4,128 research outputs found

    The Effects of Initial Dividend Announcements on Security Returns- Further Evidence

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    Daniel Walz is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration at Trinity University. Kalyan K. Roy is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration at the University of Calcutta

    Ligand Lone-Pair Influence on Hydrocarbon C-H Activation: A Computational Perspective

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    Mid to late transition metal complexes that break hydrocarbon C-H bonds by transferring the hydrogen to a heteroatom ligand while forming a metal-alkyl bond offer a promising strategy for C-H activation. Here we report a density functional (B3LYP, M06, and X3LYP) analysis of cis-(acac)_2MX and TpM(L)X (M=Ir, Ru, Os, and Rh; acac=acetylacetonate, Tp=tris(pyrazolyl)-borate; X=CH_3, OH, OMe, NH_2, and NMe_2) systems for methane C-H bond activation reaction kinetics and thermodynamics.We address the importance of whether a ligand lone pair provides an intrinsic kinetic advantage through possible electronic d_Ï€-p_Ï€ repulsions for M-OR and M-NR_2 systems versus M-CH_3 systems. This involves understanding the energetic impact of the X ligand group on ligand loss, C-H bond coordination, and C-H bond cleavage steps as well as understanding how the nucleophilicity of the ligand X group, the electrophilicity of the transition metal center, and cis-ligand stabilization effect influence each of these steps.We also explore how spectator ligands and second- versus third-row transition metal centers impact the energetics of each of these C-H activation steps

    Sensor-Based Reactive Execution of Symbolic Rearrangement Plans by a Legged Mobile Manipulator

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    We demonstrate the physical rearrangement of wheeled stools in a moderately cluttered indoor environment by a quadrupedal robot that autonomously achieves a user\u27s desired configuration. The robot\u27s behaviors are planned and executed by a three layer hierarchical architecture consisting of: an offline symbolic task and motion planner; a reactive layer that tracks the reference output of the deliberative layer and avoids unanticipated obstacles sensed online; and a gait layer that realizes the abstract unicycle commands from the reactive module through appropriately coordinated joint level torque feedback loops. This work also extends prior formal results about the reactive layer to a broad class of nonconvex obstacles. Our design is verified both by formal proofs as well as empirical demonstration of various assembly tasks. For more information: Kod*la

    VETA-1 x ray detection system

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    The alignment and X-ray imaging performance of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) Verification Engineering Test Article-I (VETA-I) was measured by the VETA-I X-Ray Detection System (VXDS). The VXDS was based on the X-ray detection system utilized in the AXAF Technology Mirror Assembly (TMA) program, upgraded to meet the more stringent requirements of the VETA-I test program. The VXDS includes two types of X-ray detectors: (1) a High Resolution Imager (HRI) which provides X-ray imaging capabilities, and (2) sealed and flow proportional counters which, in conjunction with apertures of various types and precision translation stages, provide the most accurate measurement of VETA-I performance. Herein we give an overview of the VXDS hardware including X-ray detectors, translation stages, apertures, proportional counters and flow counter gas supply system and associated electronics. We also describe the installation of the VXDS into the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) X-Ray Calibration Facility (XRCF). We discuss in detail the design and performance of those elements of the VXDS which have not been discussed elsewhere; translation systems, flow counter gas supply system, apertures and thermal monitoring system

    Occupational Disorder as the Origin of Flattening of the Acoustic Phonon Branches in the Clathrate Ba8_{8}Ga16_{16}Ge30_{30}

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    In the search for high-performance thermoelectrics, materials such as clathrates have drawn attention due to having both glass-like low phonon thermal conductivity and crystal-like high electrical conductivity. Ba8_{8}Ga16_{16}Ge30_{30} (BGG) has a loosely bound guest Ba atom trapped inside rigid Ga/Ge cage structures. Avoided crossings between acoustic phonons and the flat guest atom branches have been proposed to be the source of the low lattice thermal conductivity of BGG. Ga/Ge site disorder with Ga and Ge exchanging places in different unit cells has also been reported. We used time-of-flight neutron scattering to measure the complete phonon spectrum in a large single crystal of BGG and compared these results with predictions of density functional theory to elucidate the effect of the disorder on heat-carrying phonons. Experimental results agreed much better with the calculation assuming the disorder than with the calculation assuming the ordered configuration. Although atomic masses of Ga and Ge are nearly identical, we found that disorder strongly reduces phonon group velocities, which significantly reduces thermal conductivity. Our work points at a new path towards optimizing thermoelectrics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Phosphoinositide binding and phosphorylation act sequentially in the activation mechanism of ezrin

