ, Jesús; y TAPIAS, A (2005): "Hybrid Strategies for applying Virtual Reality on Laser Scanning 3d files", en S.El-Hakim et al (eds):"Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures" The Intl. Archives of the ISPRS, Vol. XXXVI, Part: 5/W.17, 2005.GROSMAN, Leore; SMIKT, Oded y SMILANSKY, Uzy (2008): "On the application of 3-D scanning technology for the documentation and typology of lithic artifacts". Journal of Archaeological Science 30, 2008, pp. 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2008.06.011IRUJO RUIZ, D.J. y PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P. (2007): "Aplicaciones 3D en cerámica prehistórica contextos arqueológicos gallegos: Un estudio sobre percepción visual". Arqueoweb 7 (2), 2007.KARASIK, Avshalom y SMILANSKY, Uzy (2008): "3D scanning technology as a standard archaeological tool for pottery analysis: practice and theory". Journal of Archaeological Science 35, 2008, pp. 1148-1168. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2007.08.008MAFART, Bertrand; GUIPERT, Gaspard; DE LUMLEY, Mª Antoinette y SUBSOL, Gérard (2004): "3D computer Imaging of hominid fossils: A new step in human evolution studies". JACR VOL. 55, Nº 4, 2004, pp. 264-270.SOPENA VICIÉN, Mª Cruz (2006): "La investigación arqueológica a partir del dibujo informatizado de cerámica". Saldvie, Nº 6, 2006, pp. 13-27.TEJADO SEBASTIÁN, J. Mª (2005): "Escaneado en 3D y prototipado de piezas arqueológicas: Las Nuevas Tecnologías en el registro, conservación y difusión del Patrimonio Arqueológico". Iberia, Nº 8, 2005, pp. 135-158

    Plasmodium species differentiation by non-expert on-line volunteers for remote malaria field diagnosis

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    BACKGROUND: Routine field diagnosis of malaria is a considerable challenge in rural and low resources endemic areas mainly due to lack of personnel, training and sample processing capacity. In addition, differential diagnosis of Plasmodium species has a high level of misdiagnosis. Real time remote microscopical diagnosis through on-line crowdsourcing platforms could be converted into an agile network to support diagnosis-based treatment and malaria control in low resources areas. This study explores whether accurate Plasmodium species identification-a critical step during the diagnosis protocol in order to choose the appropriate medication-is possible through the information provided by non-trained on-line volunteers. METHODS: 88 volunteers have performed a series of questionnaires over 110 images to differentiate species (Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium knowlesi) and parasite staging from thin blood smear images digitalized with a smartphone camera adapted to the ocular of a conventional light microscope. Visual cues evaluated in the surveys include texture and colour, parasite shape and red blood size. RESULTS: On-line volunteers are able to discriminate Plasmodium species (P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax, P. ovale, P. knowlesi) and stages in thin-blood smears according to visual cues observed on digitalized images of parasitized red blood cells. Friendly textual descriptions of the visual cues and specialized malaria terminology is key for volunteers learning and efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: On-line volunteers with short-training are able to differentiate malaria parasite species and parasite stages from digitalized thin smears based on simple visual cues (shape, size, texture and colour). While the accuracy of a single on-line expert is far from perfect, a single parasite classification obtained by combining the opinions of multiple on-line volunteers over the same smear, could improve accuracy and reliability of Plasmodium species identification in remote malaria diagnosis.M.L. holds a postdoctoral Fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FPDI-2013-16409). JMB thanks the support by MINECO through research Grants BIO2013-44565R and BIO2016-77430R. MP, SGC, DC and MLO work was supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (COOP-XVII-02), Madrid Regional Government (TOPUS S2013/MIT-3024), the European Regional Development Funds, Amazon Web Services and Fundación Renta CorporaciónS

    ZnO-mesoporous glass scaffolds loaded with osteostatin and mesenchymal cells improve bone healing in a rabbit bone defect.

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    The use of 3D scaffolds based on mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBG) enhanced with therapeutic ions, biomolecules and cells is emerging as a strategy to improve bone healing. In this paper, the osteogenic capability of ZnO-enriched MBG scaffolds loaded or not with osteostatin (OST) and human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) was evaluated after implantation in New Zealand rabbits. Cylindrical meso-macroporous scaffolds with composition (mol %) 82.2SiO2–10.3CaO–3.3P2O5–4.2ZnO (4ZN) were obtained by rapid prototyping and then, coated with gelatin for easy handling and potentiating the release of inorganic ions and OST. Bone defects (7.5 mm diameter, 12 mm depth) were drilled in the distal femoral epiphysis and filled with 4ZN, 4ZN+MSC, 4ZN+OST or 4ZN+MSC+OST materials to evaluate and compare their osteogenic features. Rabbits were sacrificed at 3 months extracting the distal third of bone specimens for necropsy, histological and microtomography (µCT) evaluations. Systems investigated exhibited bone regeneration capability. Thus, trabecular bone volume density (BV/TV) values obtained from µCT showed that the good bone healing capability of 4ZN was significantly improved by the scaffolds coated with OST and MSC. Our findings in vivo suggest the interest of these MBG complete systems to improve bone repair in the clinical practice

