132 research outputs found

    Controles poblaciones frente a controles hospitalarios: ¿son comparables?

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    Objective:To compare whether there are differences amonghospital and population controls. Methods:Two case-control studies were conducted on lungcancer risk factors in the Santiago de Compostela Public Health District. Whereas one used randomly chosen census-based population controls, the other used consecutive hos-pital controls that went to the reference hospital for non-smo-king-related trivial interventions. The differences were analyzedusing logistic regression. The dependent variable was type ofcontrol (hospital or population). Results:Hospital controls had a similar tobacco habit thanpopulation controls, but consumed more alcohol. For those con-suming more than 50 ml daily, the risk of being a hospital con-trol was 4.83 (95%CI: 2.55-9.14). Conclusions:There may be some differences between hos-pital and population-based controls, which must be taken intoaccount in the design of case-control studies. It is necessaryto ascertain whether such differences are reproduced at othergeographic locations and whether they can affect estimationof exposure-diseaseObjetivo:Comparar si hay diferencias entre los controles po-blacionales y los hospitalarios.Métodos:Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios de casos y con-troles sobre factores de riesgo de cáncer de pulmón en el ÁreaSanitaria de Santiago de Compostela. En uno de los estudioslos controles fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente entre la po-blación general, y en el otro los controles hospitalarios fue-ron incluidos de manera consecutiva entre los individuos queacudían al hospital por intervenciones quirúrgicas banales norelacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. Las diferencias fue-ron analizadas mediante regresión logística. La variable de-pendiente fue el tipo de control (hospitalario o poblacional).Resultados:Los controles hospitalarios y los poblacionalestenían un hábito tabáquico similar, pero los controles hospi-talarios consumían más alcohol. Para los que consumían másde 50 ml al día, el riesgo de ser un control hospitalario fuede 4,83 (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 2,55-9,14).Conclusiones:Podría haber algunas diferencias entre los con-troles poblacionales y los hospitalarios que deberían tenerseen cuenta cuando se diseñe un estudio de casos y contro-les. Es necesario saber si esas diferencias son similares enotras áreas geográficas y si podrían afectar a la estimaciónde las medidas de efecto entre exposición y enfermedadThis work has been partly funded by two investigationgrants, one from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS)(Health Research Fund) (grant FIS 92/0176) and the GalicianRegional Health Authority (grant XUGA 91010)S

    Physical Activity Practice, Sleeping Habits and Academic Achievement

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    There is a wide body of research that has identified the strong links between health behaviors and academic achievement. The media and official agencies strive to convey to schoolchildren and the public the need to show healthy lifestyles. However, it is striking that sleep habits have been considered in few occasions within healthy behaviors to be developed and promoted. Schools should encourage their students to be active because the effect of physical exercise will promote sleep and will positively affect the performance of academic tasks. Then, it is necessary to revitalize and establish the subject of Physical Education and Sport practice properly where the students can meet a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise per week. This approach will have a direct impact on the school children’s performance and health. Therefore, the key question is to decide whether educational centers must promote active lifestyles where sleep and exercise will be promoting or maintain schools where the body and body intelligence remain an irrelevant matter

    Bovine brucellosis in the Manabí province, Ecuador. Study of risk factors

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    Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico transversal para determinar los factores de riesgo de los animales y de los hatos asociados a brucelosis bovina. Se seleccionaron 2369 bovinos de la provincia Manabí, Ecuador; asimismo, se realizó un estudio epidemiológico de tipo ecológico donde se seleccionaron 20 hatos positivos (casos) y 20 hatos negativos (controles) a brucelosis. En ambos estudios se aplicó una encuesta epidemiológica para determinar los principales factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de la enfermedad. El estudio individual determinó un mayor riesgo de padecer la enfermedad para los animales mayores de 5 años (p<0.0001) y para hembras (p<0.05). En los hatos, las ganaderías dedicadas a la producción de leche (p<0.05) y las que no vacunan (p<0.001) presentan un mayor riesgo de afectarse por la enfermedad. Se comprobó, además, una mayor probabilidad de presentación de abortos en ganaderías afectadas por brucelosis que en las no afectadas (p<0.02). Se concluye que hay un mayor riesgo a presentar la enfermedad en animales mayores de 5 años y en fincas dedicadas a la producción de leche, en las que no investigan el estado sanitario de los bovinos que ingresan a la finca y en las que no vacunan contra la enfermedad.A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out to determine animal and herd risk factors associated to bovine brucellosis. It was randomly selected 2369 cattle in the Manabí province, Ecuador. In addition, an epidemiological study of ecological type was carried out using 20 positive herds (cases) and 20 negative herds (controls) to the disease. In both studies, an epidemiological survey was conducted to determine the main risk factors associated to the disease. The individual study showed a higher risk of having the disease in animals older than 5 years (p<0.0001) and in females (p<0.05). Herds involved in milk production (p<0.05), those that do not check the aniamls before entering the premises (p<0.05) and those without vaccination (p<0.001) had a higher risk of being affected by the disease. It was also demonstrated that there was a greater probability of having abortions in infected herds than in those unaffected (p<0.02). It is concluded that there was an increased risk of presenting the disease in animals over 5 years old, in dairy herds and in those that do not check the health status of animals prior to the introduction to the farm and in those without vaccination

