11 research outputs found

    Foucault Docet

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    In a wry response to Negri's article, Pier Aldo Rovatti”one of the key figures behind the pensiero debole (‘weak thought') movement attacked by Negri in ‘The Italian Difference'”defends the Foucauldian inspiration behind his own understanding of philosophy. He points to the anachronism of the national image of thought put forward by Negri in his article and questions his interpretation of the problem of difference. Rovatti disputes the idea that philosophy can synthesize by fiat different expressions of subjectivity into a unitary political subject, and calls for a reflexive clarification of the tasks of the philosopher, one that would not end up recreating a logic of mastery

    BaƂwochwalstwo faktów albo ryzykowne uproszczenia

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    SƂaba myƛl wciÄ…ĆŒ jest mocna

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    Abitare la distanza: l’isola Trieste

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    In una riflessione insieme filosofica e autobiografica, viene approfondito il significato del vissuto di un abitante non nativo di Trieste, per cui la città ù diventata la propria città. Trieste viene pensata come città terramare la cui anima ù caratterizzata positivamente dall’oscillazione e dallo spaesamento. Sul filo delle categorie del pensiero contemporaneo, viene individuata una analogia profonda con la struttura, dinamica e in tensione, del “desiderio”, come già Calvino aveva fatto con la forma sdoppiata di Despina, città di confine tra il deserto e il mare

    Il gioco di Wittgenstein

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    Wittgenstein ha legato il suo pensiero, dopo la svolta degli anni Trenta, ai “giochi linguistici”. L’attenzione degli studiosi appare tutta spostata sull’aggettivo “linguistici”, mentre si dà quasi per scontato il sostantivo “giochi”. È davvero irrilevante che si chiamino così? Il fatto che Wittgenstein parli di “giochi” produce una quantità di effetti teorici che possono essere messi in rapporto con le contemporanee indagini sul gioco. La proposta che viene avanzata ù proprio quella di un movimento di andata e ritorno, da Wittgenstein ai teorici del gioco e viceversa, per aprire una serie di domande con cui tornare a interrogare il testo di Wittgenstein

    Le nostre oscillazioni. Filosofia e follia

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    Libri: Le nostre oscillazioni. Filosofia e follia. Pier Aldo Rovatti; Sergio Kelle

    Scritture del politico (a partire da Jacques Derrida)

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    La thĂšse s organise en deux volets :1. Le sujet souverain dĂ©fini comme ipsĂ©itĂ© se constitue dans l effacement fantasmatique de l altĂ©ritĂ© qui loge en son cƓur. Depuis ses premiers ouvrages analysant l autoaffection vocale comme condition de la conscience de soi, Jacques Derrida n a cessĂ© d Ɠuvrer Ă  un dĂ©centrement radical de cette autoposition souveraine du je peux . Il ne saurait donc ĂȘtre question de tournant dans sa pensĂ©e, mĂȘme si ses Ă©crits tardifs se consacrent plus explicitement Ă  des questions juridico-politiques, en dĂ©construisant toutes les figures de la responsabilitĂ© qui sont liĂ©es Ă  l autonomie de l ipse. Dissocier souverainetĂ© et inconditionnalitĂ©, tel est l enjeu d une messianicitĂ© sans messianisme, pure structure d attente exposĂ©e Ă  la venue de l Ă©vĂ©nement. 2.De 1999 Ă  2001, la peine de mort a constituĂ© le thĂšme central du sĂ©minaire de Jacques Derrida. Or, la question de la peine de mort, scandĂ©e par l histoire des dĂ©clarations internationales qui tentent d en proclamer l abolition sans y parvenir de façon inconditionnelle, se confond largement avec celle de la souverainetĂ© en dĂ©construction, entre ses survivances dans des formes Ă©tat-nationales et ses transformations en cours. Par ailleurs, la raison philosophique, dans son architectonique, semble ĂȘtre structurellement vouĂ©e Ă  soutenir l Ă©chafaudage de l Ă©chafaud , dont la critique, historiquement, se produit du cĂŽtĂ© de la littĂ©rature. Aussi, au fil des argumentations abolitionnistes d Albert Camus ou de Victor Hugo, la rĂ©flexion se porte-t-elle, d une part, sur la responsabilitĂ© de la littĂ©rature une hyper(ir)responsabilitĂ© qui lie l espace littĂ©raire Ă  la dĂ©mocratie Ă  venir et, d autre part, sur la dimension mĂ©ta-performative comme au-delĂ  de la souverainetĂ© mĂȘme.L enjeu de la dĂ©construction est et a toujours Ă©tĂ© la dĂ©sobĂ©issance du texte ou de la trace. Il y va, en somme, des Ă©critures du politique.The thesis is divided into two parts :1.The sovereign subject, defined as ipseity, is constituted in the phantasmal erasure of otherness that inhabits its heart. Jacques Derrida, beginning with his earliest work the texts that analyze vocal autoaffection as a condition of consciousness of the self never ceased to elaborate a radical decentering of the sovereign autoposition of the I can . Thus there is no turn in his thought, even if his late work, devoted more explicitly to juridico-political questions, deconstructs the figures of responsibility that are tied to the autonomy of the ipse. Dissociating sovereignty and unconditionality leads to a messianicity without messianism, defined as a pure structure of expectation open to the occurrence of the event.2.From 1999 to 2001, the central topic of Jacques Derrida s seminar was death penalty. The question of capital punishment, as evidenced by the history of the universal declarations that have attempted to proclaim its abolition, though not without conditions, is generally related to the question of state sovereignty now in the process of deconstruction moving between what is left of the forms of the nation-state and their progressive transformations.Furthermore, philosophical reason, in its architectonics, appears to be structurally devoted to sustaining the scaffolding of the scaffold , of which the critique, historically, has been carried out in literary works. So, following the course of the abolitionist arguments of Albert Camus or Victor Hugo, the thesis focuses, on the one hand, on the responsibility of literature a hyper(ir)responsability that links literary space to the democracy to come and, on the other, on the meta-performative dimension as beyond sovereignty itself.Deconstruction is, and has always been, concerned with the disobedience of the text, or of the trace. With the writings of the political, in sum.PARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocSudocFranceItalyFRI

    Aut aut. Vol. 387: Ripartire con Lacan

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    Il contributo affronta la quesitone della scommessa di Pascal a partire dalla rilettura proposta di Lacan, indicando il modo in cui l'esistenza si sottrae alla soggettivitĂ  nel mettere al posto della caduta dell'Altro l'oggetto "a