    CPV hybrid system in ISFOC building, first results

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    PV Off-Grid systems have demonstrated to be a good solution for the electrification of remote areas [1]. A hybrid system is one kind of these systems. The principal characteristic is that it uses PV as the main generator and has a backup power supply, like a diesel generator, for instance, that is used when the CPV generation is not enough to meet demand. To study the use of CPV in these systems, ISFOC has installed a demonstration hybrid system at its headquarters. This hybrid system uses CPV technology as main generator and the utility grid as the backup generator. A group of batteries have been mounted as well to store the remaining energy from the CPV generator when nedeed. The energy flows are managed by a SMA system based on Sunny Island inverters and a Multicluster-Box (figure 1). The Load is the air-conditioning system of the building, as it has a consumption profile higher than the CPV generator and can be controlled by software [2]. The first results of this system, as well as the first chances of improvement, as the need of a bigger CPV generator and a better management of the energy stored in the batteries, are presented in this paper

    Treatment Of A Patient With Thoracolumbar Scoliosis Utilizing A Regional Interdependence Approach Including Components Of The Schroth Method: A Case Report

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    Background and Purpose: Spinal deformity is a challenging spinal disorder in adults. A scoliotic curve of \u3e10 degrees exists in up to 12% of the population and while surgery is the definitive measure, there is limited evidence to guide non-surgical treatment. This case investigated traditional physical therapy (PT) treatment utilizing a Regional Interdependence Approach (RIA) and components of the Schroth method for a patient with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Case Description: A 66 year old male presented with CLBP, worst upon rising in the AM with (6/10 NPRS). Imaging demonstrated thoracolumbar dextroscoliosis, bilateral foraminal narrowing and associated spondylolisthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebrae. A RIA exam revealed mobility deficits of thoracolumbar spine, instability of L5-S1, and a 1.38” leg length discrepancy. A comprehensive treatment approach was used including lumbar stabilization exercises and postural therapy, including components of the Schroth method. Outcomes: Following 12 weeks, pain improved from 6/10 to 4/105, with the patient reporting no pain when arising from bed. 30-second sit to stand improved from five to eight. Following implementation of a shoe lift visible changes were noted in pelvic symmetry. However, the degree of scoliosis appeared unchanged and no subjective improvements were noted on the Roland-Morris Low Back Pain Questionnaire (RMLBPQ)

    Molecular Characterization of Spontaneous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transformation

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    Background. We previously reported the in vitro spontaneous transformation of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) generating a population with tumorigenic potential, that we termed transformed mesenchymal cells (TMC). Methodology/Principal Findings. Here we have characterized the molecular changes associated with TMC generation. Using microarrays techniques we identified a set of altered pathways and a greater number of downregulated than upregulated genes during MSC transformation, in part due to the expression of many untranslated RNAs in MSC. Microarray results were validated by qRT-PCR and protein detection. Conclusions/Significance. In our model, the transformation process takes place through two sequential steps; first MSC bypass senescence by upregulating c-myc and repressing p16 levels. The cells then bypass cell crisis with acquisition of telomerase activity, Ink4a/Arf locus deletion and Rb hyperphosphorylation. Other transformation-associated changes include modulation of mitochondrial metabolism, DNA damage-repair proteins and cell cycle regulators. In this work we have characterized the molecular mechanisms implicated in TMC generation and we propose a two-stage model by which a human MSC becomes a tumor cell

    Sistema de control de aeronaves no tripuladas de ala rotatoria para aterrizaje vertical en superficies móviles mediante pre-alimentación de fuerzas en el sistema de control

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    Mejora del sistema de control para el aterrizaje de una aeronave VTOL no tripulada sobre una plataforma móvil, consistente en la adición de un sistema de control basado en unos sensores, que miden la tensión del cable que une la aeronave con la plataforma de aterrizaje y los ángulos de orientación de dicho cable con respecto a un sistema asociado a la aeronave, y un módulo de control que toma como entradas la tensión —tanto en magnitud como en dirección-, obtenida de los citados sensores, además de las consignas de control generadas por el controlador de la aeronave. El módulo de control objeto de la invención calcula, a partir de la tensión en el cable, correcciones a introducir en las consignas de control, que se adelantan a las perturbaciones que se producirán en la posición de la aeronave como consecuencia de los cambios en la tensión del cable.Españ