173 research outputs found

    Arsenic in rice agrosystems (water, soil and rice plants) in Guayas and Los Rios provinces, Ecuador

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    Geogenic arsenic (As) can accumulate and reach high concentrations in rice grains, thus representing a potential threat to human health. Ecuador is one of the main consumers of rice in South America. However, there is no information available about the concentrations of As in rice agrosystems, although some water bodies are known to contain high levels of the element. We carried out extensive sampling of water, soil, rice plants and commercial rice (obtained from local markets). Water samples were analysed to determine physico-chemical properties and concentrations of dissolved arsenic. Soil samples were analysed to determine total organic C, texture, total Fe and amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides (Fe-ox), total arsenic (tAs) and the bioavailable fraction (As-Me). The different plant parts were analysed separately to determine total (tAs), inorganic (iAs) and organic arsenic (oAs). Low concentrations of arsenic were found in samples of water (generally 80%) in all parts of the rice plants. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThe analyses mobilized costs conventional benefits for the evaluation ex ante of the feasibility of technical innovations in the agri-foodstuffs chains are criticized in their capacity to integrate the economic and environmental externalities that structure the development of the innovations. This communication proposes to undergo a methodology that puts in complementariness diagnoses, participating analyses multicriterion and investigations with actors of chains for the evaluation ex-ante of the feasibility of technical innovations different. The application is realised in different chains from processing of fruits in Latin America (Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico). The results allow to characterize that the conditions of supplying in matera premium (fresh fruit) and the conditions of organization of the chains in the implementation of interactions between different actors; they are strategic elements of the feasibility. On the other hand they show the necessity to improve the methodologic picture proposed to activate “systems of chain innovations” that improve the processes of gobernancia of the technological directions in relation to their environmental impacts and social

    Blood gases, biochemistry and haematology of Galápagos hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata)

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    The hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, is a marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution, but the species is critically endangered and has nearly vanished from the eastern Pacific. Although reference blood parameter intervals have been published for many chelonian species and populations, including nesting Atlantic hawksbills, no such baseline biochemical and blood gas values have been reported for wild Pacific hawksbill turtles. Blood samples were drawn from eight hawksbill turtles captured in near shore foraging locations within the Galápagos archipelago over a period of four sequential years; three of these turtles were recaptured and sampled on multiple occasions. Of the eight sea turtles sampled, five were immature and of unknown sex, and the other three were females. A portable blood analyzer was used to obtain near immediate field results for a suite of blood gas and chemistry parameters. Values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (i) with standard formulas and (ii) with auto-corrections made by the portable analyzer. A bench top blood chemistry analyzer was used to measure a series of biochemistry parameters from plasma. Standard laboratory haematology techniques were employed for red and white blood cell counts and to determine haematocrit manually, which was compared to the haematocrit values generated by the portable analyzer. The values reported in this study provide reference data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galápagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease or environmental disasters

    Innovative High-Surface-Area CuO Pretreated Cotton Effective in Bacterial Inactivation under Visible Light

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    This study presents the first report on enhanced bacterial inactivation of E. coli by RF-plasma pretreated cotton with high-surface-area CuO powders compared with nonpretreated cotton textiles. The high-surface-area CuO (65 m/g) powder was fully characterized. The E. coli inactivation proceeded in the dark and was accelerated under visible and sunlight irradiation even at very low levels of visible light irradiation. The effect the RF-plasma pretreatment of the cotton on the binding of CuO, applied light dose, the amount of CuO loading and initial E. coli concentration on the inactivation kinetics of E. coli is reported in detail

    Anisotropic magnetotransport realized in doped hematite

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    Conventional antiferromagnetic materials have long been recognized for their time-reversal symmetry, resulting in a zero anomalous Hall coefficient. However, a paradigm shift occurs when examining easy-axis antiferromagnets and their spin-flop transition. This transition introduces a magnetic canted moment, leading to the emergence of a non-zero anomalous Hall signal and the generation of a non-dissipative transversal current. While high symmetry systems typically manifest an isotropic Hall effect, our study unveils the extraordinary behavior exhibited by hematite that becomes conductive due to small Ti doping. We investigate the magnetotransport in Titanium-doped hematite, uncovering a highly pronounced and unconventional symmetry. Notably, this effect displays a remarkable dependence on the crystal orientation of the material. We establish a compelling correlation between our experimental observations and the predicted anomalous Hall effect in altermagnets through symmetry analysis. This study expands our understanding of the Hall effect in antiferromagnetic materials and sheds light on the intricate interplay between crystal orientation and unconventional Hall phenomena

    Interlaboratory exercise for the analysis of carotenoids and related compounds in dried mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.)

