13,594 research outputs found

    Influences of Religion in Rap Music

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    This article covers the intersection of religion and rap music. It covers many popular rappers of the current era and how their success has been bolstered by religious influence in their music

    A streamline derivative POD-ROM for advection-diffusion-reaction equations

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    We introduce a new streamline derivative projection-based closure modeling strategy for the numerical stabilization of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Reduced Order Models (PODROM). As a first preliminary step, the proposed model is analyzed and tested for advection-dominated advection-diffusion-reaction equations. In this framework, the numerical analysis for the Finite Element (FE) discretization of the proposed new POD-ROM is presented, by mainly deriving the corresponding error estimates. Numerical tests for advection-dominated regime show the efficiency of the proposed method, as well the increased accuracy over the standard POD-ROM that discovers its well-known limitations very soon in the numerical settings considered, i.e. for low diffusion coefficients.Nous introduisons une nouvelle stratégie de modélisation de type streamline derivative basée sur projection pour la stabilisation numérique de modèles d’ordre réduit de type POD (PODROM). Comme première étape préliminaire, le modèle proposé est analysé et testé pour les équations d’advection-diffusion-réaction dominées par l’advection. Dans ce cadre, l’analyse numérique de la discrétisation par éléments finis (FE) du nouveau POD-ROM proposé est présentée, en dérivant principalement les estimations d’erreur correspondantes. Des tests numériques pour le régime dominé par l’advection montrent l’efficacité de la méthode proposée, ainsi que la précision accrue par rapport à la méthode POD-ROM standard qui d´ecouvre très rapidement ses limites bien connues dans le cas des paramètres numériques considérés, c’est-à-dire pour de faibles coefficients de diffusion

    Echo State Queueing Network: a new reservoir computing learning tool

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    In the last decade, a new computational paradigm was introduced in the field of Machine Learning, under the name of Reservoir Computing (RC). RC models are neural networks which a recurrent part (the reservoir) that does not participate in the learning process, and the rest of the system where no recurrence (no neural circuit) occurs. This approach has grown rapidly due to its success in solving learning tasks and other computational applications. Some success was also observed with another recently proposed neural network designed using Queueing Theory, the Random Neural Network (RandNN). Both approaches have good properties and identified drawbacks. In this paper, we propose a new RC model called Echo State Queueing Network (ESQN), where we use ideas coming from RandNNs for the design of the reservoir. ESQNs consist in ESNs where the reservoir has a new dynamics inspired by recurrent RandNNs. The paper positions ESQNs in the global Machine Learning area, and provides examples of their use and performances. We show on largely used benchmarks that ESQNs are very accurate tools, and we illustrate how they compare with standard ESNs.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA, 201

    Mengatasi Pecandu Narkoba (Pendekatan Psikologi Dakwah)

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    Narkotika dan Obat-obat terlarang yang disingkat Narkoba atau dengan istilah lain disebut NAZA (Narkotika, Alkohol dan Zat Adiktif) merupakan zat- zat yang apabila dipergunakan secara tidak benar maka sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. Orang yang mengalami kecanduan narkoba, bukan saja membahayakan kesehatan jasmaninya tetapi juga kesehatan rohaninya bahkan akan dapat meng-hancurkan kesehatan sosial. Oleh karena itu, dengan begitu besarnya dampak negatif dari kecanduan narkoba ini, maka tentunya harus senantiasa diupayakan solusi untuk mengatasinya agar bagi para pecandu narkoba dapat menghentikan perbuatannya dan bagi mereka yang belum terkena dapat terhindar dari dampak negatif narkoba tersebut, dan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi pencandu narkoba tersebut yaitu melalui pendekatan Psikologi Dakwah

    Nonstationary westward translation of nonlinear frontal warm-core eddies

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    For the first time, an analytical theory and a very high-resolution, frontal numerical model, both based on the unsteady, nonlinear, reduced-gravity shallow water equations on a beta plane, have been used to investigate aspects of the migration of homogeneous surface, frontal warm-core eddies on a beta plane. Under the assumption that, initially, such vortices are surface circular anticyclones of paraboloidal shape and having both radial and azimuthal velocities that are linearly dependent on the radial coordinate (i.e., circular pulsons of the first order), approximate analytical expressions are found that describe the nonstationary trajectories of their centers of mass for an initial stage as well as for a mature stage of their westward migration. In particular, near-inertial oscillations are evident in the initial migration stage, whose amplitude linearly increases with time, as a result of the unbalanced vortex initial state on a beta plane. Such an initial amplification of the vortex oscillations is actually found in the first stage of the evolution of warm-core frontal eddies simulated numerically by means of a frontal numerical model initialized using the shape and velocity fields of circular pulsons of the first order. In the numerical simulations, this stage is followed by an adjusted, complex nonstationary state characterized by a noticeable asymmetry in the meridional component of the vortex's horizontal pressure gradient, which develops to compensate for the variations of the Coriolis parameter with latitude. Accordingly, the location of the simulated vortex's maximum depth is always found poleward of the location of the simulated vortex's center of mass. Moreover, during the adjusted stage, near-inertial oscillations emerge that largely deviate from the exactly inertial ones characterizing analytical circular pulsons: a superinertial and a subinertial oscillation in fact appear, and their frequency difference is found to be an increasing function of latitude. A comparison between vortex westward drifts simulated numerically at different latitudes for different vortex radii and pulsation strengths and the corresponding drifts obtained using existing formulas shows that, initially, the simulated vortex drifts correspond to the fastest predicted ones in many realistic cases. As time elapses, however, the development of a beta-adjusted vortex structure, together with the effects of numerical dissipation, tend to slow down the simulated vortex drift
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