874 research outputs found

    Indicaciones de la Ventilación Mecánica No Invasiva en el Servicio de Urgencias

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    La ventilación mecánica no invasiva (VMNI) se trata de un soporte ventilatorio utilizado como un apoyo al paciente con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, secundaria a patologías como la agudización de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) y el edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico (EAPc), según los grados de evidencia obtenidos en diferentes artículos. Siendo tratadas cada una de ellas con distintas modalidades de VMNI, como son la BiPAP y la CPAP. El propósito de este trabajo es la revisión de los estudios existentes acerca de las indicaciones en los Servicios de Urgencias y las intervenciones y cuidados de enfermería correspondientes a la técnica a realizar. Existen pocos estudios relacionados con el tema, ya que son pocos los Servicios de Urgencias que utilizan este soporte como línea de tratamiento. Es importante la formación y el entrenamiento del personal implicado en este tipo de técnica o soporte ventilatorio dentro del servicio; siendo de gran importancia la implicación de los profesionales de enfermería, ya que se requiere una constante monitorización del enfermo para así poder asegurar el éxito y disminuir las complicaciones. Los profesionales de enfermería son un factor clave para el éxito de esta técnica. Su uso precoz, como primera línea de tratamiento para dichas patologías es primordial, ya que reduce el número de intubaciones orotraqueales y sus complicaciones, los ingresos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y el aumento de la estancia y la mortalidad hospitalaria, comparado con los métodos tradicionales de oxigenoterapia. El objetivo principal de esta técnica es corregir del modo más eficaz la insuficiencia respiratoria y sus consecuencias fisiopatológicas (hipoxemia, hipercapnea, acidosis respiratoria, fatiga muscular, etc).Grado en Enfermerí

    Value co-creation in third-party managed virtual communities and brand equity

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    Value co-creation continues to be a key issue in the era of marketing 4.0. Despite an increasing amount of research on value co-creation, there is still a lot of ambiguity in the use of certain terms. For example, different names are used to refer to the same concept. Even though the concept of co-innovation or co-production has nearly the same meaning as co-creation, there are certain differences between them that must be clarified. In addition, another difficulty found in the literature is that the co-creation concept is frequently applied to different objects of study, such that it might be dealing with brand value co-creation, co-creation of experience, co-creation attitude, etc. In order to clarify these issues, this paper presents a brief review of the relevant literature on value co-creation

    Engagement del consumidor a través del contenido generado por las empresas en instagram

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of consumers’ perceptions of the enjoyment and originality of firm-generated content (FGC) posted on Instagram on affective customer engagement (CE). In addition, an examination is undertaken of affective CE as a driver of customer behaviour. Design/methodology/approach: The paper takes a quantitative approach using a sample of 334 women followers of an eco-friendly restaurant Instagram account. After validation of the measurement scales, the hypotheses were tested through structural equation modelling. Drawing on the stimuli-organism-response framework the authors posit that consumers’ perceptions of the enjoyment and originality of Instagram posts generate affective CE, which, in turn, influences customer behaviour. Findings: The results showed that the perceived enjoyment and perceived originality of Instagram posts generated by an eco-friendly restaurant have a positive influence on affective CE, which, in turn, affects consumers’ recommendation behaviours, intention to follow the restaurant’s advice on Instagram and intention to revisit the restaurant. Originality/value: This research provides novel insights into how the perceived enjoyment and originality of FGC posted on Instagram increases women’s affective engagement and expands knowledge of how affective CE might increase positive electronic word-of-mouth, intention to follow the restaurant’s advice and repurchase intentionsUniversity of Valencia (Spain) under Grant UV-INV-AE19-121225

    Females' customer engagement with eco-friendly restaurants in Instagram: the role of past visits.

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine the effect on the customer brand engagement (CBE) of followers of an eco-friendly restaurant of their perceptions of the originality of the firm-generated content posted online by the restaurant and the effect of CBE on brand advocacy and behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant, paying special attention to the moderating role of past visits to the restaurant. Design/methodology/approach - The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling with a sample of 491 female Instagram users who follow the online account of a particular eco-friendly dining establishment. Two group comparisons were conducted to test the moderating effects in relationships between CBE and consumer-brand interactions (behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant and brand advocacy). Findings - Followers' perceptions of the originality of the material posted by the eco-friendly restaurant had a positive influence on CBE which, in turn, affected brand advocacy and behavioural intentions to visit the restaurant. Past visits moderated the relationship between CBE and consumer-brand interactions. Practical implications - This study offers restaurants an understanding of how to develop marketing strategies targeted at females on visual-based social networks; it is shown that original posts encourage favourable responses, such as CBE, brand advocacy and behavioural intentions. Managers should organise events and invite their female followers to visit the restaurant. Originality/value - This study adds to the knowledge about customer engagement by explaining how firm-generated content posted on Instagram drives CBE and provides specific suggestions as to how restauranteurs might engage online with their clients. This study goes beyond direct effects and analyses the moderating role of past visits to the restaurant on the relationships between CBE and consumer-brand interactions (visiting intentions and brand advocacy)

    Modelación de respuestas ordinales longitudinales mediante Modelos Lineales Generalizados Mixtos