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    Ezrin, a membrane–actin cytoskeleton linker, which participates in epithelial cell morphogenesis, is held inactive in the cytoplasm through an intramolecular interaction. Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) binding and the phosphorylation of threonine 567 (T567) are involved in the activation process that unmasks both membrane and actin binding sites. Here, we demonstrate that ezrin binding to PIP2, through its NH2-terminal domain, is required for T567 phosphorylation and thus for the conformational activation of ezrin in vivo. Furthermore, we found that the T567D mutation mimicking T567 phosphorylation bypasses the need for PIP2 binding for unmasking both membrane and actin binding sites. However, PIP2 binding and T567 phosphorylation are both necessary for the correct apical localization of ezrin and for its role in epithelial cell morphogenesis. These results establish that PIP2 binding and T567 phosphorylation act sequentially to allow ezrin to exert its cellular functions

    Photo-z optimization for measurements of the BAO radial direction

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    Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the radial direction offer a method to directly measure the Universe expansion history, and to set limits to space curvature when combined to the angular BAO signal. In addition to spectroscopic surveys, radial BAO might be measured from accurate enough photometric redshifts obtained with narrow-band filters. We explore the requirements for a photometric survey using Luminous Red Galaxies (LRG) to competitively measure the radial BAO signal and discuss the possible systematic errors of this approach. If LRG were a highly homogeneous population, we show that the photo-z accuracy would not substantially improve by increasing the number of filters beyond ∼10\sim 10, except for a small fraction of the sources detected at high signal-to-noise, and broad-band filters would suffice to achieve the target σz=0.003(1+z)\sigma_z = 0.003 (1+z) for measuring radial BAO. Using the LRG spectra obtained from SDSS, we find that the spectral variability of LRG substantially worsens the achievable photometric redshift errors, and that the optimal system consists of ∼\sim 30 filters of width Δλ/λ∼0.02\Delta \lambda / \lambda \sim 0.02. A S/N>20S/N > 20 is generally necessary at the filters on the red side of the HαH\alpha break to reach the target photometric accuracy. We estimate that a 5-year survey in a dedicated telescope with etendue in excess of 60 m2deg2{\rm m}^2 {\rm deg}^2 would be necessary to obtain a high enough density of galaxies to measure radial BAO with sufficiently low shot noise up to z=0.85z= 0.85. We conclude that spectroscopic surveys have a superior performance than photometric ones for measuring BAO in the radial direction.Comment: Replaced with minor editorial comments and one extra figure. Results unchange

    Structure of the Current Sheet in the 11 July 2017 Electron Diffusion Region Event.

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    The structure of the current sheet along the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) orbit is examined during the 11 July 2017 Electron Diffusion Region (EDR) event. The location of MMS relative to the X-line is deduced and used to obtain the spatial changes in the electron parameters. The electron velocity gradient values are used to estimate the reconnection electric field sustained by nongyrotropic pressure. It is shown that the observations are consistent with theoretical expectations for an inner EDR in 2-D reconnection. That is, the magnetic field gradient scale, where the electric field due to electron nongyrotropic pressure dominates, is comparable to the gyroscale of the thermal electrons at the edge of the inner EDR. Our approximation of the MMS observations using a steady state, quasi-2-D, tailward retreating X-line was valid only for about 1.4 s. This suggests that the inner EDR is localized; that is, electron outflow jet braking takes place within an ion inertia scale from the X-line. The existence of multiple events or current sheet processes outside the EDR may play an important role in the geometry of reconnection in the near-Earth magnetotail
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