203 research outputs found

    Direct Glutamatergic Signaling From Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons Onto Pyramidal Prefrontal Cortex Neurons

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    The dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) have been identified with the ability to co-release dopamine and glutamate. This ability was first documented in the nucleus accumbens but showed to be absent in the dorsal striatum. Recently the ability to release glutamate from a subpopulation of the VTA dopaminergic neurons has been shown to control the prefrontal cortex (PFC) excitation through the exclusive innervation of GABAergic fast spiking interneurons. Here, using an optogenetic approach, we expand this view by presenting that the VTA dopaminergic neurons do not only innervate interneurons but also pyramidal PFC neurons. This finding opens the range of possibilities for the VTA dopaminergic neurons to modulate the activity of PFC

    Optically feeding 1.75 W with 100 m MMF in efficient C-RAN front-hauls with Sleep Modes

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    Using bundles of multimode optical fibers (MMF) as part of the 5G centralized radio access networks front-haul solutions for optically powering of low power consumption Remote Radio Heads (RRH) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated with 100 m of 200 mum core diameter MMF. From the 34.85 W electrical power provided to the system, 1.748 W are delivered to the load, giving an overall 5% efficiency, being the temperature controller of the High Power Lasers the most critical element. If intermediates results are considered, the efficiency from input optical power to electrical power after the PV cells is 43.4%. The RRH manages 2.34 W for control, battery charge, communications and the load operation. The system includes a low power bidirectional control channel that provides the capability of enabling different sleep modes and sending information about the status of the battery and sensing elements at RRH. The RRH has a minimum power consumption of 3.15 mW. Optimized design of different elements of the system are included. The system is tested by feeding a RF power amplifier at the RRH; providing a stable power supply and EVM performance below 17.8% with QPSK on a 20 GHz RF carrier.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) and H2020 European Union programme under Grants RTI2018-094669-B-C32 and Y2018/EMT-4892, in part by Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors under Grant EPUC3M26, and in part by the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation) and 5G PPP Bluespace project under Grant n°.762055, respectively.Publicad


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    Se realizó una investigación para conocer el efecto de la polinización artificial y la aplicación de un bioestimulante sobre la productividad y calidad del olivo bajo condiciones desérticas. El experimento se realizó en la SPR Campo Aguilar en Caborca, Sonora durante el año 2007. En el se utilizó una huerta de ocho años de edad del cultivar Manzanillo, establecido a un distanciamiento de 10x5m (200 árboles ha-1) y bajo riego por goteo. Para la polinización artificial se utilizó polen del cultivar Sevillano, realizándose dos aplicaciones (3 y 5 de abril) con una dosis total de 70 g ha-1. El bioestimulante utilizado fue bioforte con el cual se realizaron dos aplicaciones, una antes de la floración (29 de marzo) y la otra en plena floración (10 de abril). Los resultados mostraron que la polinización artificial incrementó el rendimiento y redujo el porcentaje de frutos partenocárpicos sin afectar la calidad del fruto. El rendimiento obtenido en árboles polinizados artificialmente fue de 2464 kg ha-1 contra 1273 kg ha-1 en los árboles no polinizados. La aplicación del bioestimulante no tuvo efecto en el rendimiento ni en la calidad de la aceituna

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa Teleperformance Colombia

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    no aplicaLa Supply Chain Management se puede definir como la gestión de un producto o servicio desde su planificación hasta la entrega al consumidor final. Esto supone la implementación de una serie de medidas para garantizar la satisfacción del usuario sin dejar a un lado la reducción de costos. La cadena de suministro requiere la planeación de la oferta y la demanda, alianzas con proveedores para reducir los tiempos y costos de entrega, manufactura flexible que minimice costos y aumente velocidades de producción, entrega eficiente de productos a clientes finales. El termino Supply Chain se usó por primera vez en el año 1982 por el consultor Keith Oliver en Booz Allen Hamilton, lo empleó durante una entrevista a la revista Financial Times, sin embargo solo hasta mediados de los 90s empezaron a hacerse publicaciones del tema, David Blachard en 1990 definió la cadena de suministros como “La secuencia de eventos que cubren el ciclo de vida entero de un producto o servicio desde que es concebido hasta que es consumido”, para el año 2001 Jhon Mentzer amplia esta definición como el “conjunto de tres o más entidades (organizaciones o individuos) directamente involucradas en los flujos descendentes y ascendentes de productos, servicios, finanzas e información desde la fuente primaria de producción hasta el cliente final.” Esta ampliación del concepto lleva a que en 2005 la Council of Logistics Management cambie su nombre por Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. Entendiendo la importancia de la cadena de suministro y las ventajas que esta ofrece, se realiza la búsqueda de una empresa la cual se pueda ver beneficiada con la implementación de esta, entendiendo las dificultades que ocasionó la aparición de la pandemia por COVID-19 a nivel laboral, se define realizar una análisis de los procesos logísticos de la empresa TELEPERFORMANCE, entendiendo que por la situación mundial se vio forzada a trasladar sus operaciones a los hogares de cada uno de sus trabajadores lo cual significó un proceso logístico complejo que requería de una implementación inmediata, por lo cual existieron factores que no se tuvieron en cuenta y que en la actualidad pueden estar afectando la calidad y costos de la operación. Dado lo anterior el presente documento busca identificar cada una de las falencias de la cadena de suministro desarrollada por la empresa TELEPERFORMANCE, y paralelamente se busca desarrollar documentos y/o actividades que permitan una mejor implementación de cada una de las actividades que componen la Supply Chain Management , de esta manera TP obtendrá reducción de costos de operación, mejor relacionamiento con proveedores y satisfacción del cliente final, tal como los autores mencionados lo describen.no aplic

