16 research outputs found

    Accuracy of a no-biopsy approach for the diagnosis of coeliac disease across different adult cohorts

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    Objective We aimed to determine the predictive capacity and diagnostic yield of a 10-fold increase in serum IgA antitissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibody levels for detecting small intestinal injury diagnostic of coeliac disease (CD) in adult patients. Design The study comprised three adult cohorts. Cohort 1: 740 patients assessed in the specialist CD clinic at a UK centre; cohort 2: 532 patients with low suspicion for CD referred for upper GI endoscopy at a UK centre; cohort 3: 145 patients with raised tTG titres from multiple international sites. Marsh 3 histology was used as a reference standard against which we determined the performance characteristics of an IgA tTG titre of ≥10×ULN for a diagnosis of CD. Results Cohort 1: the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) for IgA tTG levels of ≥10×ULN at identifying individuals with Marsh 3 lesions were 54.0%, 90.0%, 98.7% and 12.5%, respectively. Cohort 2: the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for IgA tTG levels of ≥10×ULN at identifying individuals with Marsh 3 lesions were 50.0%, 100.0%, 100.0% and 98.3%, respectively. Cohort 3: the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for IgA tTG levels of ≥10×ULN at identifying individuals with Marsh 3 lesions were 30.0%, 83.0%, 95.2% and 9.5%, respectively. Conclusion Our results show that IgA tTG titres of ≥10×ULN have a strong predictive value at identifying adults with intestinal changes diagnostic of CD. This study supports the use of a no-biopsy approach for the diagnosis of adult CD

    Treinamento físico: considerações práticas e científicas Physical training: scientific and practical considerations

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    O treinamento físico é uma importante área de atuação profissional da Educação Física e do Esporte. Ela tem por objetivo precípuo, a melhoria do desempenho físico-esportivo através da aplicação de um processo organizado e sistemático composto por exercícios físicos. Nos últimos anos, os progressos tecnológicos e nos métodos de investigação científica nas diferentes subáreas relacionadas ao treinamento físico trouxeram um avanço significativo na obtenção deste objetivo. Neste artigo será discutido, do ponto de vista acadêmico-científico e também da prática profissional, o estado da arte do conhecimento associado à avaliação do treinamento, ao controle da carga de treinamento, aos modelos de organização da carga de treinamento e ao desenvolvimento das capacidades motoras. Esperamos que ao final, o leitor possa ter um bom entendimento destes diferentes componentes, como eles contribuem para a modificação do desempenho motor e como aplicá-los para a elaboração, implementação, avaliação e reformulação de programas de treinamento físico.<br>Physical training is an important field of work for the Physical Education and Sport professional. Its main goal is to develop the physical capacity and sports performance of an individual by means of an organized and systematic application of physical exercises. In the past years, the technological progress in the scientific investigation within the different disciplines related to physical training have contributed a great deal towards the accomplishment of such goal. In this manuscript we discuss, from both an academic-scientific and from a practical application point-of-view, the state of the art of the knowledge associated with the physical training evaluation, loading control, loading scheming, and the development of physical abilities. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the different components of the physical training and how they contribute to the development of the physical performance as well as how to apply these concepts in the elaboration, implementation, and evaluation of physical training programs