    Presence of risk factors associated with the dissemination of brucellosis to humans in milk processing and slaughtering units of the Manabí province, Ecuador

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    Se realizó una investigación epidemiológica transversal para determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la diseminación de brucelosis a los humanos en centro procesadores de leche y mataderos de siete cantones de la provincia Manabí, Ecuador, entre septiembre y noviembre de 2015. Se realizó un censo para determinar las unidades que elaboraban subproductos lácteos y los mataderos. Se seleccionaron 119 lecherías dedicadas a la elaboración de productos lácteos artesanalmente, siete mataderos y siete centros procesadores de productos lácteos, y se caracterizaron en cuanto a los tipos de productos que elaboran y la presencia de factores de riesgo como causales de brucelosis en humanos. Se determinó la presencia de anticuerpos contra Brucella spp en la leche utilizada como materia prima mediante la prueba del anillo. El 97.6% de las unidades elaboran un solo producto (queso artesanal). Se encontró la presencia de 85.0% de ocurrencia de factores de riesgo en las lecherías que procesan leche, valor superior al encontrados en las otras unidades (p<0.05) Los principales factores de riesgos detectados relacionados con las instalaciones fueron: presencia de otras especies de animales (100%), no tratamiento de residuales (85.7%), flujo de trabajo inadecuado (85.7%) y no control de la materia prima (57.1%). En los factores relacionados con el personal en los tres tipos de unidades destacan el consumo de alimentos riesgosos en todas las unidades y la no investigación serológica periódica del personal en más del 80% de las unidades. Se comprobó el uso de leche positiva a la prueba del anillo en la elaboración de productos lácteos, especialmente en los centros procesadores de leche.A cross-sectional epidemiological investigation was carried out to determine the risk factors associated with the dissemination of brucellosis to humans in milk processing centres and slaughterhouses in seven cantons of the province of Manabí, Ecuador, between September and November 2015. A census was conducted to quantify farms processing milk, milk processing centres and slaughterhouses. A total of 119 dairy farms, seven slaughterhouses and seven milk processing centres were selected. They were characterized in terms of the types of products produced and on the presence of risk factors as causes of brucellosis in humans. The presence of antibodies against Brucella spp was determined in raw milk by the milk ring test. Results showed that 97.6% of the units make a single product (artisanal cheese). The presence of 85.0% of risk factor was found in milk processing dairies, value higher than that found in the other units (p<0.05). The main risk factors detected related to the facilities were: the presence of other species of animals (100%), no treatment of residuals (85.7%), inadequate workflow (85.7%) and no control of the raw milk (57.1%). The factors related to personnel in the three types of units include the consumption of hazardous foods in all units and the non-periodical serological checks of staff in more than 80% of the units. The use of positive milk to the ring test in the elaboration of milk products was observed, especially in milk processing centres

    Condicionantes situacionales y del juego en goles marcados con portero-jugador de futsal

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    El propósito de este estudio fue analizar los goles marcados con portero-jugador, y establecer un perfil de eficacia en función de las variables del juego y situacionales. Se analizó mediante el software Astrofutsal ® una muestra de 582 goles de 11.446 situaciones de portero-jugador correspondientes a 1200 partidos de la Liga Nacional de Futbol Sala profesional durante las temporadas 2010 a 2015. El impacto de las variables situacionales (calidad de la oposición, match status y localización de partido) y del juego (zona de gol, tipo de lanzamiento, número de pases y número de jugadores) como predictores del gol se analizaron mediante análisis clúster bietápico. Los resultados reflejaron, a nivel situacional, la mayor importancia de tener al menos el mismo nivel que el oponente, actuando tanto de local como visitante, cuando se trata de conseguir gol y remontar un marcador adverso con portero-jugador, y, a nivel de juego, la importancia de realizar ataques cortos (1-10 pases) que finalizan en área (gol de precisión) o mediante lanzamiento exterior (gol sorpresa), como patrones característicos de gol con portero-jugador. Las tendencias identificadas pueden ayudar a los entrenadores a diseñar un escenario de superioridad numérica más acorde y productiv