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    An interlaboratory comparison was done for the analysis of carotenoids in freeze-dried mango. The study was performed from July to September 2018. Mango fruit was freeze-dried, homogenized, and packaged under vacuum conditions in portions of 6 g (test sample). Two test samples were sent to the participating laboratories for analysis. Laboratory results were rated using Z-scores in accordance with ISO 13528 and ISO 17043. The standard deviation for proficiency assessment (also called target standard deviation) was determined using a modified Horwitz function and varied between 10% and 25%, depending on the analyte. Out of 14 laboratories from 10 different countries, 9 laboratories (64%) obtained a satisfactory performance (Z ≤ 2) for the analysis of β-carotene. While for 7 laboratories that analyzed α-carotene, (9Z)-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin, 4 laboratories (57%) obtained a satisfactory performance. However, only 2 laboratories out of 7 (29%) obtained a satisfactory performance for lutein. Based on the comparability of the analytical results, this study concludes that freeze-dried mango pulp can be used as a reference material for the analysis of α and β-carotene, (9Z)-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin by applying different analytical procedures for their extraction and quantification

    Effects of drying and pretreatment on the nutritional and functional quality of raisins

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    The close relationship between the consumption of fruits and health status stems from the nutritional and non-nutritional compounds found in fruits which play a key role in the prevention of different diseases. However, fruit processing and storage greatly affect fruit compounds. The aim of the present work was to study the influence of processing on the stability of macro and micronutrients present in grapes, with a view to recommending products that provide the highest nutritional quality and the best health conditions. The study focused on fruit dehydration treatments. Conventional and microwave-assisted air-drying processes were used to obtain raisins. Dehydration caused a decrease of all grape compounds studied excluding total phenols. Moreover, compared to conventional processing, microwave-assisted drying produced greater losses of ascorbic acid in the grape and increased pectin solubilization with a consequent change in texture. However the microwave-dehydrated samples showed higher antioxidant activity. © 2011 The Institution of Chemical Engineers.The translation of this paper was funded by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.Carranza Concha, J.; Benlloch Tinoco, M.; Camacho Vidal, MM.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2012). Effects of drying and pretreatment on the nutritional and functional quality of raisins. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 90(2):243-248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2011.04.002S24324890

    Plastic contamination of a Galapagos Island (Ecuador) and the relative risks to native marine species

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData availability: Data can be downloaded via the following DOI (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.dbrv15f1f).Ecuador's Galapagos Islands and their unique biodiversity are a global conservation priority. We explored the presence, composition and environmental drivers of plastic contamination across the marine ecosystem at an island scale, investigated uptake in marine invertebrates and designed a systematic priority scoring analysis to identify the most vulnerable vertebrate species. Beach contamination varied by site (macroplastic 0-0.66 items·m-2, microplastics 0-448.8 particles·m-2 or 0-74.6 particles·kg-1), with high plastic accumulation on east-facing beaches that are influenced by the Humboldt Current. Local littering and waste management leakages accounted for just 2% of macroplastic. Microplastics (including anthropogenic cellulosics) were ubiquitous but in low concentrations in benthic sediments (6.7-86.7 particles·kg-1) and surface seawater (0.04-0.89 particles·m-3), with elevated concentrations in the harbour suggesting some local input. Microplastics were present in all seven marine invertebrate species examined, found in 52% of individuals (n = 123) confirming uptake of microplastics in the Galapagos marine food web. Priority scoring analysis combining species distribution information, IUCN Red List conservation status and literature evidence of harm from entanglement and ingestion of plastics in similar species identified 27 marine vertebrates in need of urgent, targeted monitoring and mitigation including pinnipeds, seabirds, turtles and sharks.Galapagos Conservation TrustWoodspring TrustRoyal Geographical SocietyNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Interlaboratory exercise for the analysis of carotenoids and related compounds in dried mango fruit (Mangifera indica L.)

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    An interlaboratory comparison was done for the analysis of carotenoids in freeze-dried mango. The study was performed from July to September 2018. Mango fruit was freeze-dried, homogenized, and packaged under vacuum conditions in portions of 6 g (test sample). Two test samples were sent to the participating laboratories for analysis. Laboratory results were rated using Z-scores in accordance with ISO 13528 and ISO 17043. The standard deviation for proficiency assessment (also called target standard deviation) was determined using a modified Horwitz function and varied between 10% and 25%, depending on the analyte. Out of 14 laboratories from 10 different countries, 9 laboratories (64%) obtained a satisfactory performance (Z ≤ 2) for the analysis of β-carotene. While for 7 laboratories that analyzed α-carotene, (9Z)-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin, 4 laboratories (57%) obtained a satisfactory performance. However, only 2 laboratories out of 7 (29%) obtained a satisfactory performance for lutein. Based on the comparability of the analytical results, this study concludes that freeze-dried mango pulp can be used as a reference material for the analysis of α and β-carotene, (9Z)-β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, and zeaxanthin by applying different analytical procedures for their extraction and quantification.This work was performed within the frame of the TEAM EC2017TEA442A103 VLIR-UOS project “Improving Ecuadorian child nutrition by using mango by-products as potential sources of bioactive compounds”. JV-Ch wants to acknowledge the quality technical support of Samara Fernández de Souza from VITO. VM-P acknowledges Mayra Anaguano from EPN. AZM acknowledges Fabiane C. Petry for the carotenoid analysis, FAPESP (grant 2018/23752-1) and CNPq (grant 309182/2018-2).Peer reviewe
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