212 research outputs found

    Pabaigh Mòr

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    Further characterization of complex chromosomal rearrangements in myeloid malignancies: spectral karyotyping adds precision in defining abnormalities associated with poor prognosis

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    The mixed lineage leukemia gene (MLL, also known as HRX, ALL-1 and Htrx) located at 11q23 is involved in translocations with over 40 different chromosomal bands in a variety of leukemia subtypes. Here we report our analysis of a rare but recurring translocation, t(11;15)(q23;q14). This translocation has been described in a small subset of cases with both acute myeloblastic leukemia and ALL. Recent studies have shown that MLL is fused to AF15q14 in the t(11;15). Here we analyse a sample from another patient with this translocation and confirm the presence of an MLL-AF15q14 fusion. However, we have also identified and cloned another fusion transcript from the same patient sample. In this fusion transcript, MLL is fused to a novel gene, MLL partner containing FYVE domain (MPFYVE). Both MLL-AF15q14 and MLL-MPFYVE are in-frame fusion transcripts with the potential to code for novel fusion proteins. MPFYVE is also located on chromosome 15, approximately 170 kb telomeric to AF15q14. MPFYVE contains a highly conserved motif, the FYVE domain which, in other proteins, has been shown to bind to phosphotidyl-inositol-3 phosphate (PtdIns(3)P). The MLL-MPFYVE fusion may be functionally important in the leukemia process in at least some patients containing this translocation

    Tràigh na Beirigh 2

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    Molecular cytogenetic characterization of breakpoints in 19 patients with hematologic malignancies and 12p unbalanced translocations

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    Structural rearrangements of the short arm of chromosome 12 are frequent cytogenetic findings in various hematologic malignancies. The ETV6 gene is the most common target for rearrangements in 12p13. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) investigations have shown that translocations of 12p other than t(12;21) are frequently accompanied by small interstitial deletions that include ETV6. Unbalanced translocations involving ETV6 have rarely been described, and breakpoints outside ETV6 appear to be strongly associated with complex karyotypes. We studied bone marrow samples from 19 patients known to have 12p unbalanced translocations and complex karyotypes, using FISH and spectral karyotyping. FISH analysis confirmed the hemizygous deletion of the ETV6 and CDKN1B genes in 74% of cases. We found four cases with interstitial deletions. In these four cases and in two others (6/19, 31.5%), the fusion with the partner chromosome was in the subtelomeric region of 12p13.3, confirming that there is a recurrent breakpoint in this region

    Identification of new translocations involving ETV6 in hematologic malignancies by fluorescence in situ hybridization and spectral karyotyping

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    TEL/ETV6 is the first transcription factor identified that is specifically required for hematopoiesis within the bone marrow. This gene has been found to have multiple fusion partners; 35 different chromosome bands have been involved in ETV6 translocations, of which 13 have been cloned. To identify additional ETV6 partner genes and to characterize the chromosomal abnormalities more fully, we studied bone marrow samples from patients known to have rearrangements of 12p, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and spectral karyotyping (SKY). FISH analysis was done with 14 probes located on 12p12.1 to 12p13.3. Nine ETV6 rearrangements were identified using FISH. The aberrations include t(1;12)(p36;p13), t(4;12)(q12;p13) (two patients), t(4;12)(q22;p13), t(6;12)(p21;p13), der(6)t(6;21)(q15;q?)t(12;21)(p13;q22), t(6;12)(q25;p13), inv(12)(p13q24), and t(2;2;5;12;17)(p25;q23;q31;p13;q12). Six new ETV6 partner bands were identified: 1p36, 4q22, 6p21, 6q25, 12q24, and 17q12. Our present data as well previous data from us and from other researchers suggest that ETV6 is involved in 41 translocations. The breakpoints in ETV6 were upstream from the exons coding for the HLH (helix-loop-helix) domain in six cases. Although cytogenetic analysis identified 12p abnormalities in all cases, FISH and SKY detected new and unexpected chromosomal rearrangements in many of them. Thus, complete characterization of the samples was achieved by using all three techniques in combination

    A novel gene, MDS2, is fused to ETV6/TEL in a t(1;12)(p36.1;p13) in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome

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    ETV6/TEL is the first transcription factor identified that is specifically required for hematopoiesis within the bone marrow. This gene has been found to have multiple fusion partners of which 16 have been cloned. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) revealed a t(1;12)(p36;p13) involving ETV6, with the breakpoint in this gene between exon 2 and exon 3. We report here the cloning of a novel ETV6 partner located on 1p36.1, involved in the t(1;12). 3' RACE-PCR from RNA identified a novel sequence fused to exon 2 of ETV6. Database searches localized this sequence in a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) mapped to 1p36 by fingerprint analysis. This result was confirmed by FISH using this BAC as probe. 5' and 3' RACE experiments with primers from this novel sequence were carried out on RNA from a healthy donor and identified a novel full-length mRNA, which we named MDS2 (myelodysplastic syndrome 2). RT-PCR experiments were performed on a panel of human cDNAs to analyze the expression pattern of this gene and they revealed four splicing variants. RT-PCR analysis showed that ETV6-MDS2, but not the reciprocal MDS2-ETV6 fusion transcript, was expressed in the bone marrow of the patient. The product of the ETV6-MDS2 fusion transcript predicts a short ETV6 protein containing the first 54 amino acids of ETV6 plus four novel amino acids, lacking both the PTN and the DNA-binding domains. Possible mechanisms to account for the development of MDS in this patient are discussed

    Evaluation studies of a sensing technique for electrostatic charge polarity of pharmaceutical particulates

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    Electrostatic charge due to inter-particle and particle-wall contacts may generate significant hazards during the processing of particulates within the pharmaceutical industry. Although charge behaviour of particulates is erratic and not easy to predict, it would be desirable to characterise the tendency of tribocharging prior to manufacturing. The work reported in this paper concentrates on a new and novel techniques for the detection of the active ingredient and excipient in a bipolar material. Three different case studies are presented for demonstration of the applicability of the method in different practical situations. Work confirmed through an experimental rig set-up indicates that materials that accumulate opposite charge via contact and rubbing can be detected from their charge sign as well as their relative magnitude. The results reported clearly demonstrated that the developed method for charge characterisation is a useful tool to understand how the charges are distributed in a population of particles showing a number of advantages over conventional methods

    A morphometric system to distinguish sheep and goat postcranial bones.

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    Distinguishing between the bones of sheep and goat is a notorious challenge in zooarchaeology. Several methodological contributions have been published at different times and by various people to facilitate this task, largely relying on a macro-morphological approach. This is now routinely adopted by zooarchaeologists but, although it certainly has its value, has also been shown to have limitations. Morphological discriminant criteria can vary in different populations and correct identification is highly dependent upon a researcher's experience, availability of appropriate reference collections, and many other factors that are difficult to quantify. There is therefore a need to establish a more objective system, susceptible to scrutiny. In order to fulfil such a requirement, this paper offers a comprehensive morphometric method for the identification of sheep and goat postcranial bones, using a sample of more than 150 modern skeletons as a basis, and building on previous pioneering work. The proposed method is based on measurements-some newly created, others previously published-and its use is recommended in combination with the more traditional morphological approach. Measurement ratios, used to translate morphological traits into biometrical attributes, are demonstrated to have substantial diagnostic potential, with the vast majority of specimens correctly assigned to species. The efficacy of the new method is also tested with Discriminant Analysis, which provides a successful verification of the biometrical indices, a statistical means to select the most promising measurements, and an additional line of analysis to be used in conjunction with the others