    Genetic susceptibility, residential radon, and lung cancer in a radon prone area

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    INTRODUCTION: Radon exposure has been classified as the second cause of lung cancer, after tobacco, and the first in never smokers. GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes deletion increase the risk of lung cancer. We aim to know whether the risk of lung cancer because of residential radon is modulated by these genetic polymorphisms. METHODS: Hospital-based, case-control study where cases had confirmed lung cancer. Cases and controls did not have previous neoplasm and were older than 30. Controls attended hospital for noncomplex surgery. We analyzed the results for the whole sample and separately for never/light smokers and moderate/heavy smokers. RESULTS: Seven-hundred and ninety-two participants were analyzed. GSTM1 and GSTT1 deletion conferred an odds ratio (OR) of 1.38 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.93-2.04) and 1.13 (95% CI 0.70-1.82), respectively. Individuals with GSTM1 present and residential radon concentrations higher than 148 Bq/m had an OR of 1.48 (95% CI 0.73-3.00), whereas those with GSTM1 deleted had an OR of 2.64 (95% CI 1.18-5.91) when compared with participants with GSTM1 present and radon concentrations below 50 Bq/m3. Similar results were observed for GSTT1 deletion. These results were basically the same for the moderate/heavy smokers' subgroup. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes increases the risk of lung cancer because of radon exposure. These genes might modulate the carcinogenic pathway of alpha radiation. Further studies are warranted analyzing this association in never smokers

    Residential Radon in Manizales, Colombia: Results of a Pilot Study

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    Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless noble gas, causally related with the onset of lung cancer. We aimed to describe the distribution of radon exposure in the municipality of Manizales, Colombia, in order to estimate the population’s exposure and establish the percentage of dwellings that surpass reference levels. A cross-sectional study representing all geographical areas was carried out by measuring indoor radon concentrations. Participants answered a short questionnaire. Alpha-track type radon detectors were installed in all residences for six months. The detectors were subsequently processed at the Galician Radon Laboratory, an accredited laboratory at the University of Santiago de Compostela. A total of 202 homes were measured. Seventy-seven percent of the sampled houses were three stories high, their median age was 30 years, and half were inhabited by three people or fewer. For most dwellings, the building materials of walls and flooring were brick and covered cement, respectively. Results showed a geometric mean of radon concentration of 8.5 Bq/m3 and a maximum value of 50 Bq/m3. No statistically significant differences were found either between the geometric mean of the dwelling’s site, the height at which detectors were placed inside the home, or the wall and flooring materials, or between mean 222Rn concentrations in rural and urban areas. No dwelling surpassed the 222Rn reference level established by the WHO. This study shows that residential radon levels in Manizales, Colombia, seem to be low, though a more in-depth approach should be carried out. Despite these results, it is essential to create a national radon program and establish a radon concentration reference level for Colombia in line with international recommendationsThis study was funded by the Galician Radon Laboratory from the University of Santiago de Compostela (School of Medicine) and by the Institute of Health Research and Vicerrectorate of Research and post-graduate studies REF 0340220) of the University of Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)S

    Resultados preliminares sobre los efectos del aula inteligente en procesos de aprendizaje

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    El presente trabajo muestra los resultados preliminares de una evaluación piloto de los efectos del aula inteligente en los procesos de aprendizaje de alumnos universitarios (N = 33). Mediante un método de muestreo de experiencias se evaluó en qué medida los alumnos valoraban que las clases en el aula inteligente, frente al aula convencional, fomentaban su atención, participación en clase, creatividad, curiosidad, pensamiento crítico, motivación por aprender y estado de ánimo (tono hedónico y nivel de activación). Asimismo, los alumnos valoraron en qué medida la clase les parecía visualmente atractiva. El diseño es de medidas repetidas. Se evaluó la experiencia de los mismos sujetos en ambas aulas durante 53 días. Nada más terminar cada una de las clases seleccionadas para el estudio, los participantes recibieron en sus teléfonos móviles un mensaje con un link a un breve cuestionario sobre su experiencia en relación a la clase que acababan de tener. En total se obtuvieron 359 respuestas en relación al aula convencional y 209 en relación al aula inteligente. Los resultados preliminares muestran una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el grado de participación y de atractivo visual, con puntuaciones más altas en el aula inteligente. No se observaron más diferencias estadísticamente significativas