    A Functional Link between AMPK and Orexin Mediates the Effect of BMP8B on Energy Balance

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    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) and orexin (OX) in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) modulate brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis. However, whether these two molecular mechanisms act jointly or independently is unclear. Here, we show that the thermogenic effect of bone morphogenetic protein 8B (BMP8B) is mediated by the inhibition of AMPK in the VMH and the subsequent increase in OX signaling via the OX receptor 1 (OX1R). Accordingly, the thermogenic effect of BMP8B is totally absent in ox-null mice. BMP8B also induces browning of white adipose tissue (WAT), its thermogenic effect is sexually dimorphic (only observed in females), and its impact on OX expression and thermogenesis is abolished by the knockdown of glutamate vesicular transporter 2 (VGLUT2), implicating glutamatergic signaling. Overall, our data uncover a central network controlling energy homeostasis that may be of considerable relevance for obesity and metabolic disordersThe research leading to these results received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 281854 the ObERStress project (M.L.), Junta de Andalucía (M.T.-S., P08-CVI-03788 and P12-FQM-01943), Xunta de Galicia (M.L., 2015-CP079; and R.N., 2015-CP080 and PIE13/00024), MINECO co-funded by FEDER (C.D., BFU2014-55871-P; R.N., BFU2015-70664-R; M.T.-S., BFU2014-57581-P; and M.L., SAF2015-71026-R and BFU2015-70454-REDT/Adipoplast). I.G.-G. is a recipient of a fellowship from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU12/01827). CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición is an initiative of ISCIII. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Central Ceramide-Induced Hypothalamic Lipotoxicity and ER Stress Regulate Energy Balance

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    Hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a key mechanism leading to obesity. Here, we demonstrate that ceramides induce lipotoxicity and hypothalamic ER stress, leading to sympathetic inhibition, reduced brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis, and weight gain. Genetic overexpression of the chaperone GRP78/BiP (glucoseregulated protein 78 kDa/binding immunoglobulin protein) in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) abolishes ceramide action by reducing hypothalamic ER stress and increasing BAT thermogenesis, which leads to weight loss and improved glucose homeostasis. The pathophysiological relevance of this mechanism is demonstrated in obese Zucker rats, which show increased hypothalamic ceramide levels and ER stress. Overexpression of GRP78 in the VMH of these animals reduced body weight by increasing BAT thermogenesis as well as decreasing leptin and insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. Overall, these data identify a triangulated signaling network involving central ceramides, hypothalamic lipotoxicity/ER stress, and BAT thermogenesis as a pathophysiological mechanism of obesity

    An Analysis of Audio Features to Develop a Human Activity Recognition Model Using Genetic Algorithms, Random Forests, and Neural Networks

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    This work presents a human activity recognition (HAR) model based on audio features. The use of sound as an information source for HAR models represents a challenge because sound wave analyses generate very large amounts of data. However, feature selection techniques may reduce the amount of data required to represent an audio signal sample. Some of the audio features that were analyzed include Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC). Although MFCC are commonly used in voice and instrument recognition, their utility within HAR models is yet to be confirmed, and this work validates their usefulness. Additionally, statistical features were extracted from the audio samples to generate the proposed HAR model. The size of the information is necessary to conform a HAR model impact directly on the accuracy of the model. This problem also was tackled in the present work; our results indicate that we are capable of recognizing a human activity with an accuracy of 85% using the HAR model proposed. This means that minimum computational costs are needed, thus allowing portable devices to identify human activities using audio as an information source