49 research outputs found

    "Ett prydligt monument på en grav". Anton Fridrichsen, Fyrahanda sädesåker och den judisk-kristna dialogen

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    Anton Fridrichsen is one of the most famous Swedish New Testament scholars of the 20th century. He was professor of New Testament studies at the University of Uppsala for almost twenty-five years until his death in 1953. Fridrichsen’s thinking has still a great influence on biblical scholars and ministers of religion, who often read his works in preparation for their sermons. Fridrichsen had a great interest in the Jewishness of Jesus and the Jews at large. He describes them however mostly in a negative way. Fridrichsen frequently makes the Jews responsible for the death of Jesus. The old covenant with the people of Israel has been exchanged with a new, and the people of God have been replaced with a new people, the church. A comparison with documents from the post-war Jewish-Christian dialogue shows that Fridrichsen contributes to much of what is now considered stumbling-stones in promoting a better understanding between Christians and Jews

    Expressions of vitality affects and basic affects during art therapy and their meaning for inner change

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.The aim of this study was to describe the occurrence of vitality affects and basic affects and to shed light on their importance in terms of patients’ inner change through art therapy. In an earlier study, where 17 women were interviewed about inner change through art therapy, a secondary deductive content analysis of images and statements was performed exploring the presence of vitality affects and basic affects. Nine of the 17 interviews contained clear descriptions of vitality affects and basic affects in the intersubjective communication between the patient and the therapist; these affects were also mirrored in the patients’ painted images. Three cases are used to illustrate the result and how affects are related to inner change. These three cases differ from each other in that they describe vitality affects either; arising from the art therapist’s empathetic verbal or non-verbal response, from a particular experience in nature, or from the interpreted symbolic language of the image. The common denominator identified as uniting the three cases was the intersubjective communication with the therapist. This study indicates that image making in art therapy gives rise to vitality affects and basic affects that contribute to inner change. It also indicates the importance of having trust in both the method and the art therapist.publishedVersio

    Å skrive om trøst og livsmot

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    I situasjoner hvor livet byr på utfordringer, motgang og lidelse har gode mellommenneskelige relasjoner som preges av et oppmerksomt nærvær stor betydning for hvordan vi mestrer livet. Trøsten som formidles i slike relasjoner kan få stor betydning for livsmot og håp. På lik linje kan naturen og steder som vi setter pris på, være et fristed hvor vi kan samle oss og finne trøst. Trøstens elementære betydning har vært gjenstand for filosofiske og religiøse betraktninger og har gitt opphav for litterære verk, billedkunst og musikk. I denne innledningen til temanummeret «Trøst» gir vi en kort beskrivelse av dette fenomenet. I tillegg oppsummeres temanummerets åtte bidrag, de fleste skrevet av medlemmer i forskningsgruppen Liv og Livsmot ved UiT, Norges arktiske universitet. Bidragsyterne beskriver sine erfaringer med trøst i en helsefaglig, sosialfaglig eller livsfilosofisk kontekst

    Effects of signal intensity level and noise-simulated hearing loss on auditory language processing persons with aphasia

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    This study assessed the role of presentation level and high-frequency audibility in auditory processing of participants with aphasia (PWA). Performance of PWA was compared to non-brain-injured participants (NBIP) on the Computerized Revised Token Test (C-RTT) at varying signal intensity levels, and under normal and simulated hearing loss conditions. The PWA performed significantly more poorly than the NBIP under both conditions. Maximum performance required significantly higher presentation levels in the simulated hearing loss condition than in quiet; with similar gain and level requirements were observed for both groups. The results will be discussed relative to auditory language processing in PWA

    The Computerized Revised Token Test: Assessing the Impact of Age and Sound Intensity

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    The Revised Token Test (McNeil & Prescott, 1978, RTT) is a well-established test of auditory language processing disorders in persons with aphasia. A computerized version of the test, the Computerized Revised Token Test (C-RTT), was developed recently in our laboratory to better control stimuli presentation, and eliminate variability associated with the complex scoring requirements of the RTT. In the current study the impact of participant age and acoustic signal intensity on performance of non-brain injured adults on the C-RTT was assessed. Although age effects have not observed with the RTT, we believed that strict adherence to timing and stimuli characteristics allowed by computer administration and scoring could separate young from older adults

    Out of the wave: The meaning of suffering and relief from suffering as described in autobiographies by survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami

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    The aim of this study was to explore the meaning of suffering and relief from suffering as described in autobiographies by tourists who experienced the tsunami on 26 December 2004 and lost loved ones. A lifeworld approach, inspired by the French philosopher Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception, was chosen for the theoretical framework. This catastrophe totally changed the survivors' world within a moment. In this new world, there were three main phases: the power of remaining focused, a life of despair, and the unbearable becoming bearable. Life turns into a matter of making the unbearable bearable. Such challenging experiences are discussed in terms of the philosophy of Weil, Jaspers, and Merleau-Ponty. The survivors of the tsunami catastrophe were facing a boundary situation and “le malheur,” the unthinkable misfortune. Even at this lowest level of misfortune, joy is possible to experience. This is part of the survivors' ambivalent experiences of their lifeworld. In this world of the uttermost despair there are also rays of hope, joy, and new life possibilities

    "Ett prydligt monument på en grav". Anton Fridrichsen, Fyrahanda sädesåker och den judisk-kristna dialogen

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    Anton Fridrichsen is one of the most famous Swedish New Testament scholars of the 20th century. He was professor of New Testament studies at the University of Uppsala for almost twenty-five years until his death in 1953. Fridrichsen’s thinking has still a great influence on biblical scholars and ministers of religion, who often read his works in preparation for their sermons. Fridrichsen had a great interest in the Jewishness of Jesus and the Jews at large. He describes them however mostly in a negative way. Fridrichsen frequently makes the Jews responsible for the death of Jesus. The old covenant with the people of Israel has been exchanged with a new, and the people of God have been replaced with a new people, the church. A comparison with documents from the post-war Jewish-Christian dialogue shows that Fridrichsen contributes to much of what is now considered stumbling-stones in promoting a better understanding between Christians and Jews

    Verksamma floristers syn på vilka kunskaper och kompetenser som leder till anställningsbarhet inom floristyrket

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    Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad verksamma florister har för syn på anställningsbarhet inom yrket. Som förberedelse till studien har jag tagit del av tidigare forskning om anställningsbarhet, kvalitetsarbete inom gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram, en avhandling om bedömning av yrkeskompetens samt andra studentarbeten. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ forskningsmetod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av fem yrkesverksamma florister. Datamaterialet har bearbetats genom tematisk analys och är analyserad ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Tolkningarna är gjorda med inspiration ur hermeneutiken. De tre mest framträdande teman i min analys rubricerar jag som: Floristens behov av kunskap och kompetens, Nyutexaminerad- men anställningsbar? En förändrad bransch. I resultatet framkom att de intervjuade floristerna i studien anser att de egenskaper som leder till anställningsbarhet i floristyrket främst är relaterade till social kompetens, att man fungerar bra i både arbetsgruppen och med kunder samt att man anpassar sig till normer och regler inom praxisgemenskapen. Floristen bör därutöver ha goda yrkeskunskaper samt allmänna "omkring-kunskaper" i språk och matematik. De sociala förmågorna är viktigare än att ha en hög formell utbildning med yrkesbevis och gesällbrev när floristerna nyanställer. Nyutexaminerade florister uppfyller i allmänhet inte de intervjuade floristernas (handledarnas) krav på anställningsbarhet. Detta p.g.a. att de saknar eller inte har tillägnat sig en yrkesidentitet där de inte har utvecklat sina sociala och kommunikativa förmågor, eller kan praktisera teorin. Det kan enligt det sociokulturella perspektivet bero på omognad och oerfarenhet hos den unga floristen

    "I am a shame..." A qualitative field study of the prevalence of teenage pregnancy within two Burundian refugee camps in Tanzania

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    Evidence points to that the prevalence of teenage pregnancies is higher within refugee camps than elsewhere. Yet little research attention has been given the subject of teenage pregnancy within refugee situations where the numbers are steadily increasing, an area that therefore needs to be explored further. This thesis is based on a qualitative field study conducted within two Burundian refugee camps in Tanzania, Nduta and Kanembwa. Semi structured interviews were conducted with both teen mothers and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Bloc leader with knowledge in the area in order to investigate the reasons for and implications of teenage pregnancy within a refugee setting. The research question is why the prevalence of teenage pregnancy is higher within a refugee context. And what can be done to empower young mothers with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and to successfully claim their reproductive and sexual rights? The findings of the study points to that similar factors contributing to teenage pregnancy such as education, culture, poverty and unstable family relations are also applicable in a refugee situation. Conditions within refugee camps are however more extreme and the prevalence are therefore higher than in other settings. Taking a Liberal feminist standpoint based on the ideas of Amartyra Sen (1999) it is argued that the empowerment of women’s free agency and wellbeing is the key to a decline in fertility rate amongst teen mothers in refugee camps. Thus it follows that if women are to successfully claim their sexual and reproductive rights more efforts needs to be made in promoting the inclusion of women into educational and vocational activities