    Territorial tourism management of natural spaces

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    Introducción: la gestión turística territorial en espacios naturales ha tenido un enfoque hegemónico en aquellos territorios que cuentan con categorías de protección. Esto ignora el potencial que ofrecen los espacios naturales no protegidos para el desarrollo turístico territorial. A pesar de que los espacios naturales no protegidos cuentan con instituciones económicas, políticas y sociales, así como con recursos y atractivos para su desarrollo turístico, no existe un modelo o guía que dirija la relación entre los actores que los conforman. Objetivos: El propósito de la investigación fue enmarcar el contexto teórico de la gestión turística en espacios naturales. Metodología: La investigación requirió la revisión de numerosos artículos que tuvieron su centro en el turismo y la planeación del territorio, arribando a varios resultados. Resultados: Si bien la investigación científica sobre turismo y gestión territorial en espacios naturales es importante, aspectos relevantes pasan desapercibidos. Existe una falta de investigación científica y ejemplos prácticos de la gestión turística en espacios naturales no protegidos organizados y estructurados de manera que ayuden a crear valor a la comunidad y al sector turístico. Conclusiones: Los antecedentes teóricos proporcionados también permitieron identificar la necesaria vinculación de los actores sociales, económicos, políticos y ambientales en la planificación turística que constituyen la principal fuerza que impulsa y potencia el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad. Área de estudio general: Turismo. Área de estudio específica: Gestión de destinos turísticos.Introduction: territorial tourism management in natural spaces has had a hegemonic approach in those territories that have protection categories. This ignores the potential offered by unprotected natural spaces for territorial tourism development. Although unprotected natural spaces have economic, political, and social institutions, as well as resources and attractions for their tourism development, there is no model or guide that directs the relationship between the actors that make them up. Objectives: The purpose of the research was to frame the theoretical context of tourism management in natural spaces. Methodology: The research required the review of numerous articles that had their center in tourism and land planning, arriving at several results. Results: Although scientific research on tourism and territorial management in natural spaces is important, relevant aspects go unnoticed. There is a lack of scientific research and practical examples of tourism management in unprotected natural areas organized and structured in a way that helps create value for the community and the tourism sector. Conclusions: The theoretical background provided also allowed to identify the necessary linkage of social, economic, political, and environmental actors in tourism planning that constitute the main force that drives and enhances growth and sustainability. General area of study: Tourism. Specific study area: Management of tourist destinations

    Lung cancer mortality attributable to residential radon exposure in Spain and its regions

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    Lung cancer has the highest cancer mortality rate in developed countries. The principal risk factor for lung cancer is tobacco use, with residential radon being the leading risk factor among never smokers and the second among ever smokers. We sought to estimate mortality attributable to residential radon exposure in Spain and its Autonomous Regions, with correction for dwelling height and differentiation by tobacco use. We applied a prevalence-based method for estimating attributable mortality. For estimations, we considered exposure to radon in the different Autonomous Regions corrected for dwelling height, using the National Statistics Institute Housing Census and prevalence of tobacco use (never smokers, smokers and ex-smokers). The results showed that 3.8% (838 deaths) of lung cancer mortality was attributable to radon exposure of over 100 Bq/m3, a figure that rises to 6.9% (1,533 deaths) when correction for dwelling height is not performed. By Autonomous Region, the highest population attributable fractions, corrected for dwelling height, were obtained for Galicia, Extremadura, and the Canary Islands, where 7.0, 6.9, and 5.5% of lung cancer mortality was respectively attributable to radon exposure. The greatest part of the attributable mortality occurred in men and among smokers and ex-smokers. Residential radon exposure is a major contributor to lung cancer mortality, though this contribution is highly variable among the different territories, indicating the need for targeted prevention policies. Correction of estimates for dwelling height is fundamental for providing reliable estimates of radon-attributable mortalityCarlos III Institute of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) Project FIS PI19/00288S