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    Los Modelos Lineales Generalizados Mixtos (MLGM) son una extensión del modelo lineal generalizado (MLG) adicionando los efectos aleatorios. En particular en estudios longitudinales un camino de modelación es considerar al individuo como efecto aleatorio. En este trabajo se analiza la aplicabilidad de dichos modelos para el caso de una variable de respuesta ordinal cuando los datos son de naturaleza longitudinal. Para ilustrar las técnicas abordadas en esta investigación se modela la variable ordinal clase diamétrica de distintos grupos funcionales de plantas expuestos a diferentes intensidades de perturbación a lo largo del tiempo, en dos bosques tropicales Mesoamericanos de Costa Rica: Tirimbina y Corinto. En una primera instancia, se aplican técnicas de análisis multivariado para la caracterización de la variable de respuesta ordinal, tanto para definir una recategorización de la misma como para realizar un análisis descriptivo de los efectos que intervienen en el diseño del problema. Se probaron cuatro modelos Log - Acumulados considerando el cumplimiento o no del supuesto de proporcionalidad e incorporando el efecto aleatorio del individuo. Del análisis de estos modelos se destacan ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. Para el caso concreto de estudio se propone un Modelo Log – Acumulado Mixto no proporcional que tiene en cuenta la ordinalidad de la variable, el carácter longitudinal de los datos y presenta la flexibilidad suficiente como para permitir la modelación sujeto específico.Fil: Rubio, Natalia. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Economía y Administración; Argentina

    How Chatbot Language Shapes Consumer Perceptions: The Role of Concreteness and Shared Competence.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/13968 (submitted version)In service settings, chatbots frequently are associated with substandard care, depersonalization, and linguistic misunderstandings. Drawing on assemblage theory (i.e., the examination of how heterogeneous parts, through their ongoing interaction, create an emergent whole with new capacities that the parts themselves do not have), the authors investigate how chatbots’ language concreteness—the specificity of words used during interactions with consumers—can help improve satisfaction, willingness to use the chatbot, and perceived shopping efficiency. Across three experiments, the findings reveal a psychological mechanism driven by concrete chatbot language that makes chatbots seem competent and reinforces consumer self-competence, in turn boosting satisfaction, willingness to use the chatbot, and perceived shopping efficiency. This pattern of results contributes to consumer behavior by providing evidence of the chatbot language concreteness effect on consumer–chatbot interactions. For practitioners, the authors outline conversational designs that could help optimize implementation of chatbots in customer service.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the TED2021-129513B-C22 project, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR (grant numbers 130519B-I00, AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2020-113561RB-I00)

    Find a flight for me, Oscar! Motivational customer experiences with chatbots.

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    Purpose. Drawing on the self-determination theory, the assemblage theory, and customer experience literature, we aim to develop a framework to understand motivational customer experiences with chatbots. Design/methodology/approach. We employ a multimethod approach to examine the interaction between individuals and airlines’ chatbots. Three components of self-determined interaction with the chatbot (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) and five components of the customer–chatbot experience (sensory, intellectual, affective, behavioral, and social) are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Findings. The findings confirm the direct influence of self-determined interaction on customer experience and the direct effects of these two constructs on participants’ attitudes toward and satisfaction with the chatbot. The model also supports the mediating roles of customer experience and attitude toward the chatbot. Practical Implications. We offer managers a broad understanding of individuals’ interactions with chatbots through three elements: motivation to use chatbots, experiential responses, and individuals’ valuation of whether the interactions have amplified (or limited) the outcomes obtained from the experience. Originality/value. We contribute to the hospitality and tourism literature with a hybrid approach that reflects on current theoretical developments regarding human- and interaction-centric interpretations of customer experience with chatbots.This research was funded by the (a) Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía, Grupo SEJ-567; (b) the Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech, Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia (Spain); and (c) the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant number PID2020-113561RB-I00

    Alta sensibilidad y depresión. Una relación mediada por el sesgo atencional

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    34 p.Las personas altamente sensibles presentan mayores tasas de problemas de salud mental. El trastorno depresivo mayor es uno de los trastornos que mayor probabilidad tienen de sufrir las personas con este rasgo. La mayor capacidad para detectar emociones y estímulos del entorno podría estar mediando esta relación. El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar si las personas altamente sensibles presentan el mismo sesgo atencional hacia la información negativa que las personas depresivas. Se seleccionaron 116 de sujetos a los que se les administró la escala de alta sensibilidad, un cuestionario de depresión y un instrumento diseñado para medir el sesgo atencional. Este instrumento contenía imágenes de caras felices y caras tristes. Los resultados mostraron correlación entre alta sensibilidad y depresión, correlación positiva entre depresión y sesgo atencional y alta sensibilidad para caras tristes.Highly sensitive persons have more mental health issues. Major depression is one of the most prevalent mental health problem in highly sensitive persons. This relation could be mediated by their empathy and their ability to detect environmental stimuli. The aim of the present study is to examine whether highly sensitive persons present an attentional bias to negative stimuli as it happens in major depression. The sample was formed by 116 subjects. They had to complete the highly sensitive persons scale, the Beck´s depression inventory and an instrument designed to measure attentional bias. This instrument was composed of photographs that show happy and sad faces. The results showed significative correlation between high sensitivity and depression, positive correlation between depression, high sensitivity and attentional bias for sad faces.Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria (M169

    Las marcas de la distribución: desarrollo de un marco de análisis desde la perspectiva de la oferta y de un modelo explicativo de su demanda

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Financiación e Investigación Comercial. Fecha de lectura: 25-